This book’s been out a for a few months, but I don’t remember ever sharing an excerpt from my story in the anthology. So, I thought I’d correct that oversight today. The story is called “Viper’s Bite” and features a character from the My Immortal Knight series. Viper appeared in All Hallows Heartbreaker as a very bad dude, and then we saw an inkling of what was really going on with him in Navarro. I hope you enjoy! ~DD
“You know, they have a dress code here,” she murmured, eyeing his black leather jacket and T-shirt, and then letting her glance slide quickly down his legs before rising again. A faint blush tinged her pale cheeks.
Viper’s eyelids dipped. “I’m not planning on going inside. I was waiting…for someone.”
“Lucky girl,” she said softly, then shook her head again. “It’s not like I have reservations or anything, and I’m not dressed for it either. I’m not really sure why I stopped…”
His glance panned the line of people waiting patiently for their numbers to be called by the restaurant hostess who roamed outside, taking names on a clipboard. “Would you like to go somewhere else?” he said, quickly, not wanting to let her go just yet, needing to work the moment in order to build her trust.
Time stretched between them. Her gaze flitted down the row of well-lit shops, still open with people walking leisurely along the covered walkway. A soft evening mist muted the glare of the streetlamps and the sounds of the people passing them by as they stood at the bottom of the steps leading into the trendy restaurant.
“I promise I don’t bite,” he said, fighting the urgency building in his body to keep his words light and casual. “We can just take a walk. Find a cup of coffee, if you like.”
He wanted her to say yes, without any extra “persuasion” from him. Wanted her to choose him of her own free will.
A long indrawn breath lifted her chest, and she gave him a small, tentative smile. “There’s a Starbucks at the end of the strip.”
Warmth seeped into his chest. And although he knew tomorrow he’d pay a heavy price, he needed to spend tonight…with her.
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