Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'BDSM'

Gabbi Black: How I Wound Up Writing a Ménage… (Contest)
Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

I love writing novellas for The Wild Rose Press.  When the idea for the Passport to Pleasure series came up, I seized on the opportunity to write a story.  I set Valentino in Vancouver in my beloved Vancouver and also placed it in the world of the film industry, pulling in characters I’d created previously.  I wrote that gay romance under my penname Gabbi Grey.  Then, because I was so excited, I wrote another novella set in that world—You See Me. Only that was a lesbian romance for the Jelly Beans and Spring Things call – again, for The Wild Rose Press. (Coming out next month!)

I wasn’t finished, though.  I had so much fun with the Passport to Pleasure book, I needed to write another one.  Steamy story?  Lots of sex? Exotic location? Sign me up!  The parameters were: erotic story, American tourist, stamp in a passport.

Where to start?  I have a friend who lives in Argentina who spoke lovingly of her country, so I decided to ask her for advice.  She said she’d sit down for a chat about Argentinian culture and, more importantly, read my book for inaccuracies. Okay, so I had an American, an Argentinian, and…?  I realized I needed a Canadian.  I’d written a couple of books (for The Wild Rose Press’s Deerbourne Inn shared world series) with just Americans.  Well, my first book My Past, Your Future had a dead Civil War soldier as a ghost and a Scottish professor.  You get where I’m going—I had very little experience writing without Canadians in my stories.  This new book had to be under my penname Gabbi Black.  To that point, I’d only published a trilogy under that penname—set in Vancouver in the BDSM community.

My mind whirled. Why not make this a ménage story?  With an American, an Argentinian, and a Canadian?  More specifically, a Texan, a Vancouverite, and a hot person from Buenos Aires.

I rolled up my sleeves…and realized I didn’t know who was who.  Slowly, I began to work through the possibilities in my mind.  Eventually, in one of those BOOM moments I often have, I realized my three: Joaquin the Argentinian, MacKenzie the Texan, and Kimberly the BDSM Domme from British Columbia, Canada.  I wanted this to be a true MMF story—and pulled on my writing experience of gay stories to develop a strong triad with lots of hot sex.  I was also adamant there be three strong sides to the triangle. This relationship wouldn’t work without all three of them and all three have major roles to play.

I spent half an hour plotting the story (which went out the window by chapter two, big surprise), and I sat down to write my story.  Unlike my dark erotic BDSM romances, I wanted this one to have very little angst—I wanted this to be a tourist (or tourists) having a good time.  Throw in a whip, some bondage, lots of sex, and a virgin…and I had my story.  I wrote it in a week and a half, pushing through to get the words to craft a story I hoped readers would like. My Argentinian friend came up with the perfect title, and I submitted it to the publisher.

My editor loved it.  We made some minor changes, but the book got approved and then I had to wait for just the perfect moment to release it.  And that would be today!  I fell in love with the cover instantly because it so accurately portrays the relationship between the three main characters.

The question posed is—can three people from three different countries have a happy ending?  You’ll have to read the book, of course, but I think I ended things perfectly.  Obviously, I hope readers enjoy it.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card, let me know: have you ever ventured into the world of threesomes (or more)? MFM, MMF, MFF, FFF, MMM…the possibilities are endless. Is there one you think I should check out? And if you haven’t ventured there, what would entice you to try one…?  Drop a comment and a random commenter will win the gift certificate.

Thanks again, Delilah, for letting me talk to your fabulous readers!

Bonding in Buenos Aires

From a ménage of friends to forever lovers.

Argentinian Joaquin Perillo met MacKenzie and Kimberly at a cybersecurity conference two years ago. Another conference in Houston and video chats sealed his attraction for them both. Now they are visiting him in Buenos Aires, and he has so many plans for them—in and out of bed.

Canadian Kimberly is a security analyst by day and a Domme at Vancouver’s premier BDSM Club Kink at night. She can’t wait to see her men again so she can whip them into shape.

Texan MacKenzie is a computer geek who spends all his time with code. That is until he meets the beguiling Kimberly and the fun-loving Joaquin. Suddenly, he’s ready to break out of his self-imposed exile.

The triad have ten days to enjoy their ménage before they have to return to their prospective countries.  Because their relationship can’t cross borders or become permanent…right?

