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Archive for 'contemporary romance'
Sunday, February 4th, 2018
Heeelllllooooo. (think of Pooh, in a “blustery day”),
First and fore most thank you to Deliliah for letting me post here today!

I love writing, but I haven’t always done it. I’ve read since my sister moved in (she became my sister-in-law when I was 14, but my best friend when I was 10 and she was 17). She was always reading. Sometimes, the only thing I could do with her was to read the books she had just finished. This served me well in junior high where I could bury my nose in a book. Then the bully’s couldn’t faze me and would go away.
Since I had a tendency to read the same books as my sister, it meant I was reading romance novels. It also meant I started crafting my prince charming at an early age. Lucky me, I found him in a farmer just a few short years later. Did I mention I grew up a farmer’s daughter and said I’d never marry a farmer? Yeah, never say never. (That’s me rolling my eyes at my younger self.)
What does this have to do with my book? Well, while I grew up on a farm, my parents have degrees—mechanical engineering for my dad and computer programming for my mother. I didn’t just grow up on a farm, but I grew up on a farm and was raised to think I could do anything. Some would say this gets me into trouble, or at least means I have no free time, since I continually have a ton of things going on in my life.
But that’s allowed me to have all of this experience to pull from. Which is important, as the first time I tried writing a book, I was studying engineering and planning my wedding. I wrote a couple of chapters and chucked it. It was bad! Rose-colored glasses, anyone? Fast forward 15 years, and I had a lot under my belt. Large disappointments and making hard decisions that changed my life’s direction. All of that helped me look at things from new directions and write my first book.
I hope you’ll take an afternoon and get lost in Olivia, enjoying reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Jasper (Jen)

