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Tuesday, September 12th, 2023
I’m so excited it’s finally here! Knox and Carleen were so much fun to write! What should you expect? Do you see that cover? It’s the story. Seriously. Girl chases boy. Boy chases girl. Sexy times abound. And I’d so move to Dead Horse if it existed. If you have the time and the inclination, tell someone about it and/or leave a review so another reader will know it’s worth a read. I can’t wait to hear what you think about it! Enjoy! 
After relentlessly pursuing the biggest badass around and failing, Dead Horse, Montana’s wild child offers him an irresistible proposition—one night of passion, one and done, and she’ll walk away forever…
Dead Horse, Montana’s wild child, Carleen Crossley, knows what she wants—or rather—who. She’s spent years chasing after Knox Ramsey, the biggest badass in Dead Horse, MT. However, she’s resigned herself to the fact that her methods of gaining his affection aren’t reaping any rewards. Yes, her antics keep the townsfolk amused, and Knox definitely knows she’s alive, but she has yet to break through his cold, hard heart to claim her man.
For Knox, Carleen is impossible to ignore. She’s everywhere he is. The sexy vixen has made him uncomfortably aware that she’s his for the taking, and Lord knows he’s tempted. However, he knows he’s not the man for her. He’s his father’s son with his father’s temper, and he won’t succumb to Carleen’s charms because she deserves better than him.
In one moment of frustration over his refusal to really see her and everything she’s offering, Carleen proposes a deal Knox finds impossible to resist. One night of passion—one and done—and she’ll never bother him again.
When she keeps her promise afterward, Knox’s pursuit begins because once was not enough.
Order Ebook: Kindle
Order Print: Amazon
Tagged: biker, contemporary romance, Dead Horse MT, We Are Dead Horse, Western Posted in About books..., New Release | Comments Off on Get ready to meet Knox and Carleen! HARD KNOX is here! | Link
Monday, September 11th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallans!
Many of us remember exactly where we were when the Twin Towers were hit, followed by the strike against the Pentagon, and then the plane falling out of the sky in Pennsylvania. I was at work, passing by a break room and noting a crowd surrounding the TV high on the wall. The first plane had struck, and then as I watched, the second plane hit. As one, we realized it wasn’t an accident, and we found seats to watch the newscast because we couldn’t not watch.

The aftermath—the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq… The horrible loss lives on that day and the years that followed… Our world changed. So, on this day, the anniversary of 9-11, let’s think about the lives lost on those planes and in those buildings, and the sacrifices of the many first responders.
A Poll
One more poll, and I’ll leave you alone for today.
While I have books in the bounty hunters and Dead Horse series coming (I’ll be putting up the pre-orders soon), I have some space in my calendar for some more stories. Vote on things you’d like to read. I might pay attention to what you have to say. (My muses have the ultimate say. 🙂 )
Choose two options, please. Then tell me which you really, really want, or if there’s something you’d like me to write that I don’t mention here for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC.
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Posted in Contests!, Real Life | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jennifer Beyer - Sara D - Daun Ann Korty - Mary McCoy - Delilah -
Sunday, September 10th, 2023
Before I pull my tarot card, I just wanted to remind you that Hard Knox will be released sometime after midnight tomorrow! Have you preordered your copy yet?

Sunday Tarot

Grrr. The card isn’t actually “The Devil.” That’s Pan, the half-goat/half-man, playing his reed flute while holding the chains of two humans (with horns, why?) who are dancing to his music. It also appears that they are inside a deep dark cave, which, to me, indicates Pan is trying to hide something. When I look at this card, I think it’s telling me that I will be captured by a mood or temptations around me this week that will try to keep me doing things I shouldn’t.
When I check The Mythic Tarot book, it tells me that I can free my “creative power” by gaining knowledge to face “my own darkness.” Okaaaay. I like my interpretation better.
In any case, I will have my work cut out for me to get anything done.
Open Contests

- FREE READ! “Ripples” from SILVER SOLDIERS! Download now! — This giveaway ends very soon! Get your FREE copy now!
- Saturday Puzzle-Contest! — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Word Search: Businesses you find in a small town… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Saturday Puzzle-Contest, Plus a Bounty Hunter Poll! — Win an Amazon gift card!
Tagged: contemporary romance, Dead Horse MT, Motivation, tarot Posted in Contests!, Pre-Order | Comments Off on Sunday Tarot, Open Contests, and a Reminder! | Link
Saturday, September 9th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Nathalie!
I’m at Book #9 in my Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT series. Jackson was the last one (it was released in July). I know I’ll write at least one more book in the series, entitled Malcolm. He shows up in next Tuesday’s book, Hard Knox, in case you read the story and recognize the description of the newest bounty hunter in town… Anyway, the point is, while I will likely write a bounty hunter in Dead Horse here and there, Dead Horse will still be a thing because I’m moving my attention to that quirky little town with the We Are Dead Horse, MT series.
However, I’m not done writing many more bounty hunters, they’re just too much fun, and I want to look at starting up something new somewhere else. So, I’m running a poll to see where your preferences lie. Here’s the poll. You can choose up to three. If you have a suggestion that’s not listed, add it in the comments!
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Saturday Puzzle-Contest
Today, I begin a new story in a setting I’ve never tried before. I’ve been doing some research to make it fun! Solve the puzzle, then for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether this is something you’d ever want to do or have already done—and where!
Tagged: bounty hunter, game, jigsaw, Montana Bounty Hunters, puzzle Posted in About books..., Contests! | 21 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Tamye Whitener - Pansy Petal - Ruth Limeburner - Anna Taylor Sweringen - Beverly -
Friday, September 8th, 2023
In case you haven’t ordered your copy yet! Here’s a reminder.

