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Archive for 'excerpt'
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010
Be sure to post a comment today to be in the running
for a free signed copy of this book!
If you’ve been following me for long, you know my cowboys have a special place in my heart. Down in Texas was a labor of love from start to finish. Much of the description came from my own personal observations from my life in Texas. Enjoy! And good luck!
Recommended Read from Joyfully Reviewed: “…HOT! HOT! HOT!…All I wanted was more, so I read DOWN IN TEXAS again, enjoying it for a second time…DOWN IN TEXAS is now a book in my permanent re-read pile…”
5 Blue Ribbons from Romance Junkies: “Delilah Devlin’s DOWN IN TEXAS is a fabulous anthology that kept my attention throughout each and every story…The stories are all special in their own right but together they’re truly spectacular…Ms. Devlin has proved herself a capable storyteller before but with DOWN IN TEXAS she’s cemented a place on my ‘most watched authors’ list.”
5 Angels and Recommended Read from Fallen Angels Reviews: “…one of the most decadent reads of the year for me…Delilah never fails to deliver on any front, and this is just another testament to an extraordinary writer. As always, I look forward to more of her extraordinary novels…”
4 Stars fom RT BOOKreviews: “Devlin delivers in this anthology of love in the Lone Star State… This is a good, hot and sexy read.”
From erotica superstar Delilah Devlin comes a sizzling hot story about a little town in Texas called Honkytonk, where the women get exactly what they want…and the men know just how to give it to them.
Wearing His Brand
Lyssa McDonough just got tangled up in a coil of barbed wire, and her clothes are ripped to shreds. Rancher Brandon Tynan to the rescue—but why is she so ornery? Could it be that the whole state of Texas isn’t big enough for the two of them? Hell, they’ll still have to share one horse to get home, Lyssa better hang on tight—she’s in for the wildest ride of her life…
Slow Ride
Maggie Dermott doesn’t know the first thing about horses and Daniel Tynan is more than willing to show her the ropes. His gentle ways melt her heart and his sensual passion burns away her inhibitions. Daniel takes the time to love her right.
Straight Up Soldier
Suki Reece needs protection and she can see that Mac McDonough has the muscle. Too bad he can’t stand taking orders from a woman. The rugged ex-Marine won’t listen to a word she says until Suki distracts him with a sexy striptease. That gets his attention. Suki may have gotten the upper hand but Mac is going to be on top…
Her daddy had always told her a man’s worth wasn’t measured by the size of his bank account or the square footage of his house. Rather, it could be seen in the proud set of his shoulders or a gaze that didn’t waiver.
Her mama had said a man’s strength was in his hands—strong and soothing when an animal or a child needed comfort—hot and wild when a woman needed shaking up.
Looking at Brand now, Lyssa McDonough knew exactly what they’d both meant.
If she had any sense at all she’d turn tail and run. Everything about the man screamed heartbreaker.
Only she couldn’t. Instead, she settled her shoulder against the fence post, kept her breaths shallow and even, and pretended she wasn’t melting inside.
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Tagged: excerpt, Flashback, Kensington, review Posted in About books... | 28 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: savonna - Tracey D - Lindsey Ekland - Pamk - tamibates -
Saturday, April 10th, 2010

Just got home a little while ago. Stayed at daughter’s because we got back from the concert so late. Woke up at 6:00 with the 5-year-old poking me to ask, “Hey, Nina, you awake?” Have some catchup to do (my desk is a mess) and a book to finish revising, but I have some pics—not very good ones, as you can see from this. But I’ll share more later!
In the meantime, here’s one of my favorite scenes from a book I’ve written. It’s from The Pleasure Bot, which released in June 2004. Romantic Time Magazine gave it a TOP PICK and said this about the story: “…Hot sex, sidesplitting humor and an out-of-this-world story set this erotica apart from the rest!”
This scene happens after Priss rented a pleasure bot for a weekend of hot sex, but fell in love with it. Now’s she’s desperate to save him from being turned in and having his memory wiped clean of their relationship. This scene picks up with Declan, who pretended to be her bot because he’s a pirate on the run from authorities. He’s rejoined his band of pirates and is heading back to his ship. Agnes is Priss’s AI computer, who’s meddling to make sure Priss gets what she needs…
“You haven’t said a word, since we picked you up.” Reiver executed a left turn onto the main thoroughfare; the next exit would take them to the docks.
