Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'contemporary romance'

Coming June 21st: Victoria’s Six (Excerpt)
Friday, June 10th, 2022

Want a peek inside the book coming out on June 21st? It’s part of the Athena Project series, which includes these books written by the fabulous Desiree Holt, Reina Torres, Jen Talty, and Regan Black inside Elle James’s Brotherhood Protectors World!

(And yeah, I know the picture says June 28, but it’s the 21st!)

Victoria’s Six

Victoria's Six

Read an excerpt!

A hard shoulder butted against her belly, taking away her breath. Not that her adversary today had given her the full might of his movement. Still, he managed to fold her over that said hard shoulder as he straightened and swept her off her feet. As she sailed behind him, she forced herself to go with it instead of tensing in anticipation, tucking in her chin before landing. Her surrender to the move lessened the impact when her back slapped the mat.

Dragging in a deep breath, Victoria Cross gave her sparring partner a stern glare. “You could’ve warned me we were starting again.”

He arched an eyebrow.

Yeah, that had been the point. He’d wanted to surprise her and check out her moves. He’d already made his opinion of her fitness for close-in, hand-to-hand combat measures perfectly clear. If they ever faced that sort of attack, she was to let him lead. Step behind him. Let his superior size and strength take the lead. Always.

Logically, she could see the sense of it. He was an ex-SEAL, built big and tall, not an ounce of lazy flab on his muscular frame. At thirty-seven, he was still in his prime. Battle-hardened.

And dear Lord was he hard.

Shoving that thought aside, she accepted the hand he offered her and let him pull her up in front of him. “You were holding back,” she said, frowning. Something that irritated the shit out of her because it was becoming a pattern. One she was trying to break because he needed to learn to trust in her skills and abilities.

“I used an appropriate amount of force,” he said, one corner of his mouth kicking up.

That half-smile and the deliberate deepening of his southern drawl had her seeing red—he was patronizing “the little woman.” She shot out both hands, slamming them against his chest while at the same time sweeping out a foot to catch him behind the ankles.

He didn’t budge.

She’d used the same move when sparring with her last partner and had planted his butt on the mat numerous times.

Logan Tackett sighed, gripped one of her arms, and turned her, folding her into his embrace so tightly she couldn’t use her elbows to strike his gut. Further, he quickly kicked out and hooked a leg around her ankles, preventing her from stomping on his foot. He had her completely trapped and under his control.

His head lowered, and he spoke into her ear. “You done?”

Seeing as they’d already spent an hour beating punching bags and each other, she relaxed, glad none of her friends were there to see her so overmatched. They’d have laughed themselves silly. “You can let me go now.”

“You sure?” he asked, his breath stirring the hair sticking to her cheek that had come loose from her ponytail.

“We have a meeting with Jake Cogburn in the conference room,” she reminded him while gritting her teeth.

His leg released hers. His arms fell away. When he stepped back from her, she felt a stirring of cool air against her sweaty back and strangely missed his warmth. “I’m heading to the shower,” she said. “See you at the meeting.” Then she quickly moved away, trying to leave behind some conflicting feelings—irritation with herself for not meeting the moment because she’d been working hard to earn his respect and disappointment that he’d let her go.

That last realization had her shaking her head. Logan was her partner. She’d never go there. Besides, she’d noted that he tended to have some old-fashioned views about a woman’s place in this organization. He’d have been fine with her if she kept to her lane—something she’d never accept.

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Lynda Rees: Heart of the Matter (FREE Read!)
Friday, June 3rd, 2022

Due to fan requests for FBI Agent Reggie Casse to have her own series and find a love interest, the Reggie Chronicles were born last year with Hart’s Girls, Reggie Chronicle 1. Reggie’s struggles and successes in life continue with the launch of Heart of the Matter, Reggie Chronicle 2, launching 6/1/22. It will be followed by Magnolia Blossoms, Reggie Chronicle 3, launching 7/1/22. eBooks and Print are available. They will launch in audiobook format near the end of this year, so stay tuned.

You can get Leah’s Story, the preamble to The Bloodline Series, FREE by becoming a VIP at:

Thank you for reading. Don’t forget to leave a review. You are so dear to me and greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy my books, and we become great friends. Stay in touch.

Heart of the Matter, Reggie Chronicle 2 

By Multi-Award-Winning Author, Lynda Rees, The Murder Guru

FBI Agent Reggie Casse and fiancé, U. S. Marshal Shea Montgomery, want a quiet but memorable wedding. Shea’s WITSEC witness, a corpse with a unique tattoo, a missing baby, and a kidnapping at their reception lead to an international ring selling items money shouldn’t be able to buy and a wedding no one can forget. Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum meets James Patterson’s Alex Cross in rural Kentucky racehorse country.

