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Archive for 'contemporary romance'
Thursday, May 18th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…ButtonsMom!

During the infamous 2020, I spent a lot of time (more than I should have) watching YouTube. Like so many others, I found myself with extra time on my hands during that period. However, I wasn’t lounging around my house all day in my pajamas. My nine-to-five considered me to be an essential worker. This meant going to the office daily. What made this interesting is that while I was mandated to be at the office physically, only employees were allowed in the buildings. This meant that customers, consumers, clients, etc. were not allowed on the property. The results were (especially for the first two months), I spent eight hours alone in an office with the door shut and no work to do. I just sat once I had caught up on all the outstanding work that I had prior to the shutdown. Employees were not allowed to gather, and we really couldn’t talk with each other. It was a long eight hours.
I don’t know the reason (well, I can speculate but I shouldn’t say) the reason why they didn’t just tell us to remain at home was never explained. But the reason we had no work to do for such an extended period of time is that the powers that be did not devise a plan to address this. I made suggestions from the beginning, but, of course, there were egos to consider. Que sera sera. But none of that is neither here nor there now, and it’s been three years ago. I only mentioned it because it was a period when I experienced a lot of depression. Now, there are two kinds of depression: situational and clinical. Neither feels good, but clinical depression usually requires professional/medical intervention because it is a chemical imbalance. Situational depression, on the other hand, can be resolved by manipulating the environment. What I was experiencing during that time clearly was situational depression due to social isolation. At least, if I had been allowed to stay home, I could move around my house and roam around my backyard. As it was, my office has a small window with zero scenic views and is hard to access. I was left to stare at four walls in an approximately 12 x 10 room. I suppose it’s better than an 8×8 cell. However, after a while 12 x 10 begins to feel more like 3 x 3. So, while the powers that be sorted out a plan, my focus was to tend to my mental health.
Humans are social people. Taking away that social contact can be devastating for some. During the pandemic, people found alternative ways to meet their needs for socialization. As mentioned previously, one of the ways I fulfilled that need was by watching YouTube. However, many of the YouTubers that I had watched previously disappeared (e.g., beauty and makeup influencers). Thus, I began searching for new content creators to watch.
Somehow, I stumbled across perfume reviews. These weren’t my favorites because I had a hard time imagining the scents being described. Sure, I know what rose and lilac smell like, and I may could image them together. But when they began talking about top notes of balsam and red saffron with hints of vetiver and orris, it was like speaking a foreign language. All I knew was it didn’t smell like frying bacon. However, I watched these videos out of boredom and a mild hope that I would learn something. And I did learn something. Another reason I watched these videos is that many aromas make me happy. In the middle of the pandemic, I wanted something… anything… to make me happy. Sometimes, it is the small things that yield the most joy.
Many of the content creators spoke about having seasonal fragrances. They would say things like “This is what I’d wear in the spring.” Or “This would be smashing for a fall holiday party.” Color me weird, but I’d never thought of perfumes in seasonal terms. I purchase what I like and wear it until the bottle is empty. I never stopped to say, “Oh, I need to wait until winter to wear this.”
I still do not buy into that philosophy of wearing only during certain seasons—for one, because many of the scents I go for are too similar, and second, I’m not that organized. So, why am I discussing it? Well, I bumped into a dilemma. Usually, I create my own situations, but I have a whole multibillion-dollar company to thank for this one. See, they discontinued my favorite perfumes—one that I have doused myself in since my mid-twenties after obtaining my first job that I could afford to splurge on more than a body spray from Bath & Body. I mean this was my go-to jam, and I always received compliments that I smelled lovely. Yes, it stroked my ego.
I first noticed the scent missing in several stores, and when I went to the website, I saw that it had been reformulated and retitled. I learned my lesson about something similar with Estee Lauder’s Beautiful and Beautiful Sheer. Apparently, Beautiful Sheer was a limited edition. I purchased Beautiful thinking it would be similar, and I didn’t like it at all. My previous experience has made me weary of purchasing this new/rebranded version of my beloved fragrance. And for some reason, I none of the local stores are carrying it. So, I did what any obsessed person would do and turned to the internet. I found a carrier of the original with the price jacked up (of course). I only order one bottle because I had never ordered from the seller, and sometimes, what one receives is not what one ordered. I wanted to ensure that it was the real deal. Fortunately, it was. Unfortunately, I didn’t place a second order sooner.
By the time I used up this bottle, I had forgotten the name of the seller. I thought a Google search would bring it up the way it had the first time. To my surprise, though, the company had perfume listed for sale. I figured that they had decided to bring it back due to either customer demand, poor sales of the rebrand, or both. I didn’t care which. I was just happy. Eagerly, I put it in my cart. I did, however, notice that it was slightly cheaper. By hey, who am I to complain about a bargain.