“I’m just tired,” Declan said, staring out the window watching the dusty brown landscape rush past. He’d never noticed how dingy the air was in South Texas. Not a healthy place for Priss to raise a family.
“Not curious how we found the cargo Customs lifted from our hold?” Reiver asked.
“Sure.” Declan decided to try to get back into the swing of things and not look back. He could make himself crazy with regrets. He sighed and turned to his First Mate.
Reiver hadn’t been changed a jot by his adventure. The bloody sod was smiling!
“It’s quite a story. Your friend Agnes told us where the warehouse was—just so happens it belongs to McEwen.”
Declan grunted. He didn’t give a damn about that bastard McEwen or any stinking cargo. He’d just left his heart behind him in La Barria Prima with a certain little redhead who thought she was a lioness. Oh, she roared like one, even purred sometimes, but underneath she was soft and vulnerable as a kitten.
“—and little green Arkanthans were guarding the crates.”
“Huh?” Declan only caught the last of what Reiver said. Then he heard the men seated behind them snickering. He leveled a glare over his shoulder. “Unless you want to swab the upper deck, you’d better shut your yaps.” He rounded on Reiver, “What’s this you said about Arkanthans?”
Reiver didn’t reply. His gaze was on the rearview mirror. By the worried look in his eyes, Declan could tell he didn’t like what he saw.
He glanced over his shoulder, down the center aisle of their stolen hovervan. “We’ve got a tail. Lose it!” Declan said, feeling the welcome rush of adrenaline pump through his veins. If they wanted a fight…
“Captain, do Customs agents drive pink hovercars?” Nate asked.
“I think it’s more of a mauve,” Danny said.
Declan turned back again, just in time to see the car pass them at a high rate of speed—just long enough to catch a glimpse of a small white face above the steering wheel and a cap of red curls. “That little idiot! Is she trying to get herself killed?”
Priscilla pulled her car into the lane in front of them and her rear lights flashed red.
“Hit the brakes,” he bellowed.
The cars had barely skidded to a halt when he flung the door upward.
“I take it you know this person?” Reiver asked, laughter in his voice.
Declan stuck his head back inside. “Not one bloody word out of you.” When smothered laughter rang in the back of the van, he cast them a glare that should have singed.
As he stomped to Priscilla’s car, he heard Reiver say, “Guess we know what has him so grumpy.”
Declan reached the car, just as she lifted her door. “Oh, thank God, I found you in time!” She hurled herself into his arms and Declan took a step back to absorb the impact. “I thought I might be too late.” She hugged him hard around the middle, but never stopped her nervous babble. “First, I couldn’t find the right suitcase, then I didn’t know what to pack.” She pushed herself away from his chest, and her hands cupped his face. “I thought I might never see you again.”
For a moment, Declan’s heart was fiercely glad to see her. But then he realized what she’d just said. He pushed her away. “You’re not coming with me,” he shouted.
“No, I’m not.” She smiled, not caring his frown would make most men run for cover. “You’re coming with me. We’re escaping. Agnes has it all arranged. I even have a ship. She’s not the latest model of cruiser or very elegant, but she’s sturdy. You’ll love her!”
“You bought a ship?”
“No, silly! We’re stealing one.”
“We’re stealing a ship?” he parroted, dumbfounded by her audacity.
She looked beyond his shoulder, and her eyes widened. “Oh my God! There’s a whole vanload of Pleasure Bots!”
Read another excerpt…
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books... | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Lisa J - Delilah Devlin - Fedora -
Tuesday, March 30th, 2010
If you post a comment today and tomorrow, you’ll be in the running
for a free download of this book!
Here’s something a little different from me. Witch’s Choice released in September 2006. I’ve done very few books set in medieval times, Jacq’s Warlord and Her Lance-Alot are the only ones that come to mind, but I find them a lot of fun to write. I got the chance to play again with my upcoming release. On April 28th, a prequel to the My Immortal Knight stories set in medieval England releases. I can’t wait to see what you think! Until then, here’s a little taste.
From Romance Junkies: “Delilah Devlin combines historical and paranormal elements and throws in a sexual element that will seduce even the pickiest reader…”
Two men…a wolf…and a witch.