Special Sale: To celebrate the launch of Heart of the Matter, Reggie Chronicles, there’s a limited-time sale on Hart’s Girls, Reggie Chronicle 1. Get the link: Hart’s Girls eBook by Lynda Rees – 1230004964384 | Rakuten Kobo United States

Lynda Rees
WEBSITE:  Books – Lynda Rees, Author (
BOOKBUB:  Heart of the Matter (Reggie Chronicles Book 2) by Lynda Rees – BookBub
GOODREADS:  Author Dashboard | Goodreads

Gabbi Grey: Ace’s Place and Marcus’s Cadence (Contest & FREE Reads!)
Wednesday, June 1st, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…bn100!

Hello Delilah!

Thank you so much for letting me visit you so I can share my news with your loyal readers.

Free books!

Pretty cool, eh?

So the deets—I’m launching an indie series in the fall.  I’ve written a bunch of books for the serie,s and it’s time I put them out in the world.  I’ve titled the series Mission City.  Pretty simple, eh? (I’m Canadian…I just had to throw that in.)  Anyway, in writing those books, I developed a number of secondary characters whose stories I couldn’t wait to tell.  Ace’s Place and Marcus’s Cadence are two of them.  Characters from both stories have already appeared in several books published under the pen names Gabbi Grey and Gabbi Black.  Although each story I write is a standalone, I like to interweave characters into the stories.  I think it brings a richness and, to those who read across my genres, an opportunity to see old friends.

Today I’m letting your readers know about the two short stories—available on all platforms for free—and offering a contest. What is your favorite trope?  What type of stories do you return to again and again?  I’m a big fan of second chances.  I’ve written age-gap.  And many of my stories have a touch of angst (although not these two).  Share your thoughts for a chance to win an audiobook of either Ace’s Place or Marcus’s Cadence—coming soon and narrated by the amazing Michael Dean.  If you don’t listen to audiobooks, I’ll be happy to give you any book from my back catalog—Gabbi Grey or Gabbi Black.

Thanks for hosting me, Delilah.  I love sharing my good news with your lovely readers!

Ace’s Place

Derek Murphy has come to the godforsaken small town of Merritt, British Columbia in search of a new beginning. The man is tired, jaded, and resigned to never having sex again. Until Friday night at the local sports bar changes everything.

Harold Graham, hometown boy made good, has lived in Merritt his entire life. When he meets the new guy in town, he’s compelled to reach out the hand of friendship. And maybe more.

But secrets and omissions cloud what could be the beginning of something special. Can they take a chance on being vulnerable enough to fall in love?

Where to get your copy!
Amazon –
B&N –
iBooks –

Marcus’s Cadence

What happens when your biggest crush turns up on your doorstep after twelve years?

Cadence Crawford has a good thing going. He’s making waves as a realtor in Mission City, British Columbia. Yes, he’s recently suffered a personal loss, but he’s moving on, and his path forward includes selling the only true home he’s ever known.

Marcus Brannigan is doing fine. He has his physiotherapy practice, he watches over his younger twin sisters, and he’s happy. When he unexpectedly runs into Cadence, who is selling the home he’s always coveted, he’s prepared to do some negotiating.

Neither knew they were seriously crushing on each other. Now they’ve admitted the truth, is happily ever after in the cards?

Marcus’s Cadence is a 7k second-chance gay romance, instalove short story with a very happy ending and a malti-poo named Kiki.

Where to get your copy!
Amazon –
B&N –
iBooks –

 About the Author

Gabbi lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

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A Day of Remembrance
Monday, May 30th, 2022

It’s Memorial Day, and the kids are happy to be out of school. They’ll likely spend some time in the pool, and we’ll no doubt have something special for dinner. I like spending the morning watching snippets of news as older veterans head to places where they lost friends to honor them.  There’s a price for freedom. This is the day we celebrate those who gave everything for ours.

And if you haven’t read a story that shows you the importance of Memorial Day, I have one.

Read More about: In His Memory

Tracy Reed: The Good Girl (FREE Book!)
Monday, May 23rd, 2022

I am so delighted to be with you today.  A few years ago, I was part of an anthology called Fling.  My contribution to the anthology was a novella entitled THE GOOD GIRL.  An office romance.

