Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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The first "Altered States" book is out!
Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

My very, very good friend, Layla Chase, has her first release out today with Ellora’s Cave. It’s also the first of four books in the Altered States series that Layla, Betty Hanawa, Myla Jackson and myself are participating in. If you like stories about large cat shape-shifters, you’re gonna love this series!!

Night Prowler By Layla Chase
Tall, muscled and naked — that’s private investigator Zoia’s first sighting of her quarry, a missing soldier named Kol. The fact he’s pleasuring himself is even more intriguing but within minutes she becomes his prey. He stalks her, arousing every female instinct she possesses, and then claims her—carnally. When Zoia learns Kol is battling a situation he doesn’t understand, her need to help surfaces.

Kol has holed up in his family’s cabin to learn the cause of his unsettling blackouts. The appearance of a vivacious nature photographer sets off his radar. Within minutes, Zoia invades his space — and her sweet body becomes his lifeline back from unexplained memory lapses. Can their growing attachment survive the discovery of his startling secret?

Next up:
Betty Hanawa’s Beast Within in January
Myla Jackson’s Naked Prey in February
Delilah Devlin’s Unleashing the Tiger in March

Read an excerpt!
See a sexier excerpt: Read the rest of this entry »

The Plotting Bootcamp is coming!
Monday, December 22nd, 2008

Okay, so this is strictly for writers—published and aspiring.

If you don’t already know, my sister and I teach a plotting bootcamp through Rose’s Colored Glasses.

We know there are a slew of plotting classes out there, but I’ll tell you how ours is different and why we have people who have taken the class multiple times.

Sure, we define theme, plot a story, and develop characters—all plotting classes do that. What we provide that is unique is feedback and critique throughout the process.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a week-long brush through the basics kind of course. The bootcamp stretches over a month with lessons posted on a Sunday, daily discussion via yahoo group, and live brainstorming chats two to three times a week. It’s up the student how much they want to participate and they can set their own pace, but like I said, we’ve had people so pleased with their results, they come back again and again.

So, the big news is that we’re conducting the next class starting January 5th. The class is limited to 25 people—any more than that and we wouldn’t be able to provide the one-on-one feedback. If you’re interested in signing up, here’s the link: Rose’s Plotting Bootcamp

(And FYI, my mom drew the picture!)

A burning question…
Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Because I’m buried in familial duties at the moment, I’ve been a slacker. My daughter has problems with her pregnancy and may deliver sooner than we all thought. The four-year-old had her tonsils and adenoids removed yesterday and is making sure that everyone feels as miserable as she does.

So, I’m leaving you with a question to answer. I’ll tell you my answer tomorrow. Bet you can guess what kinds of questions I get. :mrgreen:

When people find out what you do for a living, what is the most typical question that they are likely to ask you regarding your job?

Excerpt, just cuz it's Friday…
Friday, December 12th, 2008

Here’s a sneak peak at the second story in Texas Men, due out in March 2009. Keep in mind this excerpt is very, very naughty and involves a spanking bench, two sexy cops, a plug…well, you’ll see.


“No use fighting. You’ll injure yourself, baby.”

“I’m not your baby.”

“Not yet, but you’ll be my playmate for the rest of tonight anyway. You agreed. You stepped across that threshold.”

“I’ve changed my mind. I want it out now. And I’m gonna shove that goddamn plug up your ass, bastard.”

“You’re just a little scared, aren’t you kitten?” Logan said.

Sarah lifted her head, and then held it erect as she watched Logan strip off his tee. His chest was massive, muscled slabs arranged in layers like sedimentary stone. Dark hair, thick and slightly wavy furred his tanned chest nipple to nipple, then arrowed downward to disappear into his jeans.

“You want to see the rest?” Read the rest of this entry »

Where am I now?
Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Let’s see…

Saddled, with some revisions, was contracted last week by Samhain, and I have a tentative March date for release. Woohoo!

Still haven’t heard from Ellora’s Cave about when Jane’s Wild Weekend will be released or if Lockdown will be accepted, but they don’t move very fast.

In the meantime, I’m making progress on the next Dark Realm story. And yesterday, I finished a three-chapter proposal for a dark urban fantasy set in Memphis that I hope will excite an editor somewhere. I sent it to my agent for a first look. We’ll see.

So, what’s next? More Dark Realm-4. Lots of nasty sex and violence going on there. And I’m putting together a proposal for a cowboy story I want to pitch at Harlequin Blaze. I didn’t like the start I made on that work, so I’m re-dreaming the opening scene. Sometimes these things take a little time.

In the meantime, Christmas is looming and I only have one gift bought. Might try to do the online thing since I hate leaving my “mole-hole” when I have so much work to do. Send me good vibes for the works I have floating and the ones I hope to complete by the end of the month! *smooches* ~DD

See what little sis is doing?
Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

Myla Jackson, who also writes as Elle James for Harlequin, has a new release with The Cave. Check it out!

What the story’s all about!

Pale and innocent Lilly Wyatt left the security of home in Georgia to follow her dream of a career on Broadway. On a dark night on the streets of New York City, her dream turns into a nightmare when she’s cornered by cougars in the heart of the city.

Black as a moonless night, Tom Black blends into shadows, prowling the streets of Hell’s Kitchen, on alert to stop trouble before humans become aware of the beasts among them. When his new neighbor falls victim to rogue cougars, he leaps to the rescue, colliding with a force capable of overcoming race, color and species. Love.


Lilly took the decision out of his hands, closing the gap between them. Her fingers reached behind and unhooked her bra, letting the straps slide down her shoulders one at a time. When her breasts spilled free, she looked as pure and white as a December snow. Her pale, rosy nipples puckered to tight little beads, thrusting toward his face like tempting berries.

Unable to resist temptation, Tom closed his lips around one tight bud, flicking his tongue against the hardened bead. She tasted of strawberries and cream and that special woman-taste that made him purr.
Read the rest of this entry »

A Romantic Times Magazine "Best" Nominee!
Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

Did you hear me screaming?!

Seduced by Darkness, Book 2 in the Dark Realm series, was nominated for “Best Paranormal/Fantasy/Sci-fi Erotic Romance Novel for 2008!” Winners won’t be announced until the convention in April, but I’m so stoked! The field was huge this year and I’m thrilled to be among the nominees.

If you haven’t already checked out the book, you can read the full first chapter here: Chapter One