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Wednesday, July 14th, 2010
Psst! Yesterday’s contest continues. If you post today, you have two chances to win! ~DD
Note from Emma:
I have a split personality. I write contemporary romance, romantic suspense and historical romance as one name, and erotic romance as Emma Jay. Because I’m a teacher, and thanks to my enthusiastic principal, people know I write romance, and they know my other pseudonym.
I can’t let them know about this side of my life. In fact, very few people do. My husband, but not my son. Some writer friends but not others.
This has resulted in me having a split personality. I have two Twitter accounts, two Blogger accounts and two email accounts. In fact, today I was on the same email loop as both personas. I was getting whiplash changing from one to another! I haven’t actually found a balance yet, and I’m glad to be on summer vacation as I’m trying to work it out. Any suggestions on managing a split personality would be much appreciated! ~ Emma

University teaching assistant Jamie Winston is ready to break out of her shy, unadventurous shell by finally approaching Brady Lane—the sexy Iraqi war vet seated in the front row of her journalism class. He’s brave and outgoing—something Jamie is not—and good looking to boot. Her shy flirtation with Brady at a frat party leads to a deliciously sinful tryst that leaves her wanting more. Each breathless encounter with Brady peels away a layer of Jamie’s insecurity, leaving her more wanton and willing each time. But eventually, all good things must come to an end. When Brady finally leaves for an internship, will Jamie be brave enough to let him go?
He checked the room, then turned to face her. “You think I was playing around about that fantasy? Every time you walk by my seat, I get a hard-on, smelling you.” He leaned in to take a deep breath, then frowned a little. “And you walk by my seat a lot.”
“I thought you were interested in what I was teaching.”
“Oh, yeah. But I’m also trying to see what you look like under those clothes.” His gaze traveled down to her breasts. “This is much better.”
She tilted her head and smiled. “You clearly don’t have much of an imagination.”
“We’ll see what you say about that when I’m done.” He opened another door, looked inside, and gave her hand a gentle tug.
Heart pounding, she tried not to stumble as her feet failed to meet the enthusiasm of the rest of her body. When he closed the door behind them, she attempted to swallow her doubts.
He’d chosen the library, only one small desk lamp illuminating the room. The room smelled of books, then Brady crowded her against the door, filling her with his scent, a spicy soap mixed with the softer yeasty scent of beer.
And he was big, so big. Even in her wedge heels, her nose only reached the middle of his chest as he edged closer. His shoulders blocked the light as his breath washed warm over her skin. Her pulse leapt like a rabbit at her throat as he lowered his mouth to brush over her parted lips, once, twice, before settling over them.
Oh, God. His lips were firm, and molded to hers, learning the shape of her mouth. His tongue teased the entrance of her mouth, then he delved deeper.
She glided her hands up his chest and curled her fingers through his shaggy hair, letting her body slide up his as she opened herself to his kiss, bringing his tongue deeper. God, he was hard everywhere, his shoulders, arms, chest, thighs, cock.
Wow, it was big. She circled her belly against it until he groaned, his fingers tightening on her hips before easing up under her blouse.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 25 People Said | Link
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Tuesday, July 13th, 2010
If you post a comment today and tomorrow, you’ll be in the running
for an autographed copy of this book! I’ll announce a winner on Thursday.
Just to keep the series fresh in your mind, here’s a sexy excerpt from Book 3 of the Dark Realm series. Book 4 arrives in September! On Thursday, I’ll tell you about my encounter with the water moccasin! ~DD
“…Ploys, palace intrigues, backstabbing and betrayal, shifting allegiances and true friendship, and above all, abiding love, are what make Delilah Devlin’s dark romances so irresistible. Do not expect a formulaic and predictable story. You can, however, count on a sensual read, hot flashes, sharp humor, unexpected twists, sudden revelations, and one of the best storytellers in her genre…”
5 Cherries, Whipped Cream Reviews
“…Once again Delilah Devlin delivers a juicy tale of betrayal and destiny that will make your toes curl. A great read!”
Beware the place where darkness rules and bloodlust is the ultimate aphrodisiac…
An apocalyptic storm has transformed New Orleans into a city of lawless terror—and Mikaela Jones is standing in the center of the nightmare. A beautiful, courageous journalist with a mysterious past, she sees monsters prowling all around her. But the gravest peril of all awaits Mikaela when she is taken captive by a mesmerizing male who is not mortal—a breathtaking creature who arouses the fire in her blood, making her burn for the exquisite erotic ecstasy of total surrender.