A little background on my writing.  I write a very different type of contemporary romance.  The sub-genre is edgy Christian romance.  Please don’t stop reading because I said Christian.  Let me clarify.  I do not write “preachy romance”. I write romance with characters who love God, fashion, hot guys and living out their purpose.  Some are wealthy and some are middle class.  None of them are perfect; they make mistakes and are faced with challenges. What sets them apart is how they handle their challenges.

I have chosen to use faith and sex as two of the elements in my books.  This is where the wide eyes come in.  Yes…I include open-door sex in my books.  I don’t use it for shock, but as the story warrants it.  When I start a series, sometimes the first book is sweet or low heat level.  The deeper the series goes the hotter the heat level becomes.  Some people like my style, and some Christians liken it to erotica.  Trust me, I don’t write erotica, and I’m not judging anyone that does.  Sometimes, I write steamy books.  Although I have a free poetry collection LOVE NOTES that Amazon liked to class as erotic.

Back to THE GOOD GIRL.  The heroine is Gabriella Townsend a young woman with very definite ideas about relationships.  She isn’t ashamed to say she loves God and is patiently saving herself for marriage.  Her boss is the opposite.  Phillippe Marchant is a hot part French and African billionaire with his own opinions on God and intimacy.  He loves God, but he’s not sold out like Gabriella, and he believes in physical intimacy outside of marriage.  The two probably shouldn’t be together, but that’s not what happened.  Let’s be real—I don’t know the woman that can or is willing to resist a hot Frenchman… I know I’m not her.  And if he’s the color of hot black coffee, I’m done.  This is Gabriella’s challenge—should she stick to her beliefs or give in to her urges.  Or will Phillippe reconsider his way of life for something different and possibly greater.

These two thoughts are why this story couldn’t be finished in a novella.  I thought I could finish it with a second book, but that one ended in a cliffhanger as well.  When I wrote the last chapter of part two, I knew what was going to happen…a third book.  I was so convinced I was going to tie up the series, I told my readers there would be no cliffhanger, but that didn’t turn out to be so, because that book ended on a cliff as well.

I like to think these additional books in the series are a perk to being a pantser.  If I were a plotter, I wouldn’t have gone past two maybe three books.  However, my writing style has done something I never expected, turn a twenty thousand plus word novella into a six-book series.  You read that correctly.  I am about to release book five in THE GOOD GIRL series, and just like the other books in the series, it ends with a cliffhanger, opening the door to part six.

The series follows Gabriella and Phillippe’s relationship.  There are some ups and downs and a few surprises. Here’s the main dilemma for this couple, one of them has to give up what they believe if they want to be together.  So does Gabriella turn her back on her beliefs or does Phillippe become celibate?  Here’s a clue: what happens in Anguilla (Part Three) didn’t stay in Anguilla.

I invite you to step into Gabriella and Phillippe’s world by starting with book one. Download your free copy of Part One (FREE DOWNLOAD).

The Good Girl
Part Five

Release date: 06.11.2022

Series: The Good Girl
Part One – The Introduction (Free download)
Part Deux – The First Date
Part Trois – The Elopement
Part Four – Secret Life
Part Five – The Wedding (Preorder)
Part Six – ??

“I’m living the worst kept secret married to a man I didn’t know, but love with all my heart.”

Gabriella is faced with a decision she never expected to make, stay married or walk away from the man she loves. Sometimes love and great sex aren’t enough to make a marriage work but are good for business.

“I wasn’t used to these feelings.  In a matter of months Gabriella had infected my blood.  I was no longer a cocky arrogant boorish man, but a prisoner of love.”



The problem was simple.  I was being thrust into a life I wasn’t sure I could or wanted to handle.  It’s one thing to date or be married to a rich guy.  But this is different.  Phillippe and his family weren’t just rich, they were part of the secret rich.  They were the kind of people who build hospitals, community centers, sponsor the arts, fund research, influence politicians…elect politicians.

When things began to get serious, he told me there were things he couldn’t tell me.  I just had no idea, they included so many zeroes.  I’m not stupid or naive.  I knew Phillippe was well off, but this is way beyond my imagination.  It’s also a world I’m not sure I want to live in.  Sometimes love and great sex aren’t enough to build a marriage on.


I wasn’t used to these feelings.  In a matter of months Gabriella had infected my blood stream.  I wasn’t the same.  I wasn’t a cocky arrogant boorish man.  It’s like that man died the moment I laid eyes on the petite curvy ball of love, I was privileged and honored to call my wife.