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Thursday, February 1st, 2018
UPDATE: The winner is Lisa B.!
* * * * *
Thank you, Delilah, for having me. Delilah is delightful to authors and runs an online critique group that’s pretty darn awesome. And today, she’s letting me take over her blog to talk about my upcoming release.
Forbidden Royal Links:
Amazon: https://hyperurl.co/i4oumu
Apple Books: https://hyperurl.co/z5dvet
Barnes and Noble: https://smarturl.it/qvk0ou
Google Play: https://smarturl.it/4uee6g
Kobo: https://smarturl.it/u9ujfj
I’m so excited. So, I decided to share all about Forbidden Royal, my new release this week and let you get to know the characters Amy and Lucio, the heroine and her handsome prince, where they meet and fall in love. These are questions I asked my characters BEFORE they re-met. Amy knew Lucio when she was a freshman in high school, but she didn’t dare talk to him then. So, these are their answers to some fun questions.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Amy: Living my life without parental pressure to be what they weren’t. I’d love to just get away, maybe sit on a beach, under an umbrella and do absolutely nothing for once. When I go to work, it’s often rainy or foggy. When I leave, it’s the same. I’d like to see the sun and breathe free air.
Lucio: To not have to get married before I turn 30. As a prince, I can do anything I want, but I can’t stop time.
What is your greatest fear?
Amy: That I’ll somehow transform into my mother or my sister and suddenly find myself caring about titles and bank accounts of a man I meet, instead of true issues, like politics, that can affect our lives.
Lucio: That I’ll get kicked out of my family because I refuse to marry a woman
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Amy: I always give in to my parents. I don’t know why or how, but they know how to apply the pressure and get me to do what they want. So I’m like their wind up toy still seeking affection when we all know I was the nerdy, backup to my sister’s perfection. I don’t know why this bothers me as an adult. I have a job. I pay my own bills. I shouldn’t care what my parents tell me anymore.
Lucio: That I hide myself, perhaps too much. The tell all book of complete trash writing was total fiction, but millions of people believe I could be that much of a jerk because I don’t open up to people.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Amy: I earn enough money at my job writing my reports to pay for my flat and I don’t have to ask anyone for any money, ever. I love the freedom!
Lucio: Completing my training with the CIA, Interpol and British Intelligence where I am able to help discover subterfuge and lies before enemies attack my parent’s country.
Which living person do you most admire?
Amy: Living. This is hard, but I’m going to say the Dalai Lama. He seems to peaceful and honorable and trustworthy. I wish my own head was half as calm as the man seems, and that I could help bring peace to the world simply from prayer.
Lucio: Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos I guess. I was born a prince so I never had to prove my worth, but men like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos get to create their own image and company and build who they are from the beginning. I absolutely admire that in American businessman.
What is your greatest extravagance?
Amy: Drinking wine out with my mates on a weeknight and not worrying I don’t have money. I mean I don’t drink every night or anything, but just being with my friends, in a nice restaurant, and that I can buy my own bottle of wine… this means life is pretty good.
Lucio: I suppose I should count but I’ve dated countless women and never had issues. Reports say I’ve dated over a 1000 women but that’s clearly a miscount. It wasn’t that high and most people lie because they want to be associated with a prince.
What is the quality you most like in a man/woman?
Amy: Honesty and being comfortable in their own skin.
Lucio: I’d say honesty as well. In a woman it would be almost refreshing.
What is your most treasured possession?
Amy: My collection of photographs. I’ve been printing and creating photo books since I was a teenager. It’s so much fun to go through old photos. Most people my age are all digital but I have my printed out pictures and albums that I like to pull out and see.
Lucio: My mind. I always try to keep up on science and breakthroughs so I can find something of use and value to help my country.
On what occasion do you lie?
Amy: To my parents on why I can’t come and visit them and that I’m happy to see my sister. The truth is I’d skip her wedding next year if I could, but that doesn’t make me sound very nice. Of course I’ll go, but I’ll do whatever I can to delay the inevitablility.
Lucio: I’ll do whatever I can to protect my country, including lie to get to the truth. I’ll infiltrate any organization and lie to really rout out the truth.
What do you most dislike about your appearance?
Amy: My thighs. I’m not heavy in most places but these thunder thighs actually jiggle if I’m not careful.
Lucio: I’m a guy. I go to the gym daily because I need to work out. I dislike being flabby and work hard to ensure I stay in the best possible shape I can.
And you can read the first three chapters of Forbidden Royal now! Please go to https://dl.bookfunnel.com/802j3fwjj9 (Book Funnel) or https://instafreebie.com/free/qGimq (Instafreebie).
Also I’m running a giveaway this week if you’re interested in winning pearls just like Amy wears in the book.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, royal Posted in Contests!, Free Read, General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah -
Monday, January 29th, 2018
Last year, Susan Stoker invited me to come write in her Special Forces: Operation Alpha Kindle World. I’m a fan of the lady and her writing. When she first ask, I said I would love to, BUT… Yeah, it’s always the “qualifiers” which get you. In my case, it was an overloaded writing schedule coupled with spinal issues. Still, I never forgot the invitation and as November drew closer, I found an open window of time and plunged in to write Securing Arizona.

Military romance was one of my first loves when it came to writing romance. I kicked off my career years ago with Always a Marine, and other stories. I’ve always liked lawmen, and I love my shifters, but the military hero remains special to me.
There’s nothing quite like a hero or heroine who serves their country. These are people who write a blank check with their lives on the dotted line and they do it day in and day out. Some come home whole, some come home with the scars on the outside, and more come home with the scars on the inside. These are individuals are highly trained, and often have to act restrained. They are prepared for anything and everything—and when it comes to any action adventure tale or as I like to call them, love on the run, they make some of the best conflict-equipped characters, emotionally and physically.

When it comes to romance, we expect our heroes and heroines to save the day, save the girl, save the guy—save everyone. We know our military characters have been trained, and trained, and have I mentioned, trained? They’re disciplined, they handle weapons, can do a threat assessment, and are usually loaded with oodles of determination to get the job done.
They’re also trained to compartmentalize, so when tragedy strikes as it does in Chasing Katie (shout out to the fantastic Elle James who invited me to play in her world, too), we know they are going to take an emotional hit but they won’t stay down and they won’t stop until they get their target. Throw love into the mix and it becomes a powder keg that I can’t get enough of—reading or writing wise.