For seven centuries Alex Broussard has been waiting for the chance to free himself from the threat of the matriarchal undead society that seeks his destruction. And now, finally, that time is at hand—until the opportunity is ruined by the stunning, innocent, human interloper Alex is compelled to rescue from certain doom. Now they are joined, for good or ill, as they give in to the burning need that neither can resist—risking everything to experience the ultimate sensual release as the darkness rises all around them.
Alex had always liked the way Gabriella talked. Like a man. If she’d been a man, they might have been great friends. “Again, I apologize. Tell me, Gabi, are you really so eager to see me dead? Aren’t you the least bit curious about why I’d bother my ass to hang around New Orleans where I’m obviously not welcome?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said airily. “The need to rule? The need to control everyone around you…” She slid her finger along the edge of her collar. “We both know how much you enjoy being in control.”
Alex’s eyelids drifted half-closed, eyeing the collar then dropping his gaze to follow the flush of heat ripening her breasts. Her rose-colored nipples darkened, the tips beading.
She snuggled closer, pressing herself against his arm, and he turned his head to let her nuzzle his neck. “Does anyone in your clan know how much you love to be dominated?”
“Of course not. I’m very careful, usually, about whom I allow to cover me. Can’t let any of those alpha males think they can be my master.”
When her teeth nibbled his ear lobe, he shuddered. “Wouldn’t do at all to let a man be on top, hmmm?”
“Like I said, I’m choosy…and discrete. I have my position in my clan to consider.” Her tongue trailed along the edge of his jaw. “Alex…?”
“Yes, love?” He waited, knowing what she’d ask, knowing he couldn’t refuse, but also honest enough to admit he was so damn aroused after their tussle that he needed the explosive release she’d offer.
“Remind me why I couldn’t get enough of you…for old time’s sake?” The amused curve of her lips was at odds with the need reflected in her intense gaze.
“A chase, then?”
Her breath hitched, lifting her chest. Her nipples dimpled. The musk of her honeyed arousal wafted in the air around them. “Loosen the collar?” she asked, in a deepening contralto.
The collar was only for expedience. They both knew he was powerful enough to tame her, even in her lupine form. “Have you learned any new tricks?” he asked, narrowing his eyes.
Her chin dipped, her eyes rounding innocently. “Alex, do you really think I want to kill you here? I’d be stuck here with only your sad carcass to feed me for a day or two.” She leaned closer and nipped his chin. “And we both know I have a ravenous appetite.”
Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Avon, Dark Realm, excerpt, review Posted in About books..., Contests! | 22 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: CrystalGB - Valerie - Carol L. - Delilah - Jamison Okelley -
Monday, July 12th, 2010

I needed a little inspiration before I started the day. Thought you might too! Be sure to stop by tomorrow for a new flashback contest! Happy Monday!!
Posted in General | 13 People Said | Link
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Sunday, July 11th, 2010
I’m muzzy-headed this morning. Returned from Dallas close to 2 AM. The 6-year-old is with her mom and ecstatic to be back. Although, I’m sure she’s not as happy as we are to have her. It’s nearly a nine-hour round trip for us, and we made it a little longer because we stopped for dinner and a trip through Walmart to get her a toy to play with on the way home.
Anyway, let me recount the happenings this week.
* I reached negotiation stage on a proposal for a collection of short stories (more about that once the ink is dry on the contract!)
* I’m nearly through chapter two of the second Viking story
* I’m three pages away from being done with the short story
* I’ve revised 200 pages of the first Viking story
* I completed another chapter of the Quickie for Ellora’s Cave
* And I brainstormed an idea for a novella for Samhain
This week, I’ll:
* Finish through chapter four of the second Viking book
* Wrap up the short story and ship it out
* Finish the last polish of Pleasing Sir and ship it the guy who will format it for Smashwords and Kindle
* Write the synopsis and the opening scene for the novella for Samhain
* Finish the last two chapters and ship the Quickie off to Ellora’s Cave
And that’s enough, don’t you think?
Today, I have to prepare for a birthday party and clean the pool so the whole family can jump in! The sun’s out at last.
Tagged: Sunday Report Card Posted in General | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Julie Kiesow - Wesley Nichols - Delilah - Fedora - sue brandes -
Saturday, July 10th, 2010
Psst! A short note from Tory Richards, my guest blogger this week: Guess what! Just did a drawing and Natalie wins a download of Talk Dirty to Me! Congratulations! Please contact me at tory.richards@yahoo.com to claim your prize, thanks.
Wasn’t she a great guest?
So today, I am driving with my daughter to Dallas and back to pick up the 6-year-old (she had a birthday while she was gone). While I’m away, I have 4 itty bitty questions I’d like you to answer. (My answers will be in the comments.)