I thought about going over to the manor, but I didn’t want to face Mere.  I was ashamed to tell her, I messed up things and may have lost the love of my life.  The other reason I didn’t want to go there was my grandfather.  If he were there I don’t think I’d…in my current state, I couldn’t be sure I wouldn’t do him physical harm.

He was the reason I was in this mess.  If it hadn’t been for him insisting I get married and me being so stubborn, I never would have gotten involved with Gabriella.  Now because of his interference, I may have lost the only woman I will ever love.

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Desiree Holt: Beck’s Six (Read an Excerpt!)
Sunday, May 22nd, 2022

Teamwork makes the dream work, and that’s true for my upcoming multi-author series, Athena Project. Delilah is one of my cohorts, as is Reina Torres, Jen Talty, and Regan Black. All five books release on June 21st.

Read an excerpt from my story, Beck’s Six, and then learn how you can order a signed print copy!

Beck’s Six

Rebecca “Beck” Morrissey likes her black ops work but she’s tired of government politics, as are her closest friends. She’s spent way too much time working for secret government agencies, and she is fast approaching burnout. Her option? Join Hank Patterson’s Brotherhood Protectors—if she can convince him it’s workable. The last person she expects in the meeting is Roman McClain, the man she shared both a dangerous op and incendiary sex with four years ago. And it seems that attraction is still alive and ready to explode. How will that affect them when Beck and her friends join the Brotherhood Protectors for an extended training session in Wyoming’s Wind River Mountains?

Things get even more complicated when Beck’s sister disappears, just as they learn that a radical, antigovernment group, headquartered in the Wind River Mountains, is preparing for an attack on a major target. In all likelihood, they have snatched Beck’s sister to use her as a bargaining tool. Now it’s up to Beck and her group of friends and Roman and the Brotherhood Protectors to pull off a rescue and thwart a disaster, all while she and Roman deal with an attraction that is hotter and stronger than ever.

Excerpt from Beck’s Six…

It’s a great idea. A terrific idea. He’ll jump on it right away.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Rebecca “Beck” Morrissey kept repeating those lines to herself as she drove up the driveway of Hank Patterson’s ranch to the big ranch house that also houses the offices of Brotherhood Protectors. She had a great proposal for him that was unique and had endless possibilities. Hank had built a great organization with Brotherhood Protectors and she was sure this would only enhance it.

She recalled when Hank had left his SEAL brothers to deal with trouble at his ranch in Montana. He’d told her he never realized what would evolve from that. First SEALs, then other Special Forces, became part of a still growing group that dealt with trouble better than anyone.

Now Hank had two very successful setups going already, the original Brotherhood Protectors based in Montana and the Colorado offshoot in Fools Gold, Colorado. Team Trojan, former Green Berets out of Fort Carson who had left the service and Fort Carson on a bitter note. They had formed the basis for that setup and it was working very well. But apparently the number of extreme bad guys was growing because the entire organization was constantly busy.

And they all thrived on doing the kind of work they’d trained for, but without the politics involved.

Beck and her four friends who she pitched this idea to wanted the same thing. They were all hoping Hank would say yes to her proposal. They had all been friends for a long time and had been involved in government agency dark ops or secret projects, so they brought a lot of experience with them. But like her, they were ready for something new. Something where they had fewer restrictions and could choose their cases. When Beck reached out to them with her idea they had responded with enthusiasm.

Hank will see the benefit of it.

She kept repeating it to herself as she parked her car, walked up to the house and rang the bell.

“You made it.” Hank grinned as he opened the door. “Good. How the hell are you?”

“I’m terrific.” She squeezed him back. “And getting better.”

“Well, I sure am damn glad to see you. And anxious to hear about this hot idea you have.”

“Which I hope you will think is as exciting as I do.”

“I am open to suggestion,” he told her. “Come on down to the offices. I’ve got one of the Brotherhood Protectors down there who knows you. Thought we could use his input.”

She wondered who the hell that could be? She knew a few of the men but she didn’t think she knew any of them well enough who might be on board with her suggestion.

She followed Hank down the stairs to the offices, which took up the entire basement of the ranch house.

And stopped.

Dead still.

When she saw the man lounging against one of the desks, for one brief moment she thought her heart actually stopped beating.

Holy crap!

She hadn’t seen Roman McClain for four years and she hated the fact that her body’s reaction to him hadn’t changed a bit. One glance at him and every one of her hormones jumped up and began to dance. Heat sizzled through her and it had taken every single ounce of willpower not to let it show.

She wondered what his reaction to her proposal would be, because Roman McClain was the last person she’d expected to be a part of this.

Oh, this was so not good.

Roman, on the other hand, looked very comfortable. She wondered how long he’d been a part of BP.

