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Archive for 'contemporary romance'

In case you didn’t know…I have a new release!
Saturday, April 18th, 2020

Due to a power outage, I wasn’t able to tell you on Tuesday that I have a new release! And it’s one I know you will enjoy! If you’ve read New Orleans Nights or my Montana Bounty Hunters, you will enjoy the hell out of this story, too! It’s filled with action, a sexy hero who is to die for, a feisty heroine who can take care of herself, thank you very much, and it’s set in New Orleans!

Lots of exclamation points, I know, but I’m eager for you to let me know what you think. I have more books coming in this series. The prequel book, New Orleans Nights was something many of you let me know you loved. There are five siblings in the Cyr family, plus a very interesting man by the name of Justin Ballard, who owns a security company… Well, you have to read this book to find out who he is and why I think he needs a book in this series, too!

Anyway, this is the book. I hope you give it a read. And I’d love to know what you think. Nuff said. 🙂

One Hot Night

One Hot Night

Hot Sultry Nights, Hot-Blooded Heroes…

Part of the private security team hired to keep visiting international dignitaries safe, New Orleans detective, Remy Cyr, has several interesting run-ins with a certain local reporter hellbent on crashing the convention’s nighttime events. While she’s certainly a nuisance, sneaking inside in a variety of disguises, he can’t help admiring how resourceful and stubborn she is. As sexy as she is pretty, he soon can’t resist her attraction.

A socialite determined to earn her own way in the world, reporter Stacia Rice is determined to dig up dirt at the convention, anything to earn her a spot on her newspaper’s front page. But one handsome, dogged cop keeps getting in her way. When they find themselves alone, neither can resist the intensity of their instant attraction.

When a group of armed men invades the venue and takes the dignitaries hostage, Remy realizes that he and Stacia are the only ones who know, and the only ones who can save them…

Get your copy here!

Desiree Holt: Zero Hour (Contest)
Monday, April 13th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is Debra Guyette!

ZERO HOUR (Heroes Rising, Book #2)
They are always heroes, whatever the situation
**Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of DESPERATE DECEPTION (Heroes Rising, Book #1)

My love affair with SEALs began… I think with the movie about them, but then I watched the series on television every time it was shown. And of course, now we have SEAL Team, to which I am addicted. How can you not be in love with dedicated warriors whose motto is: “The only easy day was yesterday.”

I’ve been writing about SEALs off and on for a long time, as part of my fascination with military heroes. But then I met former SEAL sniper Jack Carr, himself a best-selling author of The Terminal List series, and I was inspired even more. I discovered they are heroes in many, many ways. Especially as they struggle to fit into society again. Things change, life changes, and they have to find a way to change with it.

That’s how my series HEROES RISING was born. I wanted stories to show the struggle to find new footing yet at the same time be dedicated to the ideals of the SEALs. Sheriff Alex Rossi is rebuilding his office in the Crazy Mountains of Colorado, an office that was riddled with corruption, except for one deputy.

Slowly, he has reached out to other SEALs out of the service and searching for a new niche in life. I hope I am able to show the quality of these men despite their circumstances, and how that always rises to the surface.

You can find all the books in Elle James’ Brotherhood Protectors World.

Oh, and one other thing. I held a contest in my reader group to have a character in one of my books named for you. The winner is a longtime fan, Teresa Fordice. I hope I did her proud.


Teresa Fordice didn’t want to go, rogue but.…

Arms manufacturer Reed Morgan’s secret money man is dead and wild rumors of a dangerous plot are floating. Tasked with finding out what it is, ATFE agent Teresa Fordyce must flee for her life. She ignores the order to come in from the field, instead she runs to Montana and the place where Morgan’s secret plan is being hatched. But finding Jesse Donovan there, the man who walked out of her life, complicates things even more.

He might have left the SEALs but the memories of battle still haunt him…

The recurring nightmares made Jesse Donovan walk away from the best woman he ever met but now Fate has thrown them together and he has a chance to redeem himself. Can he get past the memories to help her on her mission to take down a man who may be plotting against the country?

Zero Hour…

What is it? When is it? What is Reed Morgan planning? Can Terry and Jesse find out in time and can they stop him? And what will happen with them after that? Can he walk away again? Will she let him?

