Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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September Letter
Thursday, September 20th, 2007

Hey there, everyone!

First, I’m including a picture from the booksigning I participated in Detroit last month. I had a blast, met some really interesting people, and signed a lot of books! I’m here with Allyson James and Jory Strong – that’s me on the right! Thanks to Melissa Bliss at Paperbacks ‘n’ Things for arranging it!

From Left To Right: Allyson James, Jory Strong, Delilah Devlin

I’ve been a very busy girl. I completed a novella for the next collection of ALLURING TALES: HOT SUMMER NIGHTS, which will be a 2008 release by Avon RED. My story is a steamy little number about a woman who is busted for skinny-dipping by the man she’s lusted after since high school. I also finished a Quickie for Ellora’s Cave, which doesn’t have a title yet, but which my editor accepted happily! Yay! It’s a Western about a man who undertakes to teach the “ropes” to the new owner of a brothel in a rough little Colorado town.

Arctic Dragon | Ride a CowboySo with those two short projects out of the way I’m busy shaping the first hundred pages of my next Dark Realm tale for Avon. I really, really love new beginnings, but they also scare me spitless! I have to get it right-have to suck you into my world in a few pages and keep you hanging so you aren’t tempted to close the book and forget about it. I’ll let you know how the writing goes.

One more thing, I had some good news last week I’d like to share. Pocket Books and Ellora’s Cave have entered a new agreement to publish thirteen collections of popular EC novellas. Two of my stories, ARCTIC DRAGON and RIDE A COWBOY, are among the stories selected for the special print deal. The books will be released in 2008. I’ll let you know more as the details come.

August Letter
Monday, August 20th, 2007


I know it’s been forever since I sent you a letter. I haven’t forgotten you – oh no. I’ve been going through some changes lately. Life-altering ones – No! Not menopause, not yet. I’ve moved. From Texas to Arkansas. Might as well have been Mars to Venus, the scenery’s so different. I went from rocky, dry creeks, buffalo grass and wide open skies to dense pine forest that shuts out the stars. So dense I feel surrounded, even though I’m miles from a town and have a hundred acres around me.

Why the drastic change? So I can write full-time. That’s right. No day job. All the bills paid by my creativity. That’s very, very scary. Like walking a high wire without a rope. But necessary now that I have so much to do. Let me tell you what’s been happening!

Into The DarknessFirst, Avon signed me for two more books in the Dark Realm series that I began with INTO THE DARKNESS (Avon RED, April 2007) and will continue with SEDUCED BY DARKNESS (Avon RED, February 26, 2008). Then just last week, Kensington offered me a two-book deal to write two single-author anthologies set in Texas! And do you think they’d let me write them after I delivered my books to Avon? Huh! I’ll be writing them in parallel. So, no breaks. No vacations. No sitting and day-dreaming. No part-time jobs. I have to write full-throtttle, pedal-to-the metal for the next several months.

Seduced By DarknessIn the meantime, I have some short stories already out and coming out. Read more about them here, then go support a starving artist and get your copy! I also promised you the continuation of the My Immortal Knights series – just sign up to my newsletter list and you will get to read it, one installment at a time, every month. So stick around!

One last thing. I love to reward loyalty, so every month I’ll choose one newsletter subscriber to win a signed copy of one of my books and a gift card.