Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'game'

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Your Christmas Movie List!
Saturday, November 16th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Eileen McCall!

I wasn’t sure what I’d talk about today until I looked at the screen that pops up when I open my computer. There at the top, I saw an ad for the trailer for Hot Frosty. I’m sharing that trailer here—you’re welcome! (For those of you who get my blogs via email, you have to go to the website to view! It’s worth it!)


Yes, it’s not even past Thanksgiving yet, but we’re already watching Christmas movies in this house. I quickly sent off a message to my dd that Hot Frosty was on our list for this weekend! (Don’t you just love that title? It’s silly, cheesy, and totally to the point—so, it’s unforgettable!)


For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what you have on your list to watch this season and whether Hot Frosty appeals to you as much as it does to me!

Word Puzzle: Favorite Shifters (Contest)
Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

The winner is…Courtney Kinder!

So, I released a book yesterday that featured a shifter. She’s not an animal I’ve seen used a lot, but she got me thinking about my favorite kinds of shifters. Who doesn’t love werewolves? I’ve written those. I’ve also written panthers (Bad Moon Rising). Do you remember the kid’s movie, Sky High? One of the characters shapeshifted into a guinea pig, which earned her a lot of teasing from the other kids with superpowers until they needed a small animal to perform a task. So, she’s on my list of favorite shifters, too.

My question for you today is: What kind of shifters do you love or would love to see in a book or movie? Answer for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Thanksgiving Prep!
Saturday, November 9th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Stephanie!

I unplugged completely yesterday. I had to make a trip in the morning to the cancer center an hour away for a shot to boost my white cell count. I still felt sick as a dog, so the winding roads to get to Hot Springs just about killed me. When I got home, I went straight to bed and pretty much stayed there all day. I didn’t turn on my computer even once.

I’m still not feeling great, but I’ll try to get a few high priority tasks out of the way before I take a pain pill and sleep away the day. The pain is from the chemo, not the cancer. My feet are cramped with charley horses constantly. My legs have painful spasms. I have a headache, a slight fever… I could go on and on. And I think I just did. 🙂

My daughter decorated for Christmas early the last couple of days, so I did sit for a little while watching as she hustled around, setting up all her treasures. We have numerous trees, nutcrackers, gnomes, townscapes, etc. We like our Christmas decorations and try to stretch the season as much as we can. My dd and oldest granddaughter then watched a Hallmark Christmas movie. I tried to stick it with them but ended up heading back to bed a third of the way in. Hopefully, I’ll start feeling better soon. My next treatment is the Monday of Thanksgiving week. I’ll be completely miserable for the holiday.

Anyway, enough of the health (unhealth?) update. We have some Saturday fun to begin!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest — Thanksgiving Prep!

Now that the Christmas decorations are up, my daughter is turning her attention to the Thanksgiving feast. She has a very detailed plan, which includes her shopping list, the times she has to put certain foods on to cook, recipes for the dishes, etc. She even has a shelf in the pantry that she’s cleared to hold her ingredients. Her Uber-plan works. For the past three Thanksgivings, her meal has been superb.

For you U.S.-residents, do you go all-out for Thanksgiving? For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me about your Thanksgiving preparations. And if you’re not in the U.S., do you have a similar feast?

Puzzle-Contest: Hello November! — And a Reminder!
Friday, November 1st, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Beckie!

I’m posting the puzzle-contest early because tomorrow’s a special day for our family.

It’s the first day of November! Can you believe it’s already here? I can’t. This year flew by. I can’t say I’m sorry 2024 is drawing to a close. I’m ready for what’s next. I also look forward to the holiday season. I have some of my Christmas list covered already, but I have to pull out everything I have stuffed in closets to see what’s left to acquire. My daughter has a shelf in the pantry already filling up with things for the Thanksgiving meal. We decorate for Christmas early because my dd loves-loves-loves decorating and likes to see it for longer than a month, so she’s been gathering new things to add—another tree, good Lord! I love to watch her and the girls with boxes filling the living room as they hang ornaments and set up little houses with lights. It’s nuts how much “stuff” we have.

So, I’m happy it’s November. There’s so much to look forward to—Thanksgiving, the start of Advent, Krampus Day, St. Nicklaus Day (we love setting out our shoes!), Christmas, New Years! Our family loves any excuse for a celebration. This season is our favorite!

How about you? Solve the puzzle, then share what you’re looking forward to during this holiday season for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! 

A Reminder!

Looking for a sexy read, featuring a lonely, taciturn lord of the manor? 

The Demon Lord's Cloak

Coming November 12th!
Free in KU!
Pre-order now!

Report Card, Open Contests & a Puzzle-Contest
Sunday, October 20th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Mina Gerhart!

I was lazy yesterday and didn’t post my Saturday puzzle. So, today’s post includes the puzzle-contest at the end of this message! Be sure to scroll down if you want to play!