Get Zero Hour here!

Excerpt from Zero Hour

“Have a seat.” He indicated one of the two chairs in front of the desk.

“Am I in trouble?” she asked at once.

“Only if you say no.”

She studied his face, trying to discern if he was kidding or not.

“Okay, tell me what’s up.”

“We have a problem, and we’re running out of solutions.”

Terry lifted an eyebrow. “What kind of problem and how can I possibly solve it?”

“We’ve had our eye on Reed Morgan for some time. You know who he is, right?”

“Yes, I’ve read about him. Former military. Left the Army and opened an arms manufacturing company, which has grown to be a monster. Lots of guesses on where his financing came from. Outspoken critical of the government, which he calls too liberal.”

Max rubbed his jaw. “That’s the guy.”

“Then yes, when I joined the ATFE I was aware he had been a priority for some time.”

“Yeah, we’ve had our eye on him, watching his activities. The watch on him has been bumped up several notches in the past year. You know Morgan is considered a hard-liner. Among many other things, he’s been lobbying hard to overturn some of the recently passed gun laws, and his disdain for the government is well-known.”

“The whole agency knows Morgan Arms Manufacturing is one of the largest businesses of its kind in this country. They also own retail stores, plus they supply some of the arms to our military and even more go overseas. Lots of rebellions going on in the world. But I’m guessing you called me in here because something has pushed this to the forefront.”

“It has.”

“I know he’s spoken loudly about what he sees as the failure of America to enforce its laws, and the subsequent rise of crime.” Terry shook her head. “About the increasing numbers of what he called ‘soft’ laws that barely punished the criminals. But speaking out isn’t a crime, although for some people I think it should be. So, what’s changed here?”

“Our sources tell us Morgan Arms is suddenly buying a lot more steel, plastic, and aluminum than usual,” he told her, “so a lot of questions have floated in the air. That was the first thing that caught the director’s eye.”

“Has his client list increased?” Terry asked. “Have his orders from overseas clients gotten bigger?” Max rubbed his jaw. “After all, there is always a rebellion going on someplace and some army, legitimate or otherwise, that needs weapons. Or maybe they’re preparing to release a newly designed instrument. Or finally, is there another reason we don’t know that means trouble for everyone? I agree none of those possibilities are appealing. That’s for damn sure. But buying more raw materials and railing against the government isn’t a crime. If it was the jails would be full all the time.”

“True,” Jaeger agreed. “But here’s something you don’t know. For some time, Morgan’s been gathering a group together, first his closest friends and then people who we think share his beliefs about the way this country is run. You know there have been attacks by these off-the-wall militia groups and, based on what we learned, we’re afraid Morgan’s plotting another one. Anyway, over a year ago we managed to plant someone in Morgan’s group. We needed to find out what the hell was happening. He’s deep undercover, and sometimes we have to wait weeks for a word from him, which doesn’t help..”


“No kidding. When my guy does get word out to me, he says Morgan’s running this like it’s the military, which is what we figured. I think Morgan’s made this group his own private militia, kind of an outlaw posse comitatus. He also has three or four specially selected men who he calls his ‘guard’ who watch the rest of them like hawks. He’s been making trips recently to the land he owns in Montana, a spread in the Crazy Mountains. Each time, he takes a few of his group with him. Our undercover got taken there once. He managed to get a message out that they train. All day. Every day. Exercise. Firearms. Hand-to-hand combat. And they study explosives.”


“Yeah, but they don’t actually detonate anything. I’m sure the neighbors would complain.”

“Still… Are they preparing for war?”

“That’s what we need to know. And it’s been a while since our guy communicated with us.”

“He must be in danger. If Morgan finds out who he is, he’ll kill him.”


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Alana Lorens: Tender Misdemeanors (Excerpt)
Sunday, April 12th, 2020

I’m excited to be spending today at the blog home of Delilah Devlin, talking about my new release, TENDER MISDEMEANORS.

The book is set in northwestern Montana, in the Kalispell area. For anyone who hasn’t traveled there, you have missed some beautiful vistas: the Bitterroot Mountains, Flathead Lake, and of course, just north of Whitefish, Glacier National Park. The area is full of beautiful forests, and this is what brings our hero and heroine together.