If you were to ask me what I love about these types of heroes (and yes, heroines) the most, I’d answer their loyalty. There’s a camaraderie developed between people who have trained together, served together, shed blood together and even if they were never in the same unit or the same mission or even in the same room before, you can put two people who served together and the respect and understanding just seems to exist.
Emotional baggage comes with any life choice and career, but if you throw in a romantic history with a deadly threat and a reunion neither character ever imagined happening and the need to build trust on the fly? Then you’d have Guarding Gertrude.
The best part of writing military romance whether it’s a tale of battle recovery, on the run, coming home, or featuring shifters? I get to work with some of the most complicated and best characters there are.
What do you love about military romance?
Check out Heather Long’s recent on-the-air appearance courtesy of the fabulous Cindy Dees: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/authorsontheair/2018/01/11/interview-with-bestselling-author-heather-long
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, military romance Posted in General | Comments Off on Heather Long: Love on the Run | Link
Sunday, January 28th, 2018
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am 31 years old. I quit my 9-5 office job to pursue my dream job: to be a published romance author! I have a story in my head all the time. I love the characters and get excited about their lives and their love interests. I want to write stories that make the readers fall in love with these characters too. So far, I have written several short romances as a ghost writer, but “The Beach House” will be the first book I have released under my penname.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The latest book is, “The Beach House” Book 1 in The Shimmer Pointe Romance Series. This is the book that will introduce you to the wind swept and sun kissed Delaware coast town of Shimmer Pointe Beach. This is a story with strong sexy characters who have to learn to follow their hearts.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write to music. I put my headphones on and just kind of zone out into the worlds of my characters. My muse loves music. It seems to unlock my creative energy and I can write for hours, seeing the story in my head just like a movie. It’s not really an unusual habit but it is something I do frequently.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Nora Roberts, Danielle Steel, Jodi Picoult, Veronica Roth, and Mary Higgens Clark. I grew up with these great authors and their talent inspired me to want to be an author like them. I wanted to create worlds and characters that stuck with the reader long after the book was over. This is still a goal that I have in my writing career.
What are you working on now?
Right now, I am working on Book 2 in The Shimmer Pointe Romance Series, “Bad At Love” This is the story of Justin and Eve who were first introduced in Book 1 “The Beach House” Justin and Eve started their relationship with no intention of getting too emotionally involved. They each think they are content with what they have which is a very casual relationship. That all changes when a surprise shows up on Justin’s doorstep which forces him and Eve to re-evaluate their feelings for one another and decide if they can take a second chance at love.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
The best method and website for promoting my book is Twitter. It’s a great venue to reach a wide variety of readers and authors who have the same interests.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Never give up. Believe in yourself.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Just keep writing and go for it. Have the confidence in yourself and in your talent to just publish your work.
What’s next for you as a writer?
To make 2018 the busiest and most exciting writing year of my life and career. I plan to release 1-2 Shimmer Pointe Romance books per month! I want to grow the series and the readership of this series.
Website: https://sterlingkeyesautho.wixsite.com/website
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/sterlingkeyes
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/SterlingKeyes
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SterlingKeyesAuthorPage/
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger Posted in General, On writing... | Comments Off on Sterling Keyes: THE BEACH HOUSE Interview | Link
Saturday, January 27th, 2018
It’s Saturday, right? Hard to tell these days. I relieved my daughter a little while ago. I spent the night at her place, walking dogs and taking care of kids—a break from taking care of grandma. I’m really having to work hard to fit in “writer’s work” with caregiving activities. Not that I’m complaining. I wouldn’t. This is what family does. Or at least, what family does when it can. I know that not every family can be “all hands on deck” in a crisis.
Yesterday, at last, we were approved for hospice. No, she’s not going into a facility. She’s staying home, and we’re still her caregivers, but there’s more support—on-call nurses, aides to help with baths a few times a week, some supplies, medicines to keep her comfortable.
We see to her needs, sleep when we can, hold her hand when she’s scared, listen to her stories. And oh, the stories. Who knew grandma loved a Blackfoot boy when she was young. Her mother made her break it off, and she’s apparently regretted it all her life, because here she is talking about a painful breakup eighty years later. Love is a powerful thing.
Hope you enjoy the free short story below. It’s a complete story. Make sure you don’t have any children reading over your shoulders. 🙂
Drive Me Crazy
She’s out for one night of passion in a trucker’s big rig…
