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Archive for 'contemporary romance'
Monday, February 25th, 2019
I have an upcoming book, Rescuing Hi’ilani, tha is part of Susan Stoker’s Special Forces world. Now, I’m not sure when it happened, but I went from a dip-my-toes-in-the-water kind of author to “aw heck, hold my eyeglasses” kind of author…
So, rather than writing s book, I have my mind on writing a series. (Yes, I’m am masochistic – all dancers are.)
When I got my first idea and started writing the book, I brought in a few of Susan’s characters because it’s her world and really – it’s a fabulous place to hang out. But her Delta Forces groups are ‘teams’ – not just one soldier by himself.
So Delta Force Team Member Jackson “Ajax” Guard needed a few partners in … um… hotness?
But first let’s start with Jackson… I admit I really had to look for the right ‘visual.’ I wanted clean cut, but with that yummy factor… and I’ve always been a fan of (the original) Roswell. The actor who played Max did take a turn as a HOT werewolf…so, ta-da! Jackson Guard…
Hmm… a team just isn’t a team without a commander. A man with history. A man with experience. He’s seen things. Survived those things. And knowledge can be sexy.

I know!! James Remar… I’ve always been a huge fan… gravely voice, a good presence. Yes, ma’am. He’s Commander Chastain! He can command me anytime—but I digress.
After that I picked a bunch of (ahem) hot guys and started looking for names. Birth names, team nicknames, check.
But I didn’t want to introduce the whole team in one book. Everyone but the commander and Jackson were on leave, so two of them were going to be called back into the fold.
How did I decide which ones? I asked my Reina’s Readers [https://www.facebook.com/groups/ReinaTorresReaders/] on Facebook. I posted the picture with the whole Delta Force Team and asked folks to vote on the two teammates that should come back.
Of Mace, Cullen, Baron, Shado, & Train: Baron and Train received the most votes even though Shado held an early lead.
So when the book comes out, you’ll have the chance to be introduced to a little over half the team as they’re Rescuing Hi’ilani.
Want to know when this book comes out? You can Follow me on:
Book Bub – https://www.bookbub.com/profile/reina-torres and
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/author/reinatorresromance
Totally thrilled to know this one is coming out in the near future… but I’m curious. After you see Jackson “Ajax” Guard get his HEA, which Team Member do you want to see shackled with love?
(happy to give a copy of Rescuing Hi’ilani to five commenters)

Tagged: contemporary romance, Delta Force, Guest Blogger, romantic suspense Posted in Contests!, General | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Debra Guyette - Misty Dawn - Tamara Kasyan - BookLady - Jennifer Beyer -
Saturday, February 23rd, 2019
This is just a quick post. I spent the day with my dd and her family rather than doing any work! Scold me now! Especially, when I have the cover for my next book but I’m far from finishing the story.
Hopefully, now that dad is back home, life will settle and I’ll have fewer distractions, because I really do want you to enjoy Sky and Jamie’s wedding story!
Here’s the cover…

And if you haven’t read the two stories they’ve already been featured in, now’s the time! This couple has spanned three series—Uncharted SEALS, Brotherhood Protectors, and Montana Bounty Hunters. They deserve a wedding!
Tagged: contemporary romance, Montana Bounty Hunters, romantic suspense Posted in About books... | Comments Off on Cover Reveal–see what’s coming next! | Link
Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

My dog Lou is a pug/terrier cross and she’s almost sixteen and a half years old. She came into our lives fifteen years ago when she was about a year and half old, but even at that young age our vet was sure she’d already had at least one litter of puppies. When we got her, she looked a little rough. Patches of fur were missing from her tail, and she smelled terrible. We were told she lived mostly outside, which is horrifying to me considering the kind of winters we have in Manitoba. But with love and good food, which she didn’t have to hoard anymore, her coat grew sleek and she gained weight. Boy, did she gain weight!
In those early years, she was a bundle of energy. She loved to walk or even run, so we went out every day, in all kinds of weather. She was affectionate and funny.