Gisele, “The Witch of Grimoult”, has ended a long vow of celibacy taken to ensure her independence from any man. However, her new lover, Tibor the sheriff, isn’t any real threat. His reputation among the ladies assures her he won’t be a possessive man. After a wolf threatens her livelihood, she seeks aid from the new Lord Grim, never anticipating his price will be a night in his bed! What’s a maiden to do? Lord Grim’s possessive stare and fierce loving make her crave her captor and his mastery of her body. When the sheriff is bitten by the wolf, only her cure will save him from becoming a monster. Loving both men can’t be so wrong.
“What was that?”
The sheriff lifted his head from her breast, his eyes and lips blurred and glistening with passion. “If you have to ask, then you must find me sadly lacking.”
Gisele swatted his shoulder. “Idiot! Outside. I thought I heard something.”
His lips twisted in an impatient frown. “A horse’s whinny. Likely Tiberion. He’s a greedy bastard and simply wants more oats.”
She pressed her fingers to his lips and listened.
Perhaps her stretched nerves had made her overly aware. “Shouldn’t we keep watch?” she suggested, although her heart wasn’t really in it. Her body screamed for the release his cajoling and ready cock had promised.
“The traps are set. There’s nothing more to do—but this!” he said, lowering his face once more and trapping her nipple between his lips.
“Who’s greedy now?” she moaned as he suckled, tugging the tip of her breast until it grew engorged and painfully sensitive.
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Tagged: excerpt, Flashback Posted in About books..., Contests! | 17 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jeanine Lesperance - Sherry S. - Lindsey Ekland - savonna - Beverly G -
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
Be sure to post a comment to be in the running for an Amazon.com gift certificate! The winner will be announced tomorrow morning!
I love release days! The promise of excitement lingers in the air. The eBookstore moves the book to the Home page and everyone gets to ooh and ahh over the new offerings. Some eager beaver buys it and sits down immediately to read it, then I’m waiting, waiting, hoping for that first message that says–“Delilah, loved it! I want more of that!”
Okay, I can hope that someone doesn’t have a day job or kids to get ready for school and has the time to hit the site first thing, right? I HATE waiting to know whether I scored. *sigh*
Let me know what you think. In the meantime, here’s one last tease to whet your appetite! And hey, did you know that BBG is my 30th book with Ellora’s Cave? Woot! Click on the cover to purchase!

Expect magic when one determined woman dons a legendary pair of red stilettos and bares body and heart to get her man’s attention…
Jolene’s a big, beautiful woman with an even bigger heart. But she’s become her police officer boyfriend’s favorite doormat and that’s so not working for her. It’s time for a little conversation, time to tell Mr. Happy Pants to “pee or get off the pot”.
Gabriel has seen what his profession does to marriages. He’s not willing to risk that kind of heartbreak. Besides, he likes what he has with Jolene. The woman is sex personified. So when Jolie tells him she won’t see him anymore if he’s not willing to commit, he’s shocked and angry.
With a girlfriend’s encouragement and the added confidence a certain pair of red stilettos gives her, Jolene arranges a special show at a strip club to prove to Gabe once and for all that she’s more woman than any man can handle, and if he doesn’t want the job, then she’ll find another lover who does.
This is a scene you have to read from her point of view next. I promise you’ll laugh yourself silly! ~DD
“You and Jolie must have gotten things worked out,” Tyler said, his eyes on the road, his tone a little too casual to be real. “She didn’t come after you with a spatula when we crashed her store.”
Gabe grimaced and set his canned soda on his knee. He and Tyler were making a second pass through the business district. So far, everything was quiet. Too bad. He couldn’t escape the conversation. “Nothing’s worked out. We argued again last night.”
“Is she wearing you down yet?”
Gabe snorted. “What do you think?”
“You’re growly as a bear, which means she’s getting to you. If you could let her walk, you would have by now. You don’t usually stick around when a girl starts making demands.”
“She’s hard to ignore.”
“Bigger than life.”
Gabe shot Tyler a hot glare. “You calling her fat?”
“Not at all. She’s got a big personality, a real joy for life and food.”
And sex.
“Buddy, if you kiss her off, you’re gonna regret it for the rest of your life.”
“You telling me I should marry her?”