After relentlessly pursuing the biggest badass around and failing, Dead Horse, Montana’s wild child offers him an irresistible proposition—one night of passion, one and done, and she’ll walk away forever…
Dead Horse, Montana’s wild child, Carleen Crossley, knows what she wants—or rather—who. She’s spent years chasing after Knox Ramsey, the biggest badass in Dead Horse, MT. However, she’s resigned herself to the fact that her methods of gaining his affection aren’t reaping any rewards. Yes, her antics keep the townsfolk amused, and Knox definitely knows she’s alive, but she has yet to break through his cold, hard heart to claim her man.
For Knox, Carleen is impossible to ignore. She’s everywhere he is. The sexy vixen has made him uncomfortably aware that she’s his for the taking, and the Lord knows he’s tempted. However, he knows he’s not the man for her. He’s his father’s son with his father’s temper, and he won’t succumb to Carleen’s charms because she deserves better than him. So, when her sexy short skirts and heavenly scent drive him crazy, he curls his fists and pretends disinterest to keep from reaching for her.
In one moment of frustration over his refusal to really see her and everything she’s offering, Carleen proposes a deal Knox finds impossible to resist. One night of passion—one and done—and she’ll never bother him again.
When she keeps her promise afterward, Knox’s pursuit begins because once was not enough.
Pre-order your copy now!
Tagged: contemporary romance, Dead Horse MT, small town romance, wild child Posted in About books..., Pre-Order | Comments Off on Coming Next Tuesday–HARD KNOX! | Link
Thursday, September 7th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Sara D!

Next Tuesday, Hard Knox releases! I’ve loved writing this story. Knox is a badass and a grumpy guy. Carleen is, um, adventurous and persistent. Their romance has the town of Dead Horse buzzing!
It’s a sexy read, for sure, and the second in my We Are Dead Horse, MT series. I created Dead Horse as an off-shoot for my first bounty hunters series, and I love the town so much, I couldn’t resist writing more about the quirky characters who people this small Montana town.
I’ve had particular fun with the names of businesses in Dead Horse. They have a theme—something the town council thought would attract tourists. Here are some of the names I’ve come up with so far…
- Better Off Dead — Taxidermy Shop
- Day of the Dead Cantina — Mexican Restaurant
- Dead ‘n’ Gone Antiques
- Dead as a Doornail Hardware
- Dead Center Guns & Pawn
- Dead Easy Saloon
- Dead Heat & Air
- Even a Dead Horse Gotta Eat — Grocery Store
- Dead Horse Motel
- Deadly Delights — Dessert Shop
- Dem Bone Package Store
- Drop-Dead Gorgeous — Salon
- Ride or Die Body and Repair
Since I’ll have more stories coming, I need to feature more businesses and more of the townsfolks. Maybe you can help me out…
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what other businesses should exist in Dead Horse—and if you have suggestions for names of businesses or even for streets, I’d love to see them!
Tagged: bounty hunter, Dead Horse MT, small town romance, word nerd, word search Posted in About books..., Contests! | 20 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Steph - BN - Debra Guyette - Sara D - Ruth Limeburner -
Wednesday, September 6th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Rachel Blackburn!

It’s READ A BOOK DAY! Our Day, right?
A girl can hope you’ll pick up one of her books to celebrate. I’ll have a new one out this time next week, so my feelings won’t be hurt if you choose another book to celebrate this holiday!
For fun, and for a prize, how about we play a game?
First, you’re going to learn a new word — Bibliomancy! It means divination by book. Many of you have practiced it—most likely with the Bible. You know, get a book, close your eyes, flip open the pages, and point your finger, without looking, at the page. Whatever your finger lands on will have some meaning for you.
So, go ahead. Whatever book you are reading right now, close your eyes, point that finger, and tell me what your sentence is. Do you know its meaning for you? It can take some time for the meaning to reveal itself, so no cheating! No pointing your finger and choosing another!
Share your result in the comments for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Tagged: bibliomancy, game Posted in Contests! | 10 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sara D - BN - Diane Sallans - Colleen C. - Delilah -