Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'contemporary romance'

Gabbi Grey: What I love about the Best Friend’s Brother Trope (Contest)
Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

Thank you, Delilah, for hosting me today!  I’m here to share a new book. As you may know, I love writing short stories for charity anthologies and when I saw this one by The New Romance Café, I signed up right away.  Amazingly, I’ve never written a story with this trope, so I was excited to try.  Since I write gay romances, I knew my story would have a bit of a different twist.  Tanner loves his best friend, Nita.  They’ve been friends forever.  When Tanner turned twelve, he witnessed an incident between Nita’s brother Kade and a bully.  Kade, although only sixteen, had come out as gay.  A boy from another school didn’t like that and a brawl ensued. Tanner realized, for the first time, that he was also gay.  And that he sort of had a crush on Kade.

Fast forward fifteen years and the men have taken very different paths in life.  Yet both wind up back at Nita and Kade’s family home frequently.  One night, Kade comes on to Tanner.  Nita’s, uh, annoyed.  So is Kade’s best friend, Cam.  Kade’s been a player.  Nita and Cam are worried he’ll date Tanner for a bit, break his heart, and walk away without a backward glance. Tanner, though, is all grown up.

Now, I won’t give away the rest of the story, but things definitely get interesting.

So why best friend’s brother?  I think it’s something readers can often relate to.  I know I can.  I had a huge crush on my best friend Chrissy’s older brother.  He was nice to me, but clearly had no interest in an eleven-year-old girl (yeah, I knew I liked boys when I was super young).

When I signed up to write a story for this anthology, of course I wondered about how the story might be different if my character was gay.  I adore Tanner and wanted to make certain that not only was his relationship with Nita strong, but that his crush was genuine and could grow into love.

With over twenty stories in this anthology, there’ll be something for everyone.  And, best of all, the proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research.  I hope everyone grabs a copy today!

As a thanks for letting me drop by, I’m happy to give away a $5 Amazon Gift Card to one random commenter.  Have you read this trope before?  Do you enjoy it, or is there something else that you would one click as well?  Best of luck and thanks, Delilah.

Breaking the BFF Pact

We all know the rule – Do not lust over your best friend’s sibling. But what happens when you break all the rules? Will Breaking the BFF Pact get you a happily ever after? Or will you lose it all?

Read titillating stories from USA Today best-selling and award-winning romance authors in a spicy Best Friend’s Sibling collection curated by The New Romance Cafe, with ALL proceeds going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Keighley Bradford
Serafina Jax
Guinevere Jordan
A.R. Bell
Michelle Moncrieff
Katina J. Rose
Melanie Greene
Hannah McKee
Chelle Pimblott
Jewelz Baxter
Bethany Monaco Smith
Chele MacCabe
Kat Long
Jenna Daring
Noa Camhi & Lashe’ Lacroix
Heather Scarlett
Sofia Aves
Wynter Ryan
Sarah Stein
Harper Michaels
Niki Trento
Tasha Blythe
Gabbi Grey

The anthology will only be available for a limited time.

Universal Link:
Amazon US:
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About “Jeopardy” inside Breaking the BFF Pact by Gabbi Grey


I’ve had a crush on my best friend Nita’s brother for fifteen years. She’s made it clear she doesn’t want me hooking up with him, and he’s never shown any interest. Until the night we wind up in the pool alone together and then everything changes. Is he serious about his interest in me, or will he want to forget in the morning? Have I ruined everything with my best friend for one meaningless night?


My life is perfect until the moment I realize I’m attracted to my younger sister’s best friend. Now, my eyes are open, and my need to get Tanner into my bed is impossible to resist. But with my best friend warning me off and my sister giving me the evil eye, I’m having second thoughts. Are my feelings for Tanner serious enough to lead to forever?

This is a 7k gay, best friend’s brother’s romance short story with an interfering best friend, a bossy sister, and the possibility of love becoming realized.

About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

Genevive Chamblee: Ways to Give Thanks (Contest)
Friday, November 10th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette!

Typically, November sparks the season of gratitude and being thankful. Social media is blasted with daily posts of gratitude and giving. While there is nothing wrong with doing this, often, this is presented the same, and this can become disingenuous. It also may become a struggle for persons experiencing difficult times. It’s no secret that this type of year can be hard for many people for many reasons. Therefore, this post will attempt to give some alternative ways of expressing and demonstrating thanks.

