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Archive for 'alpha males'

Flashback: Baby, It’s You (Contest–2 Winners!)
Friday, March 7th, 2025

UPDATE: The winners are…commenters 1-8!

Before there were bounty hunters, there were SEALs. And I loved writing my Uncharted SEALs series. All those rugged, alpha heroes and strong heroines. Humor. Action. Spicy sex. All the ingredients that make stories fun for me to write, and hopefully, fun for you to read.

With Uncharted SEALs, I experimented a bit. For the first time, I did sequels with the same characters—for the simple reason I couldn’t say goodbye to them. I wanted to see inside their Happy-Ever-Afters. Through Her Eyes and Between a SEAL and a Hard Place share the same main characters, as do Dream of Me and Heart of a SEALBig Sky SEAL gave birth to my Montana Bounty Hunters, introducing Jamie and Reaper, who as a result of their work in Big Sky earned their own satellite office of MBH. A fun theme I used in two of the stories was a cruise ship. Both Before We Kiss and Hard SEAL to Love are set on the same ship and have the same supporting characters. Plus, Hard SEAL to Love features a disabled female vet!

This time, I’d like you to read the EXPLOSIVE opening scene of Baby, It’s You.


Watch Over Me   
Baby, It's You Before We Kiss Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Between a SEAL and a Hard Place 
  Head Over SEAL 

Click on the covers to learn more!


Win your choice of one of my Uncharted SEALs stories! There will be 2 winners! All you have to do to enter is answer me this…

Do you like second chance stories? Have you read one lately? List the title to share it.

Baby, It’s You

Carter Vance, Jr. stands at the fork in the road. Wounded in action, the Navy SEAL has a decision to make: whether to find work with a spec ops unit or return to his family ranch in Texas and repair his fractured relationship with his dying father and the woman he wronged. Complicating the decision is his reignited attraction to Melanie Schaeffer and his confusion over his feelings for his dead brother’s little girl, whom Melanie has raised since his brother’s and her sister’s deaths by a terrorist’s bomb.

Excerpt from Baby, It’s You

The morning that would change Melanie Schaeffer’s life forever began quietly enough. The whoosh of a curtain opening sounded a moment before sunlight spilled across her bed. Melanie rolled to her back to see the maid picking up clothing Melanie had left draped over a chair the night before.

A blush crept into her cheeks. She didn’t think she’d ever grow accustomed to having someone else handle her intimate items. “You don’t have to do that,” Melanie said as she pushed another pillow behind her head. “I can clean up after myself.”

The maid gave her a cheerful smile. “It’s my job. And I wouldn’t have woken you at all, but you did say you wanted to get used to the time change…”

Yes, there was that. After two days, she still felt a little muzzy-headed. The nine hours’ difference in time zones from Austin to this little city bordering Asia and the Middle East took some getting used to. Melanie rubbed her eyes and blinked, focusing on the sun peeking through the arched window and the view of the lovely, lush garden beyond it. Bushes exploding with large cabbage roses and tall, fruit-laden palms nearly obscured the ten-foot wall surrounding the estate nestled in the diplomats’ sector.

Never had she stayed in such a luxurious place, never slept in a softer bed, especially one covered in a plush white-and-blue damask duvet that felt as light as a cloud. So many luxuries to be enjoyed, but she felt uncomfortable surrounded by the opulence. And the last thing she wanted was to grow used to the amenities. At the end of summer, she would be heading back to her small, cramped apartment. Handsome U.S. ambassadors weren’t in her cards. More likely, she’d marry another teacher, and they’d settle into suburbia, worrying about the mortgage and their next car payment, and she was okay with that.

She glanced at the designer suitcase, the logo prominent on the side—something that cost more than the clothing inside it—a gift from her sister. One to which Cassie likely hadn’t given much thought, or she would have gifted Melanie with something simpler and sturdier.

Cassie wasn’t intentionally thoughtless. She’d likely told an aide to buy a case and ship it to her sister, never thinking the case itself would be an issue. Cassie had always been destined to have more in life. Always simply expected it. Stunning and smart, she looked like a movie star but spoke seven languages. That Cassie wanted her to be part of her life pleased Melanie, but she knew over time, they would drift farther and farther apart. Their worlds would never intersect.