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About the Author

Even though Gabbi Black is a firm believer in happy endings, she makes her characters work for it in every romance she writes, no matter what the genre. From contemporary to BDSM, they are penned early in the morning in her home in beautiful British Columbia while her trusty ChinPoo dog keeps her company. She also writes gay romances as Gabbi Grey and contemporary small town romances as Gabbi Powell.

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Gabbi Black: Romances Around the World! (Contest)
Monday, February 20th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Misty Dawn!

When The Wild Rose Press put out a call for steamy romances set in foreign lands, I took note.  A good friend suggested I write one about Canada.  I was like, uh, hang up…aren’t we almost like America?  As I sit, mere miles from the US border, I feel the weight of our neighbor the south—the politics, the entertainment, the sports teams…

She checked, and yes, Canada isn’t part of the 50 states, so go for it!  I knew I had to write about my favorite city, Vancouver.  I’d already set a book in the Vancouver film industry, so I took a couple of characters I knew, created some new guys I hoped readers would fall in love with an, under my penname Gabbi Grey, wrote the gay romance novella Valentino in Vancouver.

Meanwhile, I had the opportunity to get to know some of the other Passport to Pleasure authors.  They set books in Cairo, Sorrento, Scotland, the South Pacific, and London.  Recently, more books have been added—Ireland, Deutschland, and, excitedly, another Canadian stop. Some of the writers are US-based, while others are international, like myself.  We all bring a flavor of the exotic to our readers.

I enjoyed writing Valentino so much that I knew I wanted to do another book.  I’m happy to share my cover and my new story with you today!  Bonding in Buenos Aires comes out March 15th and I hope you’ll snag a pre-order copy today. As you can see, it’s an MMF menage with plenty of action – in all forms, if you know what I mean.  I also bring some of my Gabbi Black Vancouver BDSM world from my In Their Eyes trilogy.

Thanks for checking out my tale of international (steamy and hot) novellas.  For a chance to win one of your choice, let me know – where would you like to see a book set?  Random winner will be chosen in the coming days.

And thank you, Delilah, for letting me talk about this great series with your readers.

Bonding in Buenos Aires

From a ménage of friends to forever lovers.

Argentinian Joaquin Perillo met MacKenzie and Kimberly at a cybersecurity conference two years ago. Another conference in Houston and video chats sealed his attraction for them both. Now they are visiting him in Buenos Aires, and he has so many plans for them—in and out of bed.

Canadian Kimberly is a security analyst by day and a Domme at Vancouver’s premier BDSM Club Kink at night. She can’t wait to see her men again so she can whip them into shape.

Texan MacKenzie is a computer geek who spends all his time with code. That is until he meets the beguiling Kimberly and the fun-loving Joaquin. Suddenly, he’s ready to break out of his self-imposed exile.

The triad have ten days to enjoy their ménage before they have to return to their prospective countries.  Because their relationship can’t cross borders or become permanent…right?

Book Links:
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Passport to Pleasure series:

About Gabbi

Even though Gabbi Black is a firm believer in happy endings, she makes her characters work for it in every romance she writes, no matter what the genre. From contemporary to BDSM, they are penned early in the morning in her home in beautiful British Columbia while her trusty ChinPoo dog keeps her company. She also writes gay romances as Gabbi Grey and contemporary small town romances as Gabbi Powell.

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Gabbi Black: When You Flip a Trop on its Head (Contest)
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Adisen!

Hello Delilah!

Thank you for hosting me again. I’m thrilled to drop by and talk about my latest charity anthology — The Billionaire Fling.  I love doing these because I don’t get out much, so volunteering is off the table, for the most part.  And I make charitable donations, but I often feel disconnected from those.  Actually sitting down and writing a story makes everything more connected.  More really. The bonus is I get to work with a fantastic team and 19 amazing other authors in support of a cause I believe in.  Most people have been touched by breast cancer.  As we age, there’s an inevitability to this.  For me, my dear aunt Heather had it.  She fought — and won — but I’d love to see a day where we can prevent this devastating illness. Or where the treatments aren’t nearly as toxic and debilitating.  Anyway, my aunt’s going strong, ten years into remission.  I hope she’s with us for a long time to come.

Okay, great, Gabbi…but you said something about tropes?