Well, you know the saying if it’s too good to be true it probably is? Uh-huh. It was the same packaging, and the smell seemed the same—emphasis on seemed. When I sniffed it in the bottle, it was the same familiar scent. But when sprayed, it was much lighter. I know body chemicals can change the way a fragrance smells, and my instinct was to assume my body chemistry had changed. But it smelled lighter in the air. Yet, the biggest difference was it had zero staying power. It had been that once applied, the scent lasted the duration of my workday and longer. Additionally, the scent could be smelled father away. What I had vanished nearly after being applied, and the only people who could smell it had to be way into my personal space—as in their noses pressed to my neck. I’ve concluded (and I cannot prove it which is why I’ve neglected to name the fragrance) that it either has been reformulated with cheaper materials to cut cost, or I purchased an old batch that the company was trying to get rid of. I could be wrong, but that’s my opinion. In any case, I’m on the hunt for a new to-go scent. Enter dilemma number two. I can’t find anything. Well….
Thus, I purchased one perfume, and I loved it in the store. However, after wearing it for about an hour, the smell makes me nauseous. Another one I like but nearly everyone close to me tells me they can’t stand it. I like floral and clean scents. This one smells like a rose bush, and my friends all hate it. They say it’s “too much.” Normally, I wouldn’t cave, but since I am around them and they all complain, I agreed not to repurchase. There are a few others that I have enjoyed in the past, and now I don’t care for them. I suppose my preferences have changed over the years. Or maybe it is my olfactory that has changed.
So, here it is May. I’m in the same office with a slightly lighter workload. We’re no longer under lockdown conditions, but many of the Covid precautions remain in place. Employees are still required to socially distance. Masks are still required (although many employees can be seen without masks when no one is watching). Gatherings are not allowed, and persons allowed on the premises are restricted. Also restricted is the number of persons allowed to be in one area. As I write this, the Writers Guild of America continues to be on strike, and so I’m once again, reduced to watching YouTube—though not as much and not during working hours. Only this time, I find myself searching for a “summer” scent. Mind you, I still don’t know what that means exactly, and I intend to wear it regardless of the current season.
My curiosity has gotten the best of me. Who else has experienced something similar with either having their preferences for perfumes change or not being able to find a perfume that they like? Have you ever had your favorite perfume discontinued or fallen out of love with a scent? Have you had friends tell you that they can’t stand your cologne? Do you have seasonal scents? One person who shares their story below will be randomly selected to win a mystery gift. The contest ends at 12:01 AM CST on June 1, 2023.
Get ready. It’s time to hit the ice again. Future Goals has arrived and is available.

When a college hockey player needs the help of an attractive older attorney, he gets more than he bargained for when trying to sort out the troubles in his career. Falling in love was never part of either man’s plan, especially as Corrigan’s and Sacha’s lives should never have collided. Now they’re left questioning if they’re standing in the way of the other’s future goals, or if there’s room for redirection.
Order your copy at:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3RjPYb9
Other booksellers: https://bit.ly/3CI8d5W

Missed the first four books in my hockey romance series? No frets.
Out of the Penalty Box (book #1), where it is one minute in the box or a lifetime out, is available at https://amzn.to/2Bhnngw. It also can be ordered on iTunes, Nook, or Kobo. For more links on where to purchase or to read the blurb, please visit https://bit.ly/2i9SqpH.
Defending the Net (book #2) can be ordered at https://amzn.to/2N7fj8q or www.books2read.com/defending. Crossing the line could cost the game.
Ice Gladiators (book #3) is the third book in my Locker Room Love series. When the gloves come off, the games begin. Available at https://amzn.to/2TGFsyD or www.books2read.com/icegladiators.
Penalty Kill (book #4) retakes the ice. Get a copy at https://amzn.to/3ex0N9p or https://amzn.to/3ex0N9p and let the pucker begin.
For more of my stories, shenanigans, giveaways, and more, check out my blog, Creole Bayou, www.genevivechambleeconnect.wordpress.com. New posts are made on Wednesdays, and everything is raw and unscathed. Climb on in a pirogue and join me on the bayou.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this post or any others, feel free to comment below or tweet me at @dolynesaidso. You also can follow me on Instagram at genevivechambleeauthor or search for me on Goodreads or Amazon Authors or BookBub or TikTok.
NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click https://genevivechambleeconnect.wordpress.com/newsletter/ and signup today.
Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.
About the Author
Genevive Chamblee resides in the Bayou country, where sweet tea and SEC football reign supreme. She is known for being witty (or so she thinks), getting lost anywhere beyond her front yard (the back is pushing it as she’s very geographically challenged), falling in love with shelter animals (and she adopts them), asking off-the-beaten-path questions that make one go “hmm,” and preparing home-cooked Creole meals that are as spicy as her writing. Genevive specializes in spinning steamy, romantic tales with humorous flair, diverse characters, and quirky views of love and human behavior. She also is not afraid to delve into darker romances as well.
