Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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3 Days–Summertime Contest Countdown!
Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Today’s winner (by random number generator!) gets a signed copy of Texas Men…and that winner is “kh”!

Be sure to follow me today to the Aphrodisia Author’s loop. Your posting there will count toward the next prize!

4 Days–Summertime Contest Countdown!
Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Tomorrow, I’ll name another lucky winner, so be sure to post!

If you’re on my chatter loop or Facebook, you know about my snake encounter yesterday. Today, when I head to the pool I’m carrying a shovel! My dad thinks it was a cottonmouth snake. Since it didn’t open its mouth, I don’t have a clue. The only think I know is it had that sharp, triangular-shaped head. Very distinctive. It’s not a pretty snake, but he’s been hanging out in our garden. We found his shed skin on a large flagstone next to the house. I’m worried about the Yorkies. They’re both so ditzy they’ll want to play with it.

Since I have a captive audience for the next four days, I’m going to remind you about my new releases. First up is Lockdown.

5 Stars from Manic Readers
“…LOCKDOWN was pure perfection…As good as the sex is I found myself totally immersed in the evil shadowing the three characters. I was downright riveted to my pages…Suspense, danger, mouthwatering sex scenes and a demon should be enough to make you pick up LOCKDOWN. I will recommend this book to everyone I know, it’s just that good!”

4.5 Stars and an orgasmic “O” from Just Erotic Romance Reviews
“…Delilah Devlin always delivers stories with real characters. LOCKDOWN is terrific at building suspense and creating tension; as a reader you can’t wait to see what will happen next…”

From Reader Views
“…LOCKDOWN by Delilah Devlin offers a uniquely different erotic tale. The sensual scenes are very well written and a pleasure to read. The plot is very complex for a novella, yet the author carries it well. I really enjoyed this story and hope that there will be more to follow along this line.”

5 Days–Summertime Contest Countdown!
Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Remember, you have to post to win the next random prize!

Progress on next Cowboy story

Yes, the contest is still going on. I still have some things to talk about and books to tempt you into trying. And when this contest winds down, there will be another one right behind it, because I have another book coming July 14th! Can I hold your interest that long? For sure there will be more excerpts. But today, I want to share a review that warmed this little writer’s heart.

5 Cherries from Whipped Cream Reviews
“…Ploys, palace intrigues, backstabbing and betrayal, shifting allegiances and true friendship, and above all, abiding love, are what make Delilah Devlin’s dark romances so irresistible.

Do not expect a formulaic and predictable story. You can, however, count on a sensual read, hot flashes, sharp humor, unexpected twists, sudden revelations, and one of the best storytellers in her genre.

Once again, Delilah Devlin weaves a wicked tale set in a world filled with darkness and demons, and heroes you can only dream of. Her world-building is such that after visiting the real-life cities through her books, the reader is bound to be disappointed by the prosaic look of the streets and their mortal inhabitants.

We will be forever drawn back to her fantasies and her powerful characters. They step out in front of you, and you never forget them. Her worlds rise up around you and when you look up from her book, you are surprised to see familiar surroundings. Weeks after turning the last page, the characters will come knocking at the door of your imagination and whispering more secrets in your ear.”

And just so you know…
July’s moon is the Mead Moon. And just by it’s name, you know it’s time to part-ay! It’s the time to enjoy first harvests of all those seeds you’ve planted.

Enjoy your day! I’m hitting the pool! 😉

A Tempting Treat!
Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Tough and rough, tall and dark, these are men a woman never forgets. Experience pleasure like no other in the arms of a cowboy…

Mustang Man
Acclaimed horse trainer Miguel Perez is used to the unexpected from his work with wild mustangs. But nothing prepares him for the bolt of desire he feels when he meets Dawn Glass, as he’s eager to work his sexual healing on her in every possible way.

Long Hard Ride
Rodeo rider Michael White House is grateful when Diana Grant stops to pick him up in the middle of a rainstorm. But with one touch his gratitude quickly turns to lust and an uncontrollable desire to lay her down and ride her hard all night long.

Hot Blooded
Rancher Adam Youngblood is always happy to help a damsel in distress. But before he’ll pull the sweetly curvaceous and fiercely independent Cass McIntyre to safety, he demands promises of unconditional sexual surrender.

6 Days–Summertime Contest Countdown!
Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Guess what’s in the bookstores today?!!

If the excerpts haven’t been enough to convince you, if the scenery doesn’t tempt you, then I’ll have to keep trying. Enjoy meeting Adam Youngblood!

Oh! And you’ll have to read to the end to find today’s winner!


Cass sat at her desk finishing up reports left from the previous day—or rather, trying to. She clicked on save, closed her computer, and then tilted her coffee cup, noting its half-empty state. She shoved away from her desk with a deep sigh. Truthfully, she’d have used any excuse not to sit there another minute.

She’d been unbearably “itchy”—so restless she’d started planning a new bouldering excursion for her next day off. Physical exhaustion seemed the only relief from what really bothered her.

Adam hadn’t relented. Not once. He hadn’t called. He hadn’t even used one of his flimsy “complaint session” excuses to stop by the headquarters. Apparently, he didn’t intend to collect his “pound of flesh.”

She sighed, acknowledging she was one pathetic creature when she’d settle for a man taking his revenge for the simple joy of seeing him.

Cass refilled her cup at the community pot and headed to the information desk and Mavis.

The lobby was empty except for the elderly, gray-haired woman who was busy stocking the brochure rack with a fresh batch of trail maps.

