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Archive for 'contemporary romance'

Flashback: Animal (Contest — Three Winners!)
Tuesday, July 27th, 2021

UPDATE: The winners are…Delaine, Elaine Swinney, and Margaret!

Another update! Delaine has all the MBH books, so she’s passing the win to Sue Payton!

I love my Montana Bounty Hunters. I really try hard to make each of them individual rather than cookie-cutter characters with different names. I also love to dream up unique takedowns for your reading pleasure and to showcase who these men are. One of my favorite scenes was “Animal chasing the bear”, which is part of the Montana Bounty Hunters’ cable TV series lore now. You know what I mean if you’ve read the books! Anyway, I’m sharing that scene today. It’s not long. Enjoy!



MONTANA BOUNTY HUNTERS: Authentic Men… Real Adventures…

A rough-around-the-edges bounty hunter takes a nature photographer on a wild ride.

Former SEAL, Russell “Animal” Hathcoat, retreated to a remote mountain cabin after leaving the Navy. Haunted by horrific images that replay in his nightmares of his last mission with his SEAL brothers, he intends to renovate the dilapidated cabin as penance and therapy, and to avoid rejoining the world around him. But then, someone who understands what he needs better than he does arrives to offer him a job.

Allie Travers loves the freedom and solitude of being a nature photographer and journalist—until the day she stares through her lens at a charging black bear. With her heart in her throat, she can only stand watching in horror, knowing she’ll never escape in time. But rescue comes in the form of a wild man who risks his life to frighten away the animal.

Once the danger is past, she’s told by his team of bounty hunters that she has more to fear than any animal in the woods. A felon is on the loose, and she has to accompany them to safety. Seeing an opportunity, Allie shadows the team as they hunt their prey deep in a national forest. Much to Animal’s dismay, more than just his protective instincts are aroused by the pretty photojournalist.


Are you all caught up reading the Montana Bounty Hunters?

For a chance to win a download of one of the stories you may have missed
(I’ll pick three winners!), tell me this:
What profession other than bounty hunters would you like to see in future Montana Bounty Hunters—Dead Horse branch, and beyond—

Here are all the Bear Lodge Montana Bounty Hunters!

Authentic Men… Real Adventures…
Reaper’s Ride:
Big Sky Wedding:

Excerpt from Animal:

The moment Taco lowered his nose to the ground, following Tibbets’s trail from the camper’s metal steps, they’d realized the man had headed straight into the woods, afoot, rather than driving out.

They’d left Dagger, Lacey, and Cochise behind to watch for any movement in town, and to keep an eye out for any of his relatives who looked ready to head north with supplies to help him out. The rest of the team members grabbed their gear from their vehicles and began tracking Tibbets into Flathead National Forest.

Animal didn’t mind the rough conditions. He was accustomed to long marches and sleeping on the ground. None of the hunters, even Carly Stenberg, complained about the conditions, even after they’d endured a chilly rain the previous day. They’d dried their clothes beside a fire last night, reasonably assured they were still a day’s hike from catching up to Tibbets. Conversation had flowed around him, but he hadn’t felt the need to try to contribute.

This was a tight, well-trained crew, and they knew each other well. But they seemed to understand he wasn’t the chatty type. He rather liked the fact they let him be.

They came to the edge of the woods. A large meadow stretched before them, mountains in the background. The meadow was broken on one side by ridges of exposed rock.

“We got company,” Reaper said quietly. They all held back, remaining hidden in the brush. Reaper lifted an arm and pointed.

Animal pulled out his tactical telescope and followed Reaper’s direction, at last spotting a slender figure standing beside an outcropping. Not their mark. A woman. She stood in front of a tripod and peered into a camera. She had wheat-colored hair drawn back into a messy braid. She wore a red plaid shirt and a khaki vest over blue jeans and boots.

Suddenly, she jerked back her head, giving him a glimpse of her profile. Her eyebrows were lowered, her mouth dropping as she stared down the hill.

He turned his telescope toward whatever had caught her attention and immediately understood her concern.

A baby black bear ambled into the clearing, heading upward toward her location.

“Where’s mama?” he whispered.

As though answering his question, a loud bellow sounded from the forest farther down the tree line. A large bear ran out, huffing and bellowing, heading toward the woman.

He didn’t have even a millisecond to think through a better plan. Animal dumped his pack and ran into the clearing, tearing at his shirt. When he’d ripped off the buttons down the front, he flapped the edges, trying to make himself look bigger. “Ha! Ha!” he yelled as loud as he could to draw the bear’s attention away from the woman.

Mama bear bounced on her front paws and spun toward him.

“Don’t shoot unless you have to!” Animal tossed over his shoulder to Reaper.

“Don’t get in my line of fire!” Reaper shouted back.

“Don’t shoot her!” the woman screamed.

“You shut up!” Animal yelled, still running, still flapping. Didn’t she realize he was trying to draw the bear’s attention away from her?

The bear’s head moved from Animal, to Reaper behind him, and again to the woman, likely trying to decide who was the biggest danger to her cub.

Animal roared and flapped and moved a little closer.

