Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'contemporary romance'

Meet Preacher and the owner of Deadly Delights… (Excerpt + Open Contests)
Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

I love writing my bounty hunter stories! They’re so much fun—action, humor, stupid criminals, danger, and sexy times! The second book in my spinoff series of Montana Bounty Hunters centers around a man named Preacher. The story is set to release in January, but I’m hoping to finish it sooner so it will come out before the end of December. He’s new to the team and, in the opening scene, we see him and his new partner Marti taking down a skip. For this spin-off series set in Dead Horse, Montana, I’m introducing the town folk. We already met the surly waitress, Nadine, in Cage‘s story. She’ll play a bigger role in future stories. In Preacher’s book, you’ll meet more of the town’s lively characters as well as the owner of the donut shop. Preacher is already attracted to her but hasn’t made a move. You’ll see why in this snippet. Enjoy!


Preorder your copy here!

Two days later, Preacher got a text as he was climbing into his black Suburban, ready to head into work.

Fig: It’s your turn to bring the donuts. Get them from Deadly Delights.

Preacher checked his watch. He had time.

How many? And what?

Fig: Two dozen kolaches. Two dozen mixed. Don’t drag ass.

Ooh, bossy. Who pissed on your cornflakes?

Fig: HaHa. Got a lot to go over.

Preacher’s mood lightened. He didn’t mind donut duty, not when the woman behind the counter at Deadly Delights was one very pretty blonde who wore confectionary sugar like most women wore powder on their noses. Whenever he saw a light dusting on her cheek, he had the urge to lean over the counter and lick it. Likely every male in the vicinity had the same urge.

Asking her out on a date had been on his mind for a while. He’d never noticed a ring on her finger and hadn’t seen her around town with any guys, so he thought maybe he should. After all, he’d been here a little while and needed to make some friends. Maybe, he could talk her into showing him around.

He grimaced. That might not be the best line. It would be the world’s shortest date. Dead Horse was a tiny town. A guided tour would take all of ten minutes.

Deadly Delights was on Main Street, which was on his route anyway with the Dead Horse Motel on the opposite side of town from Montana Bounty Hunters. Preacher shook his head as he passed the businesses lined up along the strip—Dead Center Guns & Pawn, Dead as a Doornail Hardware, The Drop Dead Gorgeous Salon.

He laughed. “They certainly have a theme going.”

He pulled into an empty parking space in front of the donut shop. Inside, business was brisk. He stood in line, trying not to look as though he was checking out the shapely proprietor while he was certainly checking her out. When it was his turn at the counter, his reason for being there completely escaped him.

It was those eyes—the prettiest blue, like cornflowers or maybe bluebonnets—although why he remembered any flowers’ names when he couldn’t remember his own was a mystery. Or maybe it was her pretty light blonde hair that she always wore in a long braid. Or maybe her pale skin with that light dusting of caramel-colored freckles across the bridge of her nose. He kept his gaze above her shoulders because he’d never drag it away from her full breasts and hips…

“Did you want something?” she said, leaning over the counter, her expression becoming concerned.

You and some of that whipped cream frosting you’re wiping off your fingers…

Frozen in place, he was sure he probably looked like a complete moron. He raised his phone to read the text message from Fig then cleared his throat. “I need kolaches and donuts.”

The woman’s mouth twitched at the corners. “How many people you feeding? Just yourself?”

He felt heat begin to fill his cheeks. Dammit. He’d never get her to go out with him if he couldn’t untwist his tongue. “Two dozen of each. And mixed… Um, mixed donuts, that is.”

She nodded and pulled four pink boxes from beneath the counter, unfolding them then laying down tissue paper or some such in the bottoms of the containers to line them.

She quickly filled his order then stacked the boxes neatly beside the cash register.

He already had his credit card out, not wanting to extend the conversation because he’d likely make a bigger fool out of himself if he did. Then he noticed the light coating of something white on her collarbone. It looked like the glazing on the donuts she’d put into the box. His mouth watered.

She rang up the order and handed him back his card. “Would you like a cup of coffee to take with you, sir?”

“Preacher,” he blurted.

She shook her head. “Pardon me?”

“Not sir. Preacher.”

“That your first or last name?”

“It’s what I’m called.” At this point, he wished the floor would just open up and swallow him whole.

“Well, Preacher,” she said, leaning over the counter and smiling as she handed him a coffee, “you have a good day.”