Caryn Orlane is an enforcement officer with the federal Bureau of Land Management. This agency may sound familiar, because the BLM has had several well-publicized skirmishes with citizens, like the Nevada standoff with the Bundy family in 2014 and another in Oregon in 2016. Politics has more and more become part of the cases the BLM must handle.

Levi Bradshaw is an environmental impact consultant who grew up in the Bitterroot and is fiercely protective of the old forests, leading a monkey-wrenching group that breaks the law to discourage loggers from pillaging the forests.

Throw in a trouble-making pagan group, the Earthenkrafters, the Native American Kootenai protecting tribal sacred places, and white supremacists and other hate groups like the Pioneer Little Europe cults, and you can see why Caryn has her hands full, even before she meets Levi.

So, in a story torn from modern headlines, when these two people meet at gunpoint, it becomes clear their love story will be one full of controversy and danger. I hope you enjoy it.

Tender Misdemeanors

Caryn Orlane has law enforcement in her blood; her father was a cop, and his father, too. She’s a federal agent in northwest Montana, protecting the old forests and keeping the peace.

Levi Bradshaw also believes in protecting the forests but has a very different MO. He’s the leader of a group of eco-warriors, determined to save the trees of the Bitterroot by legal—and illegal—means.

When they meet in the woods at gunpoint, their encounter ignites a spark of interest, despite operating on opposite sides of the law. When their worlds turn on them, they only grow closer. If they don’t work together, can either survive?

Excerpt from Tender Misdemeanors

A dog barked, and she froze. She spotted the animal across the clearing, at least three feet tall, short russet hair with a brown nose and amber eyes. It appeared to be mostly muscle, except for the whorled ridge of hair along its midback. No question the dog had seen her as well. Still barking, it bolted toward her at an alarming rate of speed.

Instinct drove her into retreat; she wouldn’t shoot the dog unless she had to. Quick flashes of the scene as she ran showed the men snatching their equipment, scattering into the woods.

Damn, damn, damn!

Watching over her shoulder, she missed a thick fallen log in her path and tripped over it, falling hard on the ground, her breath snatched away for a few moments. The impact knocked the gun from her hand, and she struggled to retrieve it as the dog came crashing through the brush. It landed squarely on her, still barking, its nails driving into her back, its hot breath in her ear. She expected to feel the sharp bite of teeth at any moment. Desperate, her fingers quested forward for the gun.
A shrill whistle sounded off to her right. “Rosie, what have you got there?”

The dog bounded off her. Caryn lurched for the gun, then shoved herself up into a seated position, holding her weapon in both hands. The person who had spoken appeared in her sights. Aware of the panting animal not three feet away, she couldn’t spare a look, her attention focused on the man.

Nearly six feet tall (or was it just her perspective from the ground?), he stared down at her, seemingly in shock. Thick dark hair lay tousled across his brow, as though he’d just removed one of those ski masks. He wore a simple red plaid flannel shirt and denim jeans, with heavy nut-colored work boots. His build was athletic, and she guessed there was plenty of muscle under the fabric of his shirt and his padded black ski vest. He could have been a model in one of those outdoorsy catalogs, a perfect example of a rugged, handsome western mountain man.

At first, his warm brown eyes captured her interest. But second, his quick movement brought a handgun of his own from behind him, perhaps tucked into his belt, and he pointed it directly at her.

Links for purchase
Amazon | Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Alana Lorens has been a published writer for more than forty years. Currently a resident of Asheville, North Carolina, she loves her time in the smoky Blue Ridge mountains. One of her novellas, THAT GIRL’S THE ONE I LOVE, is set in the city of Asheville during the old Bele Chere festival. She lives with her daughter, who is the youngest of her seven children, two crotchety old cats, and five kittens of various ages.

Amazon Author Page


A Reminder, a Contest, and a Puzzle! There’s no excuse for being bored!!!
Saturday, April 11th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is Mary McCoy!

Repeat: There’s no excuse for being bored!

When the kids get mopey, my daughter gives them chores. After she kept doing that, my granddaughter asked for a large canvas and some acrylic paint. My dd had the kids dress up twice now for fun “photo shoots” outside. There’s plenty to do other than watch Tiger King. You just have to find something that inspires you.