1. Four TV shows you love to watch
2. Four websites you visit daily
3. Four of your favorite foods
Posted in General | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Valerie - sue brandes - Beth C. - Delilah Devlin - Brandy W -
Friday, July 9th, 2010
When writers talk about building a “world”—what is a world?
A world isn’t necessarily a “where”. It’s the congregated circumstances your characters work inside. So, what the heck does that mean?
For the TV series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy’s world is set in Sunnydale, California. At the start of her journey, she’s in high school and the most important activities she’s involved in are her cheerleading, passing her classes, and of course, boys. All by itself that can be pretty interesting stuff, right?
Joss Whedon added the whole “You are the One” role that Buffy is forced into accepting as THE Vampire Slayer, and suddenly, there’s a whole new texture to her world. Monsters come out of the woodwork, a Hell Mouth opens to release demons on the world, and she’s the only thing standing between the innocent human world and The Big Bad.
She comes into her “weapons”, her powers, which include her super-human speed, strength and fast healing. She’s a natural with cross-bows, pointy stakes and knows instinctually how to kill many of the beasties she encounters.
All the pieces fit together like a tapestry, and her journey convinces us this world exists, just as she must be convinced every step of the way.
Now her problems are bigger, her conflicts are bigger, and the antagonists that she must face in each episode of her total journey are bigger. The external plot really forces the growth of her character.
What was Buffy’s world? Every aspect of her life.
Her home life where she hides her role from her mother while trying to explain why she sneaks out at night, why her grades suffer, and why she keeps getting into fights.
Her inner life which she hadn’t really thought much about until she had to “dust” a vamp or two. Even then, she was never convinced she had the spiritual strength of conviction or the intelligence necessary to be the last hope of the world—not until the very last episode when she comes up with the plan to share her “power” with her “slayers-in-waiting”.
Her romantic life which gets pretty complicated when she falls in love with the very creature she’s destined to kill—and where making love with him can turn him into a soulless creature if he experiences that one moment of true happiness.
So, the world you build contains all the aspects of your character’s existence.
Why does it matter that every conflict, every hero, every villain, every resolution has to be bigger in a paranormal story?
1) You can have a true “super” hero. And don’t we all want guys who can leap tall buildings in a single bound, are stronger than Popeye, and better in bed than Casanova? When we suspend belief while reading a work of fantasy, it doesn’t seem too silly at all!
2) Doesn’t a reader want to escape into fantasy and join the quest to find The Holy Grail rather than looking for matching socks coming out of the dryer?
3) When our heroine faces pure rip-your-eyeballs-out evil, we don’t really want to believe the characteristics embodied by that villain truly exist. We can be scared, revolted, fascinated, but because it’s a good paranormal tale, we don’t have to close the book and wonder what the world’s coming to.
4) Don’t we all want to save the world?
Posted in On writing... | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Gale - Delilah Devlin - Rachel Lynne - sue brandes -
Thursday, July 8th, 2010
The winners of this week’s contest are posted at the bottom of this blog! Thanks to everyone who played here, on Access Romance’s blog, and on Facebook!
I couldn’t sleep last night. I got an email yesterday evening that there’s interest in a proposal I submitted a while back. I’m supposed to talk to the editor later today. If all goes well, you’ll hear me squee clear to the Mississippi. Needless to say, after the email, I stayed up late reviewing my plans to see when I could deliver that book. It’s a different sort of endeavor for me, so I’m playing cautious. Since I won’t be able to depend solely on me for the work, I have to add time for the others I’ll have to solicit to do their thing.
Was that a tease or what? 
Yesterday, I was very pleased with my page count, and if you take a look at the word counters to the right of this post, you’ll see a lot of pretty color to prove it. The first chapter of the new Viking book is done. It’s rough, but I think it’s compelling. I added to the short story I need to finish by the 15th. It’s a little mirky still. I’m not sure I like how it’s turned out, but I will hit it again today. I had thought to start a new short novella this week, but the one I worked on last month and set aside called to me again, so I plowed through another chapter of it. Now, I think I have a story there—and it’s full of horny werewolves, so some of you will be pleased.
Today, I need to brainstorm a sexy, winter cowboy story. Any thoughts on what you might like to see?
Wish me luck today. Whatever the verdict from the call, I will probably be twittering about it later. Love you guys! Thanks for being here. Oh, and Access Romance posted the blurbs and cover for Un, Deux, Trois, Menage! on their website today. I’d love it if you stopped by to say hello!
And the winners (by random number generator) are…
For the download of Ride A Cowboy…Valerie [valb0302@yahoo.com]!
For the download of any Jasmine-Jade story the winner wants…Fedora!
Congratulations, and email me to let me know where to send your prizes!
Posted in General | 10 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah - Valerie - Delilah Devlin - Fedora - Heather -