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, sports romance Posted in Contests!, General | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Mary Preston - BN - Beckie - Debra Guyette - ButtonsMom -
Friday, May 12th, 2023
Growing up there were 3 things I was obsessed with: watching soap operas with my mom, reading young adult books, and listening to music—particularly playing my favorite pop stars all day long. So, it’s no wonder I would write Cecily in the City, a YA book that has a teen girl who is dating her favorite pop singer/songwriter and gets a job on the soap opera her great-grandmother used to watch with her.
I liked creating storylines for my Barbie dolls when I was growing up, and my mom used to let me watch soap operas with her. One of my favorite things to do was finish off cliffhangers on those shows with my dolls. If I didn’t like the way the writers handled the storyline, I’d change it and play it out how I wanted it to end. That’s why two of my characters in the Landry’s True Colors Series, Landry and Ashanti, are obsessed with soap operas, too. They decorate their bedroom doors with pics of soap actors, and I might have done that as well. I even named the magazine they read, Soap Opera Hotties.
In my YA series called the Star Series, I also have my characters Hadley, Charlotte, and their grandfathers watching a soap opera in the books. The soap they watch is called Charmed Lives and I decided to do a crossover with that series and the Cecily Taylor Series, and I have Cecily auditioning for and getting a role on the very show the characters in the Star Series are obsessed with! It’s a fun little Easter Egg for fans of the Star Series as I bring characters and actors they know from that book into Cecily in the City as Cecily is now working with them. And yes, Cecily had a crush on the very actor Charlotte was in love with, too!
If you’re a fan of books that have the heroine getting to live out her dreams (and see the realistic side of what it’s like to date a pop star and also have people comment on your personal life on social media), then check out my Cecily Taylor Series. It’s free on Kindle Unlimited.

Here’s an excerpt from the book, Cecily in the City:
In this scene, Cecily’s best friend, Lila, asks her what it was like to film a scene in a music video with pop star Andrew Holiday. Andrew was Cecily’s music crush and favorite singer who she met on the set of the video and is now dating.
“Weird question, but did doing that scene with Andrew in the music video where you exchange that long romantic glance—did it feel uber romantic or was it just like, a job?”
I smiled as I thought back on the day that I got to be in his music video. I was just an extra and we had only met briefly when I went to the audition, but we had connected when we started talking in his trailer during the shoot. Initially, I had been afraid to meet him and find out he wasn’t like I had imagined him all this time. But I had nothing to worry about because once we started talking it was like an instant connection as we bonded over music, books, and our overall views on life. He was exactly the same guy who wrote the lyrics that spoke to my heart. It was wild to think that the same person whose music got me through the toughest times in my life was now the person I turned to for comfort.
I started to fill Lila in on how it went on the set. “At first, I got all starry eyed because he’s been my favorite singer for a long time. I don’t know how it’d be for an actress who just booked the job and wasn’t familiar with his music. Although, I think it’d be hard to separate fact from fantasy when you’re doing some dreamy scene.”
She nodded. “How do actors gaze into each other’s eyes all day and say all those romantic things and then go about their business when the director yells, ‘cut?’ I mean, a guy held the door open for me at church three weeks ago and I’m still thinking about it.”
We giggled. “Maybe that guy is somewhere right now planning what to say if he sees you at church again.”
She shook her head saying he hadn’t been back to the ten a.m. service and she had given up on him. I bit my lip.
“Well, now you have me thinking about the next time Andrew does a video with another girl and she gets all swoony. I don’t want to be the jealous type, but how do people turn off feelings during stuff like that?”
She nodded. “I wouldn’t be able to handle watching my boyfriend do those scenes either, but we better change the subject before you start overthinking things and get all weird the next time he messages you.”
Too late.

Find my books here in Kindle Unlimited: https://www.amazon.com/Cecily-City-Taylor-Book-ebook/dp/B0B35LSJRK
About the Author
Krysten Lindsay Hager is a bestselling author of young adult, middle grade, and contemporary romance. Krysten writes because she loves bringing people swoony moments & hope-filled happily ever afters. Her books are known for making you laugh, cry, & swoon.
Along with relationships, her novels deal with self-doubt, finding where you belong, true friendship, & soulmates.
Website: https://www.krystenlindsay.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystenlindsay/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/krystenlindsay/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KrystenLindsayHagerAuthor
Tagged: contemporary romance, excerpt, Guest Blogger, YA Romance Posted in Free Read, General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Krysten -
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023
And I can’t be more excited! This has been a labor of love from start to finish. Silver Soldiers is the 7th BBB anthology, featuring authors you know well and authors you’re going to love meeting for the first time. What’s more exciting? This 81,000–word book is only $0.99! We want as many people as possible to read it, so we’re making it accessible and affordable to all. If you haven’t already picked up your copy, all the links to your favorite online shops are below.
