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Archive for 'contemporary romance'
Saturday, April 15th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Joy Boutwell!
Just so you know, in case you don’t frequent my Upcoming/Coming Soon page, I have three books coming out in quick succession!
- Danger Zone releases next Tuesday, April 18th!
- Silver Soldiers: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology releases May 9th!
- Cold Hard Cash, the first in the We Are Dead Horse, MT, series releases May 23rd!
And that’s my Public Service Announcement for the day! If you haven’t already pre-ordered your copies, do so now! *I will pre-order. I will pre-order. I will pre-order.* Did my mesmerizing skills work? 🙂
The Saturday Puzzle-Contest
First, solve the puzzle. Then, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC, tell me if this was a scene from a horror or sci-fi movie, what would happen next?
Don’t think too hard! Have fun with it!
Tagged: anthology, contemporary romance, game, jigsaw, military hero, puzzle, romantic suspense, short story Posted in About books..., Contests!, Pre-Order | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: BN - Debra Guyette - Beckie - Joy Boutwell - Delilah -
Friday, April 14th, 2023

The fourth steamy seasoned romance in Brenda’s Silverberry Seduction Series released yesterday.
Here are what early reviewers are saying:
5 stars
“I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. Highly recommend!”
Reading by Deb
4 stars
“This author…has a way of telling a story that pulls me in.”
Karie G. on Goodreads
5 stars
“Brenda Margriet’s writing is skillful, leading to a great (and steamy) reading experience!”
Marie on Goodreads
Want to know more? Here’s the description…
Strictly by the Book

