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Archive for 'Cleis'
Tuesday, October 14th, 2014
I’m late posting this! We’ve been covered up in company and sick babies. I finally have some “me” time!
HHWW is here! It should be on all the online sites and making its way to the brick and mortar stores. If it’s not stocked at your favorite bookstore, be sure to ask why not! If you’d like a hint of what’s inside the covers, be sure to check out the Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors website for excerpts and to meet the authors. If you’d like to see the names of the winners of the countdown prizes, look in the messages below.
Happy reading! DD

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Tagged: Cleis, highlander Posted in News | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Enikö - Delilah -
Sunday, October 12th, 2014
UPDATE: The winner of the free signed copy of COWBOY HEAT is…Cara!
* * * * *
If you haven’t already guessed, I’m super excited about this anthology. I want it to do well, because I want my publisher to realize there’s a market for historically-themed sexiness. Yes, I doubt there’s many of us eager to actually touch that tall stone to be transported to some past era (unless we knew for sure Jamie F. was waiting there!). But I think we can leave behind the realities of poor hygiene and bad teeth long enough to enjoy some romantic fantasies.
Do you love Highlanders, English knights, Mongols, Samurai, or Vikings? This book has it all. If you’d like to read excerpts before you commit to purchase, be sure to check out the blogs each of the authors has posted to introduce you to their stories: Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors Blog.
Let me know your favorite flavor of historical hero, and you’ll be entered to win a free, signed copy of Cowboy Heat!
Here’s a peek inside the table of contents of Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors:
“Pleasure in Surrender” by Delilah Devlin
After the lady of the keep bars her gates to the barbarian the king commands she wed, the half-Viking knight scales the walls of her heart
“Wicked” by Susannah Chapin
The strong-willed daughter of a Scottish Laird learns it isn’t her surrender her father’s most powerful but wounded warrior craves
“The Keeper of the Keys” by Axa Lee
A Briton queen learns to lay aside the household keys of her responsibilities and ask her Saxon warlord husband for what she craves
“The Maiden’s Kiss” by Layla Chase
A Viking warrior tempts fate and his own control when an Icelandic maiden asks to be tutored in the art of kissing
“My Loveliest Vision” by Renee Luke
Despite a daunting affliction, the lady of the keep will protect her father’s holdings from a resolute knight come to claim what he was promised
“The Invasion of Nefyn” by Lizzie Ashworth
A Briton woman risks rape and death at the hands of invading Saxons in hopes of a visit from her warrior husband
“The Promise of Memory” by Regina Kammer
A Roman slave finds freedom in fantasies of a knight in the imperial guard—a warrior who evokes memories of a long lost love
“On My Honor” by Beatrix Ellroy
When a wounded knight is offered sanctuary by a widowed healer, the pleasure she also offers may strain his honor
“A Hawk in Flight” by Connie Wilkins
The Lady of Aragotsotn paid tribute to the Mongol conqueror to save her people, but her falcon-fierce heart remains undefeated—though it might be won
“To Love a King’s Man” by Emma Jay
At the Highland Games of 1589, a young widow risks all for a chance to win the love of a bastard favored by the king
“The Bodyguard” by Jacqueline Brocker
As a ninja stalks through the palace corridors, the daughter of a samurai lord is drawn to her wounded, pensive bodyguard
“Broken Vows” by Anya Richards
A marriage of convenience leads to most inconvenient desires and a threat to one knight’s immortal soul
“Poetry and Amber” by Axa Lee
A mighty passion ignites along the Volga River between a Celtic witch and the Rus king to whom she’s been traded
“The Squire” by Cela Winter
While traveling in France, a knight’s secretive new squire makes him question everything he knows about himself
Tagged: Cleis, highlander, knight Posted in About books..., Contests! | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Gail Siuba - Tammy S - Cara - Enikö - Delilah -
Saturday, October 11th, 2014
UPDATE: The winner of the free signed copy of HIGH OCTANE HEROES is…Robin W!
* * * * *
Sometimes, I think I’m the luckiest writer in the world. I write the stories I want to write (for the most part). I can write any length I want to write—and you know that for me, the shorter the better. There’s something about writing something super short, putting everything into a few sparse words. You really have to hone a sentence; nothing that doesn’t absolutely need to be there can stay.
I didn’t begin writing short stories. I wrote longer stories then discovered a market for sexy novellas, then almost by accident, I discovered the Cleis Press anthologies. I wrote story after story, short 3000 to 4000 word hot little numbers, and I was hooked.
Then I thought, “Why am I waiting for the next call for submissions to write a new one?” I came up with my own proposal for a collection and it was accepted. So far six anthologies have been published and on October 14th, the seventh releases! If you’re curious about the anthologies that came before, you check them all out on this page: Delilah’s Collections.
I’ve loved the whole process of pulling together these collections. Every time, I gather old friends and new-to-me authors, and we dedicate to finding readers for our stories.
This time will be no different. We’ll be blogging and holding parties. We’ll have prizes along the way—our ploy to get you reading our excerpts, because we know that once you get a taste, you’ll have to get your own copy to finish the meal!
So follow along. Join the excitement. All the authors are pretty giddy over this new release, and could the timing be any better? Anyone watching Outlander on Starz?!
How can you keep “in the know” about our current contests and events?
1) Subscribe to our blog. (Look for signup block in the left hand column of the page.)
2) Like us on Facebook page.
3) Check out our Pinterest board.
Any of these will work. We hope you’ll join us. And just as a reward for showing up today and reading through this email, I’ll offer a signed copy of High Octane Heroes to one lucky commenter. I’ll choose the winner tomorrow night! Tell me whether you’re doing any of the things I’ve mentioned to follow the fun.
Tagged: Cleis, highlander Posted in About books..., Contests! | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Pat Freely - Robin Wellhouse - Donna Hokanson - Marcia Berbeza - Delilah -
Monday, July 1st, 2013
Hey there! Since I have a chance to play on my own blog today, I thought I’d tell you about some free stuff you might want! Plus, I have two exciting collections ready to release, one right after the other, and filled with smokin’ hot, high-octane stories about the heroes we women love! Take a look!
Smokin’ Hot Firemen — July 16, 2013
If you are an Amazon. com customer, don’t pay attention to that official release date because this book is shipping right now!
Below are pictures of the front and back of trading cards I had created to celebrate the release of the new book. And if you’d like to read snippets from the stories inside this volume, follow the countdown celebration occurring right now on the Smokin’ Hot Firemen website! There you’ll find sexy snippets, personal stories about the inspirations for the authors’ stories, and prizes! We also have a Facebook page where we post pics of handsome firefighters and chat about her obsession with suspenders. 😉
If you’d like trading cards, email me directly at delilah@delilahdevlin.com!