“Wouldn’t do that, bro. I know it’s a big step, especially given your family history. You have some issues to work through first.”
“You’re not Dr. Phil even if you are marrying a psychologist. I don’t have issues.”
“Sure you don’t. So it won’t be a problem setting a date.”
Gabe crushed the empty coke can in his hand. “Let’s slide by the Purple Palace, make sure things are quiet.”
Tyler pulled the squad car into the strip joint’s packed parking lot. The music blared loudly even before they walked through the double glass doors.
Inside, heads turned, but everyone went right back to what they were doing. Two gentlemen in the seats at the back were getting lap dances and eagerly stuffing dollar bills anywhere the women would allow.
Gabe felt dirty just watching them. “Let’s say hey to Guppy and be on our way.”
“What’s the matter? Don’t see anything you like here? If you give Jolie the heave-ho, you might want to check out some of the babes here for a replacement.”
Gabe glared at Tyler, wanting to punch him for even mentioning her name when they were in a place like this. “Not interested,” he ground out.
Tyler smirked and lifted his chin toward the stage. “There’s Guppy now. We’ll say hello and make sure he hasn’t had any problems then get the hell out of here.”
“Sooner the better,” Gabe muttered under his breath. Most of the women here were twigs—what he’d wanted before he’d learned the pleasures of a softer woman.
The loud, raucous music changed to something with a bluesy beat. Shouts from around the stage pulled his attention even though he wished he could tame the involuntary response. Looking at naked women made him feel guilty. As if he were betraying Jolie in some way.
If she knew this was part of his job, she still wouldn’t be happy about it. She worried enough about her figure and her appeal without thinking she had to compete with this.
The purple curtain shivered then long-fingered hands slipped around the edges, clutching it tightly closed. The outline of two bodies pressed against the thick satin had him guessing that the girl was a little shy about walking out on the stage. The curtain jerked and shimmied. When it opened, his eyes widened.
Caught in the spotlight, Jolene Ledbetter teetered on tall, spiked, red shoes, all her luscious café au lait skin bared except for a pair of low-cut briefs and a pointy bra. She swallowed hard, lifted her head and nervously placed a hand on her hip before vamping forward, her stride too uptight, too stiff to be graceful, but the crowd didn’t seem to care.
Hands reached up, waving greenbacks. When the first one touched her ankle, his hands curled into fists.
Before she’d taken another step forward, Gabe charged toward the stage, but arms surrounded him, holding him back. “Don’t do it, buddy,” Tyler said, his voice tight. “If you start busting heads, you’ll lose your badge.”
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books..., Contests! | 31 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sherry S. - GladysMP - Rasha - Beth C. - Lindsey Ekland -
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010
Be sure to post a comment to be in the running for an Amazon.com gift certificate! The winner will be announced on Thursday morning, so you have several chances to win!
BBG will be available for purchase tomorrow! And you know it’s going to be hot. How hot? Well, as hot as a stubborn cop who thinks things between him and his sweetie are good enough just the way they are. Too bad for him that Jolene is changing up the game plan…
Expect magic when one determined woman dons a legendary pair of red stilettos and bares body and heart to get her man’s attention…
Jolene’s a big, beautiful woman with an even bigger heart. But she’s become her police officer boyfriend’s favorite doormat and that’s so not working for her. It’s time for a little conversation, time to tell Mr. Happy Pants to “pee or get off the pot”.
Gabriel has seen what his profession does to marriages. He’s not willing to risk that kind of heartbreak. Besides, he likes what he has with Jolene. The woman is sex personified. So when Jolie tells him she won’t see him anymore if he’s not willing to commit, he’s shocked and angry.
With a girlfriend’s encouragement and the added confidence a certain pair of red stilettos gives her, Jolene arranges a special show at a strip club to prove to Gabe once and for all that she’s more woman than any man can handle, and if he doesn’t want the job, then she’ll find another lover who does.
Jolie’s apartment door swung open and Gabe’s gaze slid down her body in a slow, hungry crawl. She wore a silky robe in a bronzy orange, which hugged her curves like his hands were itching to do.
However, her hand was still on the knob, and she hadn’t backed up to let him in.
He leaned against the doorframe. “Am I too late?”
“Are you too late?” she said slowly.
