Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Saddle up for a wild ride!
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

Slippery when naked…

From eCataRomance: “SADDLED is a spicy, hot erotic romance by a Queen of the erotic genre. Delilah Devlin is a master with the pen when it comes to creating a sizzling story that will leave you breathless…Saddled is a must own novella by a must read writer.”

From Just Erotic Romance Reviews: “…I couldn’t put this story down! It was danger, betrayal, sexy and fun all rolled together into the perfect erotic romance…”

From Vixen Reviews: “…What starts out as an innocent effort to warm Kate up turns into some of the most erotic sex I have ever read along with some of the best dialog I have seen in a book so far this year…Saddled is heart-stopping and fascinating!!!!!!!…”

From Romance Junkies: “…Delilah Devlin’s storylines never fail to pull readers into the story and SADDLED is no exception…Of course the sex scenes are scorching and adventurous with the perfect blend of emotional turmoil to ensure readers keep Ms. Devlin’s name at the top of their ‘must read’ list.”

Saddle up for a wild ride!
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

Yippee-Kai-Yay! It’s finally here! My first Samhain release! And it’s steaming hot!

See what eCataRomance has to say:
“Saddled is a spicy, hot erotic romance by a Queen of the erotic genre. Delilah Devlin is a master with the pen when it comes to creating a sizzling story that will leave you breathless. The characters are intoxicating and the sex will have you searching for the ice cubes. Saddled is must own novella by a must read writer….Delilah Devlin is a true master in the erotic romance genre…Saddled is a beautiful story that will get the blood pumping. This sizzler is a must purchase story…”

You know I loved the whole Queen thing! :mrgreen:

Still not enough to convince you? Read on!


Katherine Duvall awoke as sensation flooded her feet and hands—sharp prickling pinches that made her moan.

“Yeah, it’s gonna hurt. But it’s a good sign sweetheart,” a man whispered against her hair. “And there’s no frostbite. I checked.”
Read the rest of this entry »

Three days to the ultimate threesome!
Saturday, March 28th, 2009

Two cowboys, one damsel in distress…and a lonely cabin in the middle of a blizzard…

Isn’t that all you really need to know about this story? It’s coming Tuesday, so get ready!


Slippery when naked…

When Bobby Blackhawk and Cale Yancey see a car slide off the highway and into an icy creek, they’ve got only minutes to get the beautiful driver out alive. And only one way to save her from hypothermia: take her to their isolated cabin, get naked…and hope like hell that when she wakes up, she doesn’t scream the place down.

Katherine Duvall opens her eyes in a strange bed, and the tingles flooding her body aren’t entirely due to restored circulation. She’s snuggled between two handsome men, one a gruff, gentle giant, the other a sexy, playful Native American. Having just left her fiancé romping with another woman, she’s not quite as shocked as she might have been.

In fact, these two lonesome cowboys could be the perfect bookends to satisfy her hunger for revenge and bolster her dented self esteem. It’s not long before their raging hormones are melting the snow on the cabin roof.

To their surprise, they find something else is melting, too. Their hearts…

What really matters…
Friday, March 27th, 2009

When someone close to you suffers an illness, something serious, it tends to make you stop to smell those darn roses. You cherish those conversations, those moments when you connect. You want to savor them, remember them.

I moved to Arkansas a year and half ago to be near my parents and help them as they grew older. I knew intellectually why I was here. This past week has made everything terribly real. Last week, I accompanied my father to the hospital where they ran tests to determine the health of his heart. The news wasn’t good. Today, he’s heading to surgery for multiple bypasses. That’s bad enough, but given his age and his health, we’re all worried.

Especially him. Dad’s the alpha guy. Quiet, strong. Always there doing the things the strong silent guys do to keep family safe and content. He’s scared. That fact completely unsettles me.

I watch him and my mother together and realize their’s was the happy-ever-after every romance reader dreams of. They fuss at each other with twinkles in their eyes. They do little things all the time for each other that are sweet and thoughtful. They grew up together, made a family, and are the hub for all their children’s and grandchildren’s lives. When the first of them passes on, the other will be lost.

So today, say a prayer for my dad. Call your mom or dad and say hello. I’ll be sitting in a waiting room with my mom, sister, and daughter, waiting and hoping we can all put off the inevitable one more time. Sorry I didn’t come with my usual cheery face, but today I’m not feeling so invincible or secure.

Contest at Access Romance!!!
Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Okay, now that I have your attention, follow this link to enter today’s contest: Access Romance

Sunday's Report Card…a day later
Monday, March 23rd, 2009

I have great excuses. Run down on Thursday. A day spent at the hospital waiting on tests for a loved one on Friday. And now the monthly curse. TMI? Well, tough. This is my life and my blog. I’ll tell it like it is. I was probably so hideously grumpy on Saturday because it was making its arrival known.

Progress on Stone’s Embrace

So I made good progress on this one last week. Can I do it again? Guess it depends on what happens with Dad’s appointments. I do have a little wiggle room for the turn-in date, but I want to finish by the end of the month.

Progress on untitled short contemporary novella

I didn’t mean to start another project when I have so many in the works, but I opened a new document one day after I finished up my pages on STONE and started writing this thing. So far it’s a string of sex scenes in need of a theme and a plot. I’ve sent it to my most trusted friends for help dreaming up a story to go along with the sex. Really have to have a story, darn it.

This week will be a challenge just keeping focused with all the craziness happening around me. Last night I dreamed I was trapped in a house on stilts, deep in a bayou. A terrible storm rattled the roof and water seeped under the front door while I sat on the couch and prayed for it to end. It wasn’t until I saw a scaly back swimming through the murky water that I realized alligators and snakes had come through a window. I climbed higher and higher, arriving at last in the attic. The pitch dark seemed to amplify the sounds of the rain, the slithering snakes, the hissing roar of the gators…

Okay, so the dream must be a metaphor for my life, but the demented writer in me hopes I have more nightmares.

Quick Catchup
Saturday, March 21st, 2009

Have to be quick because I’m heading back to Little Rock today.

I’m still sore, but I imagine after a really hot shower I won’t feel like a rickety old woman. The trick is to not sit still too long. My shoulders feel like I’ve been taking punches.

And I’m bummed. We didn’t get the news we’d hoped for yesterday. Surgery is in the offing. And soon. Maybe as soon as next week. One foot in front of the other, and we will make it.

Today, I meet with the wonderful ladies from the Diamond State Romance Authors. If I remember, I’ll take pictures. Should come back in a much better frame of mind. Later, chicas!