Just a glimpse of him standing in profile, arms crossed over his well-developed chest and leaning his firm round butt against the dispatch counter, was enough to shore up my weakening resolve. Dressed in faded blue jeans, a black, chest-hugging T-shirt, and a red Razorback ball cap turned backwards on his dark shaggy hair, he was every woman’s blue-collar fantasy.
My mouth dried as I glanced down his tall, muscled frame. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t want one night with all that ripped hotness?
And that’s all it could be—one night. I’d waited until the last possible moment to make my move. The midnight drive to the dispatch office had given me plenty of time to argue my way out of what had seemed like a good plan earlier when I’d realized that the planets had aligned to give me this one last chance to fulfill a long-standing fantasy.
There’d never been the right moment. For the longest time, I was married. When my husband left me for a younger version of me, Danny had been dating a woman with two kids, and seemed to be heading down a straight road to marriage.
We’d flirted; he’d issued lazy, playful invitations for dates or a quickie at the Motel 6 down the road. But I’d never detected even a hint of serious interest. If something was going to happen, I had to be the one to make a move. Today had been my last day at Henderson Transport. It was now or never. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: contemporary romance, short story Posted in Free Read, Real Life | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Katherine Anderson - Rbeeyswan - Monica Lemmers -
Thursday, January 25th, 2018
Hey there Delilah!
Thanks for the chance to appear on your super blog where today I’m talking about
Authors Telling Tales and Characters Making Decisions
Authors are always asked how they get the ideas for their books and like most writers, for me it’s a combination of elements.
When it comes to plot twists and sexy scenes I let my imagination go into free fall and let fantasy take over.
Sometimes a random overheard conversation is gold and my mind races with what ifs and a story pops out of nowhere.
And ever since I was a kid, my vivid dreams and nightmares carry pieces of ideas and feelings that morph into a person caught at the center of an overwhelming crisis.
The idea for A Model Engagement came from a bunch of whys and what ifs in my head as I watched the TV news one night. Yeah I know, TV news- dangerous thing to do, right?
It was a sexual assault case, involving a powerful, famous, beloved man in media with a sterling reputation accused of sexual misconduct by an unpowerful woman—a relative nobody, well before #metoo and #timesup.
I kept thinking- why don’t people believe her? That thought sparked ideas about why and how this situation could happen and A Model Engagement was born.
In A Model Engagement, Lacey is an ex-model with a tabloid past. She keeps her sexual assault secret to protect a loved one. Then she realizes she must speak up to have any hope of making the predator pay for his crime and any chance of regaining her piece of mind.
Lacey doesn’t think she’s strong; she blames herself for her predicament, and judges herself harshly for her naiveté. Somehow she finds a courage she didn’t know she had, tells her secret to her best friend, (Sabrina from The Marriage Ultimatum) and fights back.
Where is the romance you say? In the midst this crisis, Lacey meets Connor and man does he fall hard. Connor is used to jumping in and solving everyone’s problems but he’ll do anything to be the man Lacey chooses. And Lacey learns to accept the love of a strong, swoony, teddy bear of a man while reclaiming herself.
There are no graphic scenes of sexual assault in this book.
Lacey needed to get it out before she lost her courage. “I’m happy for you, Sabrina, I really am. And I’m not trying to cut you off. It’s just, I’ve got something to say to you, and if I don’t do it real fast, I may lose my nerve.” And my dinner.
“Yeah, of course, Lacey, sure.”
Lacey cleared her throat. “Ok, I’m just going to say it because I don’t know how else to do this. Several months ago I was given a date rape drug and then I was filmed in some sort of, I don’t know, porno, and now I’m paying blackmail.” There she said it. It was sordid, it was horrible and it sounded even worse out loud than it had in her head but she’d finally told another person.
“Wh—at? What! Oh no, Lacey. Oh my God. How did this happen? Who would do such a thing…?”
It was so dark outside that Lacey could see her face reflected in the window. How weird—she didn’t look any different. Outside, beyond the window, beyond the house, nothing was visible. She couldn’t see anything but she could hear the tide beating against the rocks at the bottom of the sandy grass before retreating, then coming back to do it again. The tide grew louder until it roared in her ears like her own blood. She swayed and had to sit on the floor before she fainted. Sabrina was yelling, cursing a blue streak in her ear—who, what, when, where, why.
In contrast, Lacey’s voice when she interrupted her friend’s tirade was unnaturally calm. “Okay, here it is. Remember that photographer who said I was the front runner to be the face for that big Mon Secret campaign?”
“You mean Barry Bixby?”
“You remember.”
“Duh, of course I do. He’s the guy in fashion photography. Since I’ve gotten more into photography, I’ve become more aware of his work. Are you saying he did this? He’s so, so highly…”
“Yeah, highly regarded in the industry. I know.” Lacey put a fist under her chin, pressed her lips together but a small sound escaped.
“Not okay, you’re crying, all right sweetie, don’t make a move,” Sabrina said, “I’m coming over there right now.”
Enter my rafflecopter for a chance to win a signed paperback copy of
A Model Engagement. Thanks for reading.
Here’s the contest link: a Rafflecopter giveaway
A Model Engagement by Charlotte O’Shay

