Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

“I don’t say we all ought to misbehave, but we ought
to look as if we could.”
Orson Welles

Eh-hem… If you’re reading this at midnight, then your New Year’s was as uneventful as mine. Then again, maybe you were thinking, as I was, that you’d better get a head start!

:mrgreen:Cheers!~ DD

Looking back…
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

Sometimes when I have my head down writing, I feel like my feet are caught in quicksand, and the harder I kick, the deeper I sink. But it’s just the feeling I get when I’m stuck in my latest work-in-progress. I forget everything else I’ve done.

That’s why I like taking a snapshot of what I’ve accomplished throughout the year to remind myself of everything I’ve done before I set the course for the next year’s wild-assed race.

In 2008, I’ve seen fourteen stories published, including my second Avon book, SEDUCED BY DARKNESS, in March (which has been nominated for a “best” award by Romantic Times magazine) and my first single title with Kensington, DOWN IN TEXAS, in November, along with a couple of Kensington novellas, an Avon novella, etc.

This year, I’ve written:
* 2 and 2/3 single title books
* 5 novellas
* 5 short stories
* 2 full proposals
All for a total of around 425,000 words written this year.

That’s an incredible number of words. I wouldn’t have been able to do it if I hadn’t made the decision to become a full-time writer. Fans gave me the courage to try. So, thanks so much for your encouragement (letters, blog comments, and purchases alike!). You are what keeps me going!

On January first, I’ll give you a look at what I’m planning to work on in the New Year, as well as provide you the schedule for my upcoming releases as I know it now!

For any of you writers out there—don’t forget to sign up for the plotting bootcamp that’s starting on January 5th.

Man-Day: Perfection
Monday, December 29th, 2008

Tell me! Is there anything about this man’s body that isn’t perfectly proportioned? I found this photo at a luscious site called Just Beautiful Men. Follow the link for the perfect way to start your work week.

Catch me at Fallen Angels today!
Sunday, December 28th, 2008

First, let me do my promo thing.

Today’s my monthly play date with Ellora’s Cave’s Chat loop. If you want to join in on the fun be sure to sign up. This is what you should expect:

* Scavenger hunts for great prizes
* Steamy excerpts
* A live chat with yours truly

About that live chat—if you can’t make the all-day marathon party, I’ll be at Fallen Angel’s Chat room at 11:00 AM CST for an hour. I’d love to see you there.

So here’s an update regarding what I’ve been working on in December.

1) I finished up edits and resubmitted Saddled to Samhain.

2) I revised a short novella that’s part of a Diamond State Romance Authors’ effort. I entitled my story, A Natural Man.

3) I finished a proposal for an urban fantasy novel and sent it to my agent. I’ll let you know what happens with it, but I won’t say any more than I had to do a lot of research into witchcraft for that particular work. Some of it was pretty interesting and you may see related posts from time to time about everything I’m still learning.

4) Lastly, I continue to plow through the fourth Dark Realm book. I have about 130 pages to go, so I’m on that tricky downhill slope.

On January first, I’ll give you a look at what I’m planning to work on in the New Year, as well as provide you my release schedule as I know it!

For any of you writers out there—don’t forget to sign up for the plotting bootcamp that’s starting on January 5th. If you need more information, take a look at my December 22nd posting.

Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 25th, 2008

Here’s hoping something sexy is waiting for you under the tree! ~DD

The first "Altered States" book is out!
Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

My very, very good friend, Layla Chase, has her first release out today with Ellora’s Cave. It’s also the first of four books in the Altered States series that Layla, Betty Hanawa, Myla Jackson and myself are participating in. If you like stories about large cat shape-shifters, you’re gonna love this series!!

Night Prowler By Layla Chase
Tall, muscled and naked — that’s private investigator Zoia’s first sighting of her quarry, a missing soldier named Kol. The fact he’s pleasuring himself is even more intriguing but within minutes she becomes his prey. He stalks her, arousing every female instinct she possesses, and then claims her—carnally. When Zoia learns Kol is battling a situation he doesn’t understand, her need to help surfaces.

Kol has holed up in his family’s cabin to learn the cause of his unsettling blackouts. The appearance of a vivacious nature photographer sets off his radar. Within minutes, Zoia invades his space — and her sweet body becomes his lifeline back from unexplained memory lapses. Can their growing attachment survive the discovery of his startling secret?

Next up:
Betty Hanawa’s Beast Within in January
Myla Jackson’s Naked Prey in February
Delilah Devlin’s Unleashing the Tiger in March

Read an excerpt!
See a sexier excerpt: Read the rest of this entry »

The Plotting Bootcamp is coming!
Monday, December 22nd, 2008

Okay, so this is strictly for writers—published and aspiring.

If you don’t already know, my sister and I teach a plotting bootcamp through Rose’s Colored Glasses.

We know there are a slew of plotting classes out there, but I’ll tell you how ours is different and why we have people who have taken the class multiple times.

Sure, we define theme, plot a story, and develop characters—all plotting classes do that. What we provide that is unique is feedback and critique throughout the process.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a week-long brush through the basics kind of course. The bootcamp stretches over a month with lessons posted on a Sunday, daily discussion via yahoo group, and live brainstorming chats two to three times a week. It’s up the student how much they want to participate and they can set their own pace, but like I said, we’ve had people so pleased with their results, they come back again and again.

So, the big news is that we’re conducting the next class starting January 5th. The class is limited to 25 people—any more than that and we wouldn’t be able to provide the one-on-one feedback. If you’re interested in signing up, here’s the link: Rose’s Plotting Bootcamp

(And FYI, my mom drew the picture!)