These days, in her elderly state, she’s still affectionate, but she doesn’t have much energy. We still go outside together in all kinds of weather, though our walks are very slow and don’t cover much distance. At this point we don’t know how much longer we’ll have her. All we can do in the time we have left with her is love her and care for her.
I didn’t know how much I loved dogs until we got Lou. I had dogs on the farm as a kid, but they were outside dogs that lived in the barn; my mom didn’t believe dogs and cats should live in the house. For years before we got Lou we had cats, and I loved them, but hands-down, Lou is my favorite pet ever.
Lou has inspired me to include dogs as characters in some of my books. In my latest release, CHILD OF MINE, Brady is Cole’s Golden Retriever. He’s even on the cover of the book, which makes me very happy. When Cole and Lauren marry and she moves in, Brady falls head over heels in love with Lauren and is her constant companion.
Another dog that ended up on one of my covers, albeit in cartoon form, is Spike in CHILL OUT. Spike is a Mastiff rescued by the hero of the story. He was inspired by my friend Michelle’s dog Indy, also a rescued Mastiff. When Michelle worked in my office, she regularly brought Indy to work with her and I got to know this gentle giant. In real life, Indy (a girl, by the way), wasn’t as big as I made Spike in the book. Like Brady, Spike totally falls for the heroine. Both dogs have very good taste!
The fictional dog most inspired by Lou is Stanley in TAKE A CHANCE ON ME. This book may have my favorite cover of all my books because it features Stanley in all his adorableness. There are definite differences between Stanley and Lou; for starters, Stanley is a male dog. He’s also a pure-bred pug and Lou is a cross. But in attitude, and in shedding prowess, Stanley is all Lou. When Lou is gone, I’ll look at that cover and fondly remember my little buddy.
Do you have a pet? Do you like to read about fictional pets in romance novels?
Child of Mine

Is Lauren’s love for Cole stronger than her fear of scandal in her hometown?
Lauren didn’t intend to sleep with her brother-in-law Cole on the day of her husband’s funeral. But now that she is pregnant, she’s not sorry. Cole’s given her a baby, a long-wished-for miracle. He’s been her friend forever, though she never told him or anyone else how unhappy her marriage to his cheating brother was. And she’s afraid to tell the small town that considered her husband a hero that the baby isn’t his.
Cole’s been in love with Lauren since he was sixteen. It kills him that everyone believes the baby is his dead brother’s. All he wants is to claim the baby, and Lauren, as his own. Though she marries him, will Lauren’s heart ever be his?
Lauren must tell the truth or risk losing Cole. Is her newly-discovered love for him greater than her fear of scandal in her hometown?
Buy Links:
The Wild Rose Press: https://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/all-titles/6519-child-of-mine.html
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Child-Mine-Masonville-Book-1-ebook/dp/B07MBVK9LY
Amazon.ca: https://www.amazon.ca/Child-Mine-Masonville-Book-1-ebook/dp/B07MBVK9LY
Amazon.uk: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Child-Mine-Masonville-Book-1-ebook/dp/B07MBVK9LY
Amazon.au: https://www.amazon.com.au/Child-Mine-Masonville-Book-1-ebook/dp/B07MBVK9LY
Amazon.de: https://www.amazon.de/Child-Mine-Masonville-Book-1-ebook/dp/B07MBVK9LY
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/child-of-mine-jana-richards/1130197427?ean=2940161413616
Ibooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/child-of-mine/id1449022684?mt=11
Cole wrapped her in his arms. He held her securely, whispering reassurances. “It’s all right, Lauren. Don’t cry. It’s going to be okay, sweetheart.”
She clung to him, her face buried against his neck. How wonderful to be held, to be touched. It had been so long—
What was she doing? This was Cole, her friend. She pulled away from him. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
She turned away and tried to wipe the tears from her face. After she got her tears under control, she made herself smile at him. “Do you remember the homecoming dance? The time I tripped in my new high heels and sprained my ankle?”
“Of course I do. You couldn’t walk, so I carried you from the school gym to Billy’s car, and he drove you home. I remember you were a lot heavier than you looked.”