Fair enough.

I’ve only written one billionaire story — Beautiful Eyes — and I didn’t market it as such.  Sure, the hero has earned over a billion dollars.  But he says it casually.  And, he doesn’t throw money around to impress other people.  He uses his money for good.  He doesn’t live flamboyantly, and he’s humbled when facing true poverty and deprivation.  In that book, the BDSM and relationship between the hero and heroine are far more central to the story.

When I sat down to write my new story, Grant’s Gambit, I took a similar approach — the money is truly secondary in the story.  My hero and heroine have just partaken in an intense cathartic BDSM scene (off page).  This story is their journey of discovery into what it means when all the barriers have been brought down.  About how learning to trust after such a powerful scene can have a lasting impact.  Oh, and one of the characters happens to be rich.  Lisa’s family recently sold their media empire and she’s got a billion or two in the bank.

That’s where the trope flipping happens.  I wanted my story to be different. I wanted a female billionaire.  Lisa’s a character I’ve used before (she’s also a Domme — another bit of a flip).  She wields a whip and flogger with finesse.  She can also bring grown men to their knees — literally and figuratively.  With Grant’s permission, she does this with him. What’s left is the beginning of a long-term relationship (okay, they’re totally together forever).  Yes, this is sort of instalove.  Or not.  They’ve circled each other for a year at Club Kink, the BDSM club.  Each knows what they’re getting.  Or so they believe.  Grant’s an electrician.  Lisa’s a professional Domme.  Grant makes it clear he’s got no issues with her continuing with that work.  Her little bombshell of the newly inherited money means nothing to him.  He plans to go to work on Monday.  The only change he foresees in his life is that he’s finally found the courage to tell Lisa how he really feels about her.

Oh, and there’s a cat and a surprise behind a locked door.

All that — crammed into five thousand words.

My fellow authors have all written stories meant to entertain.  And we’ve all done it with the hope of raising money for a worthy cause. (And I’m thrilled to say my heroine isn’t the only woman billionaire!)

I hope your readers will take a chance and pick up The Billionaire Fling.

And, as a thank you for hosting me, I’m happy to give away a $5 Amazon Gift Card.  To the readers — what’s your favorite trope?  Even better, which would you like to see an author flip on its head? (Hint — I might just take your suggestion for my next charity story…)  Finally, I’ve got a new book coming out in March — so I’ll be back! (More trope flipping to come…)

The Billionaire Fling

Champagne, sports cars, private jets: these powerful billionaires can buy everything but love.

With the world at their command, how will they cope with the one person who wants their heart, not their money?

Strap on your red sole stilettos, pop open the champagne, and dive into our billionaires’ glittering happily ever afters.

Twenty titillating stories from USA Today best-selling and award-winning romance authors in a spicy billionaire collection curated by The New Romance Cafe, with ALL proceeds going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Celia J. Lisbeth
DL Gallie
Emmy Dee
Gabbi Black
Heather Scarlett
JA Lafrance
Jackie Paxson
Janie Grey
Kat Parrish
Kathleen Ryder
Keighley Bradford
Kenna Shaw Reed
Kristine Charles
Molly Lachaussee
Nikita Bloom
Susan Horsnell
TL Hamilton
Toni Denise
Whimsy Nimsy

Grant’s Gambit by Gabbi Black

Mistress Miranda, after one of her most magnificent BDSM scenes, plans to relax and unwind in the safety of her luxury condo, high above her beloved city of Vancouver. She has rules about how intimate she’ll be with a submissive, and she plans to stick to those edicts.

Grant Adkins willingly submitted to the formidable Domme tonight. And she’d topped him in a fantastic cathartic scene. But he’s not ready to call it a night just yet. He’s breaking the rules by following her home, but he wants to have just one more encounter. Then he’ll let her go.

But when things heat up, his walking away in the morning feels far more difficult than either planned.

Grant’s Gambit is an erotic 5k short story with elements of BDSM, a cathartic scene, and a surprise pile of money.

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About the Author

Even though Gabbi Black is a firm believer in happy endings, she makes her characters work for it in every romance she writes, no matter what the genre. From contemporary to BDSM, they are penned early in the morning in her home in beautiful British Columbia while her trusty ChinPoo dog keeps her company. She also writes gay romances as Gabbi Grey and contemporary small-town romances as Gabbi Powell.