Jolie’s tone was always like warm honey when she expected sex—soft and oozing down his spine—but right now, a sarcastic edge tightened her voice. And he didn’t like the militant gleam in her dark chocolate eyes.
What had put her into a bad mood? Could she be mad at him? He hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. “If this is a bad time…”
Her soft jaw tightened, but she took a step back and waved him inside.
He breathed a sigh of relief and stepped across the threshold, his hands going to the buttons at the front of his dark uniform shirt as soon as the door closed behind him.
A soft huff of breath halted him, and he looked up to find a scowl sinking a line between her dark brows. “What?”
She slowly shook her head. For a fleeting moment, her eyes filled but she blinked away the moisture. “Nothing.”
“I’m sorry. Should I step out the door and come back in? Something’s bothering you.”
Her eyes narrowed. “So you think you need to step outside while I get over it?”
Her scowl deepened.
Her shoulders slumped and she shook her head. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” She turned on her heel and headed to the bedroom.
For the second time in five minutes, he sighed his relief. He’d thought, for just a moment there, that she would ask him to leave. That had never happened.
But then, she’d been acting a little funny lately. Quiet and brooding. With another woman he might have thought it was just her time of month, but Jolie wasn’t moody. One of the many things he appreciated about her.
As he followed her down the hallway while she flicked off lights heading to the bedroom, he mulled it over and thought he might have found the answer.
She’d finally decided dating a cop was too harrowing.
After his partner had gotten shot last summer, she’d been a gem, bringing food to the hospital for the men who waited in the halls, calling the wives, babysitting their kids while they took turns waiting with Lexie, Tyler’s girl.
Now that Tyler was back at work and everything had returned to normal, she’d had time to think about what happened. She couldn’t handle it.
Gabe tamped down the searing disappointment. He’d miss her.
He’d always known this day would come. Deep inside, he’d held part of himself back from her because he knew better than anyone that living with a cop was hard. Too stressful for most marriages to survive.
His own mother had stuck it out, soldiering on as friends were lost along the way, until she’d crumpled on the porch when the chief of police and chaplain climbed the steps to deliver the terrible news. From that moment, she’d never pulled herself away from the dark place she’d entered.
Jolie was smart. She’d gotten a taste and decided to protect herself from a grim future.
Still, he was here. Maybe for the last time. He’d make it special, let her know he held no grudges. He’d tell her to move on and not feel guilty that she wasn’t strong enough for the life.
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Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books..., Contests! | 30 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Lisa G. - Sarah Ulfers - savonna - Tracey D - Lindsey Ekland -
Tuesday, March 9th, 2010
If you post a comment today, you’ll be in the running
for a free download of this book!
If you didn’t already know, I have another My Immortal Knight book coming in April. A prequel of sorts. Book 4, Relentless, was orginally released in August 2004.
5 Stars from Just Erotic Romance: “RELENTLESS has suspense, intrigue, and surprises that grab your attention and never let you go until the last page.”
From Romance Reviews Today: “A wickedly funny and passionate series, fans of paranormal erotic romance will enjoy RELENTLESS tremendously. Ms Devlin has done it again!”
5 Blue Ribbons from Romance Junkies: “Her realistic writing of well-packaged vampires and werewolves leaves the reader thirsting for the forbidden and a driving need to be possessed within her erotically charged worlds.”
To supercop Max Weir, the only good vampire is a dead one. Since his special police unit integrated with vampires, he’s had to suppress his natural hatred to work side-by-side with the undead to hunt down and terminate the deadliest killers. Now the unit is hot on the trail of a new menace in town, a pack of werewolves prowling for vampires, who don’t care whether humans get in their way.
When a stakeout goes awry, Max enters a bar looking for a fight or a woman to help him blow off a little steam. What he finds is a winsome siren who has sexual appetites to match his own.
Vampire Pia D’Amato is on a secret mission to take out Max — either by seduction or by turning him. He’s become a liability to the Masters’ Council setting up jurisdiction in southern Florida, and she isn’t leaving until she’s done the job. But Max is more man than she bargained for and has a deadly secret of his own.
Max pushed through the door of the bar determined that tonight he’d either get shit-faced or fucked. Which, didn’t matter. So long as he could blow off the steam that had been gathering a head since the botched mission hours before. The bar was a regular haunt—only a block from his house. If need be, he could crawl home. The smoky air, the loud grinding music, and the smell of stale beer appealed when he had an axe to grind.
