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Archive for 'contemporary romance'

Gabbi Grey: When you miss that one little thing… (Contest)
Sunday, June 25th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette!

Of great debate in my author circles is whether or not to read reviews, how much stock to put in them, and whether they should have any impact on your writing.

I’ll admit, I didn’t understand the importance of reviews when I first started publishing.  As time went on, and as I immersed myself in all things publishing, I learned just how critical they can be.

Case in point (from a guru I respect) — all things being equal, if a book has one 1* review, it will sell better than the equivalent book with no reviews.  At first, that feels counterintuitive.  Someone hated the book, why would others want to read it?  But that review is social proof — someone bought and read the book.  Okay, they didn’t like it. The book wasn’t for them.  Doesn’t mean the next person won’t love it (some book lovers choose books with bad reviews for the fun of it).  But the book with no reviews?  Well, no one bought it or if they did (and if they read it), it didn’t inspire enough emotion in them to leave any kind of feedback.  The book lacks social proof.

Now, look up any great work of literature and there are plenty of horrible reviews.  Not everyone loved Pride and Prejudice or Jane Eyre. I can’t fathom that, but I look at some other books I didn’t enjoy, read the glowing reviews, and realize there’s someone out there who will love every book.

I admit to sending out review copies with my books, even knowing the reviewers have the option to decline to review, review even though they didn’t enjoy, or enthusiastically tell everyone what a great book I’ve written.  Obviously, I prefer the latter, but even the middle doesn’t bother me.  If someone didn’t enjoy my book, that means they weren’t my target audience.  The key, with the hundreds and hundreds of romance books being released every week, is to find the reader who wants your book.  Who needs your book?  Who will see the genius in your book?

Which brings me back to reviews.  Advanced reader copies (ARCs) for my book releasing this week, Love Without Reservations, went out last week.  Normally I try to give a longer lead time, but things kind of got away from me with this book.  Therefore, I wasn’t expecting reviews for a bit.  Some readers, though, grabbed it and dug right in.  Soon after, I began to receive notifications that reviews were being posted.

To read or not to read: that is the question.

In the end, I took a peek.  Who wouldn’t?  Well, at least one of my mentors doesn’t…and good for her for having the strength to resist.

Alas, I’m a weak woman.

The reviews are generally positive.  Readers enjoyed the book.  Understood what I was trying to convey.  Didn’t regret having picked it up.

But one reviewer…  Man, this gutted me.  She pointed out I’d missed an opportunity with one of my characters.

I literally gasped in…anger?  Frustration?  Annoyance?  Not at the reviewer, of course, but at myself.  They’d found a plot point I’d forgotten about.  A thread I’d meant to tie up.

One line.  I just needed one line.  And I’d forgotten it.

Now, after writing 38k, a writer can be forgiven for missing one sentence.  Only it was a really important one.  So here it is:

Aaron managed to secure a job overseeing the renovations of the Grand Hotel.

Now, that doesn’t mean anything to anyone who hasn’t read the book.  But for those who have, it solidifies the happily ever after.  It ties off that loose thread.

Alas, I didn’t format the book myself and making the change would be monumental.  So, dear reader, you are the only ones who know about it.  I fully intend to weave that fact into a future book (I write in series and my characters ALWAYS come back…)

Thank you, Delilah, for hosting me.  I enjoyed sharing my little angsty story.  To a lucky randomly selected commenter, I would love to give a $5 Amazon GC.  To win, please consider answering the following question: what would make you leave a review?  Or, let me know a book you read that left a loose thread that drove you nuts.  Thanks!

Love Without Reservations


I’ve tracked down my wayward sister to Cataluma, California, and my goal is to drag her back to Canada before she gets in trouble with the American authorities. The problem? She’s gone and fallen in love with some dude and refuses to come home. I need to stick around to talk some sense into her, but there’s only one damned inn in this podunk town and they insist they’re full. I can’t get the handsome innkeeper to make an exception, not even for the few days I’ll need to get Kendra safely headed back across the border.


