Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Sights and Wild Rides
Saturday, April 5th, 2008

Progress! Obsessed for Zane


This was the view from one of the windows of my hotel room. The conference was held in the Affinia Manhattan on 7th Avenue. The marquee for Madison Square Gardens is on the left. The colorful lights of Times Square are at the end of the street. I loved the hotel. The rooms were spacious and included kitchenettes–great for storing cheesecake and leftovers.

Other than Times Square, I didn’t get pictures of the sights most tourists HAVE to take when they go to New York. Although this was my fourth trip, I still haven’t been to the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island or the Empire State Building–and ESB was only four blocks away, and I could see it in the distance pretty much everywhere I walked! Next time, I’ll do the toursist thing, if only to get the pictures everyone’s supposed to take.

My pictures were of friends, an accident that occurred on the street below my hotel room window (more about that later!), and the subway. I even forgot to take pictures of my editors!!

But this first photo of the traffic jam was pretty much a theme. See that sea of yellow cabs? I think I know every driver. Not a one of them is born in New York, but every one of them is certifiably insane. They drive like kamikazes with a death wish. Myla strapped her seat belt on and bleated strangled screams as they dashed in and out of lanes and stomped their brakes to avoid bumpers and bodies. I treated our taxi adventures like amusement park rides and was thrilled with every honk, swear word, and profane gesture. I laughed wildly. Syliva Day’s taxi crashed on her way to see an editor, and I can tell you honestly I was disappointed it wasn’t me. Wierd, I know, and yes, Sylvia is fine–thank God.

But that’s just me. I find adventure in the oddest things. Take the rickshaws. In New York, when you can’t find a “real” taxi, you can take these tiny bicycle-pulled rickshaws. They’re even more fun than the taxis because they weave in and out without all the metal between you and the rest of the motorized traffic.

I convinced Myla to take one. She squealed; we both laughed hilariously, mostly because we felt super-sorry for the skinny dude who had to stand on his pedals to get our fat asses uphill. Don’t worry, he received a very generous tip.

Lastly, there’s the subway. Whoever said that New Yorkers are rude, never travelled with us. After Kate Duffy (an editor at Kensington) kindly showed us where and how to catch one, we had no problems. And when we needed help figuring out where we were and how to get to the next place, there were plenty of natives ready to help. There’s nothing like having a woman shout at the top of her lungs from the end of the next car down, “It’s your stop!!” She was very worried we’d miss our street. We even opened our purses to a man who looked homeless, but who showed us how to buy a subway card and swipe it at the turnstiles. I wish I had a picture of me looking fabulous, but after a day of schlepping it around a windy New York, I look pretty ragged–but doesn’t the subway look cool?


The Best Part of My Trip–Friends
Friday, April 4th, 2008

Current WIP: Obsessed for Zane

Because I’ve been to so many writer’s conferences, I’ve become a little jaded about conference offerings. I tend to be very selective of the workshops I attend and end up blowing off most of them.

One thing I truly love and never tire of doing is meeting my friends. It’s a little wierd how well you get to know some folks just on the basis of email and live internet chats, but there’s nothing quite like meeting them in person for a hug and a laugh over a meal or drinks.

Here are the highlights of my recent trip to New York, and I promise they appear in no particular order of preference!


I love this picture! Don’t they all look like they’re having the best time? And aren’t they all lovely?

On the left is my BFF by birth: Myla Jackson/Elle James, my sister! Shouldn’t everyone have someone to share an extraordinary journey with? Myla/Elle and I started writing together and have shared all the frustrations and triumphs together. It’s brought us closer than we could ever have dreamed.

In the middle, is a newer BFF, the very talented Sylvia Day! I loved spending time with her in New York. We attended a play together (more about that another day!) and several meals. She’s super smart and surprisingly goofy–I love that about her!

On the right is Jordan Summers. I had met her a couple of years ago, but didn’t have time to really get to know her then. Since then, I’ve had fun visiting her daily blog to see what she’s up to and thinking about. In person, she’s very, very smart. When she talks, everyone listens. And you should hear the stories she tells about the many jobs she’s held!


Standing with me in Time Square is my friend, Sasha White. I love, love, love her. She’s funny and sweet, with a great big booming voice to match her big heart. We spent a day running through a list of things we needed to do and eat–hot dogs at Nathan’s, cheesecake from Junior’s, and then the purses we let Myla bargain for with the street vendors…LOL!

Back from New York
Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

I was away attending the NINC conference in New York last Wednesday through Monday. I have so many things to talk about that I thought I might spend the next few days doing just that. Be sure to check back in for all the news and plenty of pictures of the sights and many friends I saw! I also downloaded the pics from my Memphis trip with Shayla Kersten and will share some of those, too!

But first, I thought you might like to see the cover for the cowboy book I just wrapped up. Kate Duffy handed it to me when I visited the Kensington offices, and I hope she didn’t notice the drool! I did a quick scan to share it with you, but hope to get the jpeg soon so you can see it better.

I also got a release date for the book–November 2008! So, mark your calendars!


