Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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7 days/7 reasons to buy it now!
Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

Psst! Be sure to post to be eligible to win a prize. Later tonight, I’ll post another winner’s name! To double your chances, be sure to visit me at Romance Junkies blog today!! They should have the posting up shortly!

I get to do some blatant bragging now! So, don’t groan and roll your eyes—I earned it!!

If you’ve been following the blog postings since the start of the countdown, you know my very first review came from Fallen Angels and that they gave me 5 Angels and a Recommended Read rating. I had high hopes for more spectacular reviews, and yesterday, when I came home from my field trip, I found two more reviews waiting in my inbox. Take a peak!


From Emmy at Joyfully Reviewed: “…HOT! HOT! HOT! Down in Texas is three tales of hot cowboys and the women they tame. I found myself compelled to read the novel from beginning to end enjoying every moment and falling in love all over again with cowboys. Ms. Devlin’s descriptions drew me in immediately and did not let me go until I realized that Down in Texas was finished. All I wanted was more, so I read Down in Texas again, enjoying it for a second time. I am hoping that Ms. Devlin gives one of my favorite characters, Tara Toomey, her own story. Down in Texas is now a book in my permanent reread pile. As such, I Joyfully Recommend Down in Texas.”


Five Blue Ribbons from Chrissy Dionne at Romance Junkies (the review isn’t posted yet!): “…Brandon and Lyssa [from “Wearing His Brand”] have such remarkable chemistry that they practically ignite the pages. She’s a spirited determined female intent on getting and doing exactly what she wants. Brandon’s an equally strong character and knows exactly how to handle her ornery attitude…There’s something almost inspiring about this story [“Slow Ride”]. Maggie doesn’t view herself as desirable and has a difficult time believing that Daniel could truly want her. He’s capable, determined and absolutely loveable. I especially love his brand of ‘convincing.’…As a reader I couldn’t help but fall in love with Mac [from “Straight Up Soldier”]. He’s a delicious combination of soldier and cowboy that’s just a little too appealing. Suki’s a perfect match for him. She’s tenderhearted and still strong enough to take him at his surliest. I especially loved this story because of the way Mac’s vulnerability makes him endearing without making him overwhelming.

Delilah Devlin’s DOWN IN TEXAS is a fabulous anthology that kept my attention throughout each and every story. Each story flows easily into the next because the majority of the characters are present throughout each of them. The stories are all special in their own right but together they’re truly spectacular. The Tynan and McDonough families are honorable and strong families and reading about how they find and set about holding onto their significant other makes me just a little envious. Ms. Devlin has proved herself a capable storyteller before but with DOWN IN TEXAS she’s cemented a place on my ‘most watched authors’ list.


So, there you have it! And I didn’t have to tell you how much I think you’ll enjoy the stories. They did it for me!!

8 days/8 reasons to buy it now!
Monday, October 20th, 2008

Remember, you have to post to win! The next winner will be announced tomorrow!

Layla, Shayla and I are staying a day longer than I knew about in North Arkansas. Guess I should have paid attention to their plans, but I was writing with my head down, ignoring everyone last week. Not important, but it means I had to find a place to log on and get today’s message up. WiFi isn’t common, it seems, in hillbilly country.

So, let me think. I’ve given you glimpses of the three rugged, sexy heroes in the three stories. We’ve explored the settings. Would it be enough of a reason for you to check out this book if you knew it was the start of a series set around the little town of Honkytonk? Would you like to know that another book coming in March 09 is related to this one and tells a love story that includes two characters you will meet in Down in Texas?

I think it’s important to know. And I think, a little glimpse of the man Lyssa McDonough uses to make Brand jealous in the first story of Down in Texas, will do just the trick. Following is an excerpt from “Bound and Determined” from Texas Men. Please remember it’s unedited!

When the DJ’s speaker set crashed to the floor as the first women to arrive rushed the tables nearest the stage, Tara Toomey scrambled for a replacement and chalked the mishap up to high spirits.

When one of the volunteers carrying a tray of Jell-O shots tripped, and cherry and lime gelatin slid in glistening trails down his face and naked chest, she laughed as eager women offered to lick him clean.

However, it wasn’t until one of her staff whispered in her ear that she knew she was in for a long night. The main attraction had yet to arrive.
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10 & 9 days/10 & 9 reasons to buy it now!
Saturday, October 18th, 2008

For those just now finding this countdown, here’s what’s going on! This is what I said when I began the countdown at the start of this week:

“In only fifteen days, DOWN IN TEXAS, will hit the shelves. So, it’s my mission to make sure that you are all so pumped about the book that you a) beg your local bookstore to make sure they have a copy ordered for you, or b) pre-order the book so that it’s shipped as soon as it’s available. And be warned, I’m going to make it irresistible for you to ignore my siren’s call. I love this book. I believe 100% you’re going to love it, too. But don’t take my word for it now. Let me seduce you for the next fifteen days.”