An adventurous, go-with-the-flow historian…a scrupulous, stick-to-the-rules scientist…an attraction so wrong it’s absolutely right.
Natalie Minton’s cheerful exterior hides desperation. She’s been out of work for months when her estranged sister appears on her doorstep pleading for help. An offer to write the biography of a local political legend couldn’t come at a better time.
Rafe Talbot rejected family tradition and chose medicine over politics. When he stumbles upon evidence of a hidden scandal, his only recourse is to work alongside—and stay one step ahead of—the vivacious scholar hired to chronicle his mother’s career.
Natalie’s exuberance strikes sparks off Rafe’s steely severity, luring them to ignore the secrets shadowing their pasts…until the glare of the present exposes intolerable truths.
Are you a member of a book club? I have to confess…I never have been. Is that odd for an author who is also a voracious reader? I don’t know!
When I set out to write a series centered around the members of a book club, I knew it wouldn’t be an ordinary club. While getting together with friends for wine and appies while you discuss your latest read sounds like something I would love to do, I wasn’t so sure readers would enjoy too many scenes like that. It sounds a bit boring, doesn’t it – to read about people reading?
So in Secrets Under the Covers (Book One, which is always available free here https://books2read.com/SecretsUndertheCovers) we see the Silverberry Book Club exactly as you would expect at the beginning of the story. But by the end, they have put aside their books and are enjoying a hot summer evening paddleboarding, kayaking, and swimming at a lake. In Book Two, they paint pysanky (Ukrainian Easter eggs). In Book Three they hike up a mountain and take a mixology class. In Book Five (which I am currently writing and will release Fall 2023) they learn to ride motorcycles.
In Book Four, Strictly by the Book, they participate in indoor rock climbing. Natalie (36) convinces Rafe (42) to join them. Guests are always welcome at Silverberry activities!
Here’s an excerpt from that scene…
The hour-long introductory session had eased the worst of Rafe’s worries. Watching Natalie swarm up the wall like a Lycra-clad gecko, though, had brought back his insecurities. He never tried anything new until he was one hundred percent certain he’d be good at it.
He didn’t have that luxury at the moment. It was either climb or flee.
After wiping sweaty fingers on his thighs, he gripped a green knob an arm’s length above his head. Placing the opposing foot into a tiny notch, he pushed up, leaving the safety and security of the floor behind.
He focused solely on the next hold for his fingers and toes—and the next and the next—resolutely refusing to calculate how high he was climbing. His intellect knew he wasn’t in real danger, that Benjamin would stop him if he fell, that despite the risks involved, this was a safe activity performed by children. His gut told him he was insane to do this just to impress a woman.
He gritted his teeth and kept on going, afraid if he stopped for an instant he would never get started again.
“Well, hello there.”
Blinking sweat out of his eyes, he realized his nose was level with a slim ankle protruding from a pair of worn climbing shoes. Lifting his chin, his gaze trailed up a smooth calf, along a strong thigh encased in form-fitting bicycle shorts, past a fuchsia athletic top snuggling rounded breasts, and ended on a pair of glittering, amused brown eyes unprotected by their usual glasses.
“Hello there.” His voice was hoarse with a mixture of exertion and fear.
“You might as well come all the way, since you made it this far.”
He worked his way up the last few feet until his face was the same level as Natalie’s. Chest heaving, he laid his forehead against the concrete wall and closed his eyes.
“Well done.” The sincerity in her tone was a surprise. She was so much better than he was. Having her compliment him meant something. “You did excellently. I knew you would though, given your muscle tone.”
He opened his eyes. The memory of exactly how she knew about his muscle tone was no longer as disconcerting as it had been, possibly trumped by the fact he was stuck to a wall like a petrified spider. “Thanks.”
“How do you feel?”
She asked as if she really cared, so he did her the courtesy of a thorough self-examination before answering.
And was surprised to find a sense of exhilaration overpowering any lingering anxiety.
“Good. Great, actually. I don’t know if I’m ready for the Matterhorn, but I’d try this again.”
Her lips curved, teeth flashing. Her left lateral incisor slightly overlapped its neighbour in an irritatingly charming fashion. “I’m glad. That’s what being a Silverberry is all about.”
He wasn’t sure he qualified for Silverberry status yet, but was pleased she thought he’d earned the title. His pulse, which had started to settle, kicked up again when she licked her upper lip. The shouts and laughter of other climbers echoed in the cavernous space, but at this moment he and Natalie were in their own private aerie.
Her gaze dropped to his mouth. Her tongue flicked out again, wetting her lips. His cock tightened against the restrictions of the harness and athletic shorts. He shifted slightly on his toes, leaning toward her…
…and slipped off his precarious perch.
Rafe let out a startled bellow as his feet shot out from underneath him.
Natalie stretched out a hand to steady him. “It’s all good. Benjamin’s got you. Just get another hold. You can do it.” She kept her voice low and soothing.
He scrambled for purchase, kicking and swinging. His fingertips, gripping a protrusion right at her eye level, were bloodless with tension. It was only seconds before he was secure again, but she knew exactly how terrifying it felt to free fall even a few inches when you weren’t expecting it.
Almost as terrifying as knowing he’d been about to kiss her only moments before. Her heart still pounded in her throat.
His shoulder was granite under her fingertips, rock-hard with fear. She patted it and then drew her hand away. “Okay now? That can be scary.” He stared at her, speechless, the whites of his eyes showing around the almost black irises. “Do you want Benjamin to belay you?”
“No.” His reply was sharp and definite. He sucked in a breath, held it, and then let it out slowly. “I made it up under my own power. And I’ll make it down, too. See you at the bottom.”
She gave him a head start, and then followed using a slightly different route. She took her time, not wanting to rush him, and reached the bottom a few moments after.
It took her a little while to recognize the starburst shining in her chest. Pride. She could see how much the climb had taxed him, knew how much willpower it had taken to risk this new adventure. Yet, he hadn’t let it conquer him.
She flung her arms around him. He staggered back against the wall, his hands clamping on her waist. “Well done. Congratulations!” She lifted on tiptoe and pressed a quick kiss on his sweaty cheek, tasting salt, his short whiskers tickling her lips.
His embrace tightened as he stared down at her. He was so much taller that the top of her head barely reached his chin. She had the sudden urge to press her nose into the hollow at the base of his throat and bask in his essence.
Mouth dry, she hurriedly released him. As soon as her arms dropped, his hold slackened, and she stepped to a safer distance.
“There’s a pub next door. We’re all going for dinner and drinks. You should come.” She was babbling, his continued silence only increasing her nervousness. “Or not. Whatever you like. I’m going to go shower now.”
She escaped.