She swatted his shoulder, hiccupping laughter mixing with her tears. “Very funny. I was trying to make a point.”
He wiped the tears from her cheek with the pad of his thumb, his dark eyes full of tenderness. “So what was your point?”
“You’re a good friend. You’ve always been there every time I’ve needed you, and here you are again. Thank you.” He stared into her eyes, but said nothing. She couldn’t look away. He continued to stroke her cheek with his thumb, the tiny caress acting like a balm to her battered heart. She placed her hand on his cheek.
They reached for each other in mutual need. He pulled her against his chest, his mouth descending on hers in a hungry, urgent kiss. She sighed against his mouth, and he brought her closer. He wants me. It had been so long since someone had wanted her. Only her.
Win a $25 Amazon gift card and an ecopy of LIES AND SOLACE!
Contest ends February 28th!
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About the Author
When Jana Richards read her first romance novel, she immediately knew two things: she had to commit the stories running through her head to paper, and they had to end with a happily ever after. She also knew she’d found what she was meant to do. Since then she’s never met a romance genre she didn’t like. She writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and historical romance set in World War Two, in lengths ranging from short story to full length novel. Just for fun, she throws in generous helpings of humor, and the occasional dash of the paranormal. Her paranormal romantic suspense “Seeing Things” was a 2008 EPPIE finalist.
In her life away from writing, Jana is an accountant/admin assistant, a mother to two grown daughters, and a wife to her husband Warren. She enjoys golf, yoga, movies, concerts, travel and reading, not necessarily in that order. She and her husband live in Winnipeg, Canada with an elderly Pug/Terrier named cross Lou. She loves to hear from readers and can be reached through her website at www.janarichards.com
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.janarichards.com
Blog: https://janarichards.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JanaRichardsAuthor
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/JanaRichards_
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/janarichards
Amazon UK Author Page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B002DEVWWG
Newsletter Signup: https://janarichards.com/contact.html#newsletter
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2892274Jana_Richards
Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/100820406211390323245
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jana-richards

Tagged: contemporary romance, excerpt, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Betty Sue Payton -
Sunday, February 17th, 2019
Lyrical Embrace
Deerbourne Inn (book 4)

Out-of-work violinist Erica Timberly decides enough is enough. She leaves her abusive boyfriend and flees the big city, but then her car breaks down in the middle of the night. Though wary of men, she accepts help from Dylan Haynes, a stranger driving by on the road, and soon recognizes him as the sexy former drummer of her favorite indie rock band. Maybe, just maybe, her run of bad luck is finally turning around.
Music teacher Dylan Haynes knows Erica is in trouble, and her black eye is only the first clue. The stubborn yet vulnerable woman needs a friend, but he’s determined to give her everything she deserves.
Will Erica listen to the music in her heart and trust Dylan, or will her past always threaten her future?
Erica leaned up and combed her fingers through her hair. “I’ve never made love outside before. It’s a surreal experience.”
“We can do it wherever you want. In an elevator, in an alley, in my car. I’m game anywhere and everywhere for as long as you want me.”
“I want you so much it hurts.”
Dylan thumbed her knuckles and hoped she meant that. “I don’t know how you feel about labels, but I haven’t had a girlfriend in years. I’ve just had flings, but I want more than that with you. I want us to be with each other and no one else. I want a relationship with you.”
Tears welled in her eyes. “I feel divided in two. A part of me thinks we’re moving too fast, but another part says to jump in with both feet. I want something real with you too. I don’t want to feel dirty after we fool around. Just make me happy. Will you do that, Dylan?”
Her soft, pain-filled words struck Dylan like a dagger in his gut, and he bit the insides of his cheeks to steady his features.
Her ex-boyfriend had probably called her names and degraded her after they would find release in each other’s body, and the bastard likely never cared if she reached climax at all.
“I understand, Erica. I promise to treat you with nothing but respect, and I will do my very best to make you happy. I swear you will always scream your head off in pleasure every time I touch you. I’m not the sort of man to get my jollies off and leave my girl hanging.”