“Things always slow this time of day?” Cass asked, making conversation.

Mavis continued sliding the pamphlets in their slots. “Most folks settle in the shade about this time. Days are gettin’ hotter.”

“Gonna be a long summer,” Cass murmured.

The older woman shot her a wry glance. “We gonna talk about the weather or what’s really on your mind? You haven’t said a word about what happened the other day on the cliff.”

Cass grimaced. “Nothing happened. He tossed me a rope and took me home.”

Mavis set the brochures on the counter. Her soft blue gaze studied Cass’s face. “Haven’t seen him around here since. Something happened.”

Cass released her breath, deciding to confide because she needed someone to talk to. “I think I blew it, Mavis,” she said softly. “The night before the storm Adam caught me in the parking lot at The Stone Pony…kissing Johnny.” At Mavis’s sigh, Cass’s cheeks heated. “I know. Not smart. But it happened, and now he won’t talk to me.”

Mavis’s soft, dewy fingers pressed against Cass’s as she stood stock-still clutching her coffee cup. “I don’t know if there’s any way to fix that, hon. Adam doesn’t give his trust easy, and he and Johnny are so competitive…have been since they were boys.”

Which only confirmed Cass’s assessment of the situation. Deflated, she forced a smile. “At least he won’t be coming around every other day to complain about hikers crossing his fence.” She dragged in a fortifying breath and reached for a stack of trail maps. “I’ll take some of these with me to hand out. Better head out on patrol and make sure things stay quiet.”

Mavis gave her a pinched smile and circled the counter of the information desk. Cass strode slowly back to her desk to retrieve her radio and clipped it to her belt.

As she walked back toward Mavis to say goodbye the glass doors at the entrance swooshed open behind her.

Mavis’s eyes widened slightly, and she whispered, “Brace yourself.”

Cass lifted both brows in question, but noted the smile Mavis quickly flashed and the two bright spots of color that filled the older woman’s cheeks.

Cass glanced over her shoulder then stiffened at the sight of the tall glass of firewater that sauntered into the building.
Read the rest of this entry »

7 Days–Summertime Contest Countdown!
Monday, June 29th, 2009

Psst! Be sure to post. I’m giving away something tomorrow and will look at the posts since the last giveaway to find my winner! And I’m not telling you ahead of time what it will be!

Okay, the date of release is wrong on the banner above, but it’s still pretty, isn’t it?

I’m a little tired so I’m being as lazy as possible today. The red-headed hellion and her hubby needed a little intervention late last night. I’m the person they called. (Don’t laugh!)

She’s volatile. He’s reserved. When they argue, he wants to roll his eyes and run to his office to shut the door because she gets really loud. I blame it on her Irish genes. I’m mostly German, so of course, I’m logical and get to the point of any argument. In the middle of the night I made a trip to their house. We drank coffee. I dried tears (no, I wasn’t all cozy and warm about it because someday she needs to grow up), but by the end of the night everyone was calm and grinning sheepishly. A mom’s job is never done. Take heed!

So, I’ll leave you with a couple of photos of the park that inspired the climbing scenes.

The fortress, this first photo is the cliff she finds herself stranded on in that first opening scene I shared.

A scene I won’t share (because goodness, y’all have to get the book to satisfy your full curiosity!) involves a climb up a hoodoo. Nope I didn’t mistype. See the cylindrical spires at the top of this cliff? Those are hoodoos.

8 Days–Summertime Contest Countdown!
Sunday, June 28th, 2009

Remember, you have to post to win the next random prize!

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon in Little Rock hanging out at a coffee shop with the members of a bookclub. I had a great time! Thanks for the cappuccino, Chris! We talked about books, they asked me about my life as a writer (I hope I didn’t bore them too much), and I signed a bunch of books. Here’s the gang:

I’m in the right upper corner, then going clockwise, Heather, Chris, Katie, Emily and Madonna (I hope I got those right!).

Did I mention it’s my birthday today?

The opening to Hot Blooded came to me as I was researching parks in Texas. I lived in Texas for nine years, but I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never been to Palo Duro canyon. When I started to look through the photos I found online, saw some of the rugged peaks, and then when I saw this photograph, I had just the right place to begin.

Then I started the real research, contacting rock climbers to make sure I had the techniques down, knew the equipment. I’d climbed in college, but that was forever ago. I struck up an online conversation with Blake, who reviewed my climbing scenes and offered some helpful tweaks. I know this one’s not sexy, but I had so much fun writing this scene. I hope you enjoy it.

When the first small drops began to fall, Cass McIntyre welcomed the light shower the forecasters had predicted. Already halfway up the route she’d chosen, she’d worked up a nice sweat.

The rain quickly cooled her skin, which was caked in a thick, itchy layer of canyon dirt and chalk. The lazy breeze accompanying the rain fanned the burning cuts on her bare legs and arms, giving her a mental boost of energy.

After another fifteen feet into her ascent—chilled and achy now and getting a little impatient with the worsening conditions–she found a narrow ledge. She unhooked her biner from the rope, and decided to wait out the cloudburst, a rare occurrence in the Panhandle and extremely deadly because the rock face she climbed had become as slippery as mud.

She took small comfort in the phrase she’d heard over and over since she’d first moved to Canyon, Texas that ran like a mantra through her head. If you don’t like the weather in Texas, wait a minute.

Her mistake had been believing that piece of homespun advice.
Read the rest of this entry »