Okay, so I’m luckier than most. I get to be creative every day. It’s kind of my job. But when writing becomes work, I turn to paint and pens. When it started to look like this crazy lockdown would be a longterm thing for me, I looked around for something I could do that would keep me busy, so I joined the #100dayproject art challenge. Which is why I’m driving people on my Friends page in Facebook nuts with pictures of what I’m creating—the cool and the really, really bad. 🙂

So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what new challenge you will undertake if this thing goes on forever for you, too. Will you learn to paint? Take up writing poems? Dust off your camera?

Also, just a quick reminder here, folks…

One Hot Night

New Orleans Nights: One Hot Night releases on Tuesday!! It’s FREE in Kindle Unlimited. It’s a fun, very fast-paced, and sexy story! Promise! You won’t be bored! Here’s what it’s about and where you can get it.

Hot Sultry Nights, Hot-Blooded Heroes…

Part of the private security team hired to keep visiting international dignitaries safe, New Orleans detective, Remy Cyr, has several interesting run-ins with a certain local reporter hellbent on crashing the convention’s nighttime events. While she’s certainly a nuisance, sneaking inside in a variety of disguises, he can’t help admiring how resourceful and stubborn she is. As sexy as she is pretty, he soon can’t resist her attraction.

A socialite determined to earn her own way in the world, reporter Stacia Rice is determined to dig up dirt at the convention, anything to earn her a spot on her newspaper’s front page. But one handsome, dogged cop keeps getting in her way. When they find themselves alone, neither can resist the intensity of their instant attraction.

When a group of armed men invades the venue and takes the dignitaries hostage, Remy realizes that he and Stacia are the only ones who know, and the only ones who can save them…

Pre-Order your eCopy here!
Get your Print copy here!

And finally, the puzzle!

Reina Torres: Justice for Hildie (Contest)
Friday, April 10th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is Colleen C!

Some call it serendipity and some call it a crazy random happenstance… Me? I’m a child of the 80s, so I just take a page from the Hannibal playbook and say, “I love it when a plot comes together!”

When it comes to writing, I’m a Plantser, meaning that I plan some of the things in the book and pants (fly by the seat of my pants) for the rest of it.

For Justice for Hildie there were a few things that were set in stone from the beginning. It certainly wasn’t the cover. There are FOUR distinctly different covers that I created for this book and the manic cover making stopped there. It was like I finally got the “feel” for the story.

One of the things I couldn’t change was the name of the Heroine. She was the BFF in Justice for Sloane. Hildie was the best friend missing a filter. She was a sorority girl with a serious love for high-end shoes. There was no one more devoted to Sloane than Hildie! (Until Vicente Bravo, uber-sexy FBI Agent, that is!)
Hildie was colorful in so many ways, and her name was just a part of it. Her first name was inspired by author Hildie McQueen. I just loved the sound of the name and the way it looked in print! The character’s last name was Faraday.

I honestly do NOT remember where that came from, but it was set in stone when Sloane was released as a book. And yes, she’ll change it when she marries Texas Ranger Jake McGowan somewhere in the future of the San Antonio First Responders series, but FARADAY it is.

And when I was writing the book there came a time when I had to separate the characters for the plot. And one of the plot points was how-off-the-grid the heroine was at that point. And I knew there was a name for a certain product that she’d have to use, and I went looking for it online and WHAM…


Then I had to wonder… did I give her the surname Faraday because I knew in my head how prophetic the name would be? Or did I just give her the name because it was just cool?

Maybe the nebulous cloud of creativity in my head just wanted to have a good ol’ chuckle? I don’t know.

I’m just not going to question it, because it works!!


I’m curious… Has there been a time when something random fell into place and made it seem like the world had your back? What was it? If not… Tell me a unique name (male or female) that you think should be in a book.

Prize — Winner’s choice of one of my single title ebooks from

Justice for Hildie

Hildie Faraday thought her life was full. Coordinating care for the clients at the Helping Hearts shelters and community center is a job and a half, but when a client asked her to come to support her at a hearing, she’s right there to help. They teach women to be prepared for anything, but Hildie is shocked when she ends up in the crosshairs of a client’s abusive husband.