Her lips twitched up in a grin. “That’s good to hear.”
“So are you my girl?”
“Yeah, I’m your girl.” Erica giggled and tapped her fingers on his chest. “How could I not be? You make a very compelling argument, but I will have to hold you to it. I’m definitely looking forward to screaming every time you touch me.”
“Let’s rest, and then we’ll play again. The night’s early, and I’ve only just begun.”
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43225610-lyrical-embrace
Buy Links
Amazon – https://amzn.to/2ChIhNT
Barnes and Noble – https://bit.ly/2ChIhgR
iTunes – https://apple.co/2M3T9mW
The Wild Rose Press store – https://bit.ly/2AIkSFk
Books2Read – https://books2read.com/u/m0MYaV
About the Author
Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
Amber lives in North Carolina with her husband and four demanding cats. Feel free to visit her at https://www.amberdaultonauthor.blogspot.com.
Social Media Links:
Facebook Author Page – www.facebook.com/amber.daulton.author
Twitter – https://twitter.com/AmberDaulton1
Pinterest – https://pinterest.com/amberdaulton5/
Goodreads – www.goodreads.com/author/show/6624921.Amber_Daulton
Amazon Author Page – https://amzn.to/14JoZff
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/amberdaultonauthor/
Book Bub – https://www.bookbub.com/profile/amber-daulton
Book Gorilla – https://www.bookgorilla.com/author/B00ALQITWY/amber-daulton/kcc
Smashwords – https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/amberdaulton
LinkedIn – www.linkedin.com/pub/amber-daulton/87/538/368
Google Plus – https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AmberDaulton
The Wild Rose Press – https://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/2362_amber-daulton
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Amber Daulton -
Thursday, February 7th, 2019
Me: “New email, cool! Hey, it’s from Book Bub with today’s deals! Super cool!”
I start scrolling down, mumbling, “No… Not in the mood for this…. Maybe this one–no.”
And so on. You know how it goes, right?
While I was doing that, the reasoning behind two of my choices (one leading up to buying a book; the other turning a book down) made me face where I stand these days, as far as life goes.
I said no to a story where the Heroine, overworked and pregnant (long story), takes a break and goes to Alaska (I love Alaska as a setting. Along with Texas, Ireland, and Scotland, is one of my favorites). Up to that point, I was sure I was going to click buy. Love the setting, the story is fresh, it has a gazillion of 5star reviews. What can possibly go wrong, right?
Then the next line.
It stopped me and my buy-button-hovering finger.
Her needy family….
I was out.
This woman, a woman who had made a place for herself by herself, who’s pregnant and overworked, has to leave her house and her life because of a needy family??? No way, man.
You see, the thing is, I was never her. It was never that bad. But I have family trouble and pressure. I’m about to face some of that, I know there will be fights, and how those will take a toll on me (hell, before starting this blog I researched non-drowsy anxiety medicines over the counter). The last thing I need now is reading about it, going through the same s#@t. Unless she tells them all to go and you-know-where to go. Which I don’t believe she will.
Hence, my not buying the book. A shame, because it seemed like a great story.
What I did buy was a story where the Hero is a scholar. I’m telling you, lately, I’m crushing on nerdy men. Not because my husband is a hot nerd, although I’ve always appreciated that type more. It’s just that I need a break from alpha growling in favor of a quiet, maybe even aloof, vibe. Again, it’s about to get hot and uncomfortable around here, I don’t need more noise, I don’t need adrenaline.
I need to relax. I need quiet, and a quietly heroic Hero.
So now I have one in my kindle, waiting to tell me his and the Heroine’s story.
And this is how I realized how much what happens in my life, my mood, influences my choice in books.
Do you feel the same?
Are the books you read a mirror of, or the reason why, you read a particular story?
Crescent Creek Bundle

From the cold Canadian border, the US1 runs along the east coast with patience. Southbound, always south, until it reaches the Sunshine State.
Not the fastest way, sure, but if you have time to drive it all the way down, you might find yourself lost in one of the coastal towns that dot the US1 like little jewels.
