I admit, I cheated. I intended to find the sexiest pictures of men I could find from combing the Internet and post them on Mondays—just to put a smile on your face at the beginning of a long work week. But I got this in the mail yesterday and thought the man on this cover was pretty damn hot. This one’s out in June, so you have a long wait until you can hold him in your hot little hands! Have a great week! ~DD
Ha! You have to read to the bottom to get the information about the contest!
Progress on Dark Realm-4
Well, after taking a little time off to take care of family biz (did I mention the newest member of the Devlin clan?), I’m back at work on the fourth Dark Realm book. Thanks to everyone who’s kept me company in timed writing sessions, and for those of you who’ve been nagging. I really needed a kick in the ass to get going.
I thought I was stuck in the story and dreaded coming back to it, but something amazing happened when I sat down and put my hands on the keys. I didn’t think, didn’t wonder what was going to happen next, just wrote what I “saw”—and it’s not crap! In fact, it’s pretty darn sexy—raw, actually. I likey.
Another plotting bootcamp kicked off this past Monday, and I have a very active, very enthusiastic group of campers! Every day I have to think about story, think about theme and characters—someone else’s, I know—but it seems to help me figure out what’s working in my own WIP. So I’m really glad to be knee-deep in the class.
I should have started yesterday, according to my plan anyway, on plotting a new western contemporary story—something to send to my agent. But I don’t want to force it. I tried that about three weeks ago and had to deep-six the first chapter because it thoroughly reeked. Learned my lesson. Cowboys don’t like to be hurried along. They stride at their own pace.
So, another frenzied week awaits! Don’t miss tomorrow’s sexy Man-day pic. And about that contest: I updated my contest page. Go check it out!
Okay, so it’s a dumb blog title. Is there any other kind of menage?
This lovely cover will accompany my next book for Ellora’s Cave, which releases on January 23rd. So, mark your calendars! Here’s the description of the story to whet your appetites for more:
Jane wants Bruno…Bruno wants Cord…Cord wants Jane…but can everyone get what they really want?
Jane, fresh from a breakup, decides to seduce Bruno, one of the firemen next door, to restore her shattered confidence. But the trap she sets is sprung instead by his best friend, Cord. After she flees in embarrassment, Bruno makes a proposition too wicked for any good girl to consider, but how can she refuse the chance at not one, but two strapping firemen?
Bruno’s shared women with Cord before, but decides to use Cord’s attraction to Jane to break down his defenses for the ultimate threesome. Cord thinks he knows how this little tryst will go down, but he’s seduced into allowing Bruno intimacies this hetero guy has never before considered.
Men Can Multitask
My mother sent this to me. Thought it might make you smile too!
I haven’t written one word this year.
Sure, we’re only eight days in, but I haven’t taken that long a break in forever. I think the problem IS the New Year. New Year translates to New Starts in my brain.
Instead, I have a book that’s two-thirds written to finish by the end of this month, another that’s contracted and due by April 1st, but I’d much rather be spinning a brand new tale to hasten in the year.
I know. It’s time to pull up the big girl panties and get to work. Maybe a little company would help. Anyone feels like doing some timed writing in the next couple of weeks, email me! I work best with a sense of urgency and competition fueling my muse.
And everyone else—nag, nag, nag!
Here’s a sneak peek at one of my March releases, Obsessed, which is being published by Simon and Schuster’s Strebor Books line. Keep in mind it’s unedited, so all errors are my own.
On an uncharacteristic whim, an obsessive, uptight woman vacations at an island resort where she learns to surrender to her disorderly, capricious, and wanton inner self.
Briana’s pristine life has recently gone downhill after she realized her perfect marriage was a sham. Weighed down by the burdens of her impending divorce, this “starter wife” calls the number printed on a postcard for a limited-time offer at an exotic island retreat. Upon arriving at the fantasy sex resort, Briana is confronted with all of her old hang-ups. Desperately wanting to change, she throws herself into the wildly erotic pleasures presented to her—freeing herself from her heartbreaking past and the inhibitions that have always held her back in life.
Note for Readers: You must be of legal age in your country of origin to read this excerpt.
Briana felt as though a vise tightened around her ribcage. She couldn’t breathe. She stood frozen, staring into his impassive face.
Malaki held out the package, and she lifted her arms automatically to receive it.
“Tell me what frightens you most,” he said quietly, his arms falling to his sides. “Being virtually naked in front of this crowd?”
Numb with shock, she was surprised she could manage to speak. “That prospect is certainly unnerving.” Gawd, what a dumb thing to say. And a huge fricking understatement!
“But it’s not the scariest part, is it?”
Her vision blurred as tears began to fill her eyes. Now he’d get an even bigger dose of the weirdness that was her. “Touching them…I’m afraid to touch them.”
“You touched me,” he said, firmness underlying his gentle tone.
That caught her attention. “Yes, I did.”
“I’m as much a stranger to you as any of them. Why do you think you could take my hand and accept my caress?”
“Because I wanted it so damn much,” she whispered, humiliated to admit it.
“Then want this.”
Read the rest of this entry »
Okay, so you say, “who?” Or maybe you’re one of the converted too. Whichever, head over to Access Romance’s All-A-Blog to see what I’m talking about.