Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Bad, bad Nina!
Monday, May 25th, 2009

Progress on new cowboy novella

I’ve been lazy about posting to my blog. Must be because summer is sneaking up on me. We’ve had so much rain lately it’s been a little hard to tell. I finally got fed up yesterday and took the 4-year-old out to the pool to swim in the rain.

She threw a fit because she didn’t want to get her hair wet. Did I mention she’s blonde too?

Then of course, she had to walk all around the pool with me to check for critters. Every leaf was a toad or a snake. Guess I shouldn’t have rhapsodized about the baby cottonmouth or the worm snake I fished from the water this past week.

But she’s home with mom today, so I entered the pool in peace and quiet. Yeah, it was sprinkling again before I got out, but the water (78 degrees) was warmer than the outside air (73 degrees), so I didn’t care.

Fished out a dead shrew—I should have put it in a bucket to horrify the little monster the next time she stays over.

Ready to go!
Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Starting new untitled cowboy story!

The craziness is past. I shipped the paranormal proposal off to my agent. We’ll see what happens. Cross your fingers!! In the meantime, I can’t sit and wait. My “writer muscles” would atrophy. It’s tough when you take a break. You come back to a blank page and second guess yourself to death. So instead, I dive right into the the next thing. And the cowboy stories are so dang easy to slide into! 😀

Cleaned the pool this morning and pulled two dead tree frogs from the traps and fished a baby snake from the water. I didn’t want to check the type of snake it was, because if it was poisonous I’d have had to kill it. It was way too cute to demolish. Went for a swim afterward, then dressed in a dry suit and shorts so I can hop in whenever I get stuck in the story.

Bummer about Adam Lambert. But fantastic he won’t be married to that godawful “No Boundaries” single. Can’t wait to see what he does next. I wish Kris luck. I know he’ll do well too, but really, Idol was all about Adam this year. I bought an iPod yesterday. Guess whose performances I’ll be downloading?!

Well, I’m off to join friends for some timed writing sprints. Later!

Catch me at Access Romance today!
Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

I’m blogging today at Access Romance about my upcoming release LOCKDOWN. Join me, if you can!

Blogging at After Midnight Fantasies
Monday, May 18th, 2009

You can catch me today, blogging at the After Midnight Fantasies blog. If you’ve never been there before, we have a slate of brilliant authors from Shiloh Walker, Anya Bast, Shayla Black, Patrice Michelle, Lorie O’Clare, Madeleine Oh, Lauren Dane, Ashleigh Raine, Sylvia Day, Mary Wine, Rosemary Laurey, Melani Blazer, Beth Williamson…whew!

Need I say more?

Admittedly, my posting on the other blog is very, very different. But you’ll get a real insight into how my strange mind works.

Lora Leigh's RAW 2009
Saturday, May 16th, 2009

Progress on Memphis paranormal—enhanced proposal complete!

Registration for Lora’s annual Reader Appreciation Weekend, running September 25-27, will end on May 31st! So if you’re interested or just curious, click on the icon and take a look at her webpage. This will be my second year in attendance!

RAW is a fun-filled weekend where readers and authors rub shoulders, talk about books, and raise a little hell.

In addition to the fabulous Lora Leigh, Jaci Burton, Maya Banks, Stephanie Tyler, C.L. Wilson, Sylvia Day, Shelley Bradley/Shayla Black, Shiloh Walker, Beth Williamson, Jasmine Haynes/J.B. Skully, Erin McCarthy, Lucy Monroe, Lorie O’Clare and many more will be there!

Catch me at NINC today!
Friday, May 15th, 2009

Today, I’ll be blogging at the Novelists, Inc. blog and telling a funny true story about false pride and comeuppance. Join me if you can!

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

Thought I’d share the cover that arrived in my inbox yesterday. Lockdown releases June 10th from Ellora’s Cave. This is what the story is about:

After surviving an attack by an inmate, prison corrections officer Gillian Priest arrives at her new unit, determined not to ever let her guard down again. Things get complicated when a handsome new prisoner enters her dreams and seduces her. When fellow officer Billy Hedron makes a pass, she’s already primed, ready to ease the arousal her sexy dreams have left with a more appropriate mate.

Billy Hedron knows his old marine buddy, Gabriel Vlahos, is posing as a prisoner to find a demon within the prison walls, and who better to hunt one than an incubus? When his buddy seduces Gillian in her dreams, Billy stands ready to serve the needs his friend stirs up in the attractive woman. But things take a deadly turn when the demon they seek decides it’s time to take them all to Hell.

If you’d like to read an excerpt, follow this link: Lockdown Excerpt