Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'game'

What I’m working on…
Monday, July 8th, 2019

Here’s a puzzle to enjoy while I’m away! Un-puzzle it and send me good vibes!

Me and my favorite person… (Puzzle)
Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

I’m posting a pic of me and my favorite person, because she’s visiting her dad for the next while and I miss her! Enjoy the puzzle!

Summer, to me… (Puzzle)
Tuesday, June 11th, 2019

Or at least this should be my ideal summer day…
This is a picture I took! Enjoy the puzzle!

My Perfect Summer Moment (Puzzle)
Saturday, June 1st, 2019

Want to see my ideal summer moment? Solve the puzzle! Is it yours, too? ~DD

Road Trip? (Jigsaw)
Thursday, May 16th, 2019

Have fun! Not sure why I chose this picture other than I’m longing for a road trip of my own! DD

If I had more time… (Jigsaw)
Saturday, May 11th, 2019

I wish I was two people. I’d write more. I say that because I have all these stories in my head and not enough time or energy to get them out. I keep this photo in my Future Covers stack because I’d love to do something with it—writing this book! *sigh* Someday…

Have fun with the puzzle and remember: There are still open contests, here and on my Collections page! Be sure to enter!

Puzzle Fun!
Tuesday, April 16th, 2019