High Octane Heroes — September 3, 2013
Again, don’t pay attention to that official date! Amazon tells me I’ll have my copy August 15th!
We’re getting geared up for the countdown over at the High Octane Heroes website. To entice you over there, we are giving away prizes. Be sure to check us out! Also, we have a brand new Facebook Fan Page for you to “Like!” Stay tuned for more fun happenings!
In the meantime, if you want trading cards, you know what to do…

Winner and a Brand New Contest!
The winner of June’s $20 Amazon gift card is…Melissa Keir (June 13)! I’ll be emailing Melissa shortly! Congrats!!
To make it simple, I’ll continue this contest for July…
What can you win? An Amazon gift card worth $20!

What do you have to do to win? Simple. Comment on my blog—on any posting, from now through July 31st! I’ll choose a winner at random from among all the comments. Good luck!
Tagged: Cleis Posted in About books..., Contests! | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jen B. - Susan W. - Karen C - flchen1 - rbeeyswan -
Saturday, June 29th, 2013
My random number generator chose a winner—Amber! Congratulations, Amber,
I’ll be in touch today! ~DD
* * * * *

After not having a release out for a while to having 5 out in the space of a month… Crazy days, huh? I hope you’ve all got your copies of Lost Souls, and that you’re devouring it, and finding that one particular scene… I would love to hear what you thought about THAT!
In the meantime, this one’s not scheduled to release until mid-July, but Amazon informed me that it’s shipping on the 3rd! So I thought I’d better give you a little advanced warning! This one’s hot! Smokin’ Hot! And I’ve got a teeny excerpt here to prove it! 
If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a $5 Amazon gift certificate!
(I forgot to name last week’s Snippet winner, so I’m heading over to do that now!)

