Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Delilah Bonaparte
Sunday, January 4th, 2009

My horoscope for today reads:

You’ll be in the middle of all the action today, because no one else will be up to the task of directing people the way you are! You can’t wait to be the boss, and you are ready to be the boss! Your quick mind, boundless energy and direct manner of speaking impress people more than you realize — they are waiting for you to tell them what to do and how to do it. Be a gentle leader instead of a tyrannical one. You have the capability to inspire people, so don’t waste your energy.

Hmmm…the first part sounds right. I’m very good at telling people what to do, and I have a new workshop I’m starting up: The Plotting Bootcamp. So it fits that I’ll be interacting rather than crawling into my mole hole to work.

The last part bugs me…can I be tyrannical? Better not ask my sister because she’d say yes, but I thought I’d learned to temper my dictatorial style of leadership long ago. Will have to remind myself constantly today to tread softly.

Welcome the Wolf Moon
Friday, January 2nd, 2009

I did warn you I’d be sharing things I’m learning as I research the new book I’ll be starting as soon as I wrap up the fourth Dark Realm story. Did you know that every month has its own moon phase with its own name?

January’s moon is the Wolf Moon. It’s also called the Winter Moon, but the Wolf Moon is more appealing to us, right? This moon is a time of endings (winter represents death) and of beginnings (because we start laying our plans for Spring).

This month the full moon runs 9 – 12 January. If I were Wiccan (not saying I am, but I am curious), I’d want to know that so that I could “draw down the moon” and pull the power of the moon into me, becoming The Goddess Incarnate. I’d need that power to infuse any spells I cast.

Be thinking of me when the full moon starts. I might be standing outside under the light of the full moon with my arms raised—but I promise you I won’t be “sky clad.” :mrgreen:

In the meantime, you can catch me tomorrow, January 3rd, at the Aphrodisia Authors blog. Just click on the banner below!

Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

“I don’t say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought
to look as if we could.”
Orson Welles

Eh-hem… If you’re reading this at midnight, then your New Year’s was as uneventful as mine. Then again, maybe you were thinking, as I was, that you’d better get a head start!

:mrgreen:Cheers!~ DD

Looking back…
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

Sometimes when I have my head down writing, I feel like my feet are caught in quicksand, and the harder I kick, the deeper I sink. But it’s just the feeling I get when I’m stuck in my latest work-in-progress. I forget everything else I’ve done.

That’s why I like taking a snapshot of what I’ve accomplished throughout the year to remind myself of everything I’ve done before I set the course for the next year’s wild-assed race.

In 2008, I’ve seen fourteen stories published, including my second Avon book, SEDUCED BY DARKNESS, in March (which has been nominated for a “best” award by Romantic Times magazine) and my first single title with Kensington, DOWN IN TEXAS, in November, along with a couple of Kensington novellas, an Avon novella, etc.

This year, I’ve written:
* 2 and 2/3 single title books
* 5 novellas
* 5 short stories
* 2 full proposals
All for a total of around 425,000 words written this year.

That’s an incredible number of words. I wouldn’t have been able to do it if I hadn’t made the decision to become a full-time writer. Fans gave me the courage to try. So, thanks so much for your encouragement (letters, blog comments, and purchases alike!). You are what keeps me going!

On January first, I’ll give you a look at what I’m planning to work on in the New Year, as well as provide you the schedule for my upcoming releases as I know it now!

For any of you writers out there—don’t forget to sign up for the plotting bootcamp that’s starting on January 5th.

Man-Day: Perfection
Monday, December 29th, 2008

Tell me! Is there anything about this man’s body that isn’t perfectly proportioned? I found this photo at a luscious site called Just Beautiful Men. Follow the link for the perfect way to start your work week.

Catch me at Fallen Angels today!
Sunday, December 28th, 2008

First, let me do my promo thing.

Today’s my monthly play date with Ellora’s Cave’s Chat loop. If you want to join in on the fun be sure to sign up. This is what you should expect:

* Scavenger hunts for great prizes
* Steamy excerpts
* A live chat with yours truly

About that live chat—if you can’t make the all-day marathon party, I’ll be at Fallen Angel’s Chat room at 11:00 AM CST for an hour. I’d love to see you there.

So here’s an update regarding what I’ve been working on in December.

1) I finished up edits and resubmitted Saddled to Samhain.

2) I revised a short novella that’s part of a Diamond State Romance Authors’ effort. I entitled my story, A Natural Man.

3) I finished a proposal for an urban fantasy novel and sent it to my agent. I’ll let you know what happens with it, but I won’t say any more than I had to do a lot of research into witchcraft for that particular work. Some of it was pretty interesting and you may see related posts from time to time about everything I’m still learning.

4) Lastly, I continue to plow through the fourth Dark Realm book. I have about 130 pages to go, so I’m on that tricky downhill slope.

On January first, I’ll give you a look at what I’m planning to work on in the New Year, as well as provide you my release schedule as I know it!

For any of you writers out there—don’t forget to sign up for the plotting bootcamp that’s starting on January 5th. If you need more information, take a look at my December 22nd posting.

Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 25th, 2008

Here’s hoping something sexy is waiting for you under the tree! ~DD