4.5 stars!!
Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

It’s Romantic Times magazine’s highest rating, and the “Tres Amigas” couldn’t be more pleased! Here’s what reviewer Bella March had to say about Wild, Wild Women of the West II, which releases April 29th:

“Sisters Devlin and Jackson team up with Chase to create sizzling stories of delicious, daring men and even wilder women. Make sure you’ve got time to kill, because once you start you’ll want to read this collection in one sitting.”

Jewels of the Nile I is out!
Monday, March 24th, 2008

I promise to post photos soon from my Memphis trip! In the meantime…

Maybe you hadn’t noticed, but the first of the 2008 Jewels of the Nile anthologies from Ellora’s Cave is out!

My story, Making the Madam, is one of the featured novellas in this fun release. The cover didn’t arrive in time for me to get it out there ahead of the release, but that doesn’t matter. The book is out and ready for you to snap up your very own copy. If you’d like to take a peek inside at all the stories, follow this link: Jewels of the Nile I

Here’s an excerpt you won’t see on the website. The West was where men were men and women were every bit as adventurous!


Unedited; may vary from the final.

Note for Readers: You must be of legal age in your country of origin to read this excerpt.

“I suppose,” Merry said, drawing out her response in an attempt to tamp down the surge of excitement his words had generated. “But could we douse the lights first?”

“Of course.” He strode to the desk without looking her way and turned down the oil lamp until the flame snuffed out. Then he walked to the bed and bent to blow out the candle. “Is it dark enough now?”

Moonlight sifted through the curtains, but she breathed easier without the harsher light to reveal every flaw. She eased the chemise over her hips, taking down her drawers at the same time and at last standing naked before him. “I’m ready.”

Nathan turned slowly, and she nearly cursed because now she couldn’t see his expression, couldn’t know whether she pleased him or not. He held up his hand and beckoned her closer.

Merry slowly closed the distance between them and slid her hand along his palm. The rough texture sent a shiver rippling along her spine as she imagined how it would feel to have that roughness rasp her tender skin.

Her nipples beaded, drawing painfully erect. Moisture seeped between her folds. She stood so near she could feel his warm breath gust against her cheeks, and she breathed deeply to draw in his masculine scent.

Near enough now to see his face in the shadows, she watched his nostrils flare and realized he probably savored the same things about her. Somehow, that knowledge helped ease her trepidation.

His hand slipped up her arm, caressed her shoulder then slid beneath her hair and cupped her head. He bent to take her mouth and slowly pressed every inch of his front against hers.

With his cock snuggled against her, fine tremors shook her belly, her knees grew weak and she reached for his shoulders to steady herself, but she needn’t have worried.

Nathan clamped an arm tightly around her back, taking her weight.

At first, his kiss was tender, his lips rubbing hers lightly, tempting her to open. When she finally did, it was as though she’d opened a flood gate. His body shuddered and he drew her tighter against him. His cock ground against her body and his tongue shoved past her lips as his kiss turned brutal.

Merry’s nails bit into his flesh and she strained upward, rubbing her body against him. It wasn’t enough, not nearly what her body demanded. She needed him inside her.

She scraped her nails down his back and latched onto his buttocks, telling him without words she was ready.

Nathan dragged his mouth from hers, kissed her forehead, then bent and scooped her off her feet. Half a dozen steps and he knelt on the mattress, lay her across the bed and came over her immediately.

Merry didn’t hesitate. She opened her arms to embrace him, spread her legs wide to invite him inside, and eased up her knees to cup his hips as he nudged her folds then slipped the head of his cock inside.

The muscles of his arms and back bunched, and a tremor rippled through him. He drew a deep, ragged breath. “Merry…” His voice was soft as a sigh.

She thought she understood how he felt. The primal urge to couple drove them here, but she knew their strong attraction and quickly blossoming affection made them wary of causing harm to the other. Nathan didn’t want to hurt or frighten her. The passion gripping his body radiated in the tension of his shoulders and thighs.

Her trust in him gave her the courage to follow through. She could no more deny her nature than he could. “I’m glad Mr. Regis suggested you instruct me,” she whispered. “I could have no better teacher.”

OCD and WIP–love acronyms!
Thursday, March 20th, 2008

Obsessed for Zane

I’ve made progress on the new WIP (Work in Progress, for those of you who don’t know writer-speak!). The first chapter is complete to my satisfaction and includes the necessary elements–the introduction to the heroine’s ordinary world and the inciting incident that launches her on her journey of self-discovery.

Did I mention the heroine is OCD? I invited the ladies on my chat loop to tell me about the people they know who cope with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and man! I didn’t know how many deal with it from minor little quirks to severely debilitating problems. I sure hope I capture Briana’s personality and tics correctly so I can do her justice.

I’m counting down to my road trip to Memphis. Shayla and I have reservations for a hotel about half a mile from Beale street and will have to take the trolley to get there, but that’s going to part of the adventure. I’ll be taking a notebook and a digital camera to make sure I don’t forget a thing I should include in the story I’ll start right after OBSESSED. If anyone has tips for places that would be a good setting for something spooky, let me know!

Mammoth Book Cover
Tuesday, March 18th, 2008


Thought you might like a peek at the cover of the anthology I’ll be in. This one comes out sometime this summer. My offering is a short story featuring one of the MIK characters.