Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Michelle's Third Realm Immortal!
Friday, February 27th, 2009

Last Chance to win! I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely intrigued.

Juliana, newly appointed Queen of the Unblessed, has realized there is a bit more to her position than she first thought. Sure, it has its perks: a sinfully sexy husband who is also a king, growing powers and a magical life that’s never boring, but the drawbacks are considerable. To save her kingdom from war, Juliana accepts assistance from a witch. But when her reality turns upside down, she realizes she’s been betrayed.

For a brief time, Merrick knew happiness, as much happiness as the king of necessary evil could ever feel. Juliana has become the light in his darkness. Though he can never tell his wife he loves her—or risk upsetting the balance of both the mortal and immortal realms—the words are understood between them. Or so he thought. When she falls prey to a wayward spell, becoming encased in stone, he knows he’ll have to risk everything to gain the only thing he truly wants.

Read an excerpt

More of Michelle's Realm Immortal!
Thursday, February 26th, 2009

Remember, to win you must post!

It is ill-advised to incur the wrath of a faery, but it is most foolish to do so of a faery queen…

Queen Tania of the Faeries is tired of waiting for Hugh, the Earl of Bellemare, to come back to her. A year has passed since his commitments pulled him from her side and she’s begun to suspect he never intended to return. Disheartened, the queen’s mood darkens until she finds she has no choice but to teach the earl a lesson he will never forget—that no human should dare lie to a faery queen.

Hugh’s hatred of the magical world is well known and he wishes to live out the rest of his life in the mortal realm, doing his noble duty. Too bad his heart hasn’t caught up to his head. Thoughts of a tenaciously seductive queen haunt him, even as he knows the woman only wanted him as a plaything for her bed. But it would seem he can’t run far enough, for the teasing nymph won’t back down and Hugh finds himself at the mercy of a vengeful faery.

Read the excerpt

Check out Michelle's Realm Immortal!
Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Michelle Pillow is one of my favorites to watch. Her newest series Realm Immortal begins March 6th! For the next three days, I’ll feature one of the three books to introduce you to this talented author.

Please welcome Michelle, and pay close attention to the contest information at the bottom of this post! ~DD


Note from Michelle:
Thank you so much for having me today! 🙂 I’m thrilled to announce the three book re-launch of my Realm Immortal series March 6th. I just love this series and Natalie Winters did a great job on the new covers.

I love history. I love studying the details of a time period, of fitting stories into a world that existed long ago. Many of my books have a flair of history in them, even the modern day ones. Part of history is the superstitions and mythical creatures of the time. From those, the Realm Immortal series was born. Well, that and my love of the movie, Labyrinth. But we won’t go into the whole David Bowie, eye shadow lovin’ thing right now. LOL


Merrick, dark elfin King of Valdis, had once been heir to all that was good—happiness and pleasure his domain. Now, trapped as the ruler of mischief, king of necessary evil, he stands on a precipice of choice. On one side, his estranged brother, now ruler of what should have been Merrick’s and, on the other, King Lucien of the Damned. Both would sway him. Damnation is winning.

Lady Juliana of Bellemare is from a human family, protected by the Blessed, coveted by the Damned. Betrothed to an old friend of her father’s, Juliana is resigned to living out her days close to her childhood home, longing for an adventure, never dreaming she’d get what she wished for. When her fiancé is murdered and the children of Bellemare are stolen, Juliana is sent on a quest in a strange realm where appearances are deceiving.

Merrick brings more adventure and passion than any woman could want. Can she withstand the temptations of the Unblessed king? The spell she weaves over him is more than he can resist and, desperate to be the one to rule her, Merrick offers her a choice; either come with him until he tires of her…or die.

Read an excerpt here

Michelle is offering a free download of any one of her new stories to one lucky winner. All you have to do to qualify is comment!