The maid continued to tidy her bedroom, so Melanie rose and moved to the suitcase she still hadn’t unpacked. She laid it open on an upholstered bench and rummaged for an outfit, nothing anywhere near elegant enough for her present surroundings—plain dark slacks and a blue, long-sleeved cotton blouse. Something appropriately demure should she be seen by any of the locals employed by her brother-in-law. “Are my sister and the ambassador still here?” She threw the question over her shoulder as she strode to the bathroom.

“They’re taking breakfast in the kitchen. You’ll catch them if you hurry.”

Glad she’d managed to drag herself from bed earlier than the day before, she hurried through her ablutions and skipped down the stairs.

Melanie took a step through the kitchen door, then quickly backed out, not wanting to interrupt the tender embrace between Cassie and Daniel. Since her arrival, she’d witnessed several such kisses, and she doubted they’d be embarrassed. She was the one with the problem. Their passion made her edgy…and a little bleak.

Daniel couldn’t help that he looked so much like his brother that every time she saw him she felt a little twinge in her chest. After three years, she would have thought the nostalgic pain had diminished, but maybe she was a one-man woman. And maybe she needed to date more. She’d never forgotten her first real crush. No other man had ever made her feel the same intense desire.

She’d met Carter Vance at her sister’s wedding. The intense attraction still mystified her. He’d barely smiled in her direction, although they’d been best man and maid of honor, and were forced into each other’s company constantly throughout the week of activities leading up to the wedding. She’d blushed and struggled to be nice to the taciturn Navy SEAL, and he’d eyed her with a look that bespoke his impatience with all the hoo-hah surrounding the marriage of her sister to the ambassador, a local celebrity in their tiny town in Texas. Because Cassie and Melanie had no family to speak of, Daniel’s father had stepped in to give the couple a wedding befitting a Vance, a proud Texas family that had owned the Rocking V Ranch since Texas became a state in the Union. His father had been kind and gracious, as had his brother Lee. They’d welcomed her into the family right along with Cassie, going to the extreme of talking her into transferring from Old Miss to the University of Texas at Austin so that she could visit during her breaks. They’d even paid the remaining years of her tuition. She’d graduated just a couple of weeks ago, and now, had time to think about what she wanted to do next. Grad school? Her teacher’s certification? She hadn’t quite made up her mind, and she didn’t want to impose any longer on Mr. Vance’s generosity. She wanted to start paying her own way.

Not that he ever voiced a bit of concern over the expense of her upkeep. All the Vance family had been wonderful to her, except for Carter, Jr. The week of the wedding, she’d noted she wasn’t the only one who’d earned his steely glances. A decided chill had been in the air every time father and son came too close together. Even after all these years, she didn’t know what had caused the rift or why it mattered so much to her. Why he mattered…

She cleared her throat and entered the breakfast room again to find her sister grinning and patting her hair.

“You’re up!” Cassie turned and smiled. “You really don’t have to see us off. You should have slept in. This is your vacation.”

Melanie shook her head and made a beeline for the toddler in the high chair. “You paid for my flight to get me here. The least I can do is play nanny to this munchkin while your au pair is back in the States and you both have to work.”

Cassie laughed. “I don’t work. Today, I’m just keeping the wife of the French attaché entertained while Daniel and his staff work on…whatever it is they’re discussing,” she said with a wave of her hand.

Daniel smiled, never moving his hands from her sister’s hips or his gaze from her shining eyes. “Madame Boucher is a very exacting guest. You, my dear, will earn your husband’s undying gratitude by keeping her happy.”

Her sister scrunched her nose then glanced downward at her outfit, a very stylish olive sheath.

A color that would have made Melanie look like death warmed over, but against Cassie’s dark hair and tanned skin, made her look very sophisticated.

“The last time we met she asked me if all consulate women shopped at Tar-zhay.”