Maybe that town’s name is Crescent Creek.
These are the stories of its people.
All Those Miles I Walked ~ Crescent Creek 1

At eighteen, DJ made a choice–her heart or her dreams. Neither was wrong, yet either would break her heart. She chose the world. Over a decade later, she returns to Crescent Creek and to the one regret she’s ever had–Scott.
Scott’s always been steady as a rocky reef. He’d loved once and when she’d left, his strong heart had crumbled like a sandcastle. Now DJ is back, and Scott wants nothing to do with her. If only Eva, his and DJ’s old friend, didn’t need their help. Because of her, he’s stuck with DJ and he’d be damned, she still gets under his skin.
DJ is a free spirit who needs the road under her feet. Scott is a family man who wants to groom his roots. With danger on their doorstep and a baby to keep safe, how much are they willing to compromise for love?
Painted Love ~ Crescent Creek 2

Thou shalt not steal.
Oh, but Florence had, and would do so one last time. Ten pieces her grandfather painted for her because he loved her. Ten pieces her mother lost, along with anything else, for loving the wrong man. She couldn’t get back everything he’d wasted away, but she’d be damned if she’d give up those paintings.
Easy and genuine, Rhett loves his life–his family, his market, his town. Until he meets a British woman with grey eyes and a cute little smile. The woman he’s been waiting for. The thing is, to love her is easy, but can he trust her?
When Rhett pushes to uncover her agenda, Flo knows she will lose something–the man she loves or what she’d been fighting for years. Which road will she choose?
His Midnight Sun ~ Crescent Creek 3

Tormented, fierce, and broken, sculptor Aidan Murphy has judged himself guilty. He yearns for love but pushes everyone away. He longs for acceptance but has lost the key to open his heart. Until he meets Summer Williams. Beautiful and smart, Dr. Williams promises haven for a man who believes he deserves none. All he has to do is let her in and risk his heart and soul.
Summer’s managed to keep her inner light alive, even through tragedy. She’s created a new life for herself and her daughter in Crescent Creek with loving, caring and fun friends–well, except brooding, breathtaking Aidan. She’s used to keeping away from his type, though. All she has to do is ignore the pull of a man who’s turning up to be much more than snarls and storms. Will her compassion and medical instincts let her?
Love can heal a broken soul and shake up a timid heart. Or it can unleash devastation and revenge.
Will Aidan and Summer survive the hurricane?
Free with KU
About the Author
Beach bum and country music addicted, Viviana lives in a small Floridian town with her husband and her son, her die-hard fans and personal cheer squad. She spends her days between typing on her beloved keyboard, playing in the pool with her boy, and eating whatever her husband puts on her plate (the guy is that good, and she really loves eating). Besides beaching, she enjoys long walks, horse-riding, hiking, and pretty much whatever she can do outside with her family.
Find me:
On my website https://www.viviana-mackade.blog/
On Instagram
On Twitter
Amazon Author page
Tagged: contemporary romance, excerpt, Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Viviana -
Monday, February 4th, 2019
There are more reasons to love horses than I can share with you here. I’ve put together a few thoughts on why I love having companionship of horses in my life.
1. Motivation
These magnificent creatures are clearly a natural wonder in this world. Not only are they beautiful to behold, but artists and poets alike have been continually inspired by them. These living art forms remind us to live our lives at a higher level.
2. Pleasure
Not only are horses affectionate, enjoyable companions, they nurture the imagination, and are faithful, loving friends with a will to please.
3. Exercise
Trial riding is an amazing way to enjoy nature’s bounties while toning the body and burning calories. Riding uses many muscles and is a great workout. Combine it with animal grooming and care, barn work, getting in hay, and you’ve discovered the best kept fitness secret around.
4. Community
Social activities with horses are vast, depending on your interests. Horses allow you to fit into social circles with others who enjoy the same activities as you. You may prefer showing your animal, riding with a saddle club, hanging with a crowd from your stable, trail riding or camping with groups for trail riding weekends and socials around a campfire. Whatever interest you have, the love of these glorious animals will help you form bonds with other horse lovers.
