Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Prime Grade A Man and a Winner!
Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Thought I’d start with something eyecatching. That’s the cover for the book that follows Down in Texas, which will be out at the end of October (hint: it’s ready for pre-order now!!).

I just bet you’re here because you want to know who won the terrific prize pack I put together from Lora Leigh’s convention, right?

Too bad, gonna have to wait a minute.

I do have another announcement to make. Something I like to do for every major release is a countdown contest. And since Down in Texas is my first single title book with Kensington, and it’s been picked up by the Doubleday, Rhapsody and Book of the Month Clubs, I thought we should certainly have a fun launch. So starting October 13th, we will begin the “15 Days–15 Reasons to Buy It Now Party”, here on this blog. Be sure to keep tuned for announcements of the prizes, cool excerpts, and of course the extremely compelling reasons you have to buy my book! :mrgreen:

Almost there, so be patient!

I have pictures from the convention, and will love sharing them with you. I’ll get them loaded tonight and hopefully get some help identifying some of the people in the pictures because I totally suck at names. I can remember actors I’ve seen once in a movie, but can’t remember the name of someone I shared a meal with—tell me my mind’s not whacked.

So, still waiting for it? The winner of the bag of signed books (I think only two of them aren’t), as well as bookmarks, pens, magnets, etc., is…

Okay, so I know I’m a tease, but I just wanted you to see that my life is tough! That’s a gallon bucket (my computer screen is very large), crammed full of little slips of paper, cut from pages of answers you gave me to the questions I posed. So, I put everyone’s entries in the bucket, swirled it around and chose a winner…

And that winner is Me! Yeah, the first slip I pulled out was one of my responses, so let’s try it again.

Geez, I did it again!! I must have earned some good kharma this weekend. One more time.

The winner is RobynL!!! Robyn, be sure to send me a private email to let me know your snail mail address. And congratulations!! Email Delilah!

On the road again-again…
Monday, September 22nd, 2008

What is the most exciting event you have every witnessed?

While you’re reading this, I’m in my little dark cherry Scion heading back to Arkansas from a ferociously fun weekend. Think about me—bedraggled, hung over, squinting at the road—and be sure to post your final entry in the contest today!

Blogging at Romance Junkies…
Sunday, September 21st, 2008

The While the cat’s away contest continues, but you have to find the question at the Romance Junkies blog and blog there! Be back here tomorrow!

Flavor of the day…
Saturday, September 20th, 2008

If you had to be of a different ethnicity than you actually are, to which heritage would you most like to belong?

Being of predominantly German blood (cold, analytical) and having married an Irishman (fiery and anything but logical), I’d choose to be Italian. :mrgreen:

Think about it—flashing brown eyes and temper, curves in the right places, a loud loving family and great food.

While we're wishing…
Friday, September 19th, 2008

If you had to spend an entire summer working at one of our country’s national parks or historic sites, which one would you choose?

My personal fave is Glacier National Park in Montana. I remember being a small child traveling through the park. Dad was in the Air Force and we were stationed in Eastern Montana. Mom’s mother lived in Spokane, Washington and we visited as often as we could. The trip took us right through the park. The tall, glacier-covered mountains looked like they scraped heaven.

P.S. I arrived at Pullman Plaza last night. Did I mention that I’m in West Virginia, not Kentucky!? Good thing I had my new friend Cindi along for the ride or I never would have found the place.

And yes, she’s a talker, but odd thing was, I blabbed the whole way here too! Anyway, charming company for the ride, then Lori O’Clare was outside the hotel when we pulled up and was I ever excited to see her! She looks fabulous, gave me a great big hug, which I seriously needed, then helped me get sorted out with the hotel. Do I sound like I was wimpy last night? I was, but only because 13 hours of driving had worn me out. I’d hoped Cindi could spell me behind the wheel, but I hadn’t a clue she was nearly 6 feet tall, and the car was so packed she couldn’t scoot the seat back far enough.

Saw Sylvia O’Day in the bar. Another great big hug and I was thrilled to get to spend some time with her and the friend she brought with her. BTW–the friend is a dead ringer for Pink–have I ever mentioned my girl-crush on Pink?

Comment to win!

On the road again…
Thursday, September 18th, 2008

If you were making a list of the five things (not people) that make you happiest in your life, what five things would you write down?

Well, I’m officially on my drive today. It’s about 11 hours from Central Arkansas to Kentucky. Don’t ask me why I didn’t fly, because I’m not sure. I think that when I had the time to arrange it I was just coming off a couple of trips and didn’t want to see the inside of another airport. Ah well, I do need time to contemplate stories.

I’ll have company for the trip. A reader on the conference prep loop was looking for a ride, so I offered. Now if she talks my ear off I’m not going to be happy, but she seemed very nice over the emails. I sure hope she knows my Scion doesn’t have a trunk.

Be sure to answer the question above to be entered in the contest!

While the cat's away contest…
Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

Daily Question (see contest information below): If you had the time and money and could go on any month-long summer adventure of your choice, what would you choose to do?

I’ll be on the road again on Thursday, heading toward Kentucky for Lora Leigh’s Readers Appreciation Weekend.

For those of you attending or in the area, I’d love for you to stop by and see me. There will be two booksignings—one for attendees to the mini-conference and one for the general public. Here’s the info:

Pullman Plaza Hotel
1001 Third Ave.
Huntington, WV 25701

Saturday, September 20th
Private booksigning for RAW paid attendees from 12 to 4 pm

Sunday, September 21st
Open-to-the-public booksigning from 12 pm to 4 pm

About that contest!
Now, I did promise a contest. This one will run Thursday through Monday. You may post as often as you like but only one entry will count each day. And the rules are easy. I’ll post a question; you post an answer here on my blog.

The prize will include a tote filled with books I scarf up at RAW and gifts from the writers attending the event. Take a look at the amazing list of authors who will be attending and get your appetites whetted for a great prize!

Shayla Black â—Š Diane Whiteside
Veronica Chadwick â—Š Kay Stockham
Lorie O’Clare ◊ Lora Leigh
Lucy Monroe â—Š Shiloh Walker
J.R. Ward â—Š Sylvia Day/S.J. Day
Jacqueline Frank â—Š Kate Douglas
Nalini Singh â—Š Diane Castell
Jules Bennett â—Š Mary Wine/Dawn Ryder
Angela Knight ◊ Bianca D’Arc
Jasmine Haynes/Jennifer Skully/JB Skully
Delilah Devlin