The SU had swept the area for signs of the wolves that killed the vampires before turning on the humans in a mutilating frenzy. Their bloody paw prints led beyond the house to a gravel road where they’d disappeared. The pack had made their getaway in cars. This hadn’t been a roaming band’s target of opportunity, but a takedown.
The grim faces of the vampires telegraphed their worry. He hoped they were shaking in their boots. Not that the thought of a rogue wolf pack wasn’t just as unsettling to Max.
But seeing the cocksure Quentin lose his perpetual smirk was gratifying. Dylan had been grim-faced and pale. Perhaps the bastard saw his own fate in the house.
However, Joe’s silence had been the most telling. He hadn’t looked the least bit surprised.
Max made his way through the tables ringing a small dance floor. The place was nearly empty, save for the men hovering near the bar for the night’s last drinks. The tension in his shoulders knotted tighter. All it would take would be one smart-ass comment. He hungered for an excuse to drive his fist through something.
The crowd parted, and a flash of a slim white ankle snagged his attention. Every trace of anger, bitter regret, and frustration coalesced into a single, burning need.
Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt, Flashback, review Posted in About books... | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Juliet - jennifer mathis - savonna - sara hurt - Delilah Devlin -
Saturday, March 6th, 2010
I thought it might be fun to share some my favorite scenes from books I’ve written, and scenes I get a lot of mail about because readers loved them too. This particular scene is one I laughed myself silly writing. You’ll see why…
Welcome to Honkytonk, the hottest town in Texas—thanks to its adventurous women, irresistible men, and sizzling sex…
Bound and Determined
Bar owner Tara Toomey is in the mood to serve bad boy Cody Westhofen more than a drink. What better way to capture his attention—and more—than to kidnap him for a wanton weekend? Tied to Tara’s bed, Cody is more than willing to cooperate…
Breezy Ridin’
When Joe Chavez and a sheriff’s deputy pull over a speeding motorcycle, it’s no surprise the county judge’s naughty daughter Sarah Michelson is behind the wheel—naked. And when she bribes them with a threesome, all laws are suspended as the men prepare for the ride of their lives…
Night Watch
Schoolteacher Amy Keating never planned to be a voyeur, but one innocent glance into deputy Logan Ross’s bedroom window has her hooked. Now she’s into a world of sexual play she never knew existed…
The next afternoon, Amy was on her knees sliding out the shallow plastic box from beneath the bed, eager for a little dress-up. She’d already spent the day cleaning the house. Now she wanted to do everything she could to give herself a little boost in self-confidence before her date with Logan.
She’d pulled a dress from her closet, still wrapped in plastic from the store. The short navy sheath with tiny sprigs of pale gray and pink flowers had been bought on a whim and never worn. Too short for school, and with no man around to inspire in her the courage to actually wear it in public, it had stayed at the back of her closet. But not tonight. A pair of silver sandals, also never worn, would complete the ensemble.
The choice of dress and shoes had been the easy part. She hoped what was stored in the bin would solve the rest of her problem. She pulled the black thong panties and corset from the bin, and bit her lip, wondering if the corset was too much.
It was another gift from her happily married sister whose answer to all dating woes was the right underwear.
Amy dropped her robe on the bed and slid into the panties, enjoying the thrill of the narrow strip of fabric sliding between her buttocks.
She felt naughty and a little braver when she turned in front of the mirror to assure herself her butt didn’t look like a sumo wrestler’s.
The corset wasn’t as easy to don. The slender cords cinching the waist laced up the back. Before attempting to put it on, she fed the strings through the eyelets, leaving them loose, and then shimmied the silk garment up her long legs and tugged it over her hips. That was the easy part. Reaching behind her to draw the ends of the strings up and tighten them took a contortionist’s skill, but then it wasn’t designed for a woman to put on, or remove, by herself.
The thought of Logan seeing her in this drove her to persevere. She wanted to impress him. Let him think she was less of a mouse than she really was.
The thought of what he’d done last night, how he’d kissed her, what he’d said, had left her warm and pink-cheeked all day long.
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Tagged: excerpt, Kensington Posted in About books... | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anna Shah Hoque - Rasha - Wesley Nichols - savonna - Delilah Devlin -