Today, I’m heading to Little Rock to attend a meeting with the Diamond State Romance Authors. My friend Layla Chase is flying up from San Antonio, and together with Shayla Kersten, we will go from the meeting straight up to north Arkansas for some location research. ROAD TRIP! I promise I’ll take a lot of pictures, but for now, what that means here is that I won’t be posting tomorrow’s reason. So, I thought I better have one great big reason to satisfy you for the next two days.
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11 days/11 reasons to buy it now!
Friday, October 17th, 2008

Of course, you’re only here to see who the first winner was, right? Well…you have to read to the end to see. I know, I’m just mean that way!

I don’t need to repeat the introduction now, do I? You all know I’ve been giving you plenty of compelling reasons to pick up your own copy of Down in Texas when it releases on October 28th. I left off yesterday with Reason #3, or Hero #3 more accurately.

Meet Mac McDonough, whose absence has been felt throughout the story to this point. Mac’s been in Iraq, serving with his reserve unit. But he’s back early, and you know that’s not good. Here’s the first time you meet him in the story “Straight Up Soldier.”


Mac McDonough’s body ached with the need to sink into soft, wet woman.

An escape, no matter how brief, from the constant, throbbing in his shattered leg.

Like an answer to his prayer, a familiar SUV crawled up the rough gravel road. His body tightened. Tara Toomey had offered the last time she paid him a visit, for old time’s sake, but he’d turned her down because he’d still had just enough pride and just enough affection for his old friend not to want to use her like that.

Today, she wouldn’t make it past the door. The thought of her blond flyaway curls wrapped around his dick made him throb with anticipation.

As she slowly made her way up the winding, rutted road, Mac McDonough closed his eyes and turned his face into the gusting, humid air and inhaled the fresh scent of the coming rain—a fierce reminder of just how far he’d come.

Over seven thousand miles and another lifetime.

The cabin nestled high on a ridge overlooking hills covered with live oak and cedar seemed as far removed from his version of reality as the face of Mars.

Sure the ground was a bed of sand and rock, but the sand was grittier, the grains larger than the wheat flour a Hummer could kick up into the air, leaving a trail that could be tracked for miles across the desert floor.

The air was almost as hot, but filled with so much moisture it felt thick as he dragged it deep into his lungs.

Mac curled his fingers around the porch rail and leaned into it, savoring the solitude he’d needed to heal his soul that no amount of therapy or medicine could compare with.

Only thing missing from the picture was another case of whiskey to help him sink into a stupor to ease the pain-filled tension in his body and shut out the memories that haunted his dreams.

And a woman. Not that he was willing to leave the cabin to go on the prowl for one, but the longer he remained in his self-imposed isolation, the more urgent became the need. Any woman would do—so long as she didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to be wooed. He hadn’t the time or the heart left for either.
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12 days/12 reasons to buy it now!
Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Very, very important!
Today’s a double posting for two chances to win. Be sure to read the entry just below for the Allure Authors: 30 Days of Giveaways! First thing tomorrow morning, I’ll announce both winners!

Yesterday, I told you the heroes in the interconnecting stories are the #1, #2, and #3 reasons you will want to read this book. Today, let me introduce you to Danny Tynan, Brandon’s little brother. Danny is a restless soul, content to let Brand run the ranch they both inherited while he hires out to other ranches to work with horses. But Danny’s got a secret yearning for an older woman.

Take a peek inside Danny’s story…


Sometimes, destiny rushed up to meet a man head on. Sometimes, he just had to take a step backward.

Daniel Tynan raised his arms to stretch his back, wincing at a twinge in a muscle behind his shoulder. Although accustomed to physical labor, he’d overdone it today, but the effort had been well worth it.

Glancing out a window, he noted the darkness and raked his hand through his hair, grimacing when he pulled away pieces of straw. He’d dragged his feet long enough.

He picked his Stetson off the corner post of the last stall he’d cleaned and set it on top of his head. His first day at Wasp Creek Ranch left him feeling deeply satisfied with his choice, despite the aches. He was needed here.

Seven years had passed since he’d spent a summer wrangling under Douglas Dermott’s tutelage, learning how to work with the horses. Quarter horses for reining, cutting and racing, as well as the occasional Appaloosa. Douglas had loved them all, had taken pride in his breeding program and shared his skill as a trainer with quiet patience.

A raw teenager, Danny had been eager to take on a new challenge—one not so far removed from his own upbringing on a cattle ranch that he’d felt completely out of his element.

He’d learned a lot from Douglas.