He managed a nod before reaching for the boxes and the coffee and quickly exited the store. “Damn. Fuck. Shit,” he whispered under his breath as he headed to his vehicle.

Another chance missed. It would be five more days before he’d have donut duty again. He wondered if he shouldn’t practice in front of a mirror before he attempted to talk to her again, or maybe he needed a wingman or woman to help him out…

Open Contests!

Enter while you still can…

  1. It’s Tuesday, so of course it’s a PUZZLE-CONTEST & more!Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Today’s cards… (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Hidden Treasures (Puzzle-Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Reina Torres: Everyone Needs a Gingerbear (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  5. Heading into December… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
Lizzie Ashworth: Him & Her…and Him (Excerpt)
Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Dear Delilah Fans,

My new release is a real scorcher. When the idea for this novella started forming in my mind, the story unfolded in quick bursts. Then I panicked. It was way over the top.

So I shelved it. Over a couple of years, I’d go back and do what writers do, pick at it, think about it. Then the ending became clear, and that pulled it back from the danger zone.

It’s still an edgy story and for those of you with trigger issues, please note that the story involves initial dubious consent.

Allison is an independent woman with strong ideas about what her life should be. Her relationship with Dane is steady and comfortable for them both. I can’t say much more without giving away too much of the story – it’s full of surprises.

MMF romance has always been hard for me to imagine. Men aren’t generally comfortable with same-sex experimentation. Most menage a trois involves one man and two women. But that’s not what women like to imagine. The idea of two men touching you is, well, pretty damn hot!

Him & Her…and Him

Christmas Eve. Iced in at her boyfriend Dane’s business, Allison Spears mouths off to a man working there, daring him to, well, take her by force, if she has to be blunt about it. Next thing she knows, he has her backed up to the wall, his eyes glinting with lewd intent. And damn it, he’s taking her breath away.

Where is Dane? Why won’t this stud Hank back off? She knows there are ways to force him, but things are getting heated and maybe… Maybe she doesn’t want him to quit.

What begins as a rough and tumble encounter turns into something completely unexpected as Hank reveals what Dane had asked him to do. Next thing Allison knows, she and Hank and Dane are connecting in ways she never imagined. Her secrets aren’t the only ones popping up around here.

Excerpt from Him & Her…and Him

“Do you want me, little girl?” Hank said, his lips curling into a sardonic grin.

Was this his game, some kind of fucking ego trip where she was supposed to beg?

“No, hell no,” she snapped, trying to gain control. If she could get her knee in position… “I don’t even know you. And I’m not a ‘little girl,’ you sick pervert.”

He barked a laugh that echoed off the walls. “I noticed. And sure you do. I’m the guy you think about when you’re lying in bed all alone and touch yourself.”

“Of all the… I don’t…”

“Don’t lie to me, sweetness. You get punished for lying.”

In a half-hearted attempt to free herself, she shoved against his hard chest. He didn’t move a centimeter. Instead, he laughed again. Fear spiked up her throat. What if…

Then a darker emotion swept down her belly where it coiled and waited like a low-lying reptile, a most degrading sensation. Her desire for him to force her doubled, tripled. Take her right there on the cold concrete garage floor. An image of being bent over his knees, her naked buttocks stinging under his big palm as blow after blow slapped her—her thighs squeezed together at the thought.

“Yes,” she said breathlessly.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I touch myself.”

“Fuck.” He stepped back, his glittering eyes raking her up and down until she felt stripped bare. She straightened her clothes with short jerky motions, trying to regain control.


Novella of 22,200 words: MMF erotica romance
Only 99 cents!

Buy links:

Brand New Stepbrother Romance! Open Contests with Tons of Prizes!
Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

Some of you who loved my Stepbrothers Stepping Out series of erotic short stories especially enjoyed my With His SEAL Team series within the series and nagged, er, encouraged me to write the final sequel—Sara’s and Hunter’s wedding! Well, I finally wrote it! I hope you enjoy it! It’s short, so the perfect read when you’re taking a break from all that holiday preparation! Plus, it’s only $0.99—and FREE in Kindle Unlimited. It’s packed full of naughty goodness. Sara is after all the luckiest girl in the world. 🙂

With His SEAL Team, Part 6

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team 6

Tomorrow at sunrise, I’m marrying my steplover, Hunter. At long last, I’m marrying the man I’ve loved since we first met when our parents married–a dream come true.