Texas Ranger Jake McGowan thanked his lucky stars that he was in the right place at the worst time. Working in Law Enforcement in San Antonio, he knew all about Hildie and the help she provides for women in need. Seeing her put herself between a woman and her gun-wielding husband brought his own feelings into the foreground.

Once he had Hildie in his life, he wasn’t going to let her slip away from him. Jake’s doing everything he can to show her how much she means to him, and Hildie’s giving it right back. It doesn’t take long for life to throw a bunch of obstacles in their way, and Hildie into the trunk of a car.

Jake will pull together local law enforcement officers to help him rescue Hildie and get her back into his loving arms. Will they get there in time?

Book Link:
Book Bub:

Susan Saxx: When You Came
Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Can a hunky, blond first responder dude fall crazily
in love with a Plain Jane, curvy academic geek who’s
totally ‘over’ romance?

I love my beta readers. They inspired me to write Sven’s story in February of this year. Though truth be told, I was already in love with him myself!

Sven appeared briefly in SKIPPING CHRISTMAS, my full-length, quirky, HOT contemporary romance about Kelley Dunham and Dante Knight, a Canadian hockey brat and sports star who comes back home to the tiny mountain community of Terrence Point, B.C., to claim the woman he loves. (FYI – it doesn’t go well, LOL. At all.)

But then Lisa R. wrote me this:

Sven… what a genuinely nice guy. He was so sweet to Kelley when she turned up at the dance. I hope you are planning to write a book about him as I would love to know his story and find out who he gets his HEA with. Also, it would be a great opportunity to catch up with Kelley and Dante. No pressure .. just a suggestion!

And Terri (Love you, Girl!) wrote something similar!

To be honest, though, I already knew, once I wrote Skipping Christmas….

I was in love with Sven myself.

Sometimes these characters—I tell you!—already exist in the ether, and just need us authors to listen to them and let them cross over into our world.

You want to hear about Sven, you say? (What can I say – social isolating is making me delusional…or yeah. More so than before. (Shaddap, whoever mumbled that. LOL) But let’s run with it.)

Pull up a chair, Friend.

A golden boy ski patroller living in Terrence Point, British Columbia, working at SNOWY PEAKS, the community’s ski resort, he is a really nice guy. Yeah, he’s gorgeous. The typical, breathtaking, beautiful man. Chiseled, hunky, blue eyes gazing out over the snow fields, with his adorbs puppy Jake, a tiny Lab and an avalanche dog in training, by his side.

Sven’s enjoyed SO MANY exotic lovelies when he’s off shift. Women from all over the world. Athletic, hard-core skiiers, who seem to suit him.


What if a basically dowdy, plain, curvy woman jettisoned into his life? With her own agenda…none of which included him?

Could they….

Would there be any chance…

Or would he just do the shallow thing?

Keara Faye Linn is strong-willed. On her own, she’s scrapped for everything she’s had in life. The job she’s forced to take for two weeks as Sven’s assistant is just a stepping stone while she gets her masters, and a way to get her out of Toronto, briefly. She is a bit of a jerk, honestly, at first, and doesn’t take the job seriously.

But when a threat from the past slams into her life….

And a bunch of sick kids need help….

And she’s forced to live with Sven in his self-proclaimed ‘humble’ cabin for a few weeks…

Well, you do the math. 

When You Came just poured out of me. I guess Sven and Keara’s story just HAD to be told. There are lots of moments of lightness and levity, but it’s not a simple melding, and it’s not a short story. Here’s the blurb!

And don’t forget, it’s $2.99 for a limited time. Go here to grab it for yourself!

Amazon –

Kobo, Barnes & Noble, IBook and Other Retailers —

When You Came

Book 10 in Susan Saxx’s Real Men Series
$2.99 until April 21!
Snowy Slopes. Faithful Dogs. Sudden Intrigue.

Golden Boy Ski Patroller meets Plain Jane Geek.

Military reservist Sven Golden works as a first responder for the Canadian Ski Patrol, saving lives and training avalanche dogs in stunning British Columbia on Canada’s West Coast.

But after the woman he thought he’d marry does indeed get married—only to someone else—and he’s forced to take the harrowing new management job at Snowy Peaks Chalet, things go downhill fast. And when he’s asked to head the resort’s new Valentine’s Day Extravaganza instead of working on the slopes, protecting people, he’s had enough.

