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Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009
While The Cat’s Away Countdown – Day 8…
If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I’m presently sitting in a cottage somewhere near Seattle with five other multi-pubbed authors, hard at work. Since we were told the lakehouse doesn’t have Internet connection, I preposted blog entries to keep you all entertained while I’m gone. And to keep you coming back, I’m offering chances to win some of the books I’ll be featuring here. So, be sure to stop and read, then don’t forget to post a comment to enter!
Tomorrow’s posting will include a chance to win All Knight Long, which originally released in March 2004. What you may not know is that I used to keep a page on my old website for every book, called “The Story Behind the Book”.
Here’s what I wrote back in November 2004 when Joe and Lily’s story first came out!
I love old B-horror movies.
Honestly, the cheesier the better! And I’m not talking about slasher movies. Give me a vampire lurking behind the curtains, or an alien pod-person chasing a woman with his stiff-legged gait. I’ll never ask why she can’t outrun him—because I know she subconsciously wants to be captured!
Growing up, I rushed home from school each day to see the latest episode of the horror-soap Dark Shadows because Barnabas Collins gave me the shivers. “The Blob” was my favorite movie—I watched it so many times I could quote the dialogue. If Peter Cushing or Vincent Price were in the cast, I was glued to the tube. Those were seriously creepy dudes!
I considered myself a vampire and werewolf expert. By the time I was eight, I could tell you every way you could kill a vamp or become one. Before I ever understood what sensuality and desire were, I thought vampires were the perfect boyfriends—attentive, snappy dressers, and they could disappear from your bedroom in a whirl of mist if your mom poked her head inside your room at night.
I also had a favorite fantasy. I knew I wanted to meet a dark, dangerous vampire, be tied between two stakes, and forced by him to become his girlfriend. My fantasy always ended with his teeth piercing my neck because my little imagination thought the excitement ended there!
Of course, my fantasies changed as I grew older—the details about what happened after the bite grew more important. I worried about rug burns on werewolves’ haunches, how a teenage vampire might shower off the blood and be in bed before his parents discovered him missing for the night.
I also watched King Kong again and again. There was something intensely thrilling about that large, hairy male ape and his one-track obsession with Fay Ray. When she was draped over his large, dark palm in her negligee, she didn’t look like terror was the only emotion she was feeling.
Now I’m an adult—perhaps a little arrested in the maturity department—and a writer. Since I never outgrew daydreaming about monsters who stalked unawakened virgins through dark, deserted forests—I’m free now to revel in my imagination. Daydreaming is now a profitable activity!
When I sit at the dinner table, I may wear a little smile because Joe Garcia’s search for his humanity led him some interesting places. I let the poor guy indulge in all his manly-monstery impulses. And the best part is, I can keep “living” in my alternate reality as long as I don’t end the series!
Posted in General | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Fedora - Jane - Jody F. - Brandy Walker - SonyaM -
Tuesday, September 1st, 2009
“Cowboy” is a calling, not a gender—and some of the toughest cowboys aren’t boys at all. “Cowboy” is also a legend, an attitude, and a state of mind. With stories that are edgy as shiny spurs and tender as broken-in leather, these lesbian cowboys work hard, play hard, and love hard, in the saddle and in the bed. They know what they want and take it, and give back as good as they get. The settings range from Australia to New England to the Great Plains and the Rockies and span the decades from the romance of the Old West to today’s torrid tales.
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Tuesday, September 1st, 2009
While The Cat’s Away Countdown – Day 9…
One little bit of news before I get to today’s release. Yesterday, right before I started packing, my new editor at Samhain offered me a contract on two related cowboy stories, Unbridled and Unforgiven. Now, I just have to come up with a series title because I know I have at least one more story to follow that thread. So put your thinking caps on! The stories all involve cowboys and are set in Texas!
If you’ve read me very long, you know I love to experiment, whether it’s with genre or sexual diversity. Today’s release features fifteen lesbian adventures from some of the best erotica writers out there, all centered around an American icon—the cowboy.

