A rare geomagnetic solar storm has some folks very excited. When it was announced, we were disappointed that we wouldn’t get to see them this far south in Arkansas. However, last night, some of the 19-year-old’s friends shared pictures they’d taken with their phones of faint glimmers of the aurora borealis affect.
So, she went outside and took these.
Cool, right? Our big old trees blocked most of it. Okay, so it’s not spectacular, but we NEVER see the lights this far south.
I’ve always wanted to go someplace like Iceland to experience the truly spectacular Northern Lights, but maybe someday.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, have you ever seen the Northern Lights? Enjoy the puzzle and Happy Saturday!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in General|18 People Said|Link
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School lets out on May 23rd! We didn’t have many snow days last winter, so they’re out early! Yay! We love our summers with the kids. We plan little events all summer long, whether it’s something simple like eating watermelon at the poolside or heading to the cinema for a movie. My lovely brother gifted us with a canoe he wasn’t using when he last visited, so we have something to add to our activities!
I’ve made a list of activities I’m pretty sure we’ll do this summer. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, give me some more ideas! And if you have kids to entertain, what do you plan to do?
This was the excitement in our little town yesterday. A black bear showed up at the courthouse/jail then took a tour, winding up in a tree next to this law office. The local PD (including my SIL) had to use yellow tape to keep the public back. There was no letting the bear wander away on its own because…people. So, game and fish brought a tranq gun out to dart the bear and take him to a remote spot to release him. There were some lovely pictures of him up in the tree, but I can’t share them because I worry about copyright. This pic was so widely shared, I didn’t see the harm…
Anyway, back to today’s fun.
Because he was so lovely, and it was so exciting watching the posts on FB all day, the puzzle is a bear! Enjoy it!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, what exciting interaction with wildlife has happened where you are?
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I often talk about my nostalgia for old sci-fi TV shows—the ones I grew up with—and I forgot about one until I saw the image I’m using for today’s puzzle contest. Before Scott Bakula’s Quantum Leap, there was another TV show that trapped a pair of scientists, moving from one horrible situation to another. I ADORED The Time Tunnel, starring that yummy James Darren from the silly 60s beach movies. Can you imagine how thrilled I was when he popped up as lounge singer Vic Fontaine in a holodeck program in Star Trek’s Deep Space Nine?
Now, I have to go find the series to binge. Luckily, it was only two seasons long, and I remember it didn’t hold a candle to Star Trek, but I had plenty of daydreams where I was James Darren’s fellow scientist arriving in pivotal moments in time…
Anyway, I had to share that very short video, even if it’s grainy as hell. On to the contest!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what’s at the end of that tunnel! Have fun!
It’s Saturday, which means it’s puzzle time! I hope you enjoy the challenge.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me a little story about what you see. The story doesn’t have to be long or even good. Just have some fun!
I’ve lived in a lot of places where the locals say, “If you don’t like the weather, wait…” Because in those places, the weather is very changeable. Now, I live in Arkansas, which changes on the daily because of the warmth coming off the Gulf and the cooler air coming from Canada. Our poor newscasters can only guess which front will be stronger. This week is shaping up to be a rainy week, although, today, we may get a bit of a break before thunderstorms move back in tomorrow.
I love storms. I love the rain. My daughter…not so much because she or my SIL will be mowing following a good soaking. I like the sound of the rain, the rumble of the thunder—the drama, I guess.
I’ve been a lover of clouds forever. We were all kids who looked for shapes in clouds. In the summer, I love nothing better than floating in the pool with my sunglasses on as I look for shapes. I’ve written about aeromancy—divination using cloud shapes. I’m a water baby, and clouds are made of H2O. How could I not love them and not be affected by them?
So, because it’s cloudy again outside (fat, gray cumulus clouds), but the forecast (for now) says it’s going to be clear, clouds and rain and lightning are on my mind. Hence this word puzzle. Sorry, not sorry. 🙂
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what your skies look like right now. Gray? Cloudy? Clear? Fluffy? Sketchy? Can you see a shape? Have fun!
It’s finally feeling like Spring. The japonica and forsythia bloomed and faded. The trees are budding—first, the red buds which quickly turn green, too. We’ve had to mow the lawn several times now. The temperatures haven’t dipped to freezing in a while…which makes me really antsy for it to warm up enough, so the pool won’t make me into a popsicle. We won’t talk about the green tinge of the water. We’re working on that.
So, thinking about trees growing their leaves, I found this picture which inspired a “what if” thought. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, would you enter? What would you hope is on the other side?