  1. This one is simple; although, it may not seem apparent. Say a person is thankful for his/her family. Yes, by all means, express that. However, the person shouldn’t only post it only social media. He/she should tell his/her family how thankful he/she is for them. Do something special for them. Additionally, tell someone else how wonderful their family is (e.g., you have great kids, your wife is a phenomenal cook, your father-in-law is exceptional at his job, etc.) Extend what you’re grateful for to others. Not only will it make them feel good, it will remind them to be grateful as well.
  2. When I was in high school, many of the clubs/organizations had community service goals. Actually, it was a requirement by the school, but that’s beside the point. While this was an excellent component to have embedded in organization bylaws, it was flawed. See, many of the community service events served the same persons/program. For example, one of the organizations I was involved in had adopted a meal program. Each day, students would take a meal to a man who lived close to the school. I cannot remember if the man had been selected because he was elderly, had a disability, or both. What I do remember is that he was receiving meals daily from multiple organizations. Now, it could be argued that he could save the meals for later. But honestly, does one person need nine boxed meals per day? I’m not saying he shouldn’t have been receiving meals. My point is that the love could have been spread to more people. I’m confident in saying there were plenty of other people in need who received nothing from any organizations.
  3. Many years ago, a friend applied for WIC. The WIC office informed her that before she could get approved for services, she would need to go to the public health department to verify her pregnancy and be approved for Medicaid. The health department nurse told her she could not be approved for Medicaid until she was approved for a program (she couldn’t remember the name of the program) that would pay for childcare. From there, she was sent to another place to apply for something else. It was a musical slot machine of services. What my friend realized was that if she had been approved for one service, she would have been approved for multiple services. However, since she was denied by one, she was denied for all. The irony was, she hadn’t wanted all the services. All that she had wanted was help paying for baby formula. She wasn’t asking for insurance or childcare or any of the other stuff. And she wasn’t asking for any other items from the WIC program other than formula so that she wouldn’t have to struggle to feed her child. A pack of diapers would have been a bonus but not necessary.

For many people, being thankful includes sharing their good fortune with others. Why not attempt to make that sharing reach as many as possible? Instead of focusing so much on a few, why not adjust to include more people?

  1. Considering small things. When in a rut or a dark place, sometimes it is hard to see the light. For example, a person who has recently lost his/her home may find it challenging to see the world as a positive place. Should they be thankful for being unhoused and experiencing such a loss? Should they be happy that someone has profited off of their misery? Here’s the thing. When something negative has occurred in one’s life and the negative cannot be undone, it is futile to focus on it. The results will remain the same. So, the person may need to cling to the things that are preventing the situation from being worse. For example, the person may be thankful to have friends who are allowing him/her to reside in their home until he/she finds another location. Or he/she may be thankful that they are in a safe shelter. Or he/she may see this as an opportunity to move and start fresh in another city.
  2. Non-comparison. Keeping up with the Joneses is a thing even for people who think it isn’t. For example, looking at photos on Instagram may cause a person to feel less thrilled about his/her life. First, many of those photographs are photoshopped and/or fake. For the ones that aren’t, many are misleading. That great makeup look one is admiring may have been created by a professional makeup artist using gifted products and professional lighting and prompts. Envious because you can’t afford a month’s vacation in the Mediterranean? That person on IG may not have been able to afford it either and is now $10,000 in debt and fired from his/her job. Everything is not always what it seems. In this scenario, a weekend staycation would be far better than a month’s vacation.


November 10 celebrates the anniversary of the publication of Defending the Net. I want to commemorate this day by celebrating it with readers of romance. Would you like a FREE copy of Defending the Net, the second book in my Locker Room Love hockey romance series? It’s simple. Leave a comment telling me what you like about sports romance or your favorite sports in general. It’s that easy. A winner will be selected at random. Please be sure to check spam mail in case the notification email is routed there by the server. (NOTE: For an additional entry, you can also comment on the post on my Instagram page (genevivechambleeauthor).

So, that’s a wrap on today’s topic. Now, it’s your turn to sound off. What did you think? What is your take on the subject? Do you agree or disagree? Did you find this information helpful or informative? Did you learn anything new, or did it change your opinion? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Also, let me know if you would like me to cover more of these types of topics or dive deeper into this one. If you like this post, please click the like button and share it. Your feedback allows me to know the content that you want to read. If you’re not following me on Creole Bayou blog, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou.