“Cowboy” is a calling, not a gender—and some of the toughest cowboys aren’t boys at all. “Cowboy” is also a legend, an attitude, and a state of mind. With stories that are edgy as shiny spurs and tender as broken-in leather, these lesbian cowboys work hard, play hard, and love hard, in the saddle and in the bed. They know what they want and take it, and give back as good as they get. The settings range from Australia to New England to the Great Plains and the Rockies and span the decades from the romance of the Old West to today’s torrid tales.
Contributors Radclyffe and Jove Bell depict today’s fearless femme rodeo riders, holding their own against the men in the limelight—then holding another woman close at night. Cheyenne Blue shows the conflict between traditional cattle ranching and the new environmentalism in the wilds of Australia while Delilah Devlin’s lesbian cowboy is every inch a woman and more than a match for any man. Sexy, steamy, and crackling with erotic energy, these stories are sure to rivet.
Footsteps scuffed across the planked porch, and Ariana lowered herself beside me on the bench overlooking the paddock. From the corner of my eye, I noted the damp hair and the bare expanse of skin that shone like warm honey beneath a pair of cutoff shorts. She’d bathed and smelled faintly of flowers.
I intended only a quick glance at my companion, but my gaze landed on another thin tank top, this one buttoned down the front with the upper two opened. The shadowy wedge of skin between her breasts was bare. Nipples, unfettered by any bra, sprang against the pink cotton.
“Thought since it was just us girls…” she drawled.
Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Cleis, excerpt Posted in About books... | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Estella - Jody F. - Jane - Delilah - Heather Brewer -
Monday, August 31st, 2009
Tomorrow’s the day. At the butt-crack of dawn, I’ll be on the road to the airport in North Little Rock. Then many hours later, I’ll be stepping off the plane in Seattle, where hopefully, I’ll be met by my writer buddies who will have arranged a rental vehicle to get us to our retreat cottage.
And even though I’m the Queen of Focus, this past week has been a bust so far as writing is concerned. I can’t keep from thinking about what to pack, what I want to take to work on—and the many ways I can think of to dodge cooking duty. That’s not something I ever mastered. I burn Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.
Let me reflect on what I have managed to accomplish, and my setbacks, for the month. Then I’ll give into the urge to turn giddy with excitement about my working vacation.
On August 1st, my “Brief” Eye of the Storm was released by Harlequin Spice.
The first was also the day I received acceptance on The Out-of-Towner for an upcoming Cleis Press anthology, entitled Girl Crush.
From August 9 – 15, my sister and I conducted the annual Write 50 Books a Year free workshop at Rose’s Colored Glasses.
This month I wrote a short story entitled The Obedient Wife and submitted it on August 14th for the Cleis Press anthology Fairytale Lust.
On August 18th, I received a “reject, but would like to see revisions or something new” from an editor I’m targeting. After spending a day wallowing in disappointment, I brushed myself off, enlisted help from a friend, talked to my agent, and came up with a new plan of attack.
This month I wrote chapters 2-9 of my neverending story about two firemen and two best girlfriends. I submitted the story, tentatively titled Juicy, on August 21st.
The rest of this month, I finished a chapter on a futuristic, worked on revisions of a paranormal proposal and dabbled with new projects plotting, but nothing else is finished.
So, yes, an eventful month and a productive one, but I did come in two chapters shy of my goal for the last project. Which if I factor in the two EXTRA chapters I wrote on Juicy kinda evens out. So I could claim success, right?
Now that I’ve bored you to tears with my report card, I’ll sign off. I have clothes to iron, shampoo and conditioner to pour into travel bottles, and undies to find.
I’ve preposted blogs for the entire time I’ll be gone, along with several chances for you to win stuff, so be sure to stop by. I’ll be “live” again on September 10th.