Want to read more? Strictly by the Book is available at major retailers for a special release price. https://books2read.com/StrictlybytheBook
Or, if you’d like to start the series for free, Book One Secrets Under the Covers is available here! https://books2read.com/SecretsUndertheCovers
About the Author
Brenda Margriet writes savvy, slow burn, contemporary romances with ordinarily amazing characters. In her own ordinarily amazing life, she had a successful career in radio and television production before deciding to pilfer from her retirement plan to support her writing compulsion.
Readers have called her stories “poignant,” “explicit and steamy,” “interesting, intriguing and entertaining,” and “unlike any romance you’ve read before” (she assumes the latter was meant in a good way).
Connect with Brenda here!
Newsletter Sign-Up: https://www.subscribepage.com/brendas-newsletter-signup (get a free short story!)
Website: https://www.brendamargriet.com/
Amazon: amazon.com/author/brendamargriet
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/bmargriet
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/brenda-margriet
Facebook: www.facebook.com/brendamargriet
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/worththewaitseasonedromancereaders/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brendamargriet_author/

Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger Posted in About books..., General | Comments Off on Brenda Margriet: STRICTLY BY THE BOOK – New Release! | Link
Wednesday, April 12th, 2023

Do you like young adult contemporary books with pop stars, celebrities, staying true to yourself, funny friends, swoony moments, soul mates, moving from a small town to the big city, and living your dreams? My YA contemporary book, Cecily in the City, has just released. It’s the third book in the Cecily Taylor Series, but it can be read as a standalone. It hit number one on Amazon’s hot new release charts,
What is the story about?

Cecily Taylor thinks her life can’t get any better when she moves to the city after getting a job on a soap opera. She’s excited to act and be in the same city as her pop star boyfriend, Andrew Holiday. Then she stars in another pop star’s music video, but there’s more drama behind the scenes than what’s in the script.
Pretty soon there are media posts about Cecily and the new singer and her relationship with Andrew is threatened. She just wants to act, be with Andrew, and help the causes close to her heart, but life sure is different in the glare of the spotlight.
Can Cecily hang onto her dream life while in the big city?

Find the book here:
Amazon US (Free in Kindle Unlimited): https://www.amazon.com/Cecily-City-Taylor-Book-ebook/dp/B0B35LSJRK
Amazon AUS: https://www.amazon.com.au/Cecily-City-Taylor-Book-ebook/dp/B0B35LSJRK
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cecily-City-Taylor-Book-ebook/dp/B0B35LSJRK
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/cecily-in-the-city-krysten-lindsay-hager/1143327978
About the Author
Krysten Lindsay Hager writes about friendship, self-esteem, fitting in, frenemies, crushes, fame, first loves, and values. Her work includes YA contemporary novels and middle school fiction. She received her BA in English and master’s degree in liberal studies from the University of Michigan-Flint.
Krysten’s work has been featured in USA Today, The Flint Journal, the Grand Haven Tribune, the Beavercreek Current, the Bellbrook Times, Springfield News-Sun, Grand Blanc View, Dayton Daily News and on Living Dayton.
Website: https://www.krystenlindsay.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KrystenLindsayHagerAuthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystenlindsay/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/krystenlindsay/
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, YA, YA Romance Posted in About books..., General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Krysten Hager -
Monday, April 10th, 2023

That’s where my latest release takes place—a remote Ojibway community in Northwestern Ontario, where spruce trees cover the land, lakes are everywhere, dirt roads go unpaved, and there are ditches instead of sidewalks. The only way in and out is by plane. Even the landing strip at the small airport is gravel-covered. In the winter, you can take your vehicle to your destination, but that depends on what the beginning of the season is like. Such as this year. No cars or trucks can travel on the ice road because there’s too much slush underneath thanks to the mild weather when freeze-up began. As for food, that can get costly. Think triple the amount if you live in a town or city.
But this place has many facilities. There is the band office (think a town administration centre). A recreation centre for kids and adults. A multi-use centre for community events. A primary and secondary school (where my heroine works). A local police station (where my hero used to work). A gas and convenience store. A northern store that supplies groceries, hardware, and furniture (like Walmart but not as big).
Of course, there are traditional places, such as the powwow grounds, the roundhouse, and the sweat lodge.
Being in such close-knit quarters with two thousand people, gossip can run rampant, and that’s what happens to my hero Jordan after that awful night.
I give you The Circle is Small, my contemporary, cultural romance. I hope you enjoy.