I love my job as the owner of the quaint Cataluma Inn. I also pride myself in being a peacemaker. When I find squawking siblings arguing about a good friend of mine at our traditional barbecue, I have to step in. Next thing I know, I’m offering to share my one-bedroom apartment with a very attractive Canadian. Oh, and he’s gay too…

Love Without Reservations is s story in the Shopping for Love in Cataluma series. The book is a 38k word small-town gay interracial romance novella with a grumpy Canadian entrepreneur, a sunshine American motorcycle rider, and the love they never saw coming.

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About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

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Genevive Chamblee: What One May or May Not Know About Pride Month
Friday, June 23rd, 2023

June is Pride Month. Specifically, June 28 is Pride Day. I would be remiss if I didn’t in some way acknowledge these months. For some, this post may seem unnecessary or as “Duh!” However, let me briefly explain why I’m writing it.

In 2020 when the world broke, many terrible things occurred. However, personally, I found a silver lining in all of it. It humbled me and allowed me to grow as a person. My eyes widened, and I found compassion in places I did not know existed. I also engaged in a lot of streaming, and it was this streaming that I discovered something that caused me to pause in my steps. As a writer, there are always discussions about pushing limits. Now, the next few statements are not made to point fingers, climb on any political or social agenda soapbox, shame, slight, or belittle anyone. I’m not about that life. Everyone is entitled to his opinion whether right, wrong, or indifferent. And I’m not one who decides what is right or wrong. I’m simply outlining the events that happened.

There is a saying in the writing community that authors should only write what they know. This view in its strictest sense means men cannot write female characters and women cannot write male characters. Additionally, it suggests that writers are only allowed to write characters of the same race, nationality, ethnicity, culture, religion, and sexual orientation. Following such strict guidelines would gravely limit the types of characters and books authors create. The argument is that a person who is not of the same group/community cannot accurately or intelligently discuss, depict, or communicate the group/community in question. And here is where the issue became super complicated.

In one of the series I was viewing during that time, a character of a marginalized group expressed that it was not his place to educate others about his community and, if people wanted to know, they would learn for themselves. However, when people began to ask questions to educate themselves, they were accused of being rude, nosy, and offensive. So, when these same people took to the internet for answers and received misinformation, they were chastised for not knowing better. My question was then, how can one adequately become educated if no one is willing to teach and discussions can’t be had? Attitudes of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” have benefits but also drawbacks. In many ways, it is like walking on eggshells.

At a former job, there was a rule that if the institution paid for an employee to attend a professional conference or workshop, the employee would have to give a brief summary presentation to coworkers who didn’t attend. Not only did I think this was a fair rule, but I also enjoyed it because it encouraged the spread of information. Why bottle up education and restrict it from anyone wanting to learn?

In my novels, I attempt to include diversity in my characters. I also heavily research any unfamiliar topics. My blog (Creole Bayou) is 98% researched based. (I do occasionally write an opinion piece which I always clearly indicate.) So, as I was sitting pondering what to write, I saw a post on Twitter that included the acronym 2SLGBTQIA+. I admit, I didn’t know what the 2S stood for. Later the same day, someone asked me what the Q and the I in LGBTQIA meant. Now, before the pandemic, if someone had said they didn’t know what the Q and I stood for in LGBTQIA, I would have given them the side eye for not knowing. I would have thought, “How could you not know? It’s all over the place.” However, we all have different lives and experiences. We all have different experiences and levels of exposure. Just like I assumed everyone would know what the Q and I meant, there are people who would think I should know what 2S meant. Thus, that is what has led me to this post. I thought why not share what someone would assume to be common knowledge but that may not be for everyone?