Get ready. It’s time to hit the ice again. Future Goals has arrived and is available.


When a college hockey player needs the help of an attractive older attorney, he gets more than he bargained for when trying to sort out the troubles in his career. Falling in love was never part of either man’s plan, especially as Corrigan’s and Sacha’s lives should never have collided. Now they’re left questioning if they’re standing in the way of the other’s future goals, or if there’s room for redirection.

Order your copy at:

Other booksellers:

Did you missed the first four books in my hockey romance series? No frets.

Out of the Penalty Box (book #1), where it is one minute in the box or a lifetime out, is available at It also can be ordered on iTunes, Nook, or Kobo. For more links on where to purchase or to read the blurb, please visit

Defending the Net (book #2) can be ordered at or Crossing the line could cost the game.

Ice Gladiators (book #3) is the third book in my Locker Room Love series. When the gloves come off, the games begin. Available at or

Penalty Kill (book #4) retakes the ice. Get a copy at or and let the pucker begin.

For more of my stories, shenanigans, giveaways, and more, check out my blog, Creole Bayou, New posts are made on Wednesdays, and everything is raw and unscathed. Climb on in a pirogue and join me on the bayou.

If you have any questions or suggestions about this post or any others, feel free to comment below or X (formerly tweet) me at @dolynesaidso. You also can follow me on Instagram at genevivechambleeauthor or search for me on Goodreads, Amazon Authors, BookBub, Bluesky, Threads, or TikTok.

NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click and sign up today.

Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.

About the Author

Genevive Chamblee resides in the Bayou country where sweet tea and SEC football reign supreme. She is known for being witty (or so she thinks), getting lost anywhere beyond her front yard (the back is pushing it as she’s very geographically challenged), falling in love with shelter animals (and she adopts them), asking off-the-beaten-path questions that make one go “hmm,” and preparing home-cooked Creole meals that are as spicy as her writing. Genevive specializes in spinning steamy, romantic tales with humorous flair, diverse characters, and quirky views of love and human behavior. She also is not afraid to delve into darker romances as well.

Gabbi Black: Those Pesky Side Characters (Contest)
Wednesday, November 8th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Sara D!

Hello Delilah!  Thank you for inviting me to visit you.  I’m happy to share my new erotic BDSM book, Backing Down. I have to say, this was one of the most fun books I’ve written in a while. Normally, my books are on the darker side, especially my In Their Eyes trilogy.  For this one, though, I aimed for humor.

The genesis of the book was fun.  It’s a long story, but I needed to write a rivals-to-lovers story.  I’d never done that before, having only ventured into enemies-to-lovers a couple of times and under different pen names.  Even as I agreed to write the story, the image of Master Dante came to my mind.  He’s a secondary character in my trilogy and I’ve known for a while that I wanted him to have his own story.  When I saw the word rival, I also saw a strong Domme.  Also, in the back of my mind, I knew Dante was bisexual and, eventually, would have Evan as his permanent submissive.

Okay, so I had a clear picture of my two guys in my MMF.  I just needed to figure out the woman.  I approached another friend who helps me sort plots, and she helped me create Mistress Kate.  My triad was complete.

From that point, the writing came easily.  Perhaps also because I was under a super tight deadline, and the words had to flow. Sometimes, I write best under pressure.

I hope readers enjoy my novella and bratty Evan’s antics as he tries to get what he wants more than anything in the world – two Dominants.

Thanks for hosting me today! I would love to give a $5 Amazon gift card to a commenter. Do you enjoy humor in the books you read or are you all about the angst?  Let me know and one randomly selected commenter will win!

Backing Down

Master Dante

As the manager of Club Kink, Vancouver’s premier BDSM club, I have access to all the submissives I could desire. I never switch, but two years ago, a hot encounter with Mistress Kate blurred some of my boundaries, and left me rethinking my true desires. Now, Kate’s back, and I don’t think the heat between us is just competitiveness between two Doms. I have other ideas, and I’m willing to pull out all the stops to make them a reality.


Two years ago, I had the best night of my life. And the worst. I’ve recovered my self-esteem and my reputation, but I haven’t been able to forget Master Dante. Now we both have our sights set on the same submissive. May the best Dominant win, right? Well, I intend to come out on top this time—no matter the consequences.