But when he meets organizational whiz Keara Linn, a Torontonian desperate for the 2-week temporary job as his assistant, things just don’t add up. Very plain, curvy, yet smart and focused, she’s hiding secrets.

But the passion and heart she’s buried deep inside finally explodes his world. Now nothing is going to shut that down—or his feelings. Not even a crazed madman who is determined to bring revenge on Keara and her guardian dog, the one she loves with all her heart.

And when it’s time? The whole quirky Terrence Point community will have something to say…about everything.


And by the way, if you’d like to read Kelley and Dante’s story first, SKIPPING CHRISTMAS….(it’s Book 1 of the Terrence Point Location and WHEN YOU CAME is Book 2, go here to get your copy!


Kobo, Barnes & Noble, IBook and Other Retailers —

Psst. Book 3 is on its way!

Big Virtual Hugs,

Vonna Harper: Her COVID Delay & Introducing THE SOCIETY!
Monday, April 6th, 2020

Vonna Harper isn’t the real me. I created her to hide behind.

Vonna is a sexually liberated writer of many erotica and erotic titles who gives her imagination free rein while the real me writes much tamer stuff. For a long time I tried to keep the two separate, but today it doesn’t matter. Vonna’s creator needs to come out of the shadows and share something deeply personal about coronavirus’s impact on our family.

I suspect everyone who reads this has been touched by the pandemic in some way. Here’s my story. A little over a year ago the adult son I live with was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer. We (yes, both of us) have been through a year plus of hell highlighted by chemo, radiation, heart damage, two infections, three trips to the ER, countless blood tests, and countless sleepless nights.

He was scheduled to have the tumor cut out on March 26. We live over four hours away from the big city cancer center where the surgery would take place. He and his brother, my other son, insisted that Mom not subject her ancient immune system to what we acknowledge is a greater risk of catching the virus. My other son, an educator (what he’s going through is a story of its own), insisted on going with his brother and staying for the approximately five days he’d be hospitalized. I stayed home with the dogs and my thoughts.

The morning of the trip (the day before the surgery) my sons had just gotten on the road when the surgeon called to inform us that the operation was still a go and she was fighting to keep it on the schedule.

Four hours later as they exited the freeway, a second call came. Surgery had been canceled. No rescheduling until the hospital is no longer full of coronavirus patients and dedicated medical professionals.

My sons came home. We wait.

As almost an aside, I promise my erotica is a different experience from what you just read. For proof, I offer a couple of recent titles that include spanking scenes.  His Purchase and His Filly take place in The Society which is made up of Elites and Others. In other words, dominants and submissives.

Alia is an Other, a woman with secrets and few rights in a dark world controlled by The Society.

Kade is an Elite, a wealthy, powerful man who knows how to get the ultimate performance from Alia. Whatever it takes, he will bring his sexy, strong-headed acquisition into line.

When she defies him, Kade repeatedly applies his large hand to her bare bottom until it burns and she’s reduced to tears. Until she can’t fight her erotic reaction.

The next time she defies him, she refuses to explain why. He commands her to strip naked and submit to another harsh spanking. As if that isn’t enough, she has no choice but to let him place a butt plug inside her.

Alia wants to hate Kade for doing these shameful things to her, but his firm handling arouses her in ways she can’t deny or resist.

It will take all her resolve not to admit her deepest secret to this man who owns her.

Get your copy here!


Kali has no choice but to work for Boden, a wealthy, powerful Elite. As a vulnerable Other in a dark world of control and controlled, Kali knows her submissive position within the Society. But her vow to do everything she can to protect his valuable racehorses puts her on a collision course with the man who in essence owns her.

Boden decides to discipline the lovely, headstrong young woman via a hard bare bottom spanking. To her shock, she’s deeply aroused. She can’t hide her erotic response which he uses to his advantage.

The lessons continue to take place. Boden doesn’t hesitate to order her to pull down her pants and expose her vulnerable, naked ass. She shudders with every blow then moans when his all-knowing hands slide between her legs. She can’t stop him, can only submit.


Wonder if anything will be left of her.

Get your copy here!