Melanie giggled then bent closer to her niece to tug at a strawberry-blonde curl. “It’s just you and me, babe. What do you say we make you a bottle and watch some Dora the Explorer?”

“Doe-wah!” Emmy squealed and reached her chubby little hands upward.

Melanie’s heart did a little flutter. Never would she have imagined loving anyone on sight, but she was surely smitten by the cherub with cereal stuck to the side of her cheek. “Let me get a cloth, and I’ll clean you up.” She headed toward the sink.

Cassie gently pushed away Daniel’s hands. “I’ll get my purse. I wouldn’t want to add the sin of being late to the long list of things that woman will complain about.”

Daniel checked his watch. “We’ve got plenty of time. Atkins scoped out an alternate route. We’ll completely miss the protesters gathering by the north gate of the embassy.”

Cassie returned, pulling on a matching olive jacket, and paused beside the high chair to pat her little girl’s hair. “Be good for Melly today, sweetie.”

“I good,” the baby said, again raising her hands, “Kissh?”

“Last time I did, you mashed your food all over my clothes.” Instead, Cassie caught one hand and drew it toward her mouth to give the tip of each chubby little finger a kiss. “Love you, sweetums.” With a flutter of her fingers toward Melanie, her sister preceded her handsome husband out the door.

With their departure, quiet fell over the kitchen. Melanie took a deep breath, feeling a little guilty about the fact she was glad they were both gone. She’d have time alone with the little one, for them to bond and for Melanie to feel more relaxed. Because hey, her brother-in-law was her country’s ambassador to this little nation and lived in a freaking mansion. Her relationship with her sister wasn’t especially close; too many years divided them.

Cassie had gotten a job in the diplomatic corps right out of college and had only been home for brief visits, the last time to attend their parents’ funerals. And although Cassie did do her best to keep in touch—calling once a week, sending lavish gifts, even buying her a small, used car—Melanie didn’t feel comfortable around her more polished and sophisticated sister. Not like she did with the baby from the first moment they’d met.

She finished wiping the little girl’s fingers clean, removed the food tray, and lifted eighteen-month-old Emmy into her arms, just as she heard car doors slam outside on the cobbled driveway. Turning with the intention of walking to the window so the baby could wave good bye to her parents, Melanie caught a bright flash of light in the corner of her eye, felt a brief moment of complete, airless silence, then felt herself hurled through the air as an explosion of sound and debris hammered against her body.

The moment lengthened, searing pain stung her cheek, and a scream rent the air. And as her arms tightened around the precious bundle still held tightly against her chest, Melanie fell into darkness.

Flashback: Brotherhood Protectors — Tyson’s Mission (Contest)
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy!

I’ve had tons of fun writing stories within Elle James’s Brotherhood Protectors world. The last two books, Gunn’s Mission and Tyson’s Mission, were especially fun because the task was to write about a mission in a foreign country. In Gunn’s Mission, I sent poor Gunnar into the Arctic Circle on an ice floe. Tyson went to the Yucatan jungle to guard a woman working on an archeological dig. Both stories required quite a bit of research, which was challenging and added interesting complications to the characters’ journeys. I hope you read both, but if not, maybe you’ll win one of these or another of the BP books I’ve written. Keep reading…

Tyson’s Mission

Tyson's Mission

A former Navy SEAL is tapped to provide security for a team of archeologists working to uncover a Mayan temple deep in a Mexican jungle that a local drug cartel is targeting.

After surviving a catastrophic helicopter accident, former Navy SEAL Tyson Quigley is taking well to his new life with the Brotherhood Protectors in the Yellowstone, Montana, office. Life’s looking up. He’s working with old teammates and loves volunteering in the national park.

Then he gets a call from his university professor brother, who is worried about a colleague working on an archeological dig in southern Mexico. The team has had problems with thefts of equipment and supplies and has received veiled threats from a drug cartel because their dig is in their territory. Now, one of the dig team members has been kidnapped and held for ransom, but they quickly figure out the finger they were sent in the package demanding payment is from an already dead person. Now, they have no idea whether their team member is alive or dead, and they think the labor they’ve hired to work on the site is on the cartel payroll, too.