5. Relaxation
When you ride the same mount consistently, he or she intuitively knows what you need. They seem to read your mind. They pay attention to minor nuances in your actions, mood and voice with a truly remarkable will to please. This is a two-way street. You will find yourself understanding and anticipating the horse’s actions as well. It’s a great way to allow your inner voice or natural ESP to work. There is no better way to improve your mood than being one with a horse.
6. Responsibility
Caring for the horse is priority one. Whether returning to the barn or campsite for a night, his needs come first. Prior to relaxing with a cold drink by a bonfire, the animal must be groomed, fed, watered, and put in a safe place. Before we were allowed to have a ride of our own, we cared for someone else’s mount for a while. The experience taught us the reality of ownership, and allowed us the chance to experience what truly unique creatures they are.
7. Freedom
There is nothing more freeing than riding a powerful steed in the sunshine with wind in your hair. On horseback you can venture far into the woods, climb soaring mountains, and see nature’s bounty first hand, regardless of your condition or any weakness you might have. The human body is frail and comes with limitations we are freed from on horseback.
8. Trust
Horses are wise creatures. They see a person for who they truly are. I liken them to dogs in this respect. They see our inner souls. They don’t care what your job is, what you have, or what your life is like.
You must earn a horse’s respect and prove yourself worthy before he will allow you to master him. This doesn’t mean you should bully him. Forget your ego. He needs to trust you. In return, you will learn to trust him. Establish an honest relationship with your animal, and he will willingly succumb to your commands and do anything in his power to please you.
9. Nature
Nature’s bounties are full of wonder. Horses are a perfect example. Spending time with them can calm you when life gets rough. With each rock in the saddle you’ll feel stress of the day sliding off your shoulders and disappearing. Isn’t that better for the body than drugs? Talk about returning to nature? Ride a horse.
He doesn’t emit pollution to damage the ozone, make irritating mechanical sounds, or create hazardous waste. He’s completely natural.
10. Friendship
I can’t argue that dogs are man’s best friend. Mine always slept on the foot of my bed. My horse can’t do that; but in every other respect, he’s right up there with my dog. Folks who’ve experienced friendship with a horse will totally understand this. It is a bond like no other.

Lynda Rees is a multi-published historical and suspense award-winning romance author. Freckle Face and Blondie is a children’s suspense middle-grade co-written with her ten-year-old author granddaughter, Harley Nelson. Lynda has two suspense novels about descendants of mobsters—God Father’s Day and Madam Mom. Her 2016 award winning historical novel Gold Lust Conspiracy depicts a woman’s struggle during the savage 1890’s Alaskan Gold Rush. Parsley, Sage, Rose, Mary & Wine, is Book one of The Bloodline Series and a 2015 and 2017 Golden Heart and RITA finalist. The Bloodline Series is set in Kentucky horse country.
The other series books are:
Blood and Studs – Hot Blooded – Blood of Champions
Bloodlines & Lies – The Bloodline Trail – Horseshoes & Roses
Real Money and The Bourbon Trail are due to launch early 2019.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy my work and we become life-long friends.
Lynda Rees Love is a dangerous mystery
Get these fine books and join Lynda’s VIP Group for specials, news and freebees. Use these links.
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Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, horses Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Savanna Kougar -
Saturday, February 2nd, 2019
UPDATE! My two winners are…Eileen and Sheryl!
I hope you haven’t forgotten my Uncharted SEALs stories! I do have quite a few of these action-packed stories for you to enjoy—12 of them! And I’m not saying I’m done with them either. In fact, one of the stories, Big Sky SEAL is about to have a sequel inside the Montana Bounty Hunters series, Big Sky Wedding! I’ll have that story to you before the end of this month!
Uncharted SEALs spawned my Montana Bounty Hunters, and soon, MBH will spinoff to another series, but I’m not talking about that yet! Just know I love my military heroes, and I don’t plan to stop writing them anytime soon! I love writing them! They’re fast and funny. I make myself giggle when I write them.