However, one pesky question remains unanswered. I don’t know what happens after we say, “I do.” Is tonight the last time Hunter will share me with his friends, my dearly beloved playmates?

Note: This 6,400-word short story is the sixth installment of the short story series, With His SEAL Team.

Get your copy here!

If you haven’t read all of the series, check these out. They are all available for FREE in Kindle Unlimited! Just click on the cover!

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team, Part 2 Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team, Part 3 Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team - Part 4

Open Contests! Plenty of Prizes left!

  1. Payton Harlie: Love in Lockdown — Pandemic Partner with Benefits (FREE story!) — Everyone, get your FREE story!
  2. Anna M. Taylor: Who’s On Second? (Contest)Ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. It’s Tuesday, so of course it’s a PUZZLE-CONTEST & more!Ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Diana Cosby: Inspiration From Nature – Deer (Contest) — Win a signed book!
  5. Today’s cards… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
Bernadette Jones: Tenacity
Monday, November 23rd, 2020

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”
~ Amelia Earhart


It’s November. Time to go inward, to reflect…

I embarked on this new writing career a year ago—I haven’t looked back.

Parts of this year have lasted for a couple years. Parts never began. But thankfully, parts have held onto joy, no matter what.

I am thankful for the love and support of my children, as I embark on a new career. How many hours have they spent teaching and reteaching me how to use social media, graphics programs, and my new best friend, Alexa? They’ve stuck with me. They have assisted with edits, formatting, repeating again and again, “You got this Mom. Stick with it!”

I was blessed with my first grandchild. He is the love of my life. He is just now learning how to try. He tries. He fails. He tries again. His trying is just lifting his head up during tummy time.  I root for him. It’s not lost on me how he’s helping me keep my head up, too.

Writers, for the most part, work alone. We fuss and fret over our characters, our plots, the conflict, the resolution, while staring at a computer screen or note pad, reliving the plots again and again. I train myself to a single-pointed focus, the immediate life of my characters, and I do it in solitude, but I am buttressed by a community, even when alone. This month I am giving a special thanks to my crew of other writers and friends and all the advice, support, encouragement they provide, helping me keep on.

The definition of tenacity is, “the quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence”. Determination. This is life.

Lonely Eyes

“And I’m scared, damn it.” He placed both palms on her shoulders. “Because if I touch you….if I taste you again….if I have you, I may never be able to let you go. I’m at least ten years older. I’m jaded and tarnished. I don’t deserve someone sweet and innocent. And you sure as hell deserve better than me.”

The good man, who only saw his damaged parts couldn’t recognize the value of his kindness and character. “Don’t I get to be the judge of what I need, and what I want? Why do you get to tell me no, making the choice for both of us? We’re both consenting adults. I am an adult. I’ve been deprived of my own decisions for long enough. The life I lived was far from Sunnybrook Farm. I grew up with strippers, call girls and junkies. Not to mention the bullies and thugs, con artists and thieves who populated my upbringing.”

Get your copy here!

Read the entire series…

Click to order all three!

About Bernadette Jones

Romantic Suspense Writer, Never Give Up-er,
First Wives Club-er, Lifelong Dream Achiever & Mom

Bernadette Jones has been making up stories since she learned to read on her daddy’s lap. She has imagined casts of characters everywhere she’s called home: Texas, Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Nebraska, Illinois, Massachusetts, and now New York.

Books and music filled her life as she, her dad and two brothers traveled the country. She would sit in the back seat of the car—her older brother always got to ride shotgun—listening to the current music on the radio, looking out the window and spinning a story based on a phrase she’d heard in the lyrics. As you can imagine, traveling the country, the music changed from state to state, as did the stories. To this day, she enjoys a wide variety of music and book genres.

After a career in corporate writing, she’s decided to settle down and put pen to paper doing what she loves. Living the dream in her NYC apartment with her canine companion, she’s bringing her stories and characters to life.

You can find Bernadette at:

Elle Vaughn: Getting to The Breakup Plan
Sunday, November 15th, 2020

Sometimes a story just comes to you. And you immediately know how it’s going to happen and how it’s going to end.

Well, that didn’t happen with this one.