Texas Men Releases Today!
Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

It’s finally here. Thanks for keeping me company these past days. I can’t wait to hear from all of you. I’d love to see those photos of the book on the bookshelf when you find it. Now, I’ll take a couple of days break and talk about something else before letting you know about two more releases coming in the next few days. In the meantime…

Happy Reading! ~DD

1 Day/1 Reason to buy it now!
Monday, February 23rd, 2009

***I fell asleep last night and didn’t post the winner! It’s Nichole—and she wins two autographed copies of any of my pre-2009 print books, so long as I have a copy on hand! So Nichole, email me and let me know your choices!***

Here we are at the last day before the book ships. What can I tell you that you don’t already know?

You know the stories will be uber-sexy. You know the heroes are incredibly handsome, strong, and stubborn—and they include a cowboy and two deputies. The heroines run the gamut from bar owner to spoiled hellion to staid schoolteacher. All three stories are about sexual discovery and staking claims.

All three stories are set in Honkytonk once again—my fictional town that’s a hybrid of Boerne, Luchenbach, and Devine, Texas (real places). And you know that I know the people I’m writing about—how they talk and act and fight. Texas is as close to a home as I’ve ever had. I absorbed the place through my skin and still miss it every day.

So, I think I’ve done my job. Tomorrow is release day and I hope I’ve tempted you to run to the store and buy it! If not, here’s one last tease…


Logan woke, feeling chilled. Amy had left his bed. For a moment, he froze, wondering if she’d left without saying a word, and if he’d blown it.

He’d wanted to romance her. Bring her along slowly. Build her need for his touch in gradual levels until she was ready for him to begin to introduce her to the lifestyle he felt instinctively she was made for.

Instead, he’d pounded her like a high school kid who’d gotten his first taste of pussy and couldn’t control the hormones raging through him.
Read the rest of this entry »

2 Days/2 Reasons to buy it now!
Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

[Psst! Remember to comment! Tonight, I’ll post the name of the second winner right here! The prize will be two autographed books!]

Thanks for coming along for the wild ride this week! It’s nice to have company while I bite my nails and wait for a book to hit the shelves.

Just as an aside, this morning I’ll be playing at Ellora’s Cave Chat Loop—posting sexy excerpts, talking about my upcoming books (Lockdown and Unleashing the Tiger), and giving away prizes.

So, I’m down to just two days on this countdown. So far, I’ve been seducing you with snippets from the book. Today, I’m going to remind you about the previous set of stories so many of you enjoyed. If you like the series and want them to continue, you have to let the publisher know. And the only way to do that is…you got it—BUY IT! Tell your friends about this hot and sexy little town in Texas, called Honkytonk.

Mac McDonough’s body ached with the need to sink into soft, wet woman.

An escape, no matter how brief, from the constant, throbbing in his shattered leg.

Like an answer to his prayer, a familiar SUV crawled up the rough gravel road. His body tightened. Tara Toomey had offered the last time she paid him a visit, for old time’s sake, but he’d turned her down because he’d still had just enough pride and just enough affection for his old friend not to want to use her like that.

Today, she wouldn’t make it past the door. The thought of her blond flyaway curls wrapped around his dick made him throb with anticipation.
Read the rest of this entry »

3 Days/3 Reasons to buy it now!
Saturday, February 21st, 2009

It’s been busy here in the Devlin house. Didn’t know if I mentioned it, but last week I completed a proposal (50 pages) for a new book and shipped it out. It was a contemporary Western. Then I got inspired and started another this week—a jungle theme story. It came so fast, I finished it yesterday and sent it to my agent (3 chapters, anyway). Cross your fingers someone loves them!

I’ll be in Little Rock all day today. Will check the loop and this blog when I get home. You all have a great day, and I hope this excerpt inspires you today!


Cody stroked upward again, trying to thrust deep into her mouth, but she backed away, not letting him sink inside her. Instead, she continued to lick the cap and began to softly chew with her teeth buffered by her lips.

“Jesus, Tara,” he moaned.

She liked the edge of desperation in his tone and the deep growl that followed. But she wasn’t nearly done.
Read the rest of this entry »