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who contributed stories to this collection, as well as to the authors who submitted but didn’t make it into this book. Thank you for the privilege of letting me read your stories! Well done, all!
Take a peek below to see why I’m so excited! There is truly something to suit everyone’s tastes. Heat levels vary but all stories are explicit. The genres are varied—historical, science fiction, contemporary, and paranormal. And every one of the tales has a happily ever after or at least a happy for now/hint of happy in the future.
If you read the collection, please tell someone else what you enjoyed. Write a review. That’s the best reward a reader can give an author (or group of authors) for their hard work.
Happy reading! ~DD

SILVER SOLDIERS: A BOYS BEHAVING BADLY ANTHOLOGY will satisfy the reader who craves stories with older alpha male heroes—those salt-and-pepper hotties with crow’s feet earned through rugged training and years of combat. Former soldiers finding their footing after their first careers, or current soldiers nearing the end of their military careers. They’re ready to find the right partner to put down roots, ones who aren’t afraid of scars and rough edges.
Fight Like Cats and Wolves by A.J. Harris – After their helicopter is forced down by a rogue war machine, an Army veteran must use wits and fangs to survive with his mysterious pilot
Handfasted to the Highlander Warrior by Aurora Russell – A hardened warrior reluctantly prepares to release his vivacious bride from their handfasted union…until a sweet, sexy surprise changes everything.
SNAFU—Situation Normal, All F***ed Up by Ava Cuvay – A sidelined Army cyborg’s only joy is the dimpled smile of a curvy Pentagon admin until she offers him a proposition he should refuse
Operation Purple Sparkle Diamond by Brenda Margriet – A resolute Afghan veteran deploys on his most desperate mission yet—wooing the hesitant heart of his daughter’s kindergarten teacher
Ripples by Delilah Devlin – A former Special Forces soldier, looking forward to the peace and quiet of his new houseboat, finds his solitude shattered by the arrival of his neighbor and her kid.
SEAL in Distress by Denise De Marco – While dealing with an unwanted inheritance, a former SEAL confronts his toughest battle yet against an unexpected woman
Storm on the Bayou by Elle James – A retired Navy SEAL and a pretty parish deputy hole up in a bayou fishing shack, weathering a violent meteorological and unexpectedly passionate storm
Star Diplomacy by Kimberly Dean – With the threat of an interplanetary war looming, a hardened military negotiator must find a way to connect with the enemy’s beautiful ambassador
Take Me to the Water by Michal Scott – An unexpected dare holds the key to a second chance with the disgraced Buffalo soldier she’s never stopped loving
This Time Forever by N.J. Walters – A retired Delta Force operator thwarts a holdup, saving the life of the woman he left behind twenty-seven years ago
Weathering the Storm by Natasha Moore – During a violent storm, a stranger walks into a woman’s bar who reminds her of the lover she lost who died behind enemy lines years ago
Sarge in Charge by Reina Torres – When lowlifes threaten the curvy bar owner in his Arizona town, the president of the Broken Arrow MC proves he’s the sarge in charge
Broken Trust by Rhonda Lee Carver – A retired SEAL must protect an old flame who’s feisty and more dangerous than any criminal—and dead if he can’t earn her trust
Clear to Engage by Sukie Chapin – One struggling bookshop owner, one hot-as-hell former SEAL-turned-carpenter, one line drawn in the sand—until the job is done, they’re not clear to engage
Tagged: anthology, contemporary romance, erotic romance, historical romance, military romance, paranormal romance, romantic suspense, Science Fiction Romance, shifter, short story Posted in About books..., New Release, News | Comments Off on The next BOYS BEHAVING BADLY — SILVER SOLDIERS is here! | Link
Sunday, May 7th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Stephanie!
Silver Soldiers: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology is the 7th BBB anthology! And I think it’s the fattest, too! That’s over 81,000-words of hot goodness! The release date is May 9th—so that means, tomorrow at midnight, you can have this book in your Kindle or iPad and you can hop around to read the stories you know you’re going to love before reading the ones you didn’t know you’d love (but you will!).
Take a look at the list of stories below. There is truly something for everyone.
So, for a chance at getting a FREE copy of one of the previous BBB anthologies, tell me TWO things: 1) Have you already pre-ordered your copy of Silver Soldiers? 2) Which stories listed below are you most interested in diving into first?

Pre-Order eBook
Kindle | Nook | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play
This collection features “silver soldiers”—those salt-and-pepper hotties with crow’s feet earned through rugged training and years of combat. Former soldiers finding their footing after their first careers, or current soldiers nearing the end of their military careers.