  1. What is the acronym 2SLGBTQIA+?
  • Lesbian
  • Gay
  • Bisexual
  • Transgender
  • Queer and/or Questioning
  • Intersex (a concept that exists not in objective reality but has been created and accepted by the people in a society that reflects a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, genitals, and/or gonads that do not appear to fit into conventional definitions of male or female)
  • Asexual/Ace (may not experience sexual attraction to anyone or has a low or absent interest in sexual activity) *NOTE: Some people consider the A to represent Ally (a heterosexual person who supports the LGBTQ+ community)
  • + reflects the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to identify (e.g., aceflux, akiosexual, aromantic, demisexual, graysexual, pansexual, reciprosexual, etc.)
  • 2S – Two-Spirit (a term used by some Indigenous people to describe the behavior or gender expression of persons who do not match masculine or feminine gender norms in their communities.)

Read the rest of this entry »

Gabbi Powell: Why I love writing in shared worlds (Contest)
Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

Although writing is often a solitary pursuit, many writers reach out to others who labor as well.  After I wrote my first couple of books, I realized I didn’t know much.  About any of it.  I joined a couple of writing groups, started attending conferences and classes, and did my best to immerse myself.  Why reinvent the wheel?  Why not learn from those who came before me?

That journey led me to a group of writers in Vancouver, Canada, near where I lived.  Life was going along great until the pandemic.  That group wound up shuttering, but luckily, I found an online community that welcomed me with open arms.  And my world expanded as I made friends with other writers literally from around the world. Friendships were born, relationships cemented, and support networks put in place.  The great thing was I wasn’t just learning—I was sharing what I knew.  And as my career grew as a writer, I found ways to connect with others.

During that time, I connected with a group of women who wrote books similar to mine.  And, during some crazy meeting, someone proposed we write a series together.  A shared world.  Between my love of these woman and FOMO (fear of missing out—which is real for me), I knew I had to be part of this.

Cataluma, California, was born.  It’s taken us about a year to plan, write, edit, and then publish our stories.  Along the way there’ve been laughter, tears, frustrations, and true joys.  I’d written in shared worlds before—and will continue to do so—but this was the first time I’d been so involved in the process from the very beginning.

High on Love is the fifth story in the series.  The books start off sweet and work their way to steamy.  My book definitely has a steam factor, which matches the other Gabbi Powell books I’ve written.  And not to stray too far from my brand—my heroine comes from the small town in British Columbia where I’ve set my other books.


There are ties within the stories, within the series, and within the friendships that’ve been tested and cemented.

I hope you check out High on Love.

Thanks, Delilah, for letting me visit!  As a thank you, I would love to give out a $5 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky commenter.  Let me know—how do you approach a series if you don’t know all the authors?  Do you start from the beginning, grab your fave’s book, or pass altogether?  Leave a comment!

High on Love

Kendra Barker’s a long way from her Canadian home. Her road trip has landed her and her 1983 Harley in Cataluma, California, but she only plans to stay long enough to rest, maybe make a few dollars, and enjoy the Strawberry Festival. As a bonus, the one place she finds to stay is an empty apartment with a super sexy landlord.

Javier Fernandez has been cruising through life on autopilot. His marijuana shop is doing well. His mother is, for the most part, under control and managing her job as mayor of his beloved Cataluma. Now, he just needs to get this pesky Canadian woman out of his head. He gave her a place to sleep, and he very much wants to be in her bed, but come the end of the weekend, she’ll be moving on. Javier doesn’t do one-nighters and he doesn’t want to deal with a broken heart. Long-distance, and cross-borders is a recipe for disaster, right?

High on Love is a story in the Shopping for Love in Cataluma series. The book is a 39k word small-town interracial romance novella with a tattooed heroine, a stoic hero, and the love affair that’ll change their lives forever.

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About the Author

Gabbi Powell has been a lover of romance since she first put pen to paper in the eighth grade to write her first romance.  She writes her novels while living in Beautiful British Columbia with her trusty ChinPoo dog a as companion.  She also writes gay romances as Gabbi Grey and contemporary dark erotic BDSM novels as Gabbi Black.