The baby bear squalled and changed direction, running for his mama.

Just when Animal feared the bear would charge, she spun and ran into the woods, her cub running right behind her.

Animal halted, breathing hard. He gave another flap of his shirt. “Ha! Ha!” he shouted, hoping she’d been startled bad enough not to turn around.

Then he heard a whirring sound, coming from up the rise. He turned his head toward the woman. The sound came from her camera. Animal gave her a fierce glare then began to stalk up the rise.

When he reached her, she straightened and flashed him a wide smile. “Thanks for that. Thought for a second there I was going to be lunch.”

“What the hell!” he bellowed, anger shot through him. Didn’t she have a clue how close to being “lunch” he’d been, trying to rescue her? And all she’d thought about was taking her damn pictures?

Her eyebrows shot upward, and she stood still.

Behind him, he heard more of his team stomping up the hill. He should have turned and walked away. Should have let Reaper handle getting her packed up and off the mountain. Away from him.

Instead, anger vibrated through him. He glanced at the gear strewn around her feet. “Who the hell comes out to the wilderness without a goddamn gun?”

“The only shots I plan to take are with my camera,” she said icily, lifting her chin.

He ground his teeth as his face heated.

“Wish I’d been shooting video though,” she said. “The footage would’ve gone viral. Do you chase bears often?”

Genevive Chamblee: The Beauty in Writing — It’s Not What You Think
Saturday, July 24th, 2021

I have a love of romance. Most romance writers do. Not only do I love writing it, I love reading it. I also love watching it—big screen, little screen, streaming… it doesn’t matter. If it’s romance, I’m all there for it. However, I will see that reading romance is slightly different than watching it on television. Reading, I tend to relate to characters more realistically than on screen. What I mean is when I read about a character rolling out of bed, I don’t envision her as being all put together with a perfect face of makeup and not a hair out of place. Hollywood shoves it in your face. I remember watching movies like The Princess Diaries, Losing Isaiah, Sabrina, The Devil Wears Prada, Moonstruck, and Miss Congeniality. (Yes, I realize most of these movies only had romantic subplots and were not true romances.) These movies come to mind for their “makeover” scenes of beautiful actresses who when dressed down still looked stunning. Granted, the “unattractive” pre-makeover character mostly consisted of baggy clothes and oversized glasses with some hair frizz. But then again, big glasses concealed Clark Kent’s identity as Superman. That’s not the point, though. When I think romance, I think beauty—not just outer beauty but inner, as well.

Now, what on earth does writing romance have to do with beauty you may be asking? Nothing, for a lot of people. For me, there is definitely a connection. When I sit to write, like many writers, I need to feel inspired and in the moment. Many years ago, I noticed that a major distraction for me was my nails. When I would sit to write, if my polish was chipped or nails uneven, I found myself reaching more for nail polish remover or an emery board more than typing. I wouldn’t be content to write until my nails looked presentable.

But it wasn’t just for my nails that I did this. If my lips were dry, I’d fumble through my purse until I found a lip balm or gloss. If my foundation was beginning to break down, I would either have to repair it or remove it. Since I tend to write a lot late at night, I often do so while treating myself a facial. Feeling pretty makes me feel good and happy and puts me in a state of mind ready to embrace writing romance. Maybe that association came from seeing such physically gorgeous people in movie romances. Or maybe not.

Makeup has always struck me as another level of creativity, expression, and art. I adore playing with colors, formulas, and application methods. And over the last several years, the beauty industry has blown up. There are so many options and brands now. Next to writing and sports, makeup is one of my favorite pastimes. Now, as anyone who knows me, they already know how much I enjoy playing mix ‘n’ match with my hobbies and passions. After all, it was a blending of my love for hockey and writing that led me to write my first sports romance. So, it’s not that unusual for me to blog about makeup, beauty, and pampering oneself.

As mentioned previously, when I’m writing, not only am I looking at the screen, but I’m glancing at my hands. If I want to stay focused on writing, I do a bit of hand-prepping before I begin a writing session. I thought today’s post would be fun to share some of the hand products that are in or on my writing desk.