Table of Contents
Fight Like Cats and Wolves by A.J. Harris – After their helicopter is forced down by a rogue war machine, an Army veteran must use wits and fangs to survive with his mysterious pilot
Handfasted to the Highlander Warrior by Aurora Russell – A hardened warrior reluctantly prepares to release his vivacious bride from their handfasted union…until a sweet, sexy surprise changes everything.
SNAFU—Situation Normal, All F***ed Up by Ava Cuvay – A sidelined Army cyborg’s only joy is the dimpled smile of a curvy Pentagon admin until she offers him a proposition he should refuse
Operation Purple Sparkle Diamond by Brenda Margriet – A resolute Afghan veteran deploys on his most desperate mission yet—wooing the hesitant heart of his daughter’s kindergarten teacher
Ripples by Delilah Devlin – A former Special Forces soldier, looking forward to the peace and quiet of his new houseboat, finds his solitude shattered by the arrival of his neighbor and her kid.
SEAL in Distress by Denise De Marco – While dealing with an unwanted inheritance, a former SEAL confronts his toughest battle yet against an unexpected woman
Storm on the Bayou by Elle James – A retired Navy SEAL and a pretty parish deputy hole up in a bayou fishing shack, weathering a violent meteorological and unexpectedly passionate storm
Star Diplomacy by Kimberly Dean – With the threat of an interplanetary war looming, a hardened military negotiator must find a way to connect with the enemy’s beautiful ambassador
Take Me to the Water by Michal Scott – An unexpected dare holds the key to a second chance with the disgraced Buffalo soldier she’s never stopped loving
This Time Forever by N.J. Walters – A retired Delta Force operator thwarts a holdup, saving the life of the woman he left behind twenty-seven years ago
Weathering the Storm by Natasha Moore – During a violent storm, a stranger walks into a woman’s bar who reminds her of the lover she lost who died behind enemy lines years ago
Sarge in Charge by Reina Torres – When lowlifes threaten the curvy bar owner in his Arizona town, the president of the Broken Arrow MC proves he’s the sarge in charge
Broken Trust by Rhonda Lee Carver – A retired SEAL must protect an old flame who’s feisty and more dangerous than any criminal—and dead if he can’t earn her trust
Clear to Engage by Sukie Chapin – One struggling bookshop owner, one hot-as-hell former SEAL-turned-carpenter, one line drawn in the sand—until the job is done, they’re not clear to engage
Tagged: anthology, contemporary romance, historical romance, military hero, paranormal romance, Science Fiction Romance, short story, silver fox Posted in About books..., Contests! | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: flchen - Jennifer Beyer - BN - Beckie - Delilah -
Wednesday, April 26th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Stephanie!
Confession time – this isn’t my first lesbian romance. I wrote a sweet short story for a charity anthology to benefit victims of the Australian Wildfires back in February 2020. My little story gave me two characters I gave cameos to in a subsequent book.
Okay, now I have that off my chest.
I love my publisher. They come up with great ideas and I’m happy to run with them. For Passport to Romance, I wrote a gay novella Valentino in Vancouver set in – big surprise – Vancouver. Under another penname, I wrote Bonding in Buenos Aires. One guess where I set that novella. For their One Scoop or Two series, I wrote Catch a Tiger by the Tail which doesn’t sound much like an ice cream story until you realize tiger tail ice cream is a thing (orange cream mixed with ribbons of black licorice and, OMG, so so so good).
Last year, they asked for jelly bean stories. Jelly Beans and Spring Things was the proposed theme.
At first, I didn’t think I had anything to contribute. I’d just written Valentino and was preparing to write Buenos Aires. And I had a third book, under another penname, that was on deadline. Oh, and my contribution to the HEA Collective needed to be written. I didn’t have time for a jelly bean book!
Except…yeah. I remembered a character I’d created in Valentino – actress Elouise Hynes. Elouise, like the character Seamus, is from Newfoundland. But while Seamus still has a trace of an accent, Elouise went to Hollywood and tried to ditch the accent entirely. She hasn’t turned her back on her roots – but she’s embraced the SoCal lifestyle.
Until a broken relationship sends her scrambling back to Canada, Vancouver in particular, to nab the lead role in a thriller. By now, she’s out of the closet and has sworn off love after the disastrous dissolution of her engagement. Then she meets bold and brash makeup artist Kelci, and her world turns upside down. Toss in characters previously introduced in Tiger and Valentino to bring readers along for the journey. Then, finally, throw in some April showers, jelly beans, and I had my story.
I tried to write a sweet story. My editor gently told me I’d missed the mark by a mile. She suggested I add a few swear words (which are normally in my stories) and add a sex scene (which fit beautifully in the story and the reader would never know it hadn’t always been there). I call the story my spicy lesbian novella. The book isn’t as spicy as some other things I’ve written, but there’s plenty of sexual tension and also plenty of love. So the typical Gabbi Grey novella with the perfect HEA.