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Sunday, June 4th, 2023

I struggled for a few months at the end of last year and the beginning of 2023. I wasn’t feeling well, broke a hand. Wasn’t motivated. I missed a couple of releases. One, I’m not sure I’ll ever write. The other, Hard Knox, felt…off. I wasn’t ready to write it because it wasn’t where I needed to start my We Are Dead Horse, MT series. So, I took the hit for Hard Knox and moved on to Mica, which I loved writing. I was back with my bounty hunters in my comfort zone. Only then was I ready to tackle Cold Hard Cash, which became the first book in the new series centered around the “townies.” In Cash’s story, you see plenty of Knox and Carleen who are the stars of Hard Knox. I hope you’ll be ready for them because it’s going to be HAWT! It’s out on pre-order now! AGAIN.

Remember, I have the next bounty hunter book, Jackson, coming out in July! I’m writing that story as we speak, and you know what you get with the hunters—lots of action, humor, and sexiness!

A few days ago, I was also given back the rights to a novella that had appeared in the Men in Uniform anthology, published by Entangled a few years ago. My sister, Elle James, put together a new cover for the book, and now, it’s up for pre-order. If you love Navy SEALs, this story is for you. There’s some military complex criming going on, perpetrated by the heroine’s billionaire ex-fiancé, who’s building some high-tech armor for the battlefield—but you’ll need to read the story to see how it all goes down.

Coming June 27th!

Pre-order your copy now!

Coming July 11th!


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Coming September 12th!

Hard Knox

Pre-order Now!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Along came an…exo-whatsit?
Saturday, June 3rd, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Kerry Jo Pruett!

I’m getting back the rights to a story that lived inside an Entangled anthology. It’s called Along Came a Spider. My Navy SEAL hero is “Spider” to his teammates. The story has a suspense plot involving a tech billionaire making exoskeleton armor for soldiers. I plan to release the story later this month, so as soon as I have the pre-order up, I’ll let you know—if you haven’t already read it! Anyways, today’s puzzle is a futuristic soldier in full body armor in keeping with my Spider theme. Enjoy!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, let me know if you’d like more SEAL/military hero stories from me. More Brotherhood Protectors? My own series?  Any suggestions?

It’s heeeere! Don’t wait! Get your copy of COLD HARD CASH!
Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

Just me, cheering because my book is out!

Cold, Hard Cash

Get your ebook copy here!
Get your print copy here!
Read an excerpt here!

COLD HARD CASH arrives tonight after midnight! Read another excerpt! (Contest)
Monday, May 22nd, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Beverly!

I am in love with Dead Horse, MT. The bounty hunters helped me discover this little gem of a town. Now, you’ll get a chance to meet the folks who were born and raised there. I hope you enjoy the journey! Up first? Cash and Lila. There will be laughter and tears, and you’ll get to meet more townsfolk along the way.

Cold, Hard Cash

Pre-order your copy here!

The wealthiest man in Dead Horse, MT, decides it’s time to acquire a wife and gives his eminently efficient personal assistant the task of finding the perfect candidate…

The wealthiest man in Dead Horse, MT, Cash Whitaker, decides it’s time to find a wife before he begins his campaign for mayor. He figures having the right wife will increase his likability as a candidate. Becoming the mayor is important because the office will give him the power to protect his town by cleaning out the bounty hunters, who aren’t “Dead Horse” and have put his town on the map for all the wrong reasons.

Being a busy man and knowing his particular skill set doesn’t lend itself to the task, he decides to give the responsibility of finding a wife to his highly efficient personal assistant. He’ll let her put together a list of suitable candidates for him to sort through to find the woman who will help him on the path to his ultimate goal of becoming the governor of Montana.

Lila Hanson is spitting mad that her boss wants her to find him a wife. The single mom has spent two years becoming his ultimate asset, only to have him completely overlook her as the perfect candidate. When she turns to her girl squad to vent, they suggest a plan to open the clueless man’s eyes to what’s right in front of him.

However, a tragic incident throws both their plans into chaos and brings a new intimacy neither can ignore. Now, they have to work together to save an orphaned child.

Cash has called her—on a Saturday, mind you—to ask her to find him a wife…

Lila noted the end of the call and stood with her phone beside her mouth for a few moments as she processed everything Cash had said. What the actual fuck?