  1. Pamper Luxe Ultra-Rich Hand & Nail Cream (Sea Mist + White Flower). I have not run across a product that has been more appropriately named than this. First, it is lux—like placing your hands in a cocoon of silk. Ingredients include aloe, keratin, peptides, shea butter, and vitamins. It’s nongreasy and smells amazing—light, fresh, and clean. It is like being seaside…just wonderful. What isn’t so great is that I’m not sure that this product is being made anymore. I purchased it at Ulta Beauty for about $3.00 for a 3-ounce squeeze tube. I’ve not been able to find it there again. Last year, I was able to order one from Amazon, and the cost was around $17.00 plus S&H. Since then, I’ve not been able to find it anywhere on the internet. I have found the Body Cleansing Oil Sea Mist + White Flower for sale on Amazon for $45.00 and images of the Pamper Luxe Ultra-Rich Hand & Nail Cream Coconut + Almond Milk version (neither of which I’ve tried). If you do come across the Sea Mist + White Flower hand cream at a reasonable price, it is a very good investment. It did wonders for my dry skin.
  2. Flowery Scented Cuticle Oil. This is a new discovery for me, and I’ve only been using it for about two to three months, but I’ve noticed an improvement in my cuticles. Aside from writing, I’m in a profession that requires frequent handwashing and using hand sanitizer. In addition to not being able to go to the nail salon, this past year has been rough on my hands and nails. I invested in two versions of this oil: the rose and the lavender. As the names suggest, these oils are both lightly scented and they smell delightful. The scents aren’t overpowering, and it lasts. In addition to smelling astonishing, the visual appeal is magnificent. There is actual rose and lavender bits in the bottles. They display beautifully. I don’t have any complaints. However, I’ve read some reviews about this product that it is overpriced for the amount. I paid around $8.00 a for 0.5-ounce bottle. But here’s the rub. Not much of this product is needed to do the job. I use it multiple times a day, and the bottles still look nearly full. Plus, I purchased mine during a buy one, get one half price sale. I also will say that I’ve seen other cuticle oils with the same amount of product priced around the same.
  3. The Body Shop Hemp Hard-working Hand Protector. I don’t have much to say about this product as I found it just okay. As the name suggests, it is enriched with hemp seed oil (cannabis sativa oil). I didn’t feel any extra (more than other hand creams) hydration, as this is billed to be for “very dry” hands, which I felt I probably should have with the $20.00 price tag. I bought this as a “treat-myself” moment and because of the hype surrounding it at the time. I don’t hate it. It’s just not my favorite.
  4. Good Vibes Only Hand Cream (from Bath & Body Works). I’m not going to be fair to this one, I know, but I’m going to try. I didn’t care for this one at all, and that is mainly because of the smell. I have the Vanilla Coconut, and I don’t’ care much for either of those. So, why would I purchase it? I didn’t. I believe it may have a gift or even a freebie gift with purchase. I don’t recall how it ended up on my desk, but I can honestly say it has been there for the longest because I only reach for it as a last resort. It’s a tannish color, and it takes a little to work into the skin. It does leave my hands soft, but the smell… The packaging is rather basic (a tube with gold metallic and chunky lettering). It’s affordable, around $4.00.
  5. Soap & Glory Hand Food. Yes, yes, yes. This is one of my favorites. Unlike the previous that had two of my least favorite scents, the Soap & Glory has some of my favorites: rose, peach, jasmine, bergamot, and strawberry for a heavenly blend. However, I will admit that some users may find the smell quite strong. But I don’t think it can be that bad since it frequently is sold out when I go to order. Ingredients include macadamia oil, shea butter, and marshmallow. It applies smoothly without leaving a grease residue. I think the regular price is around $8.00 at Ulta but it goes on sale often.
  6. Caudalíe Hand and Nail Cream. I call this my bougie hand cream because I find it a bit on the pricy side and question if I shell out that type of money for it. As it happens, I came about this as a GWP, and I must say I don’t mind this at all. However, if you’re a person who does not like fragrance, stay away from this one. The best part that I noticed about this product is that it does not completely wash away when I wash my hands which is great. I wash my hands more than two dozen times a day, and in between those washings apply hand sanitizer at least a half dozen times. This causes me to go through hand products like water. With the Caudalíe, I continue to feel its effects after washing my hands and do not need to reapply as frequently as I do with other hand creams and lotions. For that reason alone, it may be well worth the price.
  7. Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion. I purchased this lotion simply because of the Aveeno name and that it has oats as an ingredient. Am I blown away by this lotion? No. But on days that I write outside, this lotion seems to keep me cooler. Now, I’ve never seen it advertised as such, and I’m fairly certain that it does not contain SPF. All I can say is that my skin enjoys this product, it’s readily available at most local stores, and the price is not outrageous. For users who do not favor fragrances in their lotions, they will be happy to note that the Aveeno is available in a fragrance-free formula.
  8. Jergens Cherry Almond Moisturizer Original Scent. This is my go-to oldie. I love the scent of this because it brings back childhood memories, like that of my great grandmother who died when I had just turned five. I find this to be not only a good hand cream but an excellent all-over body lotion. Many times when I write in the park, this is the lotion I throw in my writing backpack. The park tables are wooden and tend to scratch and scuff my forearms. The Jergens smooths all of that away. The best part is that it melts into my skin and doesn’t pick up the dirt and macro debris off the table. The scent is faint enough that it does not seem to attract insects (e.g., bees, ants, wasps, etc.).
  9. Ella + Mila Soy Nail Polish Remover Lavender Scented. What initially drew me to this product is that it contains essential oils that help not dry out my nails. Not only am I afflicted with dry skin, but I also have brittle nails. Any tap will cause them to break; therefore, I don’t need else to worsen the problem. Many polish removers strip my nails, even the ones that claim they won’t. This remover (when used as directed) takes off my polish and actually leaves them feeling nurtured. It’s lavender scented; thus, it’s missing that harsh chemical smell most removers have. (It comes in unscented, too.) Furthermore, it contains vitamins A, C, and E, and is vegan. The biggest drawback with this product is that the bottle is small, and the price not so cheap.
  10. A. Colors Color Craze Gel. When it comes to nail polish, I’m still on the search for the perfect one. This is why I tend not to invest more than a few bucks into a bottle. I find that no matter the cost, whether a $1.00 or $15.00, the store-bought polishes that I’ve used have all lasted about the same length of time—one to five days, regardless of using base and top coats. I’ve had a few off-brands only to hold up a few hours before peeling off. I began going to nail salons during my time in graduate school because I failed to find a polish that would last any decent amount of time. However, my nails are completely wrecked after wearing acrylics, gels, or overlays after a few weeks. Therefore, I have to limit how often I go to the salon. Of course, COVID took care of that problem last year. Now, I’m back to doing my nails myself. The current L.A. Colors polishes that I’m rocking are the shades Undressed and Ravish.