Lacey Reed jumps at the chance for independence with a career in the big city. But her naivety and ambition blind her to the lure of a blackmailer.
With her savings gone she has nowhere to turn when she literally runs into financier Connor Devlin.
Though dazzled by Lacey, Connor sees the desperation she tries to hide. He hires her as his fake fiancée. Now Lacey has a job and he has a bandage for a family crisis.
When the blackmailer ups the ante, Lacey resolves to face him down— no matter what the consequences.
Does that mean Lacey will lose the only man who’s ever seen who she truly is?
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amazon.com/dp/B074DPCV76/
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-model-engagement-charlotte-oshay/1126899607?ean=2940158616327&st=PLA&sid=NOK_DRS_NOOK+EBooks_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP75008
The Wild Rose Press: https://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/all-titles/5260-a-model-engagement.html
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/a-model-engagement
iBook: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/a-model-engagement/id1267055968?mt=11
About the Author
Charlotte O’Shay was born into a big family and married into another big family.
The drama! The noise! The inspiration!
Negotiating skills honed at the dinner table led her to a career in law. After four beautiful children joined the crowded family tree, Charlotte traded her legal career to write about happily ever afters. She lives on the far westside only 3 subway stops from where she grew up.
When Charlotte isn’t reading or writing steamy contemporaries featuring heroines in crisis and swoony heroes with issues, she’s on the hunt for that perfect pair of sunglasses.
She LOVES to hear from readers.
Sign up to my newsletter to find out about giveaways and new releases: https://eepurl.com/b4lbvn
Web: charlotteoshayauthor.com
Twitter @charlotte_oshay https://twitter.com/charlotte_oshay
Instagram (charlotte_oshay_author)
Facebook (Authorcharlotteoshay)
The City of Dreams series are standalone books linked by the wedding in The Marriage Ultimatum.
Book 1, The Marriage Ultimatum ~ Sabrina & Vlad
Book 2, A Model Engagement ~ Lacey & Connor
Book 3, Their Short Term Affair ~ Honey & Jake
Facebook: https://facebook.com/charlotteoshayauthor
Tagged: contemporary romance, excerpt, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Anni Fife - Mary Preston - Charlotte - Delilah -
Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

The Latest from Texas Cowboys – Slow Rider

When Joe Chavez and a fellow sheriff’s deputy pull over a speeding motorcycle in the middle of the night, neither is particularly shocked to find Paraiso’s wild child, Sarah Michelson, riding bare-assed naked, nor are they surprised when she invites them to join her in a sexy threesome.
Talking her way out of an embarrassing date with the county judge, who just happens to be her daddy, Sarah promises the officers the ride of their lives. Having the men turn the tables on her and introduce her to some scary D/s play, she learns some things about herself she never suspected. Too bad Joe will never see her as anything but a sexy hell cat in need of taming…
Get your copy now!
Coming in February!

Tagged: BDSM, contemporary romance, cowboys, erotic romance, Texas, Texas Cowboys, Western Posted in About books..., New Release, News | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 -