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Leah Braemel: After a Bit of a Break
Thursday, October 20th, 2022

*waves to everyone*

I must admit it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. I left the publishing industry for quite a few years, but I’m back and excited to be here once again. So, big thanks to Delilah for hosting me today.

While I was on my…sabbatical, a lot of things happened to me. Like I became a grandma to three lovely little grandsons—a set of twins who just turned three, and their one-year-old brother. With the birth of the twins, we quickly learned why we have our children while we’re younger because those tykes can wear us out in a hurry. Even in the first few months when the twins were just babies, my husband and I would come home after a visit and crash, thinking “But we didn’t really do anything but hold them and feed them. Why are we so tired?”

(One of these days that thought will probably make it in a book by one of my character’s friends or parents.) I’d love to share photos of them but my son and DIL have asked us not to put the boys’ photos anywhere on social media. However, I can share a photo of the Gramps sweaters I knitted for them to match their Daddy’s favorite cardigan.

Yes, I’ve also learned to knit in the past few years, so the boys will never be short of hats and scarves and sweaters, although the challenge of having twins is you have to knit two of everything.

One of my favorite projects to knit are socks. There is nothing like wearing a pair of real hand-knit socks, especially as the days grow chillier. I live in Canada, so yes, chillier days are definitely ahead.

The main female character in my latest release All I Need for Christmas would wear hand-knit socks if she had them, especially while she patrolled in Nunavut, but her love interest also lives in a snowy area—near where I grew up, a lovely area called Haliburton in central Ontario. Being a Christmas story, there’s snow involved. So yes, they’ll want warm socks, and lots of other knitted garments for when they venture outside. But inside they have other activities that really heat them up. 😉

All I Need for Christmas

In the past three years, Megan has only been sexually satiated a few times. A few glorious, hot, submissive times, with an emphasis on submitting.

Oh, it’s not because she’s single. It’s because her sexy, dominant sculptor boyfriend, Ryan Porter, lives half a country away. She spends her time patrolling the Arctic as a Mountie, while Ryan spends his time creating art in central Ontario. Ryan bends metal and wood to his will to reveal their hidden beauty, the same way he does with her…in the bedroom.

But Megan wants—needs—more from their long-distance relationship than phone sex and longing, and Ryan, too, has realized he craves more from Megan than her occasional submission. With their annual holiday sex-fest upon them, can they stoke the flames that burn between them into the best Christmas gift of all?

Buy your copy at:
Amazon and Apple:
Books2Read (Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Kobo, and other retailers)

All I Need for Christmas is available both as an ebook and in paperback.

About the Author

Leah Braemel is the only woman in a houseful of males that includes her college-sweetheart husband, a Shih Tzu named Seamus who behaves like a cat and Turtle the cat who thinks he’s a dog, and visits with her two sons, and three grandsons. She loves escaping the ever-multiplying dust bunnies by opening up her laptop to write about sexy heroes and the women who challenge them.

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Gabbi Black: How I wound up writing a BDSM trilogy (Contest)
Saturday, October 8th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…ButtonsMom2003!

I’m a huge Annabel Joseph fan. I read her Mephisto trilogy after having discovered her when I got my first e-reader. I found one of her books on sale, and I nabbed it. Then I read it, and my world expanded. Now, these books are hardcore total power exchanges. Complete submission. Yet, also very touching. The books struck a chord in me, and I wanted to explore further.

At that time, I was too scared to step out of my comfort zone. Instead of doing, I dove into reading. I read every Annabel book I could get a hold of. Then I did Joey W. Hill’s Nature of Desire series. Some Sierra Cartwright books. Some ménage books by Shayla Black and Lexi Blake. I learned. I sought. I envied.

One day – a very ordinary day – I had an image pop into my mind. A woman at a BDSM club. She was looking on at the goings-on with envy. My mind whirled. Who was she? Why was she there? And, most importantly, who was the man who would bring a smile to her face? Challenge laid before me, I sat down to write. I write by the seat of my pants (also known as a pantser), so I let the story take me where my imagination led it. Within a couple of weeks, I had Amber Eyes.