I’ve been a happy submissive for five years. Lately, I’ve watched Master Dante and Mistress Kate around the club, and noticed how aware they are of each other. I admit it, I’m greedy. I want both. I want them together. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to have them—in the bedroom and in the dungeon. With Christmas just around the corner, and with me being a very good boy, maybe I’ll get what I want.

Universal link:
Amazon US:


About the Author

Even though Gabbi Black is a firm believer in happy endings, she makes her characters work for it in every romance she writes, no matter what the genre. From contemporary to BDSM, they are penned early in the morning in her home in beautiful British Columbia while her trusty ChinPoo dog keeps her company. She also writes gay romances as Gabbi Grey.

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Facebook (page):

Upcoming Books! Ready for Pre-Order Now!
Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

Little Green Dreams

Little Green Dreams

(I don’t have the final cover yet!)

Coming December 19th!

Sometimes, Joe Franchetti hates his job at the National Informer. Especially, when he’s sent on assignment to cover a UFO story. When he is sent to investigate the story of a woman in rural Arkansas who claims her husband was abducted by aliens, he vows to debunk her story, no matter how much the truth might hurt her attractive daughter.

Sandra Billingsley has a problem. Her stepfather is missing and her mother is the prime suspect in his disappearance. In addition to protecting her eccentric mother from a possible murder investigation, now she must contend with a national tabloid reporter set on exposing her mother as a murderess or a madwoman.

While the investigation turns up more suspects and the local townspeople scheme to profit from the “alien invasion”, Joe and Sandra work together to unravel the mystery, knowing their attraction is doomed to end in pain when the truth is revealed.

Pre-order now!


Malcolm (Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT Book 10)

Coming January 16th!

I know very little about what’s going to happen in Malcolm’s book, but I do know things are shaking up in the Dead Horse office. Some folks are moving to Yellowstone soon, so Malcolm will be a newer addition to backfill the Dead Horse agency. What happens after that? Who knows? I won’t until I put my fingers on the keys, but you know it’s going to be fun!

Pre-order now!

What Happens in Bozeman

What Happens in Bozeman

Coming February 20th!

All I know about this story is that it takes place in Bozeman, Montana, in the middle of a snowstorm, when two people, who never expect to see each other again, go for it. Only, they see each all too soon back in Dead Horse, MT. He’s the fireman daddy of a kid in her brand-new classroom…

Pre-order now!

October into November (Contest)
Tuesday, October 31st, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…flchen!


Gunn's Mission


  1. Gunn’s Mission released on October 17th and is still going strong (see today’s ranking?)! Thanks to everyone who picked up a copy!
  2. I began work on a standalone book, Little Green Dreams (follow the link to pre-order!)! Something I’ve been thinking about writing for years. (I don’t have a cover yet!)
  3. I set up pre-orders for two more books, Malcolm (Book #10 of Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT) and What Happens in Bozeman (Book #3 of We Are Dead Horse, MT).
  4. I completed 3 editing projects for other authors in October.


  1. I have not been exercising enough. Without the pool to run to every day, I’m falling off the wagon.
  2. Through medicines and some diet tweaking, I’ve managed to keep my blood pressure down to 135-155. I had one bad spike this month.


  1. I participated in the local art festival! Wind knocked down a panel full of framed art, which hit my sales hard, but it was still satisfying to see how many people appreciated my art and bought tons of bookmarks and postcards.
  2. I am still working on and making more great progress organizing my art room, getting ready for the next arts and craft show in December, and then the reopening my Etsy store.
  3. As for making new art, again, work has kept me too busy to do much. But I have renewed energy here at the last of the month. Right now, I’m just trying to refill my stock of the small things. Here are some examples…



For work-related, I plan:

  1. To compile the stories in my Triplehorn Brand trilogy into an ebook and print box set for publication this month! Be looking for it!
  2. To complete writing Little Green Dreams which will release in December!
  3. To complete 4 editing projects in November!

For health related, I plan:

  1. To not make promises about counting points for my Weight Watchers diet, because it’s that time of year and I know I’d be setting myself up for failure. However, I will try to make healthier choices—emphasizing no late night snacking!
  2. To continue to reduce salt, processed food, and incorporate foods good for blood pressure (spinach, broccoli, bananas).
  3. To pay attention to my daily steps, trips up and down the stairs, and to incorporate some chair exercises.
  4. To do more housework because my art room isn’t finished! Cleaning is exercise, too.