Love ya! Adios!! ~DD
Tagged: Sunday Report Card Posted in General | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: SonyaM - Jane - Heather Brewer - Fedora - Delilah -
Sunday, August 30th, 2009
Today’s posting is just a quickie to let you know that Frannie ‘n’ The Private Dick is being re-released as a single novella on September 14th. So if you haven’t read it before, get ready!

5 Flames from Sizzling Romances: “…Frannie and Niall are a lusty couple that will make you laugh out loud. Niall’s patience is continually tested by Frannie’s outrageous actions. The author has created a wonderful couple that will not be forgotten…”
From Hoot Island: “Vampires can have love lives just as screwed up as anybody else’s, and here’s the proof.”
Bent on catching her cheating fiancé in the act, Frannie Valentine got sidetracked by a little thing like dying. When she awakens, Frannie learns her pampered “life” will never be the same, so she turns to the man responsible for her “undeadness” and demands he take on the responsibility of teaching her the biz-the PI biz.
Niall Keegan never intended to make himself a mate, but Frannie’s string of minor disasters, which ended with her dying in his arms, took the decision right out of his hands. While the mating part isn’t bad, making the disaster-prone Frannie a PI may just be the death of him.
Click on the cover to read an excerpt!
Posted in About books... | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Fedora - Delilah Devlin -
Saturday, August 29th, 2009
Yesterday when I was cleaning the pool, I rescued the biggest grasshopper I’ve ever seen in my life. And wouldn’t you know it? No camera. The thing had to be five inches long and had a body nearly as big around as a Snickers bar. Even I, who am normally not too freaked by bugs, was saying “Euw, Euw, Euw!” when I plucked it from the water because I didn’t want it jumping at me. Blech.
So yeah. Not a very exciting day. I worked my way slowly down my To Do list. And that’s about it.
Did dream that a Steven Segal look-alike was my boyfriend and I wanted to call him but couldn’t remember his name. Asked my daughter and she said she thought it was “Bond”. “As in James Bond?” I asked and picked up the phone book to look up the number. Never did get in touch with him.
I saw this offer on one of my loops and thought I’d pass it along. Rachel Caine is giving away a free book on her website. She’s asking for donations, but it’s not required. I opened the file, started reading, and have to say I’m completely hooked. Rachel Caine’s Free Download
Since I don’t have anything particularly interesting to say today, I’ll just pose a question to see what interesting things you can come up with!
If you could change the ending to any movie you have ever seen, what movie would it be and how would you alter the way it ends?
Tagged: dreams Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Mari - SonyaM - Delilah -
Friday, August 28th, 2009
This is the first day this week that I haven’t had to get up early to head off on some errand or appointment. So I slept in. I had strange dreams thanks to the Dugard saga—you know, the woman who lived in her kidnapper’s back yard for 18 years.
I dreamed I was in a relationship with Dennis Hopper, and that he was very controlling. He’d choose my clothes, style my hair and he kept me in a closet. Whenever we went out, he had to hold my arm or hand because he feared I’d jump on the first young dude who walked by. Not that Dennis wasn’t completely horny and strangely hot when we were alone. Okay, so not Dugard-ish at all because I wanted to be there, even though subconciously I must have been wanting to jump young dudes otherwise why would Dennis have been afraid?
Where the hell is that dream dictionary when I need it? Although, I don’t think they’ll have a listing for Dennis Hopper.
Wierd dreams aside, I’m trying to get caught up. I don’t think I’ll meet all my goals for this month. I might be one chapter shy—but hey, not bad considering all the drama. Plus, I have to start thinking about what to pack for my trip to Seattle next Tuesday. Have to check the forecast and see what the weather will be like. Need to count undies and see if I should buy more.
Can’t wait for that trip. Trapped in a cabin with 5 other writers. Can you imagine the energy? The drama? The drunken binges? Hey, Sasha White is one of those writers and she knows how to mix a drink!
Tagged: dreams Posted in General | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: SonyaM - Delilah - Sasha - Heather Brewer - Jane -