Thank you, Delilah, for hosting me today so I can talk about my beloved venture into Sapphic romance. I’d love to offer a $5 Amazon GC to one of your faithful readers. Let me know – how much does the cover influence your decision to try a book? I love my cover of You See Me. I think my designer nailed Elouise perfect with the right amount of sexiness while showing that hint of vulnerability. One random commenter will win the GC. Thanks!
You See Me

Being dumped might lead to a forever love.
After a public break-up with my fiancée, I’ve retrenched in Vancouver, British Columbia to lick my wounds and star in a movie. I’m acting as if everything is okay, but then I meet a woman who sees the real me. Dare I take a chance to find real love?
I’ve admired Elouise Hynes from afar for years. She’s recently come out of the closet and was dumped just a short time later. I want to offer comfort, but I’m a make-up artist on her movie crew. Can we really form a lasting bond when she lives in LA and I’m staying in Canada?
Universal Link: https://books2read.com/You
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/You-See-Me-Gabbi-Grey-ebook/dp/B0BVRW5SGC
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/you-see-me-gabbi-grey/1143069019
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/book/you-see-me/id6445718954
KOBO: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/you-see-me-3
Add it to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/122849755-you-see-me
About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Gabbi’s Links:
Website: https://gabbigrey.com/
Newsletter sign-up: https://sendfox.com/gabbigrey
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorgabbigrey/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GabbiGrey
Facebook (page): https://www.facebook.com/AuthorGabbiGrey
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/gabbi-grey
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15456297.Gabbi_Grey
Tagged: contemporary romance, lesbian, LGBTQIA+ Posted in Contests!, General | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Mary Preston - Eileen Airey - BN - Jennifer Beyer - Delilah -
Monday, April 24th, 2023

Happy New Year! Wait. What? Why am I talking about New Year’s in April? It’s a bit strange, yes, but actually, it is relevant once one thinks about it. Let me explain.
As the old year ends and it’s time to ring in the new one, many people make resolutions. “New year, new you,” as the slogan goes. Most people have the best intentions when they make the resolutions, and some follow through. However, most people begin their resolutions strong but around month three begin to slack off. There are many reasons people this may occur. Perhaps the resolution was set too high (e.g., lose 90 pounds in two weeks). Or maybe the resolution was something beyond the person’s control (e.g., being promoted at work). It could have even been unrealistic (e.g., taking a trip around the world without any means to finance it). Yet, it could have been that the person who made the resolution simply became discouraged if they seemed to make little or no progress. No matter the reason, usually around March, many people abandon their New Year’s resolutions.
In recent years, there seems to be an anti-New Year’s Resolutions trend. People appear to be tired of making resolutions and failing. So, does that mean people no longer set goals? That people have lost their ambitions? That people are too disheartened and dismayed to hold aspirations? Considering everything that has happened in the last three years, that very well could be an explanation. However, another explanation could be that people have discovered a new way to approach an old issue. Well, technically, theirs is nothing new about the approach that I’m about to discuss. Many people, especially business owners, have used this approach for years. They set a yearly/annual goal, but the ways in which they achieve that goal is by measuring it in increments. Instead of tackling the entire goal individually and looking at progress compared to the end goal, they divide the task into quarterly goals.
Quarterly goals are much more manageable. For example, if a person has a goal to go on a vacation but has no means to finance it. Having quarterly goals may make accomplishing this less daunting. The first quarter may be dedicated to determining how much money is needed to travel, obtaining passports or documents for passports, finding travel/hotel discounts, and developing a plan to pay for it. This could include having a garage/yard sale, getting a second job, cutting back on current expenses, clipping coupons, etc. After the first quarter, progress can be measured and used as a baseline for the second quarter goals.
Basically, quarterly goals are a way to assess if a person is on track to reach his/her annual goals. Businesses use this all the time to adjust and readjust their business strategies…to determine what worked and what didn’t work.
April is a month that many people begin their second-quarter goals. For people who did not make any goals for the first quarter, April is a good month to develop goals. April is a month associated with rain. Consider April the chance to wash away any failed goals and begin fresh. Easter occurred this month, and Easter is associated with rebirth and rejuvenation; rising and conquering the impossible.
That’s all I got. Now, it’s your turn to sound off. What did you think? What is your take on the subject? Do you agree or disagree? Did you find this information helpful or informative? Did you learn anything new, or did it change your opinion? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Also, let me know if you would like me to cover more of these types of topics or dive deeper into this one. If you like this post, please click the like button and share it. Your feedback allows me to know the content that you want to read. If you’re not following me on Creole Bayou blog, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou.
Get ready. It’s time to hit the ice again. Future Goals has arrived and is available.