I wasn’t finished. I had so much fun that I wanted to write another book. Except I hadn’t envisioned a trilogy and so hadn’t set up the next couple. Now, I have a bible of stories – everything I’ve ever thought up that could be a book. It’s a massive beast with almost seventy-five stories. I scoured it and found a story that fit perfectly into the world I’d created. A damaged heroine, a well-meaning but arrogant hero – I sat down to write and, again, within weeks I had Beautiful Eyes.

This time, though, I did a bit of planning. I had a security guard who had now played a pivotal role in the first two books. I started wondering about her story. She had to know what went on in the condo. And since both my previous couples had moved from the condo and out of the city, there had to be a new owner. What was his story? And why would the security guard and the entrepreneur get together? And, finally, where did BDSM fit in? Another few weeks and I had Innocent Eyes.

I wanted to get the books published traditionally — with a publisher — and so I started to shop them around. Let me be honest – I didn’t know what I didn’t know and these books were raw — they needed a lot of work. Eventually, after a number of rejections, I hired a freelance editor to whip them into shape. When I ventured back out, I had better luck and found an editor at The Wild Rose Press. She snagged my manuscript because it intrigued her. To my everlasting gratitude, she decided to take a chance on Amber Eyes. We’ve worked together to get all three books to market. My cover artist did a fantastic job, and the books are now out in the world.

One last note. I found the courage to venture into the BDSM scene in Vancouver, Canada. I started by going to munches. I found a mentor. I attended conferences. I found the courage to put myself out there. This all happened while I was working with my freelance editor. I’ll admit I went back to add scenes and layers to existing story to enhance the books. In other words, some of this is taken from real life — from my own experience. I’m not going to say which parts, and for the sake of peace and harmony in my life, please don’t tell my parents.

I hope you take a chance and pick up these books. They’re dark erotic BDSM books. I put my characters through hell and make them work really hard for their happy ending — but that’s what I give them. Each book ends on a solid happily ever after. But that wasn’t good enough for me. I am launching a new series under the pen name Gabbi Powell in the new year. Several of these characters are going to make cameos and some of the secondary characters in these books are going to get their own stories. I love world building — where the characters come to life for me, and I want to tell their truths. Share their joys. Give them happily ever afters. And some of those secondary characters appear in my gay romance books written under the pen name Gabbi Grey. Every book I write can be read as a stand-alone. But if you venture into my books, there are almost always more places to poke. More places and characters to discover.

Now my gift to you! For a chance to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card, let me know, scorching, spicy, or sweet? Do you have a preferred heat level? I’ve written all three, but I’m intrigued to know where your desires fall on the spectrum. Leave a comment for a chance to win.

Thank you, Delilah for hosting me and letting me share my story.

In Their Eyes Trilogy

Amber Eyes (Book 1)

She needs a firm hand.

He needs a challenge.

School principal Gage Clayton is still grieving the death of his wife and submissive, yet he can’t ignore his Dominant needs. As he enters Club Kink, he’s inexplicably drawn to a newly released sub with an intriguing proposition and the most captivating amber eyes. But she has disturbing baggage and her expectations prove quite a challenge, one that would necessitate a commitment he’s not ready for.

Rielle Reid needs a Dom while she waits for her former Master to return. When she invites a handsome stranger to her home dungeon for a night of play, she’s surprised at his gentle dominance—and her response to it. But in the light of day, his demand for equal footing confounds her. After living four years as a twenty-four/seven slave, she has no concept of how to be anything other than property.

Gage must find a way to master Rielle to free them both from the shackles of the past.

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Beautiful Eyes (Book 2)
$0.99 cents for a limited time!

She needs redemption

He needs to demand it of her.

Entrepreneur Smith MacLean is obsessed with Alessandra Soriano, a woman he met briefly who disappeared six months ago. After a shocking reunion at Club Kink, he insists she stay with him. He means to find out where she’s been.

Alessandra walked away from her life after making a mistake that cost everything. Her self-imposed penance is living in poverty and doing questionable things with questionable people. Now she’s in Smith’s luxurious condo, under his hand, and obeying his rules.

He has thirty days to convince her to come back from limbo. She has thirty days to convince him she needs to be forgotten. Unless the flames of lust consume them first.

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Innocent Eyes Synopsis (Book 3)
Pre-release price $3.99, regular $5.99

She’s a diligent student.