Who can melt any woman’s heart with a single smile? The sexiest icon of all—a fireman!
They enter fiery structures with selfless courage–the very definition of the word “hero.” Women understand their allure… A soot-covered face, sweat dripping from hard, chiseled muscles, the sharp snap of suspenders—yes, only a fireman can make suspenders sexy! Delilah Devlin’s burning-hot book includes thrilling stories teeming with gorgeous firemen from some of today’s hottest romance writers. In “Saving Charlotte,” Sabrina York’s firefighting Dom rescues a woman tied to a red-hot bed; from Cathryn Fox comes “Temperature Rising” where a fire chief fulfills some very steamy fantasies; Elle James’s “Chasing Fire” sees a daring smoke-jumper parachuting into the hot zone of a forest fire then setting his girlfriend ablaze with erotic heat; and Magic Mike ain’t got nothin’ on Delilah’s own fireman-turned-exotic-dancer-for-a-night “Johnny Blaze.”
With a list of award-winning authors that includes Ily Goyanes, Shoshanna Evers, Adele Dubois, and Rachel Firasek, Delilah delivers tales of these courageous men sliding down their big poles to steal readers’ hearts! Smokin’ Hot Firemen imagines the romantic possibilities of being held against that massively muscled chest by a man whose mission is to protect and serve…
I held my iPhone in front of me as far as my arm could reach and took a picture. Then I quickly sent it to my Facebook page. Yes! I don’t know how Syl managed to talk me into it, but I’m at HardCox!!! Happy Birthday, me!
I posted the photo, then slipped my phone back into my purse, which I’d placed beneath the small round table where Sylvia, Heather, and I sat next to the raised stage.
“You took a picture of yourself?” Sylvia giggled and held out her hand. “Give me that phone!”
“No way, you’ll just post pictures of the dancers’ asses.”
“And their hoses!”
My eyes bugged. “My mama would be horrified!”
I was already beyond mortified at being here—a male strip club, of all places. Syl didn’t have to add kerosene to the fire burning in my cheeks. But she’d had me at one name, “Johnny Blaze.” Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Cleis, excerpt Posted in About books..., Contests! | 17 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Lucy - Dena Pollard - sharon chalk - Tricia - Delilah -
Tuesday, February 5th, 2013
Just a quick thanks to everyone who bought Shattered Souls! Once you find time to read it, let me know what you thought. More of Sam and Cait is coming in June!
And now, to today’s announcement. The release date is officially next week, but I happen to know Amazon is already shipping copies of Best Lesbian Romance of 2013. I have a little ole story in the collection, entitled “Night at the Wax Museum,” which originally appeared in Girls Who Bite.
Here’s a snippet…
12:02 AM—Remind V.H. to call the exterminators. Rats, again, in the vicinity of the freak show exhibit!
Krista Pike clicked the end of her ballpoint pen, slid the small spiral notebook into her pocket and clipped the pen in her uniform lapel. Then she slipped her mag light from its holster, picked up a sturdy broom and went in search of the rodent.
For the third night in a row her nerves were wired tighter than an M-16’s recoil spring. Shouldn’t have been. The security company that’d hired her told her that other than some minor vandalism to the museum’s windows and door, this shift should be a cake walk.
“Tell that to the fucking rats.”
A skittering sounded behind her. She spun and aimed her light toward the floor. Nothing. As she raised the beam, it caught the exhibit. Light flickered in the eyes of the wax figure lying in the open coffin—a scene straight out of a horror movie, created especially for the Halloween crowd.
She shivered at the tableau. A raven-haired vampire, red glassy eyes, milky-white skin , the tops of her breasts exposed above the black, corseted gown, not a hint of color in her or the white-satin-lined coffin other than blood-red paint on her full lips. Above her, the vampire hunter stood with arms raised, a hammer and a wooden stake in his hands, ready to puncture her chest. The setting surrounding the two figures was straight Hollywood kitsch—a gnarled tree, an open pit readied for the coffin, and a tall Celtic cross knocked at an angle.
The overhead track light beamed directly on the vampire’s face, and her glass eyes appeared to be fixed right on Krista.
She shivered, and aimed the beam back to the ground, unsure which creeped her out more now, the rats or the red glowing lights the artist had placed behind the wax figure’s eye sockets.
She moved along, scuffing her feet to make enough noise to scare away any critters looking for discarded scraps of popcorn or candy bars that patrons of the wax museum had tossed.
Damn nerves. She needed to make an appointment with her VA shrink to up her meds. Problem solved. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Cleis, excerpt Posted in About books..., News | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Wesley Nichols - Delilah Devlin - Melissa Porter -
Tuesday, November 6th, 2012
NaNo Day 6:
SS-2—0 words (vacation)
Today, I begin my trip to Washington, DC. While I’m gone, I have blogs pre-posted. Depending on Internet connectivity, I’ll pop in here and on Facebook to see what’s happening. In the meantime, take a look at what’s ready to ship now from Amazon!

The only thing stronger than the call of duty is the call of desire! This anthology of military erotic romance serves up a team of hot-blooded men (and women) from every branch of the military who serve their country and follow their hearts wherever they might be stationed. When the mission is done, the unit is recalled or the ship pulls into port, they set their sights on a new target—the pursuit of passion and love. In and out of uniform, stateside and abroad, these military warriors meet passion and danger head on. All’s fair in love and war—in and out of uniform. Edited and with stories by Kristina Wright, wife of a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, Duty and Desire includes stories of U.S. soldiers, sailors, aviators, Marines and Special Forces, Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, and many more. Uniforms have never been sexier!
My own story is about two reservists, just arrived home. One who’s smarting over being dumped by his girl via a Dear John letter, the other, a fellow soldier he saved and who will do anything to ease his hurt. Read an excerpt from “The Long Ride Home.”
Buy D&D at Amazon
Tagged: Cleis Posted in About books..., News | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Terri - Stacy Wilson - Melissa P -