An ex-cop returning to face his horrendous past, the woman who won’t forgive him, and the family who’ll never let him forget that he killed their son.
First Nations Constable Jordan Chartrand’s guilt can’t handle the accusing stares from the family left to mourn their son after that horrible night…so he flees from his Ojibway community and the woman he loves. Two years later, his mother’s cancer diagnosis forces him to return to help her.
Devoted schoolteacher Ellie Quill wants nothing to do with Jordan after he bolted to the city and left her behind. Her life goals are set. As for her secret, she’ll keep that to herself, even if Jordan’s begging to know the truth about her child.
When the two are compelled to work on a community project to address the rampant drug problem, their forced proximity slowly melts Ellie’s icy walls. But no matter how much her heart desires to give Jordan the second chance that he’s begging for, she refuses to because providing a life for her son in the tradition of the Ojibway culture is her top priority now, not moving to the city where Jordan continues to hide.
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance, First Nations Romance, Native American Romance
Heat Rating: Level 3
Publication Date: March 17, 2023
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Read an EXCERPT.
Add to Your Goodreads Shelf.
You can purchase a copy at eXtasy Books or one of these retailers:
Amazon Buy Links: Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.com.au
Other Buy Links: Kobo | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | Google Play | iBooks
About the Author

An Ojibway from Northwestern Ontario, Maggie resides in the country with her husband and their fur babies, two beautiful Alaskan Malamutes. When she’s not writing, she can be found pulling weeds in the flower beds, mowing the huge lawn, walking the Mals deep in the bush, teeing up a ball at the golf course, fishing in the boat for walleye, or sitting on the deck at her sister’s house, making more wonderful memories with the people she loves most. https://linktr.ee/maggieblackbird
Tagged: contemporary romance, cultural romance, native american, ojibway Posted in About books..., General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Laura - Maggie Blackbird -
Saturday, April 8th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is Diane Sallans!
I have a boxed set coming out on April 18th! Or at least the Kindle version is arriving then. If you prefer print, it’s ready now! This is a previously released series, a complete series, being offered in a single boxed set for a savings of $5.98 if you were to purchase them separately.

Pre-order the eBook version!
Order the print version!
Danger Zone includes the following stories…
Dangerous Liaisons
Pampered travel agent, roughing it at an anti-terrorist training school, escapes through the jungle with an undercover DEA agent when a drug lord mistakes her for a rival’s daughter.
Mutiny’s Bounty
A former Navy SEAL races to rescue the passengers aboard a luxury yacht after it’s captured by pirates, but first, he has to rescue the woman he’s trapped with inside a shark cage on the ocean floor.
It Takes a SEAL
A travel agent visiting friends in the Bahamas is stranded on a desert island with a sexy ex-SEAL after their private pleasure cruise is interrupted by men who mistake her lover for a reclusive billionaire.
And that’s my sales pitch! They are fun, very, very sexy, adventure stories with super-hawt alpha males. That’s all you need to know, right? I hope you reserve your copy!
Keeping to the action-adventure theme, here’s your Saturday Puzzle! For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what my hero and heroine are trying to escape?
Tagged: contemporary romance, game, jigsaw, military hero, puzzle, romantic suspense Posted in About books..., Contests!, New Release, Pre-Order | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Debra Guyette - Mary McCoy - flchen - Delilah - Beckie -
Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