Report Card

Last week…

  1. I worked on edits for one author.
  2. I published the Delta Heat books in online stores other than Amazon (went wide!).
  3. I slept—a lot, again. I’m still on the mend from the latest chemo round. (I have a scan coming in early November to see whether my cancer is diminishing.)

This next week…

  1. I’ll be working on edits for possibly three authors this week and will finish it by the weekend. I’ll be busy, busy, busy!
  2. I’ll try working/editing the pages I’ve already written for Ignition and, hopefully, finishing a new chapter.
  3. I’ll be working on revisions of The Demon Lord’s Cloak, which releases November 12th. Have you pre-ordered your copy? 
  4. I’ll be deciding whether I’ll participate in NaNoWriMo this year. It’s a “write 50,000 words in November” challenge. It is probably/definitely more than I can commit to, but I so want to get back to writing…

Open Contests

Be sure to check out these posts and enter to win the prizes that are still up for grabs!

  1. Puzzle-Contest: Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day! — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Halloween Movies & Activities — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Two FREE reads for all in time for Halloween!This offer ends soon! Get your FREE reads now!
  4. Word Search: The Original Montana Bounty Hunters! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Gabbi Grey: Finding the Right Story (Contest) — Win 3 FREE books!
  6. Tell me a story: Romantic Halloween? (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!


I am beyond excited for this series to begin! I just finished watching the trailer and thought I’d share it with you!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then let me know if this show excites your interest! Or let me know what new upcoming series you’re dying to see!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Halloween Movies & Activities
Saturday, October 12th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

Halloween is always a fun time of year for our family. It’s the kickoff to the holiday season—Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Nicklaus Day, Christmas, New Year’s Eve… We celebrate them all because we love excuses for celebrating.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, and then offer suggestions in the comments for Halloween movies or activities that would be fun for the family!


For those interested, here’s my health update:  Read the rest of this entry »

Puzzle-Contest: Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day!
Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette!

Yesterday was Chemo Day—the third round. It’s funny; I almost looked forward to it—or at least I wasn’t filled with dread or fear. I know it’s the beginning of a miserable week, but I don’t even dread that. Not yet. I’ll probably rethink it on Wednesday or Thursday when the deep muscle and joint aches begin—but I have some good drugs to help with that. 🙂

Anyway, I came home from chemo, which ended at 3 PM, and headed straight to bed. Other than getting up for dinner or walks to the bathroom, I slept all the way until 3 AM this morning, and I’ve been up since, on a roll. I puttered picking up things, and even dusted my desktop (a huge chore given all the crap I have on the surface).

Then, I turned my attention to what to do with my blog today—since I def feel up to it.

I love quirky, obscure holidays, and today is an important obscure one. It’s Ada Lovelace Day!

Who is Ada? From the website Time and Date:  “Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician who worked with Charles Babbage on his calculating engine, called the Analytical Engine. Her plan to calculate Bernoulli numbers using the engine is now widely considered as the world’s first computer program. In 1980, the United States Department of Defense created a programming language and named it Ada in honor of Ada Lovelace’s contribution to the world of computing.”

I remember when the ADA programming language was a thing back in the day. I remember, too, the state of computers back when I was new to the Army. In fact, during my summer ROTC training before I graduated from college, I was selected to be part of a team that went to an Army base to evaluate an exercise the active duty units there were undergoing. Our job was to shadow and assist the active Army observers. We were the ones entrusted to gather their observations and put them together into a single, extensive report. We were given access to a computer to write up the report—beginning after duty hours so we didn’t disrupt the people who worked there during the day. I was assigned the job of typing up all those reports, editing, then printing out the report (my first editing job, y’all). The computer sent the book to a printer that spit out hundreds of punch cards that looked like the picture above. The others had to take that stack and walk it to another device that read the cards then produced the written report. All those cards had to be kept in order so two people carried it, one holding the cards from the ends and the other supporting it so it didn’t fall to the floor. If you had one card out of order, you had to reprint the entire thing. If they (the active duty folks) decided to make changes to the report you had to repeat the entire process again.

Still, I thought how cool was it that we were able to type up a report, making changes along the way, and we didn’t have to retype the entire thing. It did save labor on that end. LOL

A few years later, I was assigned to work on the general’s staff at Fort Gordon (now, Fort Eisenhower), Georgia and we actually had an internal email system that connected the staff to all the heads of different organizations on the post. So much progress in so few years. Shortly after that, I bought my first computer, a Radio Shack TRS-80, and I was the first on my block to own a personal computer. I had to learn a smattering of code to work it, but that was just part of the adventure!

Today? We all take for granted the innovations. Back then, we felt like we would soon be living in the Jetson’s future.

Anyway, sorry for the long post. Have fun with the puzzle. Solve the puzzle then tell me about any computer innovation that amazed you for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!