Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Just for fun…
Friday, January 9th, 2009

Men Can Multitask

My mother sent this to me. Thought it might make you smile too!

Eight days in…
Thursday, January 8th, 2009

I haven’t written one word this year.

Sure, we’re only eight days in, but I haven’t taken that long a break in forever. I think the problem IS the New Year. New Year translates to New Starts in my brain.

Instead, I have a book that’s two-thirds written to finish by the end of this month, another that’s contracted and due by April 1st, but I’d much rather be spinning a brand new tale to hasten in the year.

I know. It’s time to pull up the big girl panties and get to work. Maybe a little company would help. Anyone feels like doing some timed writing in the next couple of weeks, email me! I work best with a sense of urgency and competition fueling my muse.

And everyone else—nag, nag, nag!

Excerpt, just cuz it's Wednesday…
Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

Here’s a sneak peek at one of my March releases, Obsessed, which is being published by Simon and Schuster’s Strebor Books line. Keep in mind it’s unedited, so all errors are my own.


On an uncharacteristic whim, an obsessive, uptight woman vacations at an island resort where she learns to surrender to her disorderly, capricious, and wanton inner self.

Briana’s pristine life has recently gone downhill after she realized her perfect marriage was a sham. Weighed down by the burdens of her impending divorce, this “starter wife” calls the number printed on a postcard for a limited-time offer at an exotic island retreat. Upon arriving at the fantasy sex resort, Briana is confronted with all of her old hang-ups. Desperately wanting to change, she throws herself into the wildly erotic pleasures presented to her—freeing herself from her heartbreaking past and the inhibitions that have always held her back in life.


Note for Readers: You must be of legal age in your country of origin to read this excerpt.

Briana felt as though a vise tightened around her ribcage. She couldn’t breathe. She stood frozen, staring into his impassive face.

Malaki held out the package, and she lifted her arms automatically to receive it.

“Tell me what frightens you most,” he said quietly, his arms falling to his sides. “Being virtually naked in front of this crowd?”

Numb with shock, she was surprised she could manage to speak. “That prospect is certainly unnerving.” Gawd, what a dumb thing to say. And a huge fricking understatement!

“But it’s not the scariest part, is it?”

Her vision blurred as tears began to fill her eyes. Now he’d get an even bigger dose of the weirdness that was her. “Touching them…I’m afraid to touch them.”

“You touched me,” he said, firmness underlying his gentle tone.

That caught her attention. “Yes, I did.”

“I’m as much a stranger to you as any of them. Why do you think you could take my hand and accept my caress?”

“Because I wanted it so damn much,” she whispered, humiliated to admit it.

“Then want this.”
Read the rest of this entry »

Blogging about Adrian Paul…
Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

Okay, so you say, “who?” Or maybe you’re one of the converted too. Whichever, head over to Access Romance’s All-A-Blog to see what I’m talking about.

Man-day: Inspiration
Monday, January 5th, 2009

Tell me you wouldn’t be willing to run through brambles to catch a pass from him! That piercing gaze, those cut cheekbones and delicious abs…mmm-mmm.

I love finding photos I can use to start germinating a story in my mind. What sort of story might you love to see based on this yummy man’s photo?

Besides the eye candy, I’m cleaning out my promo cabinets and have a ton of bookmarks to give away. If you’d like some, just send me an email with your snail mail address! Email me!

Delilah Bonaparte
Sunday, January 4th, 2009

My horoscope for today reads:

You’ll be in the middle of all the action today, because no one else will be up to the task of directing people the way you are! You can’t wait to be the boss, and you are ready to be the boss! Your quick mind, boundless energy and direct manner of speaking impress people more than you realize — they are waiting for you to tell them what to do and how to do it. Be a gentle leader instead of a tyrannical one. You have the capability to inspire people, so don’t waste your energy.

Hmmm…the first part sounds right. I’m very good at telling people what to do, and I have a new workshop I’m starting up: The Plotting Bootcamp. So it fits that I’ll be interacting rather than crawling into my mole hole to work.

The last part bugs me…can I be tyrannical? Better not ask my sister because she’d say yes, but I thought I’d learned to temper my dictatorial style of leadership long ago. Will have to remind myself constantly today to tread softly.

Welcome the Wolf Moon
Friday, January 2nd, 2009

I did warn you I’d be sharing things I’m learning as I research the new book I’ll be starting as soon as I wrap up the fourth Dark Realm story. Did you know that every month has its own moon phase with its own name?

January’s moon is the Wolf Moon. It’s also called the Winter Moon, but the Wolf Moon is more appealing to us, right? This moon is a time of endings (winter represents death) and of beginnings (because we start laying our plans for Spring).

This month the full moon runs 9 – 12 January. If I were Wiccan (not saying I am, but I am curious), I’d want to know that so that I could “draw down the moon” and pull the power of the moon into me, becoming The Goddess Incarnate. I’d need that power to infuse any spells I cast.

Be thinking of me when the full moon starts. I might be standing outside under the light of the full moon with my arms raised—but I promise you I won’t be “sky clad.” :mrgreen:

In the meantime, you can catch me tomorrow, January 3rd, at the Aphrodisia Authors blog. Just click on the banner below!