Flashback to 2015 when I began to steadily publish books — I was writing nonstop, and the ideas seemed to be constantly flowing. I had this sudden inspiration for a story. The ever-sacred love triangle. At the time I’d never really touched the subject, but I had an idea that came to me during a college class and I immediately began jotting down every detail I could think of. Cute Florida boy? Check. Shy and sweet girl visiting a friend from out of town? Check. Florida boy’s sarcastic and snarky lesbian best friend who has better game than he does with the ladies? Check. I had a notebook that I used to write down the entire outline of the book and it was one of the most detailed outlines I’d ever written. I had notes for every chapter from start to finish, and I was super excited about this one.

Florida boy Kade is sick of his best friend Taylor making the moves on all the girls he likes. After forcing her to promise to leave the next girl he likes alone, she agrees, deciding that maybe now is the time to start taking life more seriously. But of course, free-spirited bohemian chick Diem walks into both their lives, and they both fall for her; only this time, Taylor falls for real.

Now, in my very detailed outline, Taylor merely offers what I thought was a unique twist on the beloved love triangle but in the end, Diem would ultimately end up with Kade.

Well, guess what? I sat down and wrote the first chapter to Because of Summer. Then I stared at my computer screen and realized I had everything wrong. The entire book. I was so wrong. This book wasn’t about Diem and Kade’s romance — it was about Diem and Taylor’s love. And yes, it turned into the tangled, uncomfortable, hot, messy love triangle exactly just as I’d envisioned. Yes, the story centered around how the very foundation of Taylor and Kade’s friendship was completely rocked. How both of their worlds had been turned not only upside down but inside out. All of those things that I had expected to happen happened, just as I’d planned out. But the actual heart of this story turned into something completely different. Something I’d never anticipated. It took me to a place that I’d never even thought to go. I wasn’t a lesfic writer. I’d never written anything in the realm of it. Ever. And yet that’s exactly where these characters took me. To this day, Because of Summer still feels so special to me.

Now, let’s fast forward to after I gave birth to our second child in 2017 and my mother-loving brain fell out of my head and I couldn’t seem to write another damned word to save my life. Nope. Nothing. I kept trying and yet…nothing.  NOTHING WAS HAPPENING. I went years without writing a single thing. It was heartbreaking.

Until one day, out of nowhere, that feeling came back. The random people came back to my brain again, and a story began to unfold and wouldn’t you know it, I wrote out a dang outline again. From start to finish. About a jerk named Elliot Faulkner who tries to sweep a snarky and unimpressed Penny Reynold’s off her feet. But that story didn’t go as planned either. Elliot hires Penny to pretend to be his girlfriend to hide the affair he’s having with a married woman to spare his career. And just like in Because of Summer, these freaking characters didn’t do anything I’d asked them to do. But I am so excited to finally be writing again. It feels so good to have these stories unfold and come together again.

If you’re in the mood for a complicated and messy story about friendship and love when you least expect it, I hope you check out Because of Summer, available on Amazon now. And if you’re ready for hot enemies to lovers romance, about a man who’s just too good looking for his own good being thrown for a loop by a girl who would rather jump out of a window than spend any amount of time with him, The Breakup Plan is available for preorder on Amazon now and is releasing December 15, 2020.

Pre-order your copy here!

Payton Harlie: Love in Lockdown — Pandemic Partner with Benefits (FREE story!)
Friday, November 13th, 2020

Download your FREE copy of the latest installment of the Love in Lockdown story, PANDEMIC PARTNER WITH BENEFITS!

Lucy Caldwell may be stuck in quarantine, but she has her priorities straight. Once she’s out of lockdown, she isn’t taking any chances. Dating is fun, but safety comes first, and Lucy has a plan…

The LOVE IN LOCKDOWN authors are back with another short story! This one’s from Payton Harlie, another First Response alumni! Her story tackles the “how to meet a cute guy in quarantine” question! It’s cute, it’s short, and you’ll definitely be left with a happy sigh at the end.

Follow this link!

Saturday, November 7th, 2020

Reina Torres is back with another installment of her short story series, Sublet! We have more stories coming!

Download your FREE copy of the latest installment of the Love in Lockdown story SUBLET!

What happens when two exes have to live in an apartment built for one?

Reina is back with installment #4 of her story, SUBLET! And she’s not finished yet! Enjoy! And have you subscribed to this blog? You might want to do that so you don’t miss a single story! More lockdown stories from more wonderful authors are on the way!

Follow this link!