For happiness-related, I plan: 

  1. To work on art and ornament-making to get ready for a local arts and crafts event in December!


Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier, or tell me what you plan to read in November…
Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Tuesday, October 31st, 2023

After a few authors mentioned their disappointment that they wouldn’t have their stories done in time, I decided to extend the deadline. So, authors, keep writing those Secret Identities stories! DD


Editor: Delilah Devlin
Deadline: December 15, 2023

SECRET IDENTITIES is open to all authors.

Editor/Author Delilah Devlin is looking for stories for a romantic erotica anthology tentatively entitled SECRET IDENTITIES:  A BOYS BEHAVING BADLY ANTHOLOGY.

Why write a short story for this collection? Well, it’s certainly not about making a lot of money, so why do it at all? I’ve said this before, many times, but here are my thoughts…

Writing a short story for a call for submissions is a chance to flex your writing muscle! It can be a chance to experiment with a genre you’ve never written. If you’ve never written a story in first person but don’t want to begin by writing an entire novel using it, start short! For myself, I’ve written stories in new genres or with fresh themes that ended up being so much fun to write they’ve spawned entire series.

You have a deadline! I don’t know about you, but I have trouble keeping my butt in the chair without one!

It’s a promotional opportunity! If selected, you’ll be joined by 12-15 other authors for the launch, sharing your audiences and, hopefully, picking up new readers along the way. Having your story in the collection is another chance to be “seen.”

And remember, you retain the rights to your story, so you can republish it for individual sale or give it away to attract subscribers to your newsletter. You might even decide there’s more story to tell and expand your short story into a novel.

Here’s what I’m looking for…

SECRET IDENTITIES: A BOYS BEHAVING BADLY ANTHOLOGY will include stories that satisfy the reader who craves stories about mysterious, enigmatic men. Perhaps, they’re the new next-door neighbor with a mysterious past that finds him just as he’s meeting a woman he doesn’t want to leave. Maybe he’s an alien from a far-away galaxy looking for his fated mate. Could he be a spy setting up surveillance on another suspected spy? An assassin scouting his target who discovers his handlers lied about the reasons for targeting a particular individual he’s intrigued by? Is he a werewolf living in the human world? Yes! So many ways to go.

SECRET IDENTITIES will seek stories with varied settings here on earth—present, past, or future—or on another planet or moon in this solar system or in a galaxy far, far, away.  Heroes and heroines might be more than human—supernatural creatures or even aliens and cyborgs.

I’m open to any subgenre of erotic romance you want to write. I’ll accept contemporary, historical, science fiction, or paranormal stories, and I won’t be picky about whether the stories are hetero, LGBT, ménage… Basically, you, the author, can go anywhere your imagination takes you so long as 1) the story is a romance, and 2) you have a bad boy somewhere on the pages!

The anthology will be sold at a low price—my intent is exposure for you and your writing. The more readers reached, the better! You will retain the rights to your story so that, at a later date, you can republish your stories individually.

I’m seeking hot and inventive stories from authors with unique voices, and above all, I’m looking to be seduced by tales filled with vivid imagery and passion.

Published authors with an established world may use that setting for their original short story.

This is erotic romance, so don’t hold back on the heat. Stories can be vanilla or filled with kink but don’t miss describing the romantic connection between strong-willed individuals learning to trust and love one another. A deep sensuality should linger in every word. Keep in mind that there must be a romantic element with a happy-for-now or happy-ever-after ending. Strong plots, engaging characters, and unique twists are the ultimate goal. Please, no reprints. I want original stories.

How to submit: Prepare your 2,500 to 5,500 words story in a double-spaced, Arial, 12-point, black font, Word document (.doc or .docx) OR rich text format (.rtf), with pages numbered. Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch and double space (regular double spacing; do not add extra lines between paragraphs or do any other irregular spacing). U.S. grammar (double quotation marks around dialogue, etc.) is required.

In your document at the top left of the first page, include your legal name (and pseudonym, if applicable), mailing address, email address, and a 50-words or less biography, written in the third person, and send to If you are using a pseudonym, please provide your real name and pseudonym and make it clear which one you’d like to be credited as. Authors may submit up to 2 stories. I will try to respond no later than March 15, 2024, with decisions.

Payment will be USD 25.00 ninety days after publication at the end of that month.