That’s all I got for today. What are some of your favorite hand products? Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comment section. If you like this post, please click the like button and share it. If you’re not following me on Creole Bayou blog, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou. Stop by for a bit of southern hospitality.

Penalty Kill

If you haven’t heard, my best-selling hockey romance series, Locker Room Love. Book 4, Penalty Kill, releases this August. >>>

When the scandal of a double homicide threatens to destroy his career, this billionaire hockey player hires an ambitious sports agent to improve his public image. It’s time to let the puckery begin.

Timothée Croneau is that jock—the bad boy superstar with the naughty reputation. He’s handsome, arrogant, and a billionaire. He’s also the number one person-of-interest in a double homicide and recently traded to a losing team who is showing him no love. And wouldn’t it be just his luck that his career splashed in the toilet six months after his long-time agent kicked the bucket? Now, he’s stuck with Ryker Kitsch. An agent is supposed to fix his life, though, not break his heart.

Speaking of breaks, ex-athlete Ryker Kitsch wants his in the sports agency realm. He sees his chance to make a name for himself by helping rebrand his agency’s newly acquired hockey star, Timothée Croneau. The guy needs every lick of positive PR he can get. So, why is the devilishly gorgeous forward fighting him at every step and leaving Ryker to wonder if he’s been hired for a babysitting gig?

The mess Timothée is stirring was never in any contact Ryker was hired to handle. One thing’s for sure. Whether it’s a forecheck or backcheck, collision is inevitable.

Preorder your copy at:
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Missed the three in my hockey romance series? No frets. Out of the Penalty Box (book #1), where it is one minute in the box or a lifetime out, is available at It also can be ordered on iTunes, Nook, or Kobo. For more links where to purchase or to read the blurb, please visit

Defending the Net (book #2) can be ordered at or Crossing the line could cost the game.

Ice Gladiators (book #3) is the third book in my Locker Room Love series. When the gloves come off, the games begin. Available at or

For more of my stories, shenanigans, giveaways, and more, check out my blog, Creole Bayou, New posts are made on Wednesdays, and everything is raw and unscathed. Climb on in a pirogue and join me on the bayou.

If you have any questions or suggestions about this post or any others, feel free to comment below or tweet me at @dolynesaidso. You also can follow me on Instagram at genevivechambleeauthor or search me on Goodreads or Amazon Authors or BookBub.

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Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.

Desiree Holt: A Trip Down Memory Lane (Contest)
Wednesday, July 21st, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Cheryl!

Join me on a trip down memory lane, as I revisit some of my earlier books.
I’m really getting into my backlist.

 Leave a comment and you might win a $5 Gift Certificate

I like to watch movies on television, relaxed, at home, with goodies to snack on and my cats cuddled up next to me. I especially like to watch old movies. So, as I was sitting here thinking about a theme for this blog, I thought: People like to read books. Maybe I should refresh them about some of my older books. Books, that have been around for a long time.

I don’t know how many of you are aware that, after laboring in depressing anonymity for the first few years of my career on a whim, I submitted a novella to Ellora’s Cave. At the time—and for some time—they were the leading publisher of erotic romance in then world. I couldn’t believe my luck when they contracted not just one but three different novellas.

Holy crap! I was on my way.

That first lucky charm was titled CUPID’S SHAFT. It was the story of a woman waiting for her lover to give her a hot weekend in an isolated cabin in the snow. The boyfriend never showed up but guess who did:

A freezing winter’s night, a hot stranger and a sexy female with erotic plans. One hot Valentine’s Day coming right up.

When Jessie Rawlins’ boyfriend dumps her just before Valentine’s Day, she ends up by herself at her isolated cabin in Maine with all the trappings for the holiday—including a bag of kinky toys—and no one to celebrate with. Then a snow storm dumps gorgeous Riley Malone on her front porch. Running from a broken relationship himself as well as a business partnership gone bad, Riley thought his good luck had run out. Until fate—and Cupid—strands him at Jessie’s cabin.