Why give something away for free?
A reader recently posed that question. And it’s absolutely valid. I’ll try to explain my logic – which should not be extrapolated out to other authors as they have their own marketing strategies.
I’ve written a series. I didn’t intend to. I had a few book ideas swimming around in my mind for years. I’d write a couple of chapters for this book, add a scene to another, come up with some random idea for a third. Nothing ever gelled. I moved around in that nebulous space for fifteen years. Then, ten years ago, I decided the time was right to take writing seriously. I started writing a book, wrangled a secondary character who wanted their story told first, finished a book…then came up with something completely different and wrote that book.
Then, after I sent that one off to a publisher, I kept writing. Best piece of advice I ever got as a writer: write the next book. So I did. Then I picked up some of those half-written manuscripts and dusted them off – and actually finished several! And then I sat down and put all those ideas floating around in my head on paper. I had exactly fifty stories I wanted to tell. 50 books to write. And since they were all set in the same small town, I decided to make them into a series.
The publisher rejected my book, but by then I’d written 21 full or partial other books in the series. I’d gotten a hang for it and had created a world with people who were absolutely real to me. And I’d created more secondary characters who also wanted books – my series bible was up to almost 75 stories.
Knowing I’d never find a publisher for 75 stories, I decided to self-publish. I hired an editor (a critical step) and then I set about learning everything I could about self-publishing. I attended conferences, workshops, met writers who would become mentors, and generally absorbed stuff for years. Meanwhile, under a different penname, I wrote gay romances set in that world, using characters I’d created.
Finally, this year, I was ready to launch the first few books. Now, starting a new penname means no one knows me. The advice given by most gurus is to create a newsletter. One way to get people to sign up for your newsletter is to give them a book. Some authors do short stories, or some kind of special content. I’d written another book for a publisher they’d rejected. A perfectly good story that required a good edit. Once I did that, I had a 65k word book that I’d written for fun. Now, I paid to edit it and get a professional cover, but I didn’t have a lot invested in the book. I was happy to put it out as a prequel to the series and ask, gently, for people to sign up for my newsletter in exchange for a copy of the book. People can always unsubscribe, of course, but I try to give them a reason to stick around. My hope is they’ll read that book. And pick up the next book in the series.
Today, though, I’m giving away book 1 of the series on Amazon. Now, I love this book as much as all the others. Although it’s book 1, I only wrote it last year. I’ve had time to settle into my small town and had an idea of a series arc I want to create. A reason for readers to keep coming back. I also hoped to pull in some of the readers of my gay romance books, so I had a few cameos with favorite characters. I’m giving away that book today in the hopes readers will pick it up, read it, love it, and want more. It’s a risk, for sure. With thousands and thousands of free books out there, what are the odds I’m going to find the right reader at the right time? That they’ll fall in love with my book and be so intrigued by the secondary character that they can’t wait to read her story? (That character was always quite mysterious and although her book was written first, I realized I needed a bigger lead in.)
I hope that explains how I’m trying to launch my new penname. Delilah’s been great about letting me share the journey with you and I appreciate you hanging in there as I show you how the sausage gets made (or how you launch a new penname/series in 2023…)

To celebrate, I’m giving away not just the free book, but a $5 Amazon gift card. Let me know – what is your thought of free books? Do you think they have less value? Or do they give you the opportunity to try a new author you might not otherwise? Drop a comment and a random winner will win the GC.
Love in Cedar Valley Series
What’s better than love in the beautiful Cedar Valley in British Columbia, Canada? Find small town romances with a touch of angst, a bit of heat, and a lot of heart…
Each novel is a standalone, but they are best read in order:
The Luminosity of Loriana Harper (A small town interracial romance)
The Making of Marnie Jones (A small town enemies-to-lovers romance)
The Redemption of Remy St. Claire (A small town single-father fake-marriage romance)
The Luminosity of Loriana Harper

Loriana Harper is the head librarian of the Mission City Public Library. She considers herself a matchmaker in this little town in British Columbia—especially for her employees. When a gorgeous technician arrives to update their computers, she can’t help musing about who might be his perfect match. Except, the more time she spends with Mitch, the more she wants him for herself.
Mitch Alexander left in disgrace from a good job in California. He’s come to this small town to make a new start where no one knows him. Although he has no plans to get involved with anyone, he’s drawn to the nosy, vivacious librarian who makes him smile. The local matchmaker might go overboard, but she has good intentions. Except he’s not in the market for any match, unless it’s with her.
When Mitch’s past catches up with him, and the police come calling, he has to decide if he’ll stay with Loriana or leave to save her from the taint of being associated with him. Loriana’s not ready to let her new man go without a fight—but maybe this is a match that wasn’t meant to be.
The Luminosity of Loriana Harper is an older-woman age-gap interracial romance with a touch of angst and a large cat named Plato. The book is the first in the Love in Cedar Valley series set in a small town in British Columbia, Canada.
UBL: https://books2read.com/Loriana
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVL3X4JZ
Add it to GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/122872288-the-luminosity-of-loriana-harper
About the Author