Who is Delilah Devlin?

Delilah Devlin is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of romance and erotic romance. She has published over two hundred stories in multiple genres and lengths and has been published by Atria/Strebor, Avon, Berkley, Black Lace, Cleis Press, Ellora’s Cave, Entangled, Grand Central, Harlequin Spice, HarperCollins: Mischief, Kensington, Kindle, Montlake, Penthouse, Running Press, and Samhain Publishing.

Her short stories have appeared in multiple Cleis Press collections, including Lesbian Cowboys, Girl Crush, Fairy Tale Lust, Lesbian Lust, Passion, Lesbian Cops, Dream Lover, Carnal Machines, Best Erotic Romance (2012), Suite Encounters, Girl Fever, Girls Who Score, Duty and Desire, Best Lesbian Romance of 2013, and On Fire. For Cleis Press, she edited Girls Who Bite, She Shifters, Cowboy Lust, Smokin’ Hot Firemen, High Octane Heroes, Cowboy Heat, Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors, and Sex Objects.

She has also edited Conquests: An Anthology of Smoldering Viking Romance, Rogues: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, Blue Collar: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, Pirates: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, Stranded: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, First Response: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, Cowboys: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology, and Silver Soldiers: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology.

Direct any questions regarding your story or the submission process to Delilah at

Gabbi Grey: Tying stories together (Contest)
Monday, October 30th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!

Hello Delilah!  Thank you for inviting me to visit today!  Earlier this year, I partook in a couple of projects that were published about the same time.  My story Blue Sky Boyfriend was in the Love is All Volume 6 charity anthology.  Then I was part of the HEA Collective (Happily Ever After) and my story Fly Guy Boyfriend came out that same month.  While Blue Sky was on my radar for almost a year, Fly Guy was…last minute.  But I made certain the story didn’t read like I’d written 37k words in 10 days, even though I had.

As I was writing that novella, though, I was putting the finishing touches on Blue Sky.  I had an opportunity, I realized, to create a crossover scene within the two stories.  I’d love for readers to think everything was planned, but I’ll share with your fans that wasn’t the case.  Only as I neared the end of writing did I see the chance to tie the books together.  Because the HEA Collective was a patron-based subscription, I knew many readers wouldn’t have had access to it.  Also, not everyone buys and reads entire charity anthologies (although I say it’s a great way to meet new authors while helping out worthy causes).

Anyway, eventually the stories came back to me.  I’d already picked the premade cover (which had Blue Sky Boyfriend on the cover, so how perfect was that?) and figured I could put the stories together to create an immersive experience for my readers, giving them two great stories in one place.  I set them in the small fictional town in British Columbia I’d created and now the box set out in the world!

I would love to give a $5 Amazon gift card to one lucky commenter.  What is your favorite setting for a romance? Small-town? Big city? Cattle ranch? Mountain chalet? Hot in the sun or leaves changing color in the fall?  One random commenter will win the gift card.  Thanks for hosting me, Delilah!

The Boyfriend Duet

Love in Mission City: The Boyfriends Duet includes two novellas

Mission City is tucked in the charming Cedar Valley in southwestern British Columbia. If you love heartwarming, contemporary small-town gay romances, then come home to Mission City and fall in love with the men who live there. Romance blossoms in the unlikeliest places. And trouble has a way of finding them…

Blue Sky Boyfriend

Wyatt and Tate were high school sweethearts. After graduation, Tate left Wyatt for the big city and university while Wyatt took over his family’s farm. Fifteen years later, Tate’s come home in disgrace. Can Wyatt forgive the man who broke his heart?

This is a 24k gay romance second-chance novella with a small-town farm boy, a big-city fancy boy, and a puppy named Winnie. The novella previously appeared in Love is All Volume 6.

Fly Guy Boyfriend

When Tex is tasked with piloting the shy and nervous Davey in his helicopter, he sees an opportunity to bring the younger man out of his shell. With Tex’s friendship, Davey finds the courage to be his true self. But when things go south with his family, Davey turns to Tex. Will the budding friendship turn into more or are rough skies ahead?

This is a 37k gay instalove romance novella with a daredevil pilot, a nerd in search of the answer to the universe, and what happens when those forces collide in a single bed. If you were an HEA Collective Patreon last year, you might already own this novella.

Amazon US:
Universal Book Link:

About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

Personal links:
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Audible Profile:
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