What woman hasn’t fantasized about having a sexy, handsome stranger come out of nowhere and rock her world? When Riley shows up on her doorstep, frozen half to death, Jessie knows exactly how to warm him up. But will Riley want to play along with the games she’d planned for her Valentine’s celebration? A night of hot, erotic, sizzling sex answers that question. But what will happen when the day for lovers is over, the storm is gone and it’s time for him to be on his way? Will he take a piece of Jessie’s heart with him, or will Cupid’s arrow strike them both?


When I was asked to submit another story I sent them ONCE UPON A WEDDING, which is still after all these years, one of my very favorite stories. I so wanted to be Rainie McIntyre.

Rainie McIntyre was the quintessential good girl. She always colored inside the lines, followed orders and directions, obeyed instructions. After all, she came from a family where rules were the most important thing and breaking them was almost a sin. She hated using her name—Loraine—and wanted so much to be—Rainie. But in her buttoned up world that didn’t get any votes. But four weeks before her wedding, to a young attorney in her father’s law firm, she decided to treat herself to one wild weekend.

The last place he’d expected to be was on the beach in Clearwater, Florida. He should be trying to find out what was wrong with his relationship that meant everything to him but he had no idea how to do it. When he met Rainie on the beach, every other thought flew out of his head. He wanted her, and in every way possible. But never in a million years did he think he fall into three days of the wildest, unbelievable, unrestricted sex possible.

But when the weekend was over, how was it possible for them, to go back to their normal lives?


Where can you find me:
Twitter @desireeholt
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Have you read Chase? (Plus, Open Contests & Giveaways!)
Monday, July 19th, 2021

This is just a reminder in case you missed it! Book #4 in the Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT series it out! And so far, readers are embracing it! I think you’ll get a kick out if it, but don’t listen to me, read what other readers are saying…

“Chase and Rhonda’s story is as close to the fairy tale as you can get.”

“This book was absolutely fantastic and I was absolutely hooked from the beginning until the end.”

“It’s fast-moving with takedowns, babysitting, break-ins, and a film crew shadowing the bounty hunters. The action is also hot and sexy between the sheets when Chase and Rhonda finally get together…”

“…fast-paced love that will last a lifetime with a passel of kids, hopefully…”

“Chase: He was the perfect addition to the team. He levels them all.”

You’ll love Rhonda and Chase, but you’ll also get a glimpse of a new bounty hunter hero—Cowboy!

That’s it. All I had to say today. I hope you’re all caught up with the bounty hunters… Or get your copy of CHASE here!

Open Contests & Giveaways

  1. Vamps do go bump in the night! (FREE Read) — This one’s FREE in KU now!
  2. I’ve gone all Apple, almost… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. EMBRACE YOUR GEEKNESS DAY! (FREE READ) — This one’s FREE for everyone!
  4. Cindy Tanner: Fear of Failure (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Rhonda Carver: Brothers of Dove Grey (FREE Read & Excerpt) — Download your FREE read!
  6. Help me with my summer reading list! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  7. Happy Saturday! (Puzzle-Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  8. Diana Cosby: Nature – The Beauty of Summer Refills My Muse! (Contest) — Win a SIGNED book!
Rhonda Carver: Brothers of Dove Grey (FREE Read & Excerpt)
Thursday, July 15th, 2021

All Cowboy & Charm

What happens at a fertility clinic stays at a fertility clinic…unless there’s an accidental switch-a-roo…

Successful author Melanie Jane decided after a very public divorce that she would prove to the world, especially her critiques, that she didn’t need a man to make her dreams come true. So, she wrote a best seller and used a fertility clinic to get pregnant. An accidental switch-a-roo left Melanie curious…who was the father of her baby?

Coop Dawson was still grieving the loss of his twin brother when some lady showed up at the family ranch and announced that she was pregnant by Cade, impossible since he’d been gone for over a year. Coop didn’t have the patience for scam artists. He told her exactly how he felt then made her hit the road. Yet, after reading a letter from a fertility clinic, he realized she’d been telling the truth. Now he needed to turn things around fast before he lost the chance at knowing Cade’s child.

Sometimes tragedy can bring a family closer…and bring unexpected gifts.

Coop needed to step up for the first time in his life and do the right thing for everyone. He promised his brother in a late-night prayer that he’d take care of the child—but what Coop didn’t realize he was already falling for Melanie and he couldn’t imagine life without her. Will she learn to trust him? Or will he screw up every chance he’d been given?

All Cowboy & Charm (Book 1) PERMA FREE!!


All Cowboy & Rough Rider

Forbidden love with an ex-fiancé’s brother will have townsfolk of Dove Grey talking. But she either went rogue or lost her heart again.

It had been two years since Cade Dawson passed away from leukemia, but his presence remained strong in small town Dove Grey, Texas. Coming home was probably too soon for many folks, but Annika Tinder hoped people could put the rumors and assumptions aside so that she could open her dream spa in her childhood home. She’d grown a lot since she first left—had a thicker skin now, and she’d need it. So what if people thought she had a sex-capade with the sexiest Dawson brother? She was willing to face the fire to get what she wanted.

Cross Dawson had a plan.

He’d steer clear of Annika so that townsfolk wouldn’t target her with their harsh speculations, and he wouldn’t be tempted by those old feelings he thought he’d buried. The task proved harder than he anticipated. He’d lost himself once—twice, three times—with her, but he couldn’t do it again, not when he had to honor his late brother’s memory. That was the respectable thing to do, right? So then why did every path and sign lead back to her?

Will Annika’s desire for an old flame, and new start, keep her in town? Or will she be chased off a second time? The sexy Dawson brothers and their wild romances keep the townsfolk of Dove Grey, Texas talking. From secret babies, forbidden love, to broken hearts…they’ll keep readers talking too.

All Cowboy & Rough Rider (Book 2)


Excerpt for All Cowboy & Rough Rider…

“Wrong? Nothing. Why?”

She smiled. “I can’t decide if the sour face is because I make you nervous or my food gave you indigestion.”

He dug his spoon into dessert but didn’t feel much up to eating anything more. “The food was delicious.”

“Ah, so I’m making you nervous?” She rolled her tongue along the plump center of her bottom lip.

Yeah, that didn’t help matters in the southern region of his belt. “No. Yes. Hell, I don’t know.”

Her eyes widened and again he couldn’t get past how bright her eyes were. She ran her finger through the condensation on her bottle. “It’s me and I get it.” The higher octave in her tone told him she enjoyed teasing him.

“I just have a lot on my mind I suppose,” he admitted. He couldn’t admit that she was nine-tenths of the trouble occupying his mind. He watched her slender fingers pick up a berry and pop it into her mouth, not taking her eyes off him for one second.

“It’s because I made it clear how I feel. I thought men liked when women were aggressive and made it clear what they wanted.”


“You know, earlier. I feel like we’re denying the truth blasting like a neon sign. We’re sexually attracted to each other.”

Good thing he was sitting because she’d have knocked him right off his boots. He needed to tread carefully down the path where this conversation was headed. He didn’t want to lie to her but telling her the truth could land them both smack dab in a world of distress.

Truth was, they were sexually attracted to each other. But it was more than just a need for sex. He liked her company. He found himself searching for her while he worked, which meant he was behind. Cross didn’t like being behind.

It was mostly her fault. She’d done nothing but flirt with him since he’d started work that morning. He wasn’t the smartest when it came to women and their feminine, magical ways, but there was nothing subtle in the way she looked at him like she wanted to suck the sin right out of his bone marrow. Sucking was always a good thing.

It was a big problem while he was having to keep up with renovations though.


“Yes, Cross?” She batted her lashes. She wasn’t about to make this easy.

“I didn’t come in here expecting…shit.” He blew out a long, agonizing breath.

“You didn’t come in here expecting shit?” She lifted a brow quizzically.

He’d never had a woman turn him inside out so easily. “Annika—”

“Yes, we’ve established that my name is Annika.” Her wicked smile hit him in his gut.

“My communication stinks, so don’t make this harder than it is already.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Look—”

“Oh no. Any sentence that starts with ‘look’ never ends well.” She plucked a strawberry from her bowl and bit into it.

“I think you’re enjoying this,” he said with meaning.

“You just seem…well, hot. Do you need a fan?”


She stood and sashayed over to him, crawling into his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Let’s not fight this any longer. I’m all in. How about you?”

God, what was wrong with him? His dick was hard and he was having trouble swallowing. He’d never been this affected by any woman.

“You’re sweating profusely,” she said with a smile.

“I need to say something,” he croaked.

“Sure. Go ahead.”

“Things are a bit…hard.”

“Oh? Am I too close?”

“I’m burning up.” He tugged at the neckline of his shirt.

“Fine. Say what you have to say and I’ll listen.” She stood and a frown developed over her sweet mouth.

He stood too, mainly because sitting became too unbearable. Cross wanted to say “screw it”, grab her up into his arms, and whisk her upstairs. Unfortunately, why did he feel like he’d be betraying his family? Betraying Cade? Could he trust Annika? What if he gave in to his feelings and she left again?

Cross stopped near the edge of the flower bed, debating his next words. When he finally had his head in order, he turned and snapped his mouth shut. How the hell had she managed to get near him so fast? She was now only a few feet from him.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“A lot.”

“Are you okay?” She pressed her hand against his forehead. “You’re sweating even more and you feel a little warm.”

“I’m fine.”

“You look a little swollen.” Concern covered her expression.

Why did his throat feel sore and his lips tingle?

He was beginning to believe that maybe he wasn’t okay.

“Cross, are you having an allergic reaction?”

“I’m not having an allergic reaction.” His stomach ached and his skin itched.

“I know a reaction when I see one.”

“I’m okay. I just want to talk to you about…” Then he felt a tingle in his tongue that quickly spread. He saw her squint and then her eyes rounded in shock.

“Are you feeling prickly and flushed?”

“Yes, but we need to talk. I have something I need to get off my chest.” Ah hell. “Why is it so damn hot?”