He wanted her to find him a wife? She placed her phone on the kitchen counter, then balled up her fists and jumped in place, shadowboxing to let loose her frustrated anger.

When she was breathless, she stopped, dragged in a deep breath, then opened up a message to her group chat. Can you all meet up for lunch?

A few minutes later…

Carleen: I start my shift at the diner at noon. Can take a break when you get here.

Rhonda: Chase is on a hunt. Have Mikayla, but I’m sure she can have a playdate with the neighbor’s kid. The woman owes me one.

Laura: Preacher’s on the same hunt. I can leave Katie in charge at Deadly Delights.

Lila scrunched her nose. Meryl’s in Bozeman, giving some lecture at the University. I could really use her logical brain.

Rhonda: What’s Cash done now?

She blew out a deep breath. Carleen, will that private room be free?

Carleen: Only thing I can think of on the calendar is the garden club meeting from 10:30 to noon.

See you at noon.

She ended the chat without elaborating. At the moment, she was too angry to remain polite. Adrenaline was buzzing inside her.

How dare he ask me to do that? But she knew why he felt comfortable asking. She’d allowed him to define their work relationship, letting him add personal tasks like picking up his dry cleaning and buying gifts for friends and the girls he’d casually dated. In her mind, she’d thought they were building something together, that his successes were hers. Sure, he’d given her bonuses, but she’d thought in her pitiful doormat mind that he’d eventually see her as more than just another useful tool like his iPad or his favorite golf clubs.

No, Cash didn’t see her as anything other than his stalwart, never complaining, never stepping outside her box personal assistant. Damn, she’d wasted two years waiting for him to wake up to the fact that they were perfect for each other.

Well, no more. But what was her next step? Did she throw in the towel? Find a new job? Start dating one of the more emotionally available men in this town?

Her shoulders slumped.  She’d done it again. Let a man take over her life to use up and throw away. At least Danny had left Kyleigh with her when he’d decided that Dead Horse was too…dead. And she hadn’t minded when he’d moved from coaching the Stallions football team to taking over the program at a larger, more prestigious school in Texas. For all intents and purposes, their marriage had ended right after Kyleigh’s birth. He hadn’t liked being constrained by fatherhood—especially when his only child was a girl.

She popped a pod in her coffee machine and made herself a cup. Then she dialed her mother’s number to ask her to babysit while she went to lunch with the girls. Kyleigh loved spending time with her Nina. Mama was always parked in front of a computer screen anyway.

Lila realized at that moment that she’d undervalued herself. Her time, her family, and her heart were worth so much more than Cash’s ambitions.

Things were going to change. Exactly what that change would look like was still to be determined, but her girl squad would come to her rescue. They’d been chiding her for months to get off her ass and quit letting him rule every thought and every hour of her day.

She was taking back the reins.

She shook her head. That analogy had her thinking she ought to give a whinny, but she wasn’t a horse to be ridden.

Again, her thoughts halted on that image. “Riding” and “Cash” should not exist in the same headspace. She’d already spent too much time imagining herself in his life. Hell, she’d decorated his house for them, even including a bedroom that could easily be converted for Kyleigh’s use. With pale citrus and green colors, they’d perfectly matched her daughter’s own preferences. The Queen Anne furniture suite had looked like a newer version of Kyleigh’s scratched and cheaper bed and dresser.

Lord, the amenities she’d included in the design of his bathroom…

Lila shook her shoulders and thrust the thoughts of the large whirlpool tub from her mind. She quickly made a mental list of the things she needed to accomplish before heading to the diner to meet with her friends.

Lists kept her mind focused. Visions of a handsome and ridiculous man with short-cropped brown hair, a well-groomed beard, and piercing brown eyes had a way of leading her down pathways her imagination should never roam. She’d never get a thing done if she constantly mooned over him.

First on the list: a long cold shower. Cold as his heart. Cold as her bed. Cold as…

Inwardly, she groaned. Now, what was second?


Do you love small-town romance stories? Are you ready for We Are Dead Horse? Let me know for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC!