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Anna Taylor Sweringen/Michal Scott: Edmonia Lewis – An Artistic Pioneer (Contest)
Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Nancy Brashear!

“I was practically driven to Rome in order to obtain the opportunities for art culture, and to find a social atmosphere where I was not constantly reminded of my color. The land of liberty had no room for a colored sculptor.”

Thus, Edmonia Lewis was quoted in the December 29, 1878, New York Times‘ article: “Seeking Equality Abroad. Why Miss Edmonia Lewis, the Colored Sculptor Returns To Rome – Her Early Life and Struggles.” While saddened by the familiar story of trials and tribulations faced by African Americans in this era, I am nevertheless heartened that Edmonia Lewis refused to let adversity keep her down.

Born on July 4, 1844 of African-American and Native American heritage, Edmonia was orphaned by the age of nine, but had two aunts and her half-brother Samuel to care for her. Samuel struck it rich in the California Gold Rush and was able to finance her education. She attended New York Central College from 1856-1858 then Oberlin College in 1859 where she was one of 30 students of color. A white mob, believing she had poisoned two students, beat her and left her for dead. Exonerated of those charges, she was later accused of stealing paint brushes and a picture frame. Even though cleared again, the college refused to let her re-enroll for her last term in 1863, thwarting her chances to obtain her degree. In 2022, Oberlin awarded her a degree.

She relocated to Boston in 1864, where she received the patronage of abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison. Sculptor Edward Brackett became a mentor and helped her to set up her own studio. She sculpted and sold images of famous abolitionists on medallions made of clay and plaster. Her first real success came from the bust she created of Colonel Robert Shaw, the white officer of the all-black 54th Massachusetts Infantry Civil War unit.

She traveled to Europe and settled in Rome by 1866. While there, she created one of her most famous works, The Death of Cleopatra. It was shipped back to the US and displayed at the Centennial Exhibition in 1876. In 1877 while in Rome, Ulysses S. Grant commissioned his portrait from her. Edmonia remained in Rome where she could work without always having to combat the hostility of being Black and Catholic.

Life in Europe was no paradise, however. Sexism against female sculptors, regardless of race, was rampant. Nevertheless, Edmonia established herself and created pieces that included, but were not limited to, African-American and Native American themes. Her neoclassical style of sculpting fell out of favor in the 1880s, and Edmonia fell into obscurity. She moved to London in 1901 and died there on September 17, 1907. You can learn more about her and see her work on this website:

Unfortunately attacks these days on opportunities to enable modern day Edmonia Lewises to emerge make her 1878 NYT quote still relevant. For a chance at a $10 Amazon Gift card, leave a comment on Edmonia’s life or on someone who you know persevered despite discrimination.

“The Spirit to Resist” by Michal Scott from Hot & Sticky: A Passionate Ink Charity Anthology

A woman may be made a fool of if she hasn’t the spirit to resist, but what does she do if, for the first time in her life, being made into a fool is exactly what she wants?

Excerpt from “The Spirit to Resist”

Florence lifted her face into the cool of the night and gazed at the stars. The breeze’s gentleness put her in mind once more of Harold’s sweet entreaty.

It’s just that I’d hoped to show you something different, something pretty special. Just for you.

The remembered words caused her nipples to pucker.

From here she could see the Edwards pavilion. It loomed surprisingly stately, given its frivolous purpose. She remembered her silliness with Harold over that tub of strawberry ice cream. A smile twisted her lips. What different, pretty special something had Harold planned just for her?

In her mind’s eye, she recalled control in that woman’s eyes back at Mrs. Wanzer’s. From memory, she reheard the sounds of pleading in the man’s grunting and groaning. The scene reaffirmed what she always believed. For sex to be satisfying, there had to be an exchange of power. Until she found a partner who believed this, too, she’d be a vanilla until her dying day.

She gazed toward the Edwards pavilion again. A similar exchange happened between her and Harold when she teased him. He enjoyed receiving her taunts as much as she enjoyed delivering them. They shared a mutual respect whenever they spoke, whenever they caught one another’s eye, even when no teasing occurred.

He’d had something planned for her tonight. Something different. Something pretty special. Something just for her. What might that something be? Something that said Harold, like Madison Dugger, respected the power of the cunt?

Maybe it wasn’t too late to find out.


Barbie Day Puzzle-Contest!
Tuesday, July 25th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Beckie!

Ugh. Finding GREAT Barbie pictures I can legally use was hard!

Today’s the day we complete the “Barbenheimer” challenge! We saw Oppenheimer on Saturday, and today, we take the girls to see Barbie! We all have Barbie T-shirts and are doing the makeup and hair. We’re not going crazy, but we wanted to have some fun with it. So, we’ll do the movie then go to Red Lobster afterward for a meal before heading home. We’re all dying of excitement!

I have a question for you below, but I’ll share my favorite memory of growing up with Barbie. My parents didn’t have much money. Dad was an enlisted man in the Air Force, so money was always tight. But I had a Barbie, and mom found a Barbie wardrobe box in a consignment shop, and she filled it with clothing she made for my doll. She had little patterns and used remnants of fabrics to make me a dazzling array of clothes for my doll. I wish I still had it. My mom made me feel like the luckiest girl ever.


For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you had a Barbie growing up and share some special memory.

N.J. Walters: A Brand-New Trilogy — Taming the White Wolf, Book 1
Monday, July 24th, 2023

I’m thrilled to introduce a brand-new werewolf trilogy—Lone Wolf Legacy. The first book is TAMING THE WHITE WOLF.

Who are the lone wolves?

Since the rise of the werewolf, there has always existed a single lone wolf—with pure white, gray, or black fur and eyes that match—who answers to no alpha, belongs to no pack. Merciless and deadly, he wanders the world, both judge and executioner of rogue wolves who senselessly kill, endangering all their kind.

When one dies, another takes its place, awakening to his purpose the first time he shifts to his wolf form. Known by the sign of the lone wolf—a sickle over the heart—the short-handled, circular blade remains as a tattoo on the man and as a mark on the wolf. A lethal combination of intelligence, brutal strength, and keen instinct, he walks a lonely path, shunned by pack, always alone.

For the first time, there are three in the world—white, gray, and black—who all bear the mark on their chests. No one knows why, least of all them…

Taming the White Wolf
Lone Wolf Legacy, Book 1

The lone wolf answers to no alpha or pack. From his first transformation, he knows his destiny: to be both judge and executioner for rogue werewolves. Welcome to the spellbinding first book in New York Times bestselling author N.J. Walters intense new werewolf series.

White wolf Devlin Moore has spent nearly the last century following his destiny: hunting rogue werewolves. His fate is to be the only one of his kind—hardened, feared, and brutally ruthless. Only now, Devlin’s not alone. There are two others. And if that wasn’t unsettling enough, Devlin is drawn to New York City for what appears to be a human…

As far as Devlin can tell, vibrant artist Zoe Galvani is no threat. But there’s something about her— from her unusual eyes that look similar to the same shocking hue as his own, to his growing need to mark her as his that suggests magical forces may be at play.

Now there’s no escaping each other, or the attraction that grows stronger by the second. But no one, especially a human woman, should have this effect on a lone wolf. And just when he’s sure that having her could be his undoing…the truth steps out of the shadows.


Stuffing her phone in her bag, she stepped off the sidewalk. A horn blared. Tires squealed. A heavy hand landed on her shoulder and yanked her back. The deli bag slipped from her hand and dropped to the ground. Off balance, she would’ve ended up on her ass except she rammed into someone.

What the hell! Heart pounding, mouth dry, she trembled.

“Watch where you’re walking, lady,” the driver yelled, speeding away. Stunned, all she could do was blink. It had happened so fast.

“You okay?” The voice was impossibly deep and vibrated in the very marrow of her bones.

Tilting her head back, she stared up and up. Holy cow, he was one of the biggest men she’d ever seen, and every inch of it was prime. The black T-shirt he wore stretched across an acre of shoulders and clung to rock-hard abs. At a loss for words, she catalogued his features. He wasn’t handsome. That was far too tame a word. Primal sprang to mind. His face was all hard, sharp angles, his jaw stubborn. She curled her hands into fists to keep from reaching up to touch him to make sure he was real and not some figment of her overactive imagination.