Small Town Romance

For those who don’t know me, I’m Rhonda Lee Carver. I’m a bestselling author of contemporary western and romantic suspense, but love to write other genres too. I enjoy stories that keep readers laughing, crying, gripping the edge of their seats, and screaming all in one book…like riding a virtual roller coaster. Whether creating sexy cowboys or tough guys, or sassy, independent heroines, readers are sure to find strong, powerful, memorable characters that are relatable.

By day, I tap into my creative, fictional world but at some point, I transition back into reality where I’m a volleyball-stands cheerleader, homework virtuoso (at least, I think so), amateur nurse to skinned knees, a mediocre chef with some awesome microwave skills, pet-guru (all the strays show up at our house), and a Jackie of all trades for my kids who are the loves of my life. Yoga and chocolate keep me sane. Hallmark movies require cuddling up with tissues because I can be emotional. I add a sprinkle of my own real-life adventures in each story I spin because a little truth never hurt anyone. I wouldn’t give up one thing in my crazy, chaotic, ever-amusing life, except, except I might do magic tricks for the bungalow on the beach I’ve had my eye on (GOALS).

Writing for me is like falling in love and finding a new best friend over and over again. My characters will find a place inside your heart too.

On Inspiration…

I’m asked a lot where I get the ideas for stories. Finding ideas has never been a problem. I have a storage bank inside of my head overflowing with storylines. I do, however, find hurdles when I’m creating unique characters. After writing one hundred books, I seem to gravitate toward clone characters. They have similar physical and behavioral traits. So, I’ve had to work to make each one exceptional and relatable. I like to create characters from real-life people. Those who triumph when they could easily give up. Like the man with a disability who walks each day on the highway. I’ll see him pushing his cart or carrying a bag of groceries. Sometimes in the rain. Other times in the sweltering heat. He refuses any help. Also, the homeless man and his dog who I see frequently wandering the streets of a nearby town. He has a story to tell—a tragic story of drug abuse and a childhood marked with neglect. A friend of a friend had passed away from Leukemia. He didn’t have children because of chemotherapy. His wife says that her one regret was not having a child with him while he was well. I have intermingled their true stories with the fictional lives of my characters in The Brothers of Dove Grey, and another story I’m currently working on. If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll check out my books. With love, Rhonda Lee.

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Cindy Tanner: Fear of Failure (Contest)
Wednesday, July 14th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

Amazon link:

Lately, I have been giving thought to the concept of fear and how that drives my actions. I have been writing stories since elementary school, but it wasn’t until years later that I gave any thought to publishing anything. Even then, the fear of failing was enough to keep me happy writing for me, alone. It wasn’t until my dad passed away that I got the courage to self-publish because things I feared changed drastically with his death. Suddenly, no one enjoying my books wasn’t so scary. If I failed, I could try again. So, I did. I have made many mistakes along the way but have learned from them. I have found readers that love my voice and others that don’t. It’s okay. The sun still rises.

This past year, my definition of what I fear was challenged and changed again. My mother experienced a small electrical fire and came to live with us for several months. She hadn’t been home, and she had been incredibly lucky. Loved ones were lost during quarantine, the distance broke some relationships, and the farm I had grown up on was getting divided and sold. All of this during a pandemic that brings its own worries and frustrations.

Finding the silver lining when the bad news kept piling on wasn’t easy, but I realized how much I feared change. What have I learned? The sun is still going to rise and set whether or not I accept the changes happening around me. I spent a lot of time in the last eighteen months feeling helpless, frustrated, and powerless. Now I see change as a chance for something new, not just an end. There is a tremendous amount of power in accepting change and deciding how to receive it.

In my writing, I have been pushing boundaries. Ideas I had but thought I couldn’t write, I have been writing. Letting go of the expectations I was putting on myself and what I had to write. One of these stories will be part of the upcoming anthology Boys Behaving Badly: Cowboys.

Failure is an opportunity for growth. Change is an opportunity for something new. For the chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card comment and tell me a fear you have managed or would like to. 

M. S. Spencer: Whirlwind Romance (Recipe & Excerpt)
Wednesday, July 7th, 2021

Pirates, Puritans, propaganda, and princes—pieces of the puzzle in the whirlwind romance between a beautiful jelly maker and a mysterious castaway.

Up until my thirties, I traveled a great deal, living in many countries with amenities that many would consider below standard. So it wasn’t until I married and settled down in an old farmhouse with an acre of land that I could indulge my fantasy of growing my own food. We planted apple, plum, peach, fig, hazelnut, and cherry trees; gooseberries, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries; all kinds of vegetables, including an ill-fated attempt to grow artichokes; and finally, lots and lots of herbs. I built a formal herb garden and planted thyme, lovage, rosemary, chives, tarragon, sage, and lemon balm. The one thing I couldn’t get to grow was mint. Yes, the gardeners among you will scoff, but it took me years to get a plot to flourish. When it did, I had to do something or it would take over the entire acre.

So I called upon my sister-in-law, to whom Whirlwind Romance is dedicated. She directed me to an old recipe for mint jelly. Once the mint invasion was under control and I’d mastered the technique, I spent whole summers working up recipes for herb jellies. It was great fun. Despite the fact that I’m not really fond of jelly, they made excellent Christmas gifts.

