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Archive for 'game'
Saturday, March 1st, 2025

On this day in history, in 1872, Yellowstone National Park became our first national park. With the news that our parks service has been hit with massive layoffs, let’s remember the majesty of our protected lands that we’re trying to maintain for future generations to enjoy.
I’ve been to Yellowstone twice. Once as a small child. The only memory I have of that trip is grizzly standing outside our car window while my mom freaked out. The second was a trip in the eighties. It was after a wildfire and some areas were devastated, but seeing buffalo spread over a large meadow was breathtaking. Is it any wonder I decided to set my next Montana Bounty Hunters series in West Yellowstone and feature the park and the park rangers who protect this magnificent place?
For today’s puzzle, I chose an image of the Grand Prismatic Spring—so iconic. Enjoy the puzzle!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you’ve ever visited the park or tell me about a trip to another national park you love!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in Contests! | 17 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Dana Zamora - flchen - Debra - kerry jo - Pat Bohn -
Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
I had bloodwork yesterday in preparation for a couple of upcoming appointments. On Thursday, I meet with a surgeon in Little Rock to see whether I am a candidate for having a hysterectomy. Next Monday is another round of immunotherapy infusions. Hopefully, the tests I took yesterday won’t show any backsliding! Only progress—good progress! Cross your fingers; I am!
Let’s play!
I bought this little brainstorming tool years ago at some writers’ conference. “Story Cubes” is a brainstorming game. You roll the dice, and whatever pictures appear face-up are the ones you use to riff off a story.
You can try to include all the cubes in your “story” or choose a few. The story you tell doesn’t have to be long or even any good. They all count!
To make this fun, I’ll offer a prize—a $5 Amazon gift card—good for purchasing one or two stories…
Have fun with this! Don’t overthink! Here’s the roll…

Tagged: game, story cubes Posted in Cancer Journey, Contests! | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: BN - Debra Guyette - Jennifer Beyer - flchen - cindy -
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

Since we’re nearing the end of February, the month of romance, I thought I’d end it on a bit of a nostalgic note. Some of us kept diaries. I did when I was younger. I put my secrets in it. Talked about things I didn’t want to share with another soul.
Today’s puzzle image is a lovely, sepia-toned photo with hints of travel and love. I could have collected these things. How about you?
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me a story about what you see. Whose memories are encapsulated here? What happened to the lovers? Have fun with it!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle, romance Posted in Contests! | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: BN - Debra - Jennifer Beyer - kerry jo - cindy -
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallans!
Another day, another game! Woot! Since yesterday’s flashback post, I thought matching the covers of some of the Night Fall stories would be fun!
A little home news—we have heat! And just in time since, today, the kids didn’t go to school due to icy roads. We’ll be lazing around for the day. Or they will. I have edits to work on and canvases to gesso for a fun paint-together class with the local art guild.
Did I mention that the 11-year-old has been watching too many glam influencers on TikTok? Yeah, she used her mother’s bikini shaver to “fix” her eyebrows the other night. We had to make an emergency trip into town to find one of those draw-your-own-eyebrows wands at Walmart. The crisis was avoided since my dd is fabulous with makeup. However, we’re adding ten minutes to the morning routine so she doesn’t leave the house with butchered brows.
Kinda reminds me of when I decided to cut my own bangs. Uh-huh. I had one-inch bangs forever!
So, let’s have some fun. Solve the puzzle, then tell me if you ever had a self-made “glam disaster” when you were a kid for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Tagged: game, paranormal romance, puzzle, vampire, werewolf Posted in Contests! | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Beckie - kerry jo - Jennifer Beyer - Dana Zamora - Delilah -
Saturday, February 15th, 2025
UPDATE: The winner is…Daphne Cochran!

Ugh. It’s true. When it rains, it pours. We’ve had heavy rains for a couple of days now, with a cold front moving in behind it, set to hit tomorrow night. So, of course, our heating system decided it was time to stop working. AND it happened late yesterday afternoon—AFTER every heat & air repair shop was closed for the day. We did manage to contact a company that told us the soonest they could come was Monday. Saturday night’s 25-degree forecast means we’ll have to put every space heater and electric blanket to use.
Anyway, we’ll be okay. I’ll use my space heater to keep the bunnies warm while I cuddle with my cats, Pumkin and Tessa, under a pile of blankets.
The rain came down in sheets for a while today. So, I chose a “rainy” photo for the puzzle. Hope you enjoy it!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what the weather’s like for you this weekend!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in Contests!, Real Life | 22 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Debra - kerry pruett - flchen - Mary McCoy - Beckie -
Tuesday, February 11th, 2025
UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

I’m not trying to be cruel. Some folks did actually enjoy the last sliding puzzle. LOL!
For me, it was completely frustrating, trying to move the tiles around to see the image. This time, the image will be so worth the effort! Trust me.
Anyway, I love castles. I visited many in Europe while stationed in Germany for seven years. I loved standing on a castle wall, looking over a valley or waterway, and imagining what it was like when it was inhabited. Grim, I suppose, but I prefer the romantic images in my mind.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle (if you can!), then tell me something about the image…a story you might tell…or elaborate on some aspect of the castle or the mysterious figure in the foreground. Have fun!
Tagged: game, puzzle, sliding puzzle Posted in Contests! | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: BN - cindy - flchen - Mary McCoy - Delilah -
Saturday, February 8th, 2025
UPDATE: The winner is…Flchen!

I’m not a huge football fan. I used to watch back in the day when my father was alive and huge Arkansas Razorbacks fan. The last time I followed pro ball was when Mike Ditka coached the Bears, and The Refrigerator and McMahon were the heroes of that game. Was that really forty years ago? I never so enjoyed a game, but that was it for me. Not sure why.
My family loves going to the high school and local college games. They love knowing the players and meeting up with friends to watch. The only time we gather for a pro ball game these days is for the Super Bowl. I’m embarrassed to say I’m there for the commercials. The girls love the half-time show, but we stay for the end—if the game is a nail-biter. We pick our sides and love ribbing each other when our favorite team makes a great play and scores.
However, if the power went out tomorrow night, we’d be okay. We’re not that invested. It’s just another chance to sit together and celebrate as a family and maybe eat some finger food (I’ll have to talk someone into hitting the grocery store for some goodies!).
How about you? Are you big fans? Who are you rooting for to win this time around? Are you gathering with friends and family or heading to a sports bar? Solve the puzzle then post your answers below for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle, super bowl Posted in Contests!, Real Life | 21 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Diane Sallans - kerryjo - Becky - Dana Zamora - Delilah -