Maybe I’m dead and this is heaven?


If you want to read more, you can find Taming the White Wolf here:

Entangled Publishing:

About the Author

N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, assassins, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.

Visit her at:
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Sunday Tarot, Open Contests, and a Something I’m looking forward to!
Sunday, July 23rd, 2023

It’s Sunday and time for me to update my weekly plans so I can make some forward progress on EVERYTHING—work, art, workspace (meaning cleanup!), etc. As is my habit, I pulled a card while thinking about what challenges I may face this week.

And here’s the card.

Pentacles, again! I should sigh with relief after last week’s card, which heralded a possible disaster if I didn’t dedicate myself to getting some things done. What does this card mean?

This being my favorite, most-used deck, I’ve come to trust the depictions in the artwork. Here, we have Daedalus, again. Do you remember him? The father of Icarus who flew too close to the sun that melted his wings? Anyways, Daedalus was a successful man who earned respect and wealth. Here, he’s wearing a golden robe and stands before a pile of gold coins. The grapevines climbing the pedestals also hint at his “plenty.” And that’s as far as I can go with interpreting the card by reading the art, but I get a sense that I should be enjoying the results of my hard work. Which, I am. Yesterday, I took an entire day off to spend time with the family and went to see Oppenheimer.

The history nerd in me (one of my college degrees) loved all three hours of it (I really didn’t note the passage of time), while my daughter and SIL were bored AF. LOL. The “Barbenheimers” dressed in pink with their double-tickets for O and Barbie, were likely very ready for a dose of mindless fun after the heaviness of Nolan’s film. Excellent performances all around. I loved the way he interwove differing timelines, and his use of color-no color to subliminally tell us when we were seeing the events through O’s eyes—brilliant! The bomb shook the movie theater. Anyways, I LOVED it. And it is one I’m glad I saw on the big screen. However, I can see how it wouldn’t be for everyone. I’m just saying, a TON of Oscars should be heading its way.

Anyways, back to the card. I have to consult the book to see what the seven of pentacles is telling me…

From The Mythic Tarot: The nine of pentacles “augurs a period where one may be justifiably pleased with oneself and with what one has been able to achieve.” It also tells me that I have pride and confidence in my ability and that my sense of accomplishment isn’t unearned. Basically, I earned it, I can enjoy it. Well, duh. On Tuesday, we’re seeing Barbie. The faces of the folks who left that theater were all glowing and animated, so my daughter was relieved to know Tuesday’s movie will be more to her liking. 🙂

Open Contests

  1. Sometimes, a minor character steals the show… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Word Search: Things to Do as a Couple (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” (Contest) — Win a FREE download!
  4. This ‘n’ That. What I want to do, what I’m doing, what I’ll be seeing tomorrow! (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  5. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: At the Movies! — Win an Amazon gift card!

Something Fun!

And just for fun, I had to share this. If you didn’t know—I’m a HUGE Star Trek fan, from all the way back in 1966 (I was eight!). I can still remember watching the first episodes on our brand-new color TV! I CANNOT wait for this episode! This Trek series, Strange New Worlds, is just SO MUCH FUN!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: At the Movies!
Saturday, July 22nd, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Anna Marie Flamini!

I couldn’t escape work this morning. I had a small file of edits shipped to me last night, and because I wanted my day cleared for family fun, I rose early to get those out of the way first.

The adults in the family are heading to the movie theater today, a matinee featuring Oppenheimer, the start of our “Barbenheimer” experience. And yes, I broke down and bought the T-shirt, although it won’t arrive in the mail in time for me to wear to either movie.

I’ve been gobbling up interviews with the actors and director of O, reading reviews. The movie sounds amazing, and since I’m already in love with Cillian Murphy, I know I’m going to be blown away. I’m just glad my daughter booked the tickets before she realized it’s three hours long!!!! I’ll be buying a very small drink to go along with my very large popcorn. 🙂

This will be the third movie I’ve seen in a theater since COVID erupted. We like the matinees—fewer people. The theater is nearly an hour away, so it’s always a big deal to go. I’m a movie person. I love film. I love really good movies and really bad movies. Good movies have to “move” me or teach me. Bad movies are for pure entertainment. B-movies are my steady diet. Horror, action, sci-fi. If the movie has a shark in it or a lava-loving tarantula, I’m there. Cocaine Bear is the latest B-movie I’ve seen. What a treasure!