And why write if you don’t have fun doing it, right? My Motto, always!
Here are all my currently available titles in Uncharted series.
Peruse these lovelies…
*~* *~*
Click on the covers to learn more!
I’ll choose two winners! Tell me whether you’d love to see more Uncharted SEALs or Montana Bounty Hunters, or both for a chance to win your choice of an Uncharted SEAL story!
Between a SEAL and a Hard Place

The last person world-class sniper, Wolf Kinkaid, expected to see in the crosshairs of his rifle during an operation to take down a drug cartel assassin was his pretty, bounty hunter wife. He takes the shot, disarming the bad guy, but the assassin wasn’t working alone, and now, Piper is a target for revenge.
Solution? The two of them hole up in a safe house while his team tries to find the assassin’s psychotic brother. Piper and Wolf have issues to resolve, and all that time alone gives them something they haven’t enjoyed in excess for a while—each other. But while they get close, the enemy closes in…
So many things were the same. Merciless heat beating down from above. Staring through the scope of a Macmillan Tac-50 from a dusty perch. Spotter at his elbow. Familiar chatter from the mission commander in his ear. And yet, everything was different.
For Wolf Kinkaid, the differences made the experience surreal. Yes, the air was hot, but he wasn’t wearing a heavy helmet, which would have cooked his brain.
His position was on a high-rise rooftop rather than amid rocks in a lonely mountain pass. The spotter at his elbow was dressed in SWAT black rather than a uniform of woodland camouflage, as was he. And the commander providing updates of what was happening inside the building entrance he surveilled wasn’t talking about insurgents. He gave details about an Assistant District Attorney, a “suit” who was about to exit the law building they watched.
Yup, he was a long, long way from Afghanistan.
“Suit’s taking the elevator,” Deke Warrick, the mission commander, said quietly over the comm in his ear.
Wolf checked the pictures he’d taped to the wall he knelt behind. One was of ADA Ben Souther who had a hit on him from a Mexican cartel, primarily for the fact he was preparing to prosecute a high-ranking cartel member for murder and racketeering. The second photo was of the assassin that the team—which consisted of FBI, ATF, and Charter agents—was trying to take down. They wanted to arrest the bastard and maybe milk him for names of other members residing in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Wolf’s particular talent was needed to implement Plan B if the assassin got too close to Souther.
Outfitted with a Kevlar vest, Souther was accompanied by two bodyguards, both provided by Wolf’s new employer, Charter Group. They’d trained for this mission for a week in another city with a similar topography, all while keeping Souther in a safe house. Souther’s office had hired the company to provide added protection and, hopefully, nab another cartel member, because the cartel lieutenant they’d captured had, so far, remained uncooperative. After weeks of lying low, Souther had grown restless and suggested they end the impasse by allowing him to act as bait.
He was a gutsy bastard, an ex-Marine who’d used the GI Bill to complete his education and become an attorney. So, Charter had agreed, figuring he knew the score and could handle himself should shit go sideways. A situation which chatter from paid CIs said was about to happen.
“Get ready,” said Deke. “He’s about to come through the doors.”
His sights already set, Wolf looked through his scope, noted Souther’s set jaw, his short buzz-cut. Determination and fearlessness radiated from the man. He wasn’t a SEAL, but the man was a warrior, no matter he now wore a suit and tie. His battlefield was a different kind of minefield, a courtroom.
The doors swung open, and one of his guards preceded him, glancing left and right before turning to usher Souther through them. His second guard kept close to his back, glancing behind then taking in the sidewalk and the armored car placed behind a barricade that stood in front of the doors.
“We have movement from the West,” said Deke.
Wolf pivoted his weapon on its tripod. A slender figure with an impressive rack, wearing a ball cap, moved forward at a fast clip. But she wasn’t the target. He recognized that long, fit frame. Her brown and copper hair was drawn back in a ponytail that bobbed behind her. He noted a cord extending from her ear to her collar.
Damn, his fears were confirmed, the little twit was on the job, and likely looking for the same target they hoped to capture.
