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Monday, January 28th, 2008
If you haven’t read a Spice Brief yet, or you didn’t know if you wanted to spend the bucks on a short novella, now’s the time to sample! They are ALL on sale now for $.89 apiece, including mine, INVITE ME IN. Here’s the link to look at all the sexy titles: SPICE BRIEFS

But you really wanted to know who won yesterday’s blog contest, right? Danette’s (Danetteb@five.sytes.net) the winner! Dannette, send me a message so we can exchange information to get your prizes delivered!
So, what’s next? I do have a book to finish and a newsletter to get wrapped up, but I think I’ll be late on the letter. I swapped computers over the weekend, and have to retrieve the questions everyone generously provided for me to ask Angela Knight. I know y’all have been waiting on the next MIK installment, but hey, the new computer’s sooooo cool!
Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: danette - Sasha - Delilah -
Sunday, January 27th, 2008
The Ellora’s Cave chatters are getting a chance to win prizes in a scavenger hunt at my website this morning, but I didn’t want to leave out anyone else who might need a nudge of incentive to take a look around my new digs! So here’s another chance to win!
This contest ends tonight at 10 PM CST! Send the answers directly to me at delilahdevlin@hughes.net!
The questions…((drumroll))…
1) What book is arriving in bookstores in 29 days? What was the prequel to this story?
2) What additional books will be arriving by June of this year?
3) From the “For Readers” page, which character smoldered in the corner for a couple of books?
4) Where did I move to recently and why do I love it?
5) From the excerpt of the book mentioned in question #1, what was Hell to Nicolas?
Be sure to post a comment here to say hello and what you think about the site!
The winner will get their choice of Into the Darkness, Wild, Wild Women of the West or Seduced by Darkness (although they will have to wait for me to get my author’s copies of this one!), a collection of signed coverflats for several upcoming novels, and bookmarks.
Posted in General | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: cathy M - danette - Cynthya - Lisa Evans - Cathie -
Saturday, January 26th, 2008
I’ll be hosting the Ellora’s Cave chat list all morning along with Myla Jackson and Shayla Kersten. If you’ve never given one of our list days a try, you should! We’ll be posting some of the yummiest excerpts from EC’s talented authors. Of course, we will be running scavenger hunts all morning long, so plenty of chances exist for you to win something exciting. And best of all, you have all three of us at your complete mercy!!
At 11:00 CST, we will duck out for a live hour-long chat with, you got it, more chances to win cool stuff.
Check this blog tomorrow, because there will likely be one more chance to win right here!
See you there! ~DD
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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008
Take a look around & enjoy! There’s more to come–a new look for my MYSPACE page and a launch contest–but one step at a time!
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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008
I’ve had my head down the past couple of months writing like there’s no tomorrow. Finished book three in the Dark Realm series, now I’ve moved on and am deep into a cowboy trilogy that’s going really well. Guess I missed my men in Stetsons!
Then I open up the email and discover that INTO THE DARKNESS won the 2007 Reviewer’s Choice Award from eCata’s Single Title review site! Just in time to help settle my nerves about the upcoming release of book two — SEDUCED BY DARKNESS
All’s well in my world today. Huge thanks to the ladies at SingleTitles.com!
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Jordan Summers -
Thursday, December 20th, 2007
Dear Reader!
Did I mention how much I hate shopping? To ease the pain this year, I made a careful list of all the Christmas presents I had to purchase and completed all my shopping in one fell swoop — dragging my darling daughter around the mall until both of us were ready to strangle Santa and his helpers and roast the reindeer’s chestnuts over an open fire. But I’m done! Now, I’ll procrastinate until late Christmas Eve before I start wrapping them all, and instead, go hunting for gift bags to save the bother. Bah, humbug! I don’t get people (my daughter) who love the whole process. All I could think the whole day long was how many pages I could have written. I’m such a Scrooge. Okay, that was really just for fun. I promise I will love opening presents with the family on the day and will eat too much, vow to start my diet the very next day, and not think about writing for maybe the morning, anyway.
December’s been nuts. I’m almost done with book three in The Dark Realm series, tentatively entitled DARKNESS RISING. I finished my next paranormal for Ellora’s Cave, called SIN’S GIFT. If you liked the My Immortal Knight series, I think you’re going to love this one too! It’s an urban fantasy with two San Antonio cops as the protagonists. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out when they plan to release it.
And speaking of the Knights, I hate to disappoint you, but I didn’t have time to work on the next installment. However, I do have a consolation treat for you. I received the rights back to a short story I wrote in 2005, a Medieval vampire tale called DARKEST KNIGHT. I’m including a link to the complete story in my newsletter. I hope you will enjoy it and not be too disappointed that I’ve left you hanging once again concerning Quentin’s fate at the hands of Kamaria! Next month, I promise to pick right up where we left off — with Quentin entering Darcy’s dark dream world.
Some good news. My Quickie, MAKING THE MADAM, has been picked up by Ellora’s Cave for inclusion in the first of the Cavemen anthologies for next year! It will be released in March 2008.
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Sunday, December 2nd, 2007
Dear Reader!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a nice gathering at the Devlin home. My nephew came down from Iowa with his new family. My daughter, my parents and I ate until Mom and I decided it’s definitely time to start that New Year’s diet early! Now that the excessive feasting is over, I’m starting to dread the countdown to Christmas. Don’t get me wrong. I love to give and get gifts, but I HATE the shopping. I’d like to do a lot of it online, but I’m not very inspired when I have to know ahead of time what everyone wants in order to search for it. I think I need to wander around a store or two to get some ideas before I make those purchases with a click of my mouse.
In the meantime, I’ve been busy finishing up book three in THE DARK REALM series, tentatively entitled DARKNESS RISING. I’ve also been putting the finishing touches on my next paranormal for Ellora’s Cave, called SIN’S GIFT. If you liked the My Immortal Knight series, I think you’re going to love this one too! It’s dark urban fantasy with two San Antonio cops as the protagonists. Next month, I start work on my Western for Kensington.
Some good news. I sold a short story which will be featured in Zane’s PURPLE PANTIES anthology, which will be released in May 2008. The story’s a definite departure for me — straight contemporary and a lesbian theme. There is another erotica project in the works with Zane, but I won’t let the cat out of the bag until the contracts are signed!
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