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Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008
Hellion’s back. Need I say more?
But I did manage to get the paragraphs I’d written into some semblance of order with proper transitions, and they made sense (always a good thing). I completed a rough draft of chapter one and dove into two. I got to thinking after I closed down for the day that I was making the opening more complicated writing-wise than I needed to with this darn flashback, so I may turn the first few paragraphs into a prologue that is the future event so I can dispense with all that past perfect crap. I’ve done it (flashbacks) many times before—and effectively (I hope)—but this time it just felt damn hard.
Okay, so all of the above is pretty boring to read about, but since I’ve been on this retreat I haven’t had anyone to talk to about the writing, so I’m pretty much talking to myself here. Wish I found me more fascinating!
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Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008
There’s nothing like sleeping in a strange place for dreaming. This morning I woke from a dream where a giant moth was spitting silk thread and wrapping me inside a tight cocoon. I awoke inside my own very real cocoon with two dogs, one very large retriever/lab mix snuggled up against my body on top of the sheets. Both were quite content and didn’t like me nudging them to get up so I could move.
Not sure I will ever be able to use that in a story, but I thought it was pretty funny.
My second day was productive (no little hellion underfoot). I would have liked to finish chapter one, but I’ll take the nine pages of progress. The chapter is a little out of order, and I’ve decided to pull back on the scene where the hero finds the heroine with another man. I liked the imagery in my head of him meeting her stare over the other man’s shoulder while they are, em, shagging, but this hero isn’t the sort to share. So, it wouldn’t make sense for him to want her afterward–which would mean the story would end in chapter one.
Long-ass way of saying it, I know. Hopefully, I’ll get my brain better organized for Day Three, so I can wrap up the opening.
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Sasha - Delilah Devlin -
Monday, July 21st, 2008
I agreed to house sit for a friend of mine. She lives on Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs, Arkansas and offered me the use of her house for a “writer’s retreat.” The location’s gorgeous with a comfortable house and a large lawn that ends at water’s edge–paradise, right?
I went for it, needing time to knock out a novella for the next “Cowboy” anthology. The four-year-old was supposed to be with Daddy in San Antonio. Daughter started a new job and therefore wouldn’t have time to interrupt me as much with phone calls and visits.
After agreeing to house sit for a week, the ex-SIL begged my daughter to pick up dear little hellion early because he was feeling overwhelmed. Since daughter was now working, I got drafted to pick her up (an eight hour round trip).
Well…this is day one of my “retreat,” and daughter called me begging me to come to breakfast. I went, and she brought the hellion and dropped the bomb. “You know I wouldn’t ask, but I have to go to work today…”
*sigh* So, I’m house sitting, walking and feeding dogs, playing with the parrot, and now, keeping the dogs and the hellion from knocking things over as they sail through the house giggling and barking (hellion/dogs). Guess how much work I’ve gotten done thus far today?
So, why do people not get that I’m a writer and that doesn’t mean I’m available 24/7 for all life’s little emergencies? And why can’t I say no?
Lastly, wouldn’t you know I forgot to pack the camera battery I charged so I could take some pics?!
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Sasha - Delilah Devlin -
Thursday, July 17th, 2008

In the French Quarter, two unearthly lovers explore the limits of their consuming hunger with some unique, non-human powers. In Tokyo, a newly arrived young woman eagerly investigates her wildest sexual fantasies in one of the city’s erotic hideaways known as love hotels. On the beach at Veracruz, the sensuous sea seduces a pair of strangers, who share an intoxicating tryst and go their separate ways.
Lust, hunger, passion—find all this and more in these deliciously naughty tales from Spice Briefs. Bundle includes Invite Me In by Delilah Devlin, Tokyo Rendezvous by Jina Bacarr and Soul Strangers by Eden Bradley.
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Thursday, July 17th, 2008

I didn’t even know it, but my Spice Brief has been bundled with stories by Spice greats Jina Bacarr and Eden Bradley.
In the French Quarter, two unearthly lovers explore the limits of their consuming hunger with some unique, non-human powers. In Tokyo, a newly arrived young woman eagerly investigates her wildest sexual fantasies in one of the city’s erotic hideaways known as love hotels. On the beach at Veracruz, the sensuous sea seduces a pair of strangers, who share an intoxicating tryst and go their separate ways. Lust, hunger, passion—find all this and more in these deliciously naughty tales from Spice Briefs. Bundle includes Invite Me In by Delilah Devlin, Tokyo Rendezvous by Jina Bacarr and Soul Strangers by Eden Bradley.
Here’s the link if you want to take a look! Exotic Erotica Bundle
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Jolene - Delilah Devlin -
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

This is a view of Lighthouse and Capitol Peak I pulled from the Internet. It’s located in Palo Duro Canyon in the panhandle of Texas. It’s the second largest canyon in the U.S. and is the setting for the opening of the next story I’m working on.
I’m doing a lot of research right now. Geography, geology, flora, fauna, yada, yada.
What I’m stumbling over right now is getting the “bouldering” and rock climbing techniques down. Not that I have to use a lot of it. Just enough to make the heroine sound authentic. If anyone has any experience out there, I’d love some tips.
Research aside, I’ve already started on the story. Here’s hoping it’s as sexy and fun as it is in my head!
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Monday, July 14th, 2008

Progress on Texas Men, Novella #1 complete!
I finished up the rough draft of Novella #1 on Saturday, made my trip to Dallas and back yesterday. Now, I’m ready to take a break from the single author anthology and hit my contribution to the multi-author “Cowboy” antho. I have to finish it by the end of the month.
I have the next two weeks scoped out with a really complicated To Do list. Can’t let all my other obligations fall by the wayside while I throw myself into the next projects. But I have to tell you, the busier I get with writing, the more external obligations pop up. The four-year-old is back and I babysit a lot. Wouldn’t change that for the world, though. She lived with me, along with her parents, for the first three years of her life, and I’m not bragging when I say I’m her favorite person on the planet, next to her dog. 🙄
So what does today look like?
1) Write 10 pages only finished 4! :blush:
2) Blog on my website done!
3) Transpose recorded notes from my trip done!
4) Clean the pool done!
5) Prep promo materials for mailings and give to assistant to mail done!
6) Transpose notes from Art Guild meeting done!
7) Check in with DSRA members about their progress on stories for compilation done!
8) Wrap up AT3 idea with Allure authors note sent!
9) Send Romance Sells payment for AT2 promo done!
10) Arrange Romance Sells ad for Down in Texas and pay done!
11) Verify hotel arrangements for Lora Leigh’s RAW 2008 done!
12) Contact rider to RAW to finalize arrangements note sent!
13) Research: rock-climbing methods and equipment, Comanches in Texas, Palo Duro Canyon for Cowboy anthology
14) Gather messages and devise plan for Art Guild growth
Sound like enough on my plate? I’ll let you know how I do. I’m already getting a late start on the day because of the little one, but I have my coffee ready and I’m getting my butt in gear!
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Caffey - Delilah - Jolene - Delilah Devlin -