He’s a masterful teacher.

Hardworking university student Tarah Peters has observed tycoon Sebastian Merrick from her security guard post for weeks. Under his gaze, she experiences desire for the first time in her life, and his unexpected proposition both daunts and intrigues her.

Sebastian doesn’t proposition women, but feels compelled to offer Tarah a place to live and money for her schooling while he introduces her to his darkly erotic world. Her naïveté calls to him, but he must maintain an emotional distance while showing her the meaning of submission.

Tarah yearns for Sebastian to admit he wants more than just a Dominant/submissive relationship, that their enthrallment is mutual. Can she convince him this might be more than just an affair?

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About the Author

Even though Gabbi Black is a firm believer in happy endings, she makes her characters work for it in every romance she writes, no matter what the genre. From contemporary to BDSM, they are penned early in the morning in her home in beautiful British Columbia while her trusty ChinPoo dog keeps her company. She also writes gay romances as Gabbi Grey.

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Anne Rainey: Forever After or Just Right Now? (Excerpt)
Saturday, August 20th, 2022

Have you ever given your significant other a second chance? This is Chloe Morgan’s dilemma. She’s fed up with Ward Reyes. He’s a part-time boyfriend and she wants more. She wants dates. She wants a guy to wake up to on a lazy Sunday morning. Ward isn’t that guy. So, when she dumps him, Ward sits up and takes notice. He isn’t willing to simply walk away from the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Not without a fight.

Last Chance to Call You Mine: Dirty Addiction

Obsessions come in all flavors…

Chloe Morgan is weak. At least she is when it comes to Ward Reyes. She can turn down donuts like a wrestler during training, but when her on-again-off-again boyfriend blows into town looking for a booty call she goes down like a sinking ship. Only a drastic action can get her to move on with her life and away from the silver-eyed devil. Was it wrong to send him a break-up text? Definitely, but her choices are limited considering she’s an addict. But what if Ward is the only man that can give her what she so badly desires?

“We’re through.” Ward read the text a dozen times and still can’t believe it. But the proof is there in black and white. His sweet Chloe is giving him the boot. At first, it’d been the blazing heat between them that captivated Ward. It was Chloe’s giving nature and sarcastic wit that kept him coming back for more. Unfortunately his life is a mess, thanks to his brother’s gambling habit. Ward has spent the better part of his life cleaning up Malcolm’s messes. He’s tried to keep the ugliness of it all from touching Chloe. Now, she’s threatening to walk away and Ward isn’t about to let her go without a fight.

Will Chloe give him one more chance? Read the excerpt from Dirty Addiction and find out!
Universal Purchase link for My Perfect Pleasure Anthology:


Ward closed the distance between them and wrapped an arm around her middle, tugging her up close. “I’m not walking away without a fight. I care about you. And I know you care about me.”

One brow lifted as she stared up at him. “I’ll get over it.”

“No, you and I belong together,” he explained. “I fucked up, I admit that, but I’m going to fix it. I promise you.”

She bit her lower lip and looked away. “It’s too late for that, Ward.”

“It’s never too late, baby,” he murmured, aching to kiss her senseless.

The doorbell rang and Chloe let out a heavy sigh. “That’ll be Lauren.”

He let her pull out of his arms, but Ward wasn’t through. “I’ll go, but I’m coming back tomorrow. You and I have unfinished business.”

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “If you come back, then you’d better be ready to share everything with me,” she warned. “Everything, Ward. No more half-measures. It’s all or nothing.”

He watched her, knowing it was now or never. “I hope you’re ready for that.” And he hoped the truth wouldn’t send her running in the opposite direction…

Gabbi Grey/Gabbi Black: My Heart is Breaking (Contest)
Friday, April 29th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Beverly!

Thank you, Delilah, for hosting me today. You’re very kind.

I’ll admit a secret – I didn’t think the current war would happen.  I follow politics and world events, and I couldn’t conceive of this happening.  From the beginning—from the first bombs falling—my worldview changed. I felt powerless and, as atrocities continue, my heart breaks a little more each day.

So, what could I do? I can’t influence politicians. I can’t solve the crisis. And asking for world peace, although laudable, isn’t realistic. I donated to a worthy cause. I reached out to my Ukrainian friends to offer unconditional support. But I continued to feel powerless.