When I started writing Whirlwind Romance, I thought about what my heroine, Lacey Delahaye, would do for a living. She lives alone in Florida, her one grown son. What could she do? I thought of the innumerable ecosystems in Florida, from pine uplands, to coastal plains, to palm hammocks—all of which are host to many wild fruits, most of which can be made into jelly. Ah hah! She’d be a jelly maker.

For fun, I added the recipes to each chapter. I hope you enjoy them as much as you do Lacey and Armand’s love story.

Whirlwind Romance

In the aftermath of a hurricane, Lacey Delahaye finds herself marooned on an island off the Florida coast with a mysterious man. Before he can confess his identity, they are kidnapped and taken to a tiny island in the western Caribbean. In a story laced with adventure and romance, Lacey encounters pirates, power-mad ideologues, and palace intrigue, not to mention the advances of three men, only one of whom she loves.

One of Lacey’s Recipes: Passionfruit Jelly

Passionfruit is a woody vine with strange, yet beautiful flowers. It grows in humid tropical lowlands. Ripening in the fall, the round fruit about the size of a plum is either golden or dark purple.

Passionfruit Jelly


5 lbs passionfruit for 2 cups juice
2 oz. water

Halve the fruits and scoop out filling. In a blender, quick pulse for a couple of seconds. Strain the juice. Repeat procedure 2-3 times, thinning with water if necessary, until juice is clear.
2 cups juice

1 ¾ cups water
7 ½ cups sugar
6 oz. (2 packets) liquid pectin

Combine juice, water and sugar in a large pot.  Bring to a full, rolling boil over high heat, stirring constantly.  Add liquid pectin.  Remove from the heat, skim off any foam and pour into hot, sterilized jars leaving 1/4 inch space between the jelly and rim of the jar. Upend jars and leave 5 minutes, then turn right side up and tighten lids.

Makes 4 pints.

Excerpt from Whirlwind Romance: Slipping Briskly

The full moon shone through the window, illuminating Lacey’s nodding head. Armand touched her cheek. “I think it’s your bedtime.”

Stung, she shot back, “I’m taking care of you, remember?”

He held up a hand. “Sorry! I’d forgotten.” After a moment, he asked, his tone diffident, “Can you help me up?”

Lacey put an arm around his back and together they limped to Crispin’s room. She took his pants and shirt off and folded them neatly. As she turned to leave, he touched her arm. “Stay a minute?”

How could she admit she had to get out of there quickly or she wouldn’t be able to go at all? His handsome face—the strong chin covered with stubble, the pearly teeth contrasting with his tan skin, not to mention the long, graceful fingers he held out to her—all conspired to lure her closer. Her heart led the way, propelling her to his side. She sat down. “What is it?”


Her body tensed as desire fought to get out, and she fought just as hard to keep it in. I have to go. I have to…go. “What?”

His words came out in a rush. “Lacey, the other day—the first night—when you rescued me. When we…we…”

Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Christ.

“I…uh…want you to know I don’t do that on a regular basis.”

His air of shy ambivalence gave her courage. “I see. You don’t have sex on a regular basis?”

“No, no, it’s not that.” He stopped, flustered. “Er, I mean… I don’t sleep with women indiscriminately.”

Should she let him off the hook? Nah. “But you do sleep with a lot of women?”

“No! Lacey, you’re being difficult on purpose. I meant, that I didn’t mean to…you know. It just happened. Forgive me?”


Armand interrupted her. “Not that it wasn’t enjoyable.” He seemed distracted, running a finger down her arm. “Wonderful. Fantastic. Too short.” He peered at her. “Lacey, you must know how beautiful you are. You have the most perfect cheekbones I’ve ever seen.”

“Cheekbones?” What the hell is he talking about?

“I’m an amateur photographer. Those cheekbones could belong to a supermodel. Perfectly sculpted. And your nose…” He tapped the tip. “A little pixie nose. It even turns up slightly. Your long, fine hair is the russet-gold of burnished copper pots I once saw piled high in a shop on Martinique. Your eyes…” He closed his. “Your eyes are the blue-green of a freshly mowed cricket field, of the emeralds that grow deep in the mountains, of the lagoon near my home on a blustery day.” He touched her hand. “Then there’s your body—as I remember it—a soft, comfortable, pillowy—”

“Hey!” Lacey shook her head to break the spell. “I think you’ve said enough. Get some sleep.”

She tried to rise, but he slipped his arms around her and drew her close. She wanted to struggle. She tried to struggle. It was no use. The long kiss filled her with a warmth that matched a fire on a cold night, a cup of cocoa, or a hot bath. When he lay back, the warmth turned to blazing passion. The power of it frightened her. I’ve got to go. She ran out of the room before he could stop her.

Buy links:
Wild Rose Press 
Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Librarian, anthropologist, Congressional aide, speechwriter—M. S. Spencer has traveled the globe. She has published fourteen romantic suspense or murder mystery novels, with two more on the way. She has two fabulous grown children and an incredible granddaughter. She divides her time between the Gulf Coast of Florida and a tiny village in Maine.

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