“Wolf, is that—”
“Southwest corner of the building,” came another urgent voice.
Again, Wolf sighted down his barrel. No time to wonder why she was here or how she’d discovered their plan. A man wearing blue jeans, a cowboy hat drawn low over his forehead, and wearing a casual jacket also made his way down the sidewalk from the opposite direction.
“God dammit,” he whispered as he took a bead on the man, ready to pull back the trigger at the first sight of a weapon—should the team closing in on him not get there in time. He glanced to the left, hoping the damned woman wasn’t about to get in the way of his bullet. Then she glanced up to the rooftop where he perched, mostly hidden, and he cussed again. She knew he was there, but she was still coming fast.
She reached behind her and drew a handgun then kept it hidden against her thigh.
“Dammit, he’s got a gun!” Deke said. “Wolf! Take him out!”
Wolf adjusted, aimed for the middle of the cowboy’s thigh, drew a breath, held it for a split second, and then pulled the trigger. Blood spurted from the wound.
Piper sprinted the last few feet and took the assailant down at the knees. His cowboy hat fell away, long black hair spilled, a dark hard-edged profile was revealed. They had their man.
Or rather, Piper did, pressing into the wound Wolf had made while shoving her Glock hard between the bastard’s legs.
The man reached out his hands and dropped his weapon to the pavement at the same moment the first of Souther’s guards took position over him and Piper, his stance wide and his weapon pointing downward.
Blood pounded in his ears. Wolf cussed again and put down his weapon.
“Want me to pack up for you?” his spotter drawled.
Wolf shot him a deadly glare. “Not a fucking word.”
The man smirked and took up position behind the weapon, likely to watch the fireworks through the scope.
Wolf headed to the stairwell and hopped the steps two at a time, racing downward. At ground level, he hit the bar on the exit door with a bang and sprinted across the street.
The team was converging. Souther had been moved to the armored car. Piper was still on the ground, but now lying face down beside her “collar” with her hands cupped behind her head.
“I have paperwork in my pocket,” she said, annoyance in her voice. “He’s mine to return to Houston on an outstanding warrant.” Frowning, she glanced behind her shoulder. “Is this really necessary?”
Deke shook his head then spotted Wolf bearing down on them. “Mind explaining how she knew to be here at this exact moment?” he bit out.
Wolf shook his head, too furious to get out the words. She’d promised him she’d be taking easier jobs, ones close to home. And although she’d never promised to stay completely out of harm’s way, something that would have been impossible for a bounty hunter to do, she had said she wouldn’t be seeking the most dangerous, high-value jobs. At least, she’d kept the first promise about staying closer to home. He bent and tugged at her earpiece, dislodging it.
When she looked over her other shoulder at him, she ventured a thin smile. “Hi, there, hon. Thought that might be you on the rooftop.”
He brought the device to his mouth. “Calvin, hustle your ass down here. Now,” he gritted out then dropped it. She began to open her mouth. “Just shut up.” He glanced at Deke, wanting to know if he had a preference for how this should be handled.
“Bring her along. I’d like to hear her sorry excuse, too.”
Several of the team turned as a large man barreled down the walkway, huffing. “Damn, Piper,” Calvin said, pausing beside her, then bending, hands on his knees as he gasped for breath. “Told you this was a bad idea.”
“I took him down,” she said, her voice gruff. “He’s mine.”
“Don’t think they’re gonna agree, baby girl, and your man looks ready to pop an aneurism.”
She glanced back again. “Can I get up?”
Barely able to keep his motions contained, Wolf reached behind his back, drew out a set of cuffs and snagged her wrists, drawing them down to the small of her back, and quickly snapping on the cuffs. Then he gripped her upper left arm and levered her to a stand.
Deke handed him her piece and the keys to the vehicle they’d come in. “See you back at HQ.”
Wolf grunted and goose-walked his wife to the underground garage.
Tagged: bounty hunter, contemporary romance, erotic romance, excerpt, favorite quotes, Flashback, military romance, SEAL, Uncharted SEALs Posted in About books..., Contests! | 10 People Said | Link
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