Then a friend told me Dakota Willink was putting together an anthology to benefit Ukraine. I’d seen several before, but this one provided me an opportunity to sign up.  I immediately threw my name into the ring.  I’d written a novella previously for another charity anthology, so I knew I was capable of writing a 10k word story in a short period of time. And I have a world to set that story in, so that was easy.

Still, I wanted to do more.  I have another pen name, under which I write very different books. I asked them if I could write a second story, and they agreed.  In fact, I’m not the only author who’s done that. With my task at hand, I sat down at the keyboard.

To be clear, none of these stories are about the conflict. We recognize that it’s far too painful for many readers to tackle at this point.  But love?  Our readers are always up for reading about love.  The stories span broad categories such as contemporary, paranormal, and dark, and delve a little deeper into gay or BDSM or other subgenres.  There’s something in here for everyone.

My first story is The Lightkeeper’s Love Affair.  From my description, it’s a 10k lighthearted gay romance with forced proximity, a loner, a future schoolteacher, and Buddy, the adorable beagle. So, a little something for everyone.  The story takes place in a fictional world I’ve created in British Columbia, Canada, and has some familiar sights to those from here.  If you’re not, I invite you to immerse yourself. This book is under my pen name Gabbi Grey.

My second story, Toronto Tryst, is also, clearly, based in Canada.  I’m showing my roots.  Again, from the description, this is a 5k word BDSM-light romance short story with a surprise that will delight. My dark erotic BDSM series, under the pen name Gabbi Black, is, frankly, very dark. It touches on black places but always with a happy ending.  That series takes place in Vancouver. The final book in the trilogy is coming out early next year, so I didn’t want to disrupt the series.  Yet I wanted to write the story for the anthology. My solution? Pull someone from the BDSM club on the west coast and transport them to Toronto for a nice evening of fun. Don’t be afraid of the BDSM—this is definitely a fluffy read.  A nice sampler for those who are new to the subgenre, and a amusing story for those who are more familiar with it.

Obviously, I’d love if everyone purchases a copy of the anthology.  It contains hundreds of thousands of words—all written by authors who just want to do their part.  100% of the proceeds go to United Help Ukraine.

Thank you again, Delilah, for giving me a place to share my great news.  I would love to give a $10 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky commentator.

Let me know your favorite romance trope!  Mine turn out to be instalove and forced proximity.  And a dog (or cat).  I know pets aren’t a trope, but I just always have to throw one in.  Share your thoughts for a chance to win!

Seeds of Love: A Romance Charity Anthology to Benefit Ukraine Synopsis

You can help us make a difference.

SEEDS OF LOVE is a romance anthology to benefit Ukraine. This collection of short romance stories is not available anywhere else. 100% of the royalties will be donated to United Help Ukraine, a charitable organization dedicated to helping the Ukrainian people affected by Russia’s invasion. They are a grassroots, entirely volunteer-based organization that provides aid to wounded Ukrainian warriors, assistance to their families, and support to internally displaced people.

This anthology features 48 authors. The stories include various sub-genres of contemporary romance, paranormal romance, dark romance, and romantic comedy.

SEEDS OF LOVE is only available for a limited time! Stand with the people of Ukraine and get your copy today!

Participating authors:
Amber Garr, Amy Thorn, Barb Shuler, Brooke Summers, Cassidy London, Cyndi Faria, D.M. Davis, Dakota Willink, DD Lorenzo, Denise Wells, E.H. Lyon, Emery LeeAnn, Erica Himy, Fei Marie Perez, Gabbi Black, Gabbi Grey, Hannah Blake, Heather G Harris, Jenna Lynn, JS Mercier, KA Graham, Kaje Harper, Katherine Moore, Kelly Kelsey, Lane Bellemore, LC Taylor, Liz Durano, LJ Evans, Lux Miller, M.L. Broome, Mel Walker, Miranda Grant, M Guida, Pandora Snow, Persephone Autumn, Raisa Greywood, Ramsey Savage, Remy Reigns, Shelly Hixson, Sophia Henry, Stella Moore, Syd Ryan, Tara Conrad, Tiffany Carby, Vi Summers, Vivian Murdoch, Willow Fox, Yolanda Olson

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