Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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New start
Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

Progress on Stone’s Embrace

I have started on a new WIP, but it’s going slow since I’m having to build a world that’s supposed to be part of a series without knowing the parameters of the other stories. Ah well, I’ll muddle through. Guess I can make my world do anything I want and people it with whatever creatures I want.

Anyway, it’s a new start and I should feel energized by that fact, but I’m just a bit burned out and letting myself get a little frazzled. Happens. Maybe I’ll pull out the new fae research books my new friend Wesley recommended and see what I might be able to come up with.

March's Chaste Moon
Monday, March 9th, 2009

March’s moon is the “chaste” moon, and a time of hope and rebirth. It’s the month to embark on new adventures and experiences. We’re already eight days into the month, and I’m all for some renewal of energy. The weather’s beginning to warm; the trees and some of the flowering bushes are budding.

I’m trying to pay attention to the “solar” clock and getting out of bed earlier. I have this theory that if I adopt the rhythm of the day, my body might stop feeling fatigued. We’ll see. Can’t seem to prevent those middle of the night flashes of inspiration that send me straight to my computer. Then again, why the hell am I worried about a little tiredness? I have another book to get out the door!

Pictures from Oklahoma
Sunday, March 8th, 2009

I’ll be back today from the NOLA conference in Shreveport some time today, but in the meantime, let me share pics from my adventure in Granite, Oklahoma last month.

Yes, it was all about work. Hard work. See the plotting charts taped to the walls. They looked like crude wallpaper by the time we were done. Here’s my sister taking a break next to Di Dishman and Karen Kelley (Brava author).

This is our hostess, Julia, on the left and a couple more of the bootcampers hard at work. I’m sure they thought the weekend would be a big slumber party, but we disabused them of that idea quickly!

Okay, the weekend wasn’t all work. The ladies treated my sister and I to a couple of lovely meals away from the retreat house. This is the lodge at nearby Quartz Mountain Nature Park.

The scenery in that part of Oklahoma was unexpected. I love the rugged landscape—just wished I could have taken a day to explore on foot.

I can only imagine how gorgeous it would be in springtime. Sounds like another field trip to me!

"Jane's" earning raves!
Saturday, March 7th, 2009

If you haven’t heard, Jane’s one sexy book. Take a look at what these reviewers had to say:

5 Blue Ribbons from Chrissy at Romance Junkies: “…Delilah Devlin is well known for her personable characters and intense storylines and she certainly doesn’t disappoint with JANE’S WILD WEEKEND!…This story had me smiling, tearing up, worried and wanting to hug them all. Of course, Ms. Devlin has plenty of spine tingling sex scenes that will leave readers hot and bothered…This is a wonderful heartfelt story that’s as exciting as it is emotional. A perfect combination in my opinion.”

4 Stars from eCataRomance: “Delilah Devlin is a brilliant author. No matter what she writes it is pure genius. JANE’S WILD WEEKEND is another example of just how gifted Ms. Devlin is…There are not enough words to describe the emotions that flow from the pages of this story…”

4.5 Stars and an orgasmic “O” from Heather at JERR: “…JANE’S WILD WEEKEND was a sinful, page-turning delight!!…Both men are devious characters who make you want to be the filling to their sandwich, even for me, considering I don’t typically care for male/male sex. The plot is quick and focuses on the relationship between the three main characters…The sex is hot!!!!!!!…Ms. Devlin’s books continue to be favorites of mine.”

Winners Announcements
Friday, March 6th, 2009

I have two winners to announce!

First, the winner of Michelle Pillow’s download is…Lynda!

Also, I promised a signed ARC of Obsessed to one of the readers who joined me at the Scribes Unleashed chat Wednesday night. That winner is…Maggie!

Winners, congratulations! Be sure to send me an email to let me know where you’d like your prizes delivered! I promise to get on it as soon as I get back from Louisiana.

This and that
Thursday, March 5th, 2009

I’m getting packed for the weekend. I’ll be in Shreveport, Louisiana for the NOLA conference. I expect to have a great time. I love being around other writers because there’s so much creative energy in the air. And the best part is that I’ll be rooming with Elle James (also known as sister) and Shayla Kersten.

Thought I’d pass along the URL for that live radio broadcast of my interview at Canned Laughter and Coffee with Renee Bernard. It’s short, so you won’t be committing to listening to more than about ten minutes of me talking about Texas Men and their “equipment.” 😉Interview

Check my blog tomorrow for winners announcements! Oh! And be sure to check out Jennifer’s Random Musings—I’m blogging there today!

Find a new obsession at the bookstore!
Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

On an uncharacteristic whim, an obsessive, uptight woman vacations at an island resort where she learns to surrender to her disorderly, capricious, and wanton inner self.

Briana’s pristine life has recently gone downhill after she realized her perfect marriage was a sham. Weighed down by the burdens of her impending divorce, this “starter wife” calls the number printed on a postcard for a limited-time offer at an exotic island retreat. Upon arriving at the fantasy sex resort, Briana is confronted with all of her old hang-ups. Desperately wanting to change, she throws herself into the wildly erotic pleasures presented to her—freeing herself from her heartbreaking past and the inhibitions that have always held her back in life.