Too bad he’d returned the gift by lusting after the man’s wife.
Read the rest of this entry »

Day Sixteen–30 Days of Giveaways
Thursday, October 16th, 2008

To celebrate the November 4th release of Alluring Tales 2: Hot Holiday Nights the Allure Authors are giving away LOTS of great books! In case you missed the previous announcement, here’s the link for the contest’s rules: 30 days of Giveaways!

For a chance to win a copy of the book, WILD, WILD WOMEN OF THE WEST II, featuring stories by Layla Chase, Myla Jackson and myself, all you have to do is post a comment and let me know if you’ve read any of my books, and if you have, which one! Be sure to either leave me your email addy or check back later tonight to find out if you are a winner!


Kensington Aphrodisa
ISBN-10: 0758223862
ISBN-13: 978-0758223869
Genre: Western; Historical
Format: Trade Paperback
On Sale: April 29, 2008

These women like their horses fast and their men hard. And they always know how to get what they want…

“…Sisters Devlin and Jackson team up with Chase to create sizzling stories of delicious, daring men and even wilder women. Make sure you’ve got time to kill, because once you start you’ll want to read this collection in one sitting.” —4 ½ Stars, RT BOOKreviews

“…a great trio of fabulous tales. Just like its prequel, WILD WILD WOMEN OF THE WEST II introduces us to women who aren’t afraid to go after their heart’s desire. Each of the women in these short tales are not the innocent misses you normally read about. Instead they are bold and brazen lucky gals who find the hunkiest men who are theirs for the taking. Interesting plots and dynamic characters make WILD WILD WOMEN OF THE WEST II a must read for those who like their stories juicy and fun.” —RRT Erotic



Jake froze, sucking in a deep breath. The thought she’d given herself to another man clawed at his gut. He didn’t know why the fact angered him so much–it wasn’t as if he had a right to be jealous. Wasn’t as if he knew anything about the woman, but he’d felt a connection the first time he’d held her in his arms.

Ridiculous as it seemed, the thought that another man had caressed her intimately, molded her slender curves with his rough hands, and enjoyed her passionate responses made him feel sick to his stomach and ready to kill.

As the anger roiled inside him, he reminded himself, she wasn’t what she appeared to be–sweetness and innocent curiosity. Her lack of innocence meant he didn’t have to be so careful. “You’re very direct.”

Her chin lifted. “I don’t see any reason to pussyfoot around this. I’m attracted to you…and if you’re attracted to me, well…”

His body tightened as he got her meaning. He crossed his arms over his chest and feigned a nonchalance he was far from feeling. “You’d risk your reputation to be with me?”

“I won’t be staying here,” she said softly.

“I see,” he said nodding slowly. “Is it just because you want to see what it’s like having an Indian?” he asked, not hiding the bitterness that rose to burn the back of his throat.

She blinked owlishly. “I thought you were half.”

“I am, but a drop’s too much for most.”
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13 days/13 reasons to buy it now!
Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

Progress on Dark Realm book

Progress on Lockdown

Tomorrow, I’ll give away the first prize. So remember, you have to post to win!

The heroes in this trio of interconnecting stories are the #1, #2, and #3 reasons you will want to read this book. And I can’t choose which one you would say is first, second, and third, because they are all so different that they will connect with people in different ways. But I’ll start with the man in the very first story.

Brandon Tynan in “Wearing His Brand” is the straight-arrow kind of guy for whom honor and duty are paramount. So, when his best buddy is called away to war, he promises to keep his headstrong little sister out of trouble. Only problem is, Lyssa McDonough doesn’t want Brand to see her as an obligation. She does her best to make his job hard. Take a peek. Be warned! This is explicit!


Brand walked around the front of the truck, rolling down his sleeves. When he’d closed the buttons at the cuffs, he raised his gaze to meet hers through the glass.

An expression transformed his features—something so primal and deeply masculine her whole body clenched.

Maybe tonight’s little drama had been overkill, but she couldn’t regret a moment. Brand had never looked at her like that before.

Like he’d won the right to do whatever he wanted with her.

When he climbed into the cab, the air crackled with tension. He twisted the key, set the truck in gear and hit the gas. The diesel engine growled like a cougar, filling the silence between them.

Several minutes later, Brand drew a deep, tense breath. “Did you like it when he touched you?”

She shot him a glance, wondering how she should answer. Whether she had the courage to ratchet his anger higher. She turned back to stare through the windshield afraid to push him harder. Still, he wasn’t past control.

Clouds obscured the moon and stars, blanketing the wide sky. The twin beams cut a narrow path through the murky darkness.

“Lyss! Did you like it?”

Lyssa cleared her throat and shrugged. “I guess.”

Brand swung the wheel sharply to the right and hit the brakes, sending a spray of gravel to rattle against the mud flaps.

So abrupt was his action, she didn’t have time to think when he slammed open his door and stomped around the truck. Her door jerked open, and steely fingers wrapped around her wrist, yanking her from the truck, straight into his arms.

“You guess?”
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