Gabbi Powell has been a lover of romance since she first put pen to paper in the eighth grade to write her first romance. She writes her novels while living in Beautiful British Columbia with her trusty ChinPoo dog a as companion. She also writes gay romances as Gabbi Grey and contemporary dark erotic BDSM novels as Gabbi Black.
Personal links:
Website: https://gabbipowell.com/
Newsletter sign-up: https://sendfox.com/gabbipowell
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/3142441314
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorgabbipowell/
Facebook (personal): https://www.facebook.com/gabbi.powell.9/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/powell_gabbi
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Gabbi-Powell/e/B08T8NTQNY
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21065056.Gabbi_Powell
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, small town romance Posted in Contests!, Free Read, General | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: flchen - ELF - Debra Guyette - Eileen Airey - Mary McCoy -
Friday, March 31st, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Gail S!
This is the last day of March! Where does the time go? Without any further ado, I’ll dive right into my recap…

- I completed work on my latest Montana Bounty Hunter story, Mica! And I published it!!!
- I’ve been doing minimal work on the Silver Soldiers anthology, which comes out May 9th! Mostly, working on a promotional calendar with the authors in the anthology.
- I completed only 3 editing projects for other authors in March. The injury to my hand severely impacted my ability to work at my usual pace, at least for the first half of the month.
- I continued wearing the brace on my hand until March 17th. The break is healed, but now I have to work on physical therapy to improve my hand’s function. My hand aches after I use it for a while, and my fingers get numb when I hold a paintbrush or pen for very long.
- I had a visit with a cardiologist this month. He has me wearing a monitor stuck to my chest for a week to see how it functions day to day. It’s beating a little slowly and has a slight arrhythmia. My blood pressure is still way too high, but the cardiologist adjusted my meds, and we’ll see how that goes.
- I haven’t been dieting like I should, what with my heart and blood pressure issues, and I haven’t been great about cutting my salt intake. My weight loss is stagnant! I think I was a little depressed by my hand injury. I could tell because I wanted to sleep way too much and didn’t want to go out at all. I don’t like to wallow in negativity, but it has been hard to motivate myself to move forward.
- As for physical activity, I’m not doing enough. Again, I’m feeling tired all the time. Which I know has to do with my weight, meds, and inactivity. All my issues are interrelated. I just need to get my fat ass off this chair and move more often.
- I’m back participating with my local art guild or humanities council. We had some planning meetings for upcoming exhibits and programs. It felt good to get out and mingle again.
- I am still participating in the #the100dayproject art online art challenge. As of today, I’m on Day 38. Here are a few of my March pieces…

For work-related, I plan:
- To complete my short story for the Silver Soldiers anthology.
- To compile all the Silver Soldiers stories into the anthology and get it formatted for release on May 9th.
- To begin work on Cold Hard Cash, the first of the We Are Dead Horse series.
- To complete 4 editing projects in April!
For health related, I plan:
- To restart counting those points for my Weight Watchers diet (I hate that word) and hopefully shed at least another 5 pounds, remembering, as always: Slow is good!
- To continue to reduce salt, processed food, and incorporate foods good for blood pressure (spinach, broccoli, bananas, red wine).
- To get the pool cleaned up—as soon as the weather cooperates—so that the minute the water is warm enough, I’m swimming (hopefully by end of April).
- To begin walking and counting my steps.
- I’ll re-dedicate myself to doing more housework, too, because my art room is a disaster. And cleaning is exercise, right?
For happiness-related, I plan:
- To continue producing some small piece of art every day as part of #the100dayproject. I’m volunteering several times a month to sit in the Art Center to keep it open. I use those quiet days away from my computer just to paint!
- Try to complete one of the many already paid-for online art classes I’ve lined up to do.
- To blog about art (on my Emerald Casket site) just to keep myself honest!
- To work toward re-opening my Etsy store!
Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier. Tell me what you plan to read in April…
Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Tagged: anthology, contemporary romance, Montana Bounty Hunters, planning, Western Posted in Contests!, Real Life | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Diane Sallans - Sara D - Jennifer Beyer - Mary McCoy - Gail S -