When a college hockey player needs the help of an attractive older attorney, he gets more than he bargained for when trying to sort out the troubles in his career. Falling in love was never part of either man’s plan, especially as Corrigan’s and Sacha’s lives should never have collided. Now they’re left questioning if they’re standing in the way of the other’s future goals, or if there’s room for redirection.
Order your copy at:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3RjPYb9
Other booksellers: https://bit.ly/3CI8d5W
Missed the first four books in my hockey romance series? No frets.
Out of the Penalty Box (book #1), where it is one minute in the box or a lifetime out, is available at https://amzn.to/2Bhnngw. It also can be ordered on iTunes, Nook, or Kobo. For more links on where to purchase or to read the blurb, please visit https://bit.ly/2i9SqpH.
Defending the Net (book #2) can be ordered at https://amzn.to/2N7fj8q or www.books2read.com/defending. Crossing the line could cost the game.
Ice Gladiators (book #3) is the third book in my Locker Room Love series. When the gloves come off, the games begin. Available at https://amzn.to/2TGFsyD or www.books2read.com/icegladiators.
Penalty Kill (book #4) retakes the ice. Get a copy at https://amzn.to/3ex0N9p or https://amzn.to/3ex0N9p and let the pucker begin.
For more of my stories, shenanigans, giveaways, and more, check out my blog, Creole Bayou, www.genevivechambleeconnect.wordpress.com. New posts are made on Wednesdays, and everything is raw and unscathed. Climb on in a pirogue and join me on the bayou.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this post or any others, feel free to comment below or tweet me at @dolynesaidso. You also can follow me on Instagram at genevivechambleeauthor or for search me on Goodreads or Amazon Authors or BookBub or TikTok.
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Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.
About the Author
Genevive Chamblee resides in the bayou country where sweet tea and SEC football reign supreme. She is known for being witty (or so she thinks), getting lost anywhere beyond her front yard (the back is pushing it as she’s very geographically challenged), falling in love with shelter animals (and she adopts them), asking off-the-beaten-path questions that makes one go “hmm”, and preparing home-cooked Creole meals that are as spicy as her writing. Genevive specializes in spinning steamy, romantic tales with humorous flair, diverse characters, and quirky views of love and human behavior. She also is not afraid to delve into darker romances as well.
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Tuesday, April 18th, 2023
It’s out! It’s the first of several boxed sets of some of my shorter series that I plan to release in print and in “boxed” bundles to keep them inexpensive. And for a short time, I’m offering it for FREE in Kindle Unlimited. Enjoy seeing what kind of trouble my Adventure Girls, Inc. travel agents get themselves into. Hint—only an ex-military man can save them!

Dangerous Liaisons
A pampered travel agent, roughing it at an anti-terrorist training school, escapes through the jungle with an undercover DEA agent when a drug lord mistakes her for a rival’s daughter.
Mutiny’s Bounty
A former Navy SEAL races to rescue the passengers aboard a luxury yacht after it’s captured by pirates, but first, he has to rescue the woman he’s trapped with inside a shark cage on the ocean floor.
It Takes a SEAL
A travel agent visiting friends in the Bahamas is stranded on a desert island with a sexy ex-SEAL after their private pleasure cruise is interrupted by men who mistake her lover for a reclusive billionaire.
Order the eBook here!
Order your print copy now!
Read an excerpt from Mutiny’s Bounty…
“Sweetheart, the sharks are down there.” Ice blue eyes wrinkled at the corners as the man bending over the side of the olive-green skiff pointed a finger into the clear blue depths beneath her.
Did he think she’d missed seeing the swarm, or flock, or whatever the hell you called a group of freaking sharks? They were busy ripping into the grisly bundle of fish parts and guts the dive crew had dropped to the sea floor in a wire basket—which was why she’d hurried over here.
“Exactly! Like any sane person would purposely swim with sharks?” She let her voice frag, then crimped her lips to keep from saying anything else that made her sound like she was twelve. Lace McElhannon was glad she hadn’t given him a snarky wag of her head while she’d said it. But seriously, who would blame her for being snotty? Great White sharks were swimming thirty feet beneath her toes, and he wasn’t doing anything about it!
When her yacht-mates had blithely donned their snorkels and goggles then fell backward into the water without a care, she’d only hesitated for a moment. How scary could it be? And the dive team had seemed professional, assuring them the spotters’ job was to watch for any trouble, and they would swoop in to the rescue or drop fresh bait to distract the sharks.
Not until she’d glanced down and seen a dozen huge, sleek bodies with rows and rows of jagged teeth circling had she’d freaked out, leaving her shipmates bobbing on the surface like live bait while she’d struck out toward the skiff.
Fighting for breath, Lace dog-paddled, then swam faster against a rising wave that sent her closer to the skiff’s hull. Salty water splashed into her mouth, and she gulped without thinking, coughing and spitting, knowing she looked like an idiot, but her poor swimming skills didn’t have a thing to do with her breathless state. Fear froze her body, making expanding her lungs impossible.
