Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'game'

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Getting ready for Valentine’s Day!
Saturday, February 10th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Dana Zamora!

My daughter said the 10-year-old has a “dinner date” with the boy who’s her Valentine this year. Of course, both moms are taking the kids. I think it’s so funny. And the kid is so cute. They’re both GT nerds, and his glasses and thin frame with her towering height are going to be so CUTE in pictures. They decided on a meal since the kids aren’t allowed to exchange gifts at school. What’s up with that!? What happened to those little cards everyone exchanged that you spent a Sunday cutting up and addressing? I’d come home with a bag full of them. Oh, the days.

Anyway, we’re running up on Valentine’s Day, so I thought a puzzle to commemorate the holiday would be fun.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle (it is really pretty!), then tell me what you’ll be doing on Valentine’s Day. If you don’t have someone to give you a Valentine’s Day gift, what can you do to treat yourself? You deserve a heart!

And just a reminder…this book is coming out the day before Valentine’s Day. What better way to celebrate love than read a sexy book?

Get Malcolm!

Word Search: Random Malcolm Things & an Excerpt! (Contest)
Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C!

I’m getting close to “The End” of Malcolm! Good thing, too. It releases next Tuesday! Since the story is on my mind constantly—I kind of live it in an alternate reality in my head—today’s Word Search puzzle is filled with random elements of the story.

Enjoy the puzzle and the excerpt from the story below! And if you leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Excerpt from Malcolm

MalcolmMalcolm Winslow knew he stood out in this crowd. How could he not? With his longish, uncombed hair, thick beard, and the tattoos displayed by the rolled-up sleeves of his plaid shirt, not to mention the fact he was armed and wore a Kevlar vest, he drew every eye the second he entered the fancy barn that was lit up like the Fourth of July.

Those closest to the open doors were the first to fall silent. Hands touched shoulders and then pointed toward him as he resolutely made his way toward the trellis constructed between horse stalls on either side of the wide space and strung with white lights and roses, where a couple in their wedding finery stood before a preacher.

A groomsman tapped the groom on the shoulder, and he tore his gaze away from his stunning bride to glance down the aisle Malcolm strode down.

The groom’s eyes widened, and he turned to his bride, dug something from his pocket, and then said, “Candy, here are my keys—run!”

The groom slapped keys on her palm, straightened his shoulders, and stepped in Malcolm’s path.

Malcolm gave a single shake of his head, smacked away the groom’s raised fists, then bent to ram his shoulder into the other man’s chest.

The groom flew backward as Malcolm picked up his pace and ran toward the smaller back door of the barn through which the bride had just escaped.

Outside in the dusky gloom, he caught a glimpse of bright white as the bride, Candy Bodine, almost Carmichael, climbed a corral fence. He was surprised at the number of people standing on either side of the door outside this end of the barn but didn’t have time to figure out why they were there because Candy had just jumped down from the fence to the other side, snagging her long train on a nail. She ran forward, but her train held fast, springing her backward and onto her butt on the dirt.

She rolled, tangling herself in petticoats and torn train, and got to her knees. She stared back at him as he jogged toward the fence, planted a hand on the cedar fencepost, and sailed sideways over the top. Yeah, his feet skidded a bit in horse poop when his boots hit the ground, but the bride wasn’t so pristine now either, kind of like her rap sheet.

This time, she’d failed to appear before the judge for a drunk driving/failure to yield at a stop sign/fleeing the scene set of charges. And if Malcolm had anything to say about it, she was not heading to the private airport where Daddy had a plane waiting to fly her to some resort vacation in the Caribbean. As soon as Malcolm snicked the cuffs on her wrists, she’d be spending what should’ve been the first night of her honeymoon inside the detention center in Bozeman.

No amount of crocodile tears was going to dissuade him from his purpose.

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: What world is inside your fantasy book?
Saturday, January 27th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!

It’s Saturday! I’m so ready for the week to be done! On Monday, we had one last “snow day” for the kids before the weather changed and the rains came. It rained long and hard for two days—long enough for us to discover our roof leaks. Long enough, we had roofers come out to give us estimates to fix the leak. Yay. Grrr…

Well, we do seem to move from one crisis to the next, but we are resilient! This too shall pass…until the next crisis.

In the meantime, I chose a fantasy image to make me happy. Solve the puzzle, then tell me what world you’d find inside your fantasy book for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Have fun!

Memory Game — Match the Covers! (Contest)
Wednesday, January 24th, 2024

So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve this puzzle, then let me know whether you enjoyed it as much as the Saturday jigsaw puzzles or the word searches. I’m trying to switch it up a bit! Plus, this time around, I get to not-so-subtly remind you about some recent releases!

Sorry for all the space left beneath the puzzle.
The puzzle generator does that—not me!

Let’s have some fun! Tell me a story… (Contest)
Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Christine!

Usually for these “tell me a story” contests, I choose a fantasy/romantic image. This picture tickled my funny bone.  I could only imagine the rotten things she’d had to overcome that day for him to walk into the kitchen and say, “Hey, what’s for dinner?”

So, in the spirit of fun, tell me what he said to earn this reaction from her for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Saturday Puzzle Contest — Random Bohemian Pirate Couple
Saturday, January 20th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Roxie Jones!

Most Saturdays, I have no idea what image I’m going to choose for the puzzle when I sit down to craft my blog. I go to my favorite photo site and take a look. The photos they suggested today, based on my recent searches, produced a feed called “Bohemian Pirate Couple.” Interesting, I said. So, I went with it.

I hope you love the puzzle. Solve it, then tell me what kind of story it inspires in you for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Word Search: Favorite Pets (Contest)
Thursday, January 18th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Martha Lanham!

Well, we thought the kids would be back in school today, finally. In fact, we were ready to get them bundled into the car for the trip to town when the 15-year-old slid on the ground and scraped up her arm and sprained her wrist (at least we hope it’s just a sprain), and we came back inside to get her bandaged up. Just as we were finishing with the bandages and splint, the notice came on our phones that they’d decided to cancel school again. It might have had something to do with the school bus in the ditch at the bottom of our long hill. No one injured, but…the bus slid into the ditch! Thank goodness my daughter drives the kids (fights on the school bus necessitated that long ago).

Anyway, the kids are back in their jammies, sitting around the living room with pets cuddled up beside them. We’ve suffered a little attrition to our numbers due to old age and illnesses over the years. We are down to five cats and seven dogs, now. Remember, we didn’t collect all these animals ourselves; we inherited my mom’s four dogs when she passed.

My betta fish passed away from old age a couple of months ago. I did try everything to make him comfortable and to “fix” him, but what I read about how he was acting pointed to old age. I haven’t purchased another. I’ll wait for warmer weather because any fish we get has to travel an hour in a plastic tub to get here. I do miss my fish though. No, you can’t pet or snuggle them, and I’m okay with that. The bunny in my art room stays mostly in its cage because when we open the door, he hops out, looks around, then decides he likes his cage better. He’s not very affectionate. The two cats that hang out with me can be very annoying when they want attention. Having one perched like a vulture on my shoulder isn’t conducive to good concentration, and I hate finding the little bits of kitty litter that stick to their paws on my art table.

But my family has always had pets. More dogs than anything else.

So, my question to you is, what is your favorite type of pet? It’s okay if you say a plant. I get that, too. If you want to share a little story about your favorite pet, we’d all love to read about it! Today’s prize is a $5 Amazon gift card! I hope you enjoy the puzzle!