Anyway, that’s going to be the highlight of my day. Three hours with my seat tilted back and my feet propped up, with a large buttery popcorn in my lap while I feast on Cillian Murphy’s gorgeous blue eyes. Envy me. LOL

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle (you know you want to), then tell me what B-movies you’ve enjoyed recently. I might put them on my “Must See” list!

This ‘n’ That. What I want to do, what I’m doing, what I’ll be seeing tomorrow! (Contest)
Friday, July 21st, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Elaine Howell!

This summer isn’t working out the way I’d hoped. I wanted to have a lazy-ish summer where I could enjoy the pool with the kids, paint some things, and dream about the stories I want to write. It hasn’t worked out that way.

I didn’t even make it through the second day of the art fodder challenge I was hoping to complete this month. Okay, so part of it wasn’t because of lack of time, it was due to lack of interest. The daily projects dropped, and I didn’t want to do them. Some of them were soooo time-consuming. I didn’t have an ENTIRE day to devote to making something I’ll glue on something else. I like quick projects, or at least projects where I can paint part of them and come back the next day to continue another part. The challenge wasn’t what I needed. I had a book to finish, which I did. Plus, I’ve had multiple editing projects, one after the other, some at the same time, to muddle through. So, there went my free time.

What I really want to do is start inventorying the art I have to see what else I need to produce for the Art Festival in October and the Christmas craft fair in December. Maybe I can tackle that a little at a time.

As well, I have some new products I want to try out. I’ve been collecting supplies for encaustic (wax) painting. I have an iron, a heating plate, a variety and many colors of wax, special brushes, scrapers, etc. Now, I just need to carve out an ENTIRE DAY to set up my space and experiment. I hope I love it. I hope I can get good at it. I love moving around mediums (watercolor, acrylic, collage, so far) when I get bored.

My daughter is getting a headstart. Here are a few of the things she’s completed so far. They’re so fun!

She hand-dyed the wooden beads and painted the sign for this pretty garland.

She’s been playing with polymer clay to make jewelry.


Aren’t they cute? So, today, I’m hoping to complete one more set of edits. I finished another last night. Tomorrow, I carved out the day for Oppenheimer with my daughter and SIL. I’m looking forward to some “adulting,” movie popcorn, and some Cillian Murphy.

Next Tuesday, we’ll do Barbie with the girls. Yes, we’re doing the “Barbenheimer” challenge—just not all in one day. I need the T-shirt! 🙂

So, for a chance to win a FREE download of one of my books, tell me what you wish you had more time for—something you really, really want to do. Or tell me whether you’re planning to see the movies!

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” (Contest)
Thursday, July 20th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Beth Caudill!

Were you alive on July 20th, 1969? I was eleven years old and still vividly remember watching Neil Armstrong take the first step a human ever took onto the Moon’s surface. We had gathered in someone’s living room (I don’t think it was ours) with some neighbors. The children were all lined up, sitting cross-legged in front of an old black-and-white TV, you know, the kind that was on legs, waiting for the broadcast.

I remember when it started. Everyone was silent. I think some of the adults were crying, it was such a proud moment. For this kid it was surreal. I was already a certified space nerd. I adored Star Trek and Lost in Space. I daydreamed about space exploration. (I often dreamed I was Judy Robinson, and that the robot was my best friend.) When I went to the library, I checked out books on the planets and stars. To see Buzz and Neil jumping around the moon, unimpeded by gravity, left me with a lasting feeling of awe and possibility.

Here’s a picture of our intrepid crew: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin.

A side note. When I worked at a large insurance company, Buzz Aldrin came for a booksigning of his co-authored novel, The Return. Naturally, I bought a copy and had him sign it. I was like a fan at a rock concert. I met the second man who stepped on the moon. 🙂

So, my question to you, for a chance to win a free download of one of my books, is…

Are you ready for us to go back? Are you eager to see if we can make the flight to Mars?