“Hello, Beck.”

His deep voice still resonated through her and lit fires under her hormones.


“Hey, Roman.” She cleared her throat. “Long time no see.”

He nodded. “Four years.”

She couldn’t stop staring at him. She thought she’d buried her feelings deep but it seemed even after all this time Roman McClain still had an incendiary effect on her.

More than six feet of well-muscled masculinity, the jawline beard he still wore accented the high cheekbones and lips that delivered scorching kisses. Kisses that she still remembered after four years. Deep blue eyes studied her from beneath thick black lashes that were the same ebony as his hair and beard. She remembered running her fingers through that thick hair. Feeling the scratch of his beard on her thighs. His—

Stop it! Get your act together.

She could be a big girl about this. He’d made no bones about their one night together. That was all it would be, a sort of celebration of the op they’d completed so successfully. Just because he’d kept his word and that one night was all they had—or were going to have— didn’t mean they couldn’t at least be civil to each other. And apparently Hank was counting on Roman’s opinion of her proposal.

“So I take it you’re out of Special Forces and are now a part of Brotherhood Protectors?” It was as much a statement as a question.

He nodded. “I am.”

“Roman’s been with us for almost two years,” Hank told her. “He’s become a key member of the organization.”

“Well, good. That’s good.”

Or maybe not.

She used every ounce of discipline to get herself under control. Her training with black ops was a big help. She’d spent four years burying the memory of her one night with Roman McClain as deep as she could. He wasn’t a man who stayed around for more. She’d known that from the beginning. But that one night together had been worth it.

“How about a cup of coffee?” Hank asked.

“Uh, sure. That would be good.” And give her something to focus on.”

Once she had taken a couple of sips of the hot liquid she drew a breath and forced an air of calm.

“Okay.” Hank’s voice broke into her thoughts. “So how about telling us what’s brought you here today.”

“Okay. Well. You know I spent the past few years working for several black ops organizations within the government.”

Hank nodded. “And from what I’ve heard, did an incredible job.” He nodded toward Roman. “Roman here told me you and he had worked an op together and it went off like clockwork. I think the words ‘consummate professional” were used, if I recall.”

“Thanks for that, Roman. It’s nice to have good advance publicity.” She took another sip of her coffee.

“Okay, Beck.” Hank waved a hand for her to tell her story. “Let’s have it. Who are these women and why would they be a good fit for Brotherhood Protectors?”

“Anyway, I have four very close friends who also worked in that environment including the CIA, the Department of Defense and others I’m not at liberty to mention. And they were—are—all damn good. The point is, we’re all suffering a bad case of burnout.”

“I can get with that,” Hank agreed, “It takes a toll and working for the government can be very frustrating.”

“Amen to that.

So.” Another sip of coffee. “Anyway. Last month we were all in Virginia, having lunch and discussing our situations. And…”

Just tell him, idiot. 

Available for preorder on Amazon:

Want a signed print copy? Click here for details:


Cara North: What’s In It For Me?
Wednesday, May 18th, 2022

You may notice that some authors are using platforms like Patreon as a way to connect with readers and offer exclusive or “you read it first” content. Like many writers and artisans of the past, a patron is someone who shows support by contributing in a financial way to show support for the person making the art. 

Unlike in the past, you don’t have to be a wealthy person and that creator is not your responsibility to house, feed, or any of those other dramatic past gestures of support. Instead, you can contribute as little as a dollar a month (varies by creator) and get access to rough drafts, initial sketch concepts, sometimes the ability to weigh in on decisions, etc. It all depends on the artist and what they offer and at what level. 

If you like to feel like you are contributing to someone’s art, this is a neat way to do that. Maybe you don’t have time to read everything they write, this is an excellent way to help them cover the costs of covers, edits, and more. Maybe you have a friend and you don’t read their genre, but you want them to know you support them. Again, an excellent way to do that. My mom was a patron for the first two years until I started getting actual readers showing support by joining. Then she said, okay, you got it from here. She still shows support by buying the books! 

Every creator runs their Patreon differently, but the one thing I think most of us have in common is offering something exclusive to those patrons. My patrons get access to the first draft as I write it in serial form. They are my first choice when I need beta readers. I send them mail quarterly and the fourth quarter mailing is filled with goodies I have collected from other authors and fun things I pick up just for them. 

There are many platforms, but Patreon is the one I use for mine. Check it out. Ask your authors if they have an account and get in on all the exclusive fun! 

The Swift University contemporary reverse harem (RH) is a Patron-first read.

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