Yes, she’d paid to swim with sharks. Or at least she’d paid for the plane ticket to get here to the Bahamas. But maybe she shouldn’t have watched Susan’s Shark Week DVDs beforehand. Her friend and partner at the travel agency had tried to dissuade her from choosing this particular adventure vacation, knowing she’d only ever swum in a heated pool. But who could pass up a week in the Bahamas? She’d had visions of watching the excitement through the window of a glass-bottom boat. But now was not the time to wonder why she hadn’t paid closer attention to Jake Halloran’s description of his “little ocean jaunt.”
“You have to help me up,” she said, sliding up her goggles to let the smirking hunk see her terror-stricken eyes. “I have a cramp.”
His eyes narrowed as he stared down at her. “We’re not here to rescue clients from their own bad decisions.”
“Make an exception.” She pushed the mouthpiece of her snorkel to the side so he could see the determination thinning her lips.
“Better pull her up, Dex,” another voice above her drawled. “The way she’s splashing, those whites’ll think she’s a fish in distress.”
Dex. So that was his name. But she didn’t have time to savor the mystery that had taunted her since she’d boarded the Clementine three days ago for one of Halloran’s daily jaunts. Despite the amenities aboard the 160-foot motorized luxury yacht behind her, she’d been much more interested in this man than the rock-climbing wall near the upper deck. On their first day aboard the yacht, he’d been introduced as the commander of the guard team providing security for the high-end adventure vacation. Unfortunately, he spent most of his time on the much smaller and faster escort boat which accompanied them while they sailed. She’d really hoped for a chance to get to know him. Everything about him had attracted her—his size, his muscled frame, his icy-cool gaze that landed like a hot laser, making her melt.
Funny how that calculating stare didn’t have the same effect when she was scared.
A rope ladder rolled over the side of the skiff, and she swam for it, reaching out and gripping the first rung, doing her best to haul herself up. But she’d been swimming for a good while and her limbs felt like lead weights. She dangled on the rope, half in-half out of the water, catching her breath and staring down to make sure her toes were curled in case the big fishes thought they were sausages. But she’d also watched Jaws. Sharks could lunge upward. Her breath caught in her throat, and she cast a wild glance above her.
A thickly muscled arm shot downward. A steel grip wrapped around one wrist and pulled her up, not releasing until she lay draped over the side of the boat.
She tried to get a leg up and over the side, not caring her ass was on display, but didn’t finish the motion because strong hands gripped her waist and lifted her, setting her on her feet.
She swayed, not having to exaggerate her sigh of relief or the weakness in her knees to get a chance to lean against the firm, hard body she’d been ogling for days. “You saved me,” she said, her voice a breathy whisper.
His head shook side to side, his chin rubbing her hair. “You weren’t in any danger. Or wouldn’t have been if you’d managed to remain calm. The sharks really are more interested in chum than you.”
Lace shivered and snuggled closer, reminded she wore the teensiest bikini in her bikini wardrobe, and she was getting him soaking wet. She’d hoped for a moment like this when she’d seen him in the powerful little skiff, his dark tee hugging well-muscled arms and a lean torso, lightweight black cargo pants doing nothing to hide the thickness of his sturdy thighs, dark sunglasses giving him an added, irresistible air of danger. And he wore combat boots in a boat. How sexy was that?
Her friend Maya had just such a man, someone who’d put himself in the line of fire to keep her friend safe. And why couldn’t she find a hero of her own? Maybe because she was on vacation and only had three days left in the Bahamas? But a lot could happen in three days if a girl wasn’t too fussy about appearing a little desperate, and she and her fellow passengers were heading back to the villa that night for a cozy dinner party.
A throat cleared.
The boat really was small, and three other hotties sat nearby with their gazes trained on her and Dex. But the one who’d dared interrupt them wore a dazzling smile and gave her a wicked waggle of his blond eyebrows.
“Ma’am, you might enjoy watching the sharks from the swimming platform. Stand in the spotter’s cage and look down. The water’s so clear you’ll feel like they’re closer than they are, but you’ll be safe.”
Lace wasn’t interested in the sharks swarming in the water. She liked the one standing so close the heat from his body warmed her head to toe.
But Dex only cupped her elbows, and she’d given him ample opportunity and implicit permission to touch so much more.
Now that the quaking had stopped, she felt her face grow hot. Lace drew away and began to offer him a small smile of apology, but his slitted gaze made a quick trip down her body. Oh. Maybe she hadn’t blown this first encounter after all. Could she use that hint of attraction to wrangle an invitation for drinks after they reached the villa’s dock?
She licked her lips and pouted them. “I guess I should be getting back to my boat…”
“No more shivers?” His voice was deep and slightly husky.
“Only where it counts,” she whispered, arching a brow. Read the rest of this entry »
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