After a quick conference with his Brotherhood Protector teammates, Ty heads down to Mexico to pose as his brother’s friend’s boyfriend to provide her protection for the remainder of the dig.

Cara Woodward doesn’t need a babysitter. Sure, things have gotten scary since her friend’s abduction, and she doesn’t like the fact the university wants to leave her recovery to the local police. However, Tyson’s everywhere she is, and it’s getting on her nerves. His looming presence is distracting, to say the least. He’s too handsome, too intense. Thankfully, after arriving on site, the lead archeologist on the dig quickly puts Ty in charge of overseeing site security which splits his attention.

As the dig team continues documenting their work before they pack up and leave, they suffer another theft and an attack—this time, too close to Cara for Ty’s comfort. He’s locking her down, with no daylight between them for the duration.

Read an Excerpt Here

All the Brotherhood Protectors stories I’ve written so far…

Click on the covers to learn more about them!

  Big Sky Wedding
Defending Evangeline Victoria's Six Guarding Hannah
Gunn's Mission Tyson's Mission


For a chance to win one of the stories shown above, tell me whether you’ve read any of these, and what settings you prefer!

Montana Bounty Hunters: West Yellowstone, MT — CYRUS is here!
Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024

If you’ve enjoyed my bounty hunters in the past, I can guarantee you’ll love Cyrus. It is action-packed and features two characters you will fall in love with. You can “meet” Cyrus in the opening scene of the book here: Cyrus Excerpt. He’s grumpy, likes his space, and thinks he doesn’t really need anybody—until he meets Milly. He thinks she’s not his type but is quickly intrigued because she surprises him at every turn. All I can say is they were fun to write, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Anyway, the book is out! I hope you get your copy! This is the start of a new series! — Oh! And it’s currently FREE in Kindle Unlimited!



The first new hire of the Montana Bounty Hunters: West Yellowstone, MT, isn’t much of a team player and isn’t sure he’s ready to stick around until he meets a pretty park ranger as independent and stubborn as he is.

Former Army Ranger Cyrus Walsh signs on with the competition when he sees the handwriting on the wall. The Montana Bounty Hunters are moving into his territory, and he can either join them or move on. So, he’ll give them a try but soon discovers he doesn’t mind so much riding with a new partner or working within the confines of an agency that respects their hunters’ strengths.

While chasing a skip in the nearby national park, he and his new partner encounter the skip and a park ranger, facing down a grizzly bear. The park ranger’s actions save the day, and he finds himself intrigued by the woman, who under normal circumstances, he’d never give a second glance. It’s not like he’s looking for a relationship; he’s not an easy man to be around. But her understated beauty and fiercely independent nature draw him closer, and he finds himself, reluctantly, asking her out.

Milly Bauer knows she’s not in the same league as the burly, handsome bounty hunter, but she’s eager to let things play out between them. There’s something she wants from him, experiences she’s denied herself. Something tells her Cyrus is just the man to provide what’s been lacking in her life, if only for a while.

While they get to know each other and find themselves inextricably drawn closer, their dangerous jobs make them wonder whether they can share a future together.

Order your copy here!

Meet Milly…

The hunters have apprehended their skip, but he suffered some injuries while running away from them in the woods in Yellowstone park where our heroine is a park ranger. I just love her. She’s not your usual heroine and because she’s unexpected the hero can’t help but notice her…

Milly Bauer followed the two burly bounty hunters back to the trailhead as they carried Tate Smith between them. They made it look easy, although both men were coated in sweat by the time they arrived back at their vehicle. When she mentioned loading Tate into her Tahoe, she’d gotten another of the bigger guy’s scowls. He acted like she was trying to horn in on his takedown. She didn’t give a rat’s ass who got the credit. However, they were operating inside the park, so it was her duty to make sure rules were followed.

Once at the clinic, the nicer one followed Tate Smith to the imaging center to get X-rays of his right foot and shoulder. It looked like he had indeed broken his ankle and several smaller bones in his foot, as well as dislocated his shoulder.

“They’ll be a while,” she warned the bigger guy. “I’m Milly Bauer, by the way,” she said, holding out her hand and hoping he’d give her a name because “nicer guy” and “bigger guy” would likely blurt from her mouth if she didn’t have a proper name to assign the two hunters.

She guessed his eyes remained permanently narrowed—maybe it was genetic—because his eyes didn’t widen when he reached slowly to shake her hand.

“Cyrus Walsh.”

“And your friend?”

“Mike Meakin. He’s a police officer with the West Yellowstone PD.”

“So, he’s got a real job when he’s not hanging with bounty hunters?” She meant it as a joke, but the chilly look he gave her said he didn’t appreciate her humor. She held up her hands. “Didn’t mean to offend.”

He grunted and turned in his seat to stare down the hallway where his friend had disappeared. “You don’t have to wait around with us. We’ve got this handled.”

“My boss wants me to stick with you and escort you out of the park after your prisoner is fixed up. He really doesn’t like bounty hunters.”

Again, he grunted, and she found she rather liked the rude sound. Most men weren’t as honest about their disinterest in her.

“So, have you ever faced a grizzly before?” she asked.

“Have you?” he asked, his head swiveling toward her.

She unclipped her can of bear spray from her utility belt. “Nope, but I did come prepared.” She sniffed the fingers that had held down the nozzle when she’d sprayed. “Can’t believe soap and water worked so well.”

“I was curious why you didn’t go straight for your gun,” he said.

“I didn’t want to kill the bear if I didn’t need to.”

“He was charging you and Tate.”

“I was in his territory.”

He rolled his eyes.

“I’d have pulled my Sig,” she said, patting the weapon in her holster, “but that was a grizzly, and if I’d shot him, I might have only pissed him off. Who says I’d have had a chance to take a second shot.”

His jaw rotated, and then he clamped it tight.

“Seeing as you’re so gun-ho,” she said, wincing at her own pun, “why’d you decide to make noise and charge the bear instead of shooting?”

“I wasn’t close enough to be in any danger.” His mouth curved into a slight smirking smile.

She narrowed her eyes. “But I was.”

He shrugged. “You looked like you had things handled with your can of bear piss.”

Was he trying to piss her off? “It’s not bear piss; bear repellent is made of hot peppers, capsaicin to be specific.” She laughed and shook her head. “Are you always such an asshole?”

He sighed and wiped a hand over his face. “I’m not good with people.”

“No kidding.” Still, she grinned—and noted that his gaze dropped to her mouth before darting back up to her eyes.

His scowl deepened, his eyebrows drawing together.

Milly rather liked earning those frowny faces. At least he wasn’t ignoring her.

He cleared his throat. “Seeing as how Mike’s going to be a bit, you want to get some coffee?”

She hid her surprise and shrugged. “We can get fast food, or there’s Wylie’s Canteen in Lake Lodge. We can get coffee and some sandwiches there if you like. Maybe bring something back for your friend and Tate, too…?”

Cyrus rose to his feet. “I’ll text him and see if he needs to visit the facilities before I leave.”

He pulled his phone from his pocket and quickly typed a message. “He says he’s good. He’ll eat anything but hates mayo.”

“I’ll drive since I know where we’re going. The canteen, right?” At his nod, she pulled her keys from her pocket. “It’s not far.”

The short drive was made in silence. The cafeteria wasn’t too busy, so they quickly queued up their trays and pushed them along the rail. Such a domestic thing to do, and she knew they looked absurd—her in her uniform, standing beside a big brute of a handsome man. Everyone was craning their necks to watch as they plucked pre-made sandwiches from refrigerated displays, adding chips and drinks before sliding their stacked trays toward the register.

“I got this,” Cyrus said.

“I’ll get my own food.”

“Already have my wallet out.”

She raised both eyebrows and slowly nodded because she figured he was determined to win. “I appreciate it. Thank you. Do you want to eat here or back at the clinic waiting room?”

He glanced at his phone. “They’re still waiting on imaging. Let’s eat here.”

They took seats at a small table overlooking the parking lot and began unwrapping and opening their food and drinks.

“You live in the park?” he asked.

She was surprised he was making an effort at polite conversation. She lifted a crisp potato chip. “I don’t. Actually, I live in West Yellowstone. I was born and raised there.” She chomped on the chip while he gave her another hard-to-read frown.

“Well, hell,” he said under his breath.

She laughed, although she knew she should’ve felt insulted by his lack of enthusiasm for what she’d shared. “Thought you’d never bump into me again, didn’t you?”

Who should Cyrus’s love interest be? (Poll & Contest)
Monday, May 6th, 2024

The winner is…Ann Ivey!


Cyrus (I don’t have a last name for him yet—any ideas?) will be the first man hired by Montana Bounty Hunters: West Yellowstone office. I’ll start the book this week, but so far, I haven’t landed on the perfect woman to challenge him.

So, I thought it might be fun to get your input. I’ve thrown out some possibilities. Vote on your favorites—you can choose two. If you have another idea, add it in the comments. If you have ideas for names or things that can cause some problems or pose dangers for them, add those, too.

If you comment, you’ll be entered to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Thanks for any help!

Who should be Cyrus's love interest in West Yellowstone?

View Results

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Have you pre-ordered your copy of TYSON’S MISSION?
Friday, April 19th, 2024

This book releases next Tuesday—and I can hardly wait for you to read it! The second wave of TEAM EAGLE guys are all there, as well as Gunn from Gunn’s Mission. There’s action, humor, romance, alpha-male yumminess, a kick-ass heroine—everything you’d expect from me and from a Brotherhood Protectors story!

Tyson’s Mission

Tyson's Mission

A former Navy SEAL is tapped to provide security for a team of archeologists working to uncover Mayan ruins deep in a Mexican jungle that a local drug cartel is targeting.

After surviving a catastrophic helicopter accident, former Navy SEAL Tyson Quigley is taking well to his new life with the Brotherhood Protectors in the Yellowstone, Montana, office. Life’s looking up. He’s working with old teammates and feeling stronger and more himself every day.

Then he gets a call from his university professor brother, who is worried about a colleague working on an archeological dig in southern Mexico. The team has had problems with thefts of equipment and supplies. Now, one of the dig team members has been kidnapped and held for ransom, but they quickly figure out the finger they were sent in the package demanding payment is from an already dead person. Now, they have no idea whether their team member is alive or dead and worry that the attacks on the site aren’t over. After a quick conference with his Brotherhood Protector teammates, Ty heads down to Mexico to pose as his brother’s friend’s boyfriend to provide her protection for the remainder of the dig.

Cara Woodward doesn’t need a babysitter. Sure, things have gotten scary since a team member was abducted, but she thinks having a bodyguard is overkill. Their sponsors are pulling the plug on the excavation due to the kidnapping, so they’re working furiously to close the site for the season. Tyson’s everywhere she is, and it’s getting on her nerves. His looming presence is distracting, to say the least. He’s too handsome, too intense.

As the dig team continues documenting their work before they pack up and leave, they suffer a series of attacks—this time, too close to Cara for Ty’s comfort. He’s locking her down, with no daylight between them for the duration.

Releases 4/23
Read an Excerpt

Pre-order now!
Order the paperback now!

What’s leaving Kindle Unlimited soon?! (Contest)
Friday, September 15th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Daun Ann Korty!

This is just a quick reminder. I have tons of work to get off my desk over the weekend. Too much, really. I have to learn to say NO (but that’s always been a problem of mine!). Anyway, thought I’d just remind those folks who use Kindle Unlimited to acquire books that I have several that will be leaving Kindle Unlimited. So, if you want to get them, get them now! Here are the ones scheduled to leave soon and the dates they will leave KU and go wide to other retailers…

Along Came a Spider Jackson
Ripples Hard Knox

Along Came a Spider — Leaves KU on September 24!
Jackson — Leaves KU on October 8!
Ripples  — Leaves KU on November 28!
Hard Knox — Leaves KU on December 10!


For a chance to win a free download of any book on my backlist, tell me whether you are a KU subscriber! Easy, right? Have a great weekend, and be sure to check back in tomorrow for the Puzzle-Contest!


Kennedi Darling: Arrow (Tattered Souls MC: Book 2)
Friday, February 11th, 2022



Arrow (Tattered Souls MC: Book 2)
By Kennedi Darling
Now Available on Amazon & FREE on Kindle Unlimited



On the outside looking in, Arrow seems like your typical MC President. He’s a broody asshole with a short temper, always has a permanent scowl, growls orders at everyone under his command, and doesn’t take shit from anyone. As a former marine that was groomed to take over the presidency from his father, he was born for this life. With the tattoos that cover his skin and his ever-present don’t give a fuck attitude, people respect him and do what he says the first time. Every time.

That was all true until a feisty raven-haired vixen walks into his bar, sits on his designated stool, and turns his world upside down.

Excerpt: Arrow (Tattered Souls MC: Book 2)  © 2022 Kennedi Darling

“Figured you’d run off by now,” I smirked as I walked back out to the bar, the raven-haired beauty not so subtly, tracked my every move, licking her lips. I didn’t miss the way a flush grew on her chest and her hand stopped with her glass halfway to her mouth. I winked when she knew I’d caught her gawking.

“And miss the rest of the show?” she said with a laugh, gesturing to the now empty bar. “Besides, I hadn’t finished my drink. After the day I had, I wasn’t letting it go to waste.”

“Pfft,” I snorted. Gesturing to her drink I asked, “What’s your poison?”

“Tequila. Ca—”

Wrapping my fingers around hers, I tipped her glass toward me and finished the last of her drink. Bold? Hell yes, but she didn’t hide the way she eyed my lips or the way she was breathing harder.

“Casa Noble, you’ve got good taste.” She and Bash favored the same brand. That was a good sign.

Refilling her glass, and pouring a whiskey for myself, I moved around the bar, set the glasses down, and pressed myself into her personal space, caging in her back, but giving her enough time to tell me to back off if I were out of line. When she sucked in a breath, I smirked and leaned in to nip the edge of her ear. A shock of something passed through me when I touched her, like the live end of a wire, spreading heat throughout my entire body.

“You’re in my seat, beautiful,” I rumbled, nuzzling the side of her neck.

“T-thought this was a free country,” she huffed, a shudder working its way down her body when my breath ghosted over her.

“End-of-the-bar seats are reserved for dirty old men, not sexy as fuck women.”

“Is that what you are? A dirty old man? You don’t look old,” her sultry voice made my balls tingle. My cock twitched within the confines of my jeans, and I silently groaned. This woman could be trouble with a capital T.



Living fast-paced days of endless work and finding pleasure in one-night stands was how I enjoyed my life. At twenty-eight, my career as a psychiatrist was fulfilling, and I had too much to accomplish to allow myself to be distracted by foolish things like relationships and love. But the night I walked into his bar threatened to break my resolve.

He was everything I shouldn’t want and everything I secretly craved. The most potent addiction I couldn’t get enough of, no matter how hard I tried.


As President of the Tattered Souls MC, life had a way of speeding by.

Forty had crept up on my door, and between the military and my club, I’d never expended the energy it took to find my queen. Until the night she came into my bar. Gorgeous, feisty, and smart as a whip, she didn’t let me get away with anything. Despite her determination to keep me at arm’s length, I was a man used to getting what I wanted.

So, when fate intervened, it was my chance to make her mine. Now, I had to find a way to keep her safe from the dangers that haunted us both long enough to claim her as my own.

**Arrow is the second book in the Tattered Souls MC. It features an Age Gap, a heroine with a disdain for bikers, and a hero who will do everything it takes to change her mind.

This story includes a HEA, no cliffhangers, and no cheating. It is recommended that the series be read in order as there are continuing elements that follow the club from book to book, however, each couples’ story is completed within the pages of its own book.

Adult Content Warning: This book contains explicit language, sexual scenes, and violence.