Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for 'game'

What I finished today!
Friday, December 14th, 2018

Well, I wrote the last word on this project yesterday. Overnight, two lovely beta readers helped me find my ugly typos, so I revised the story today. Then I formatted it and uploaded it to Amazon—whew! Just in time. It releases next Tuesday. I’ll share an excerpt tomorrow. It’s a very sexy shorty! Pre-order here!

Contests! And a puzzle!
Saturday, November 24th, 2018

A Reminder about CONTESTS!

These contests are still open! Enter while you still can!

  1. November’s Getting Away From Me! (Contest)
  2. Reina Torres: Almost a Mermaid (Contest)
  3. Tell me a story… (Contest)
  4. Flashback: Tarzan & Janine (Contest)

The first two end at midnight tomorrow night! So be sure to enter now!

The Puzzle

And because, maybe, you need a little romantic inspiration, here’s a puzzle just for you!  Believe me, you want to solve this one! 🙂

Tell me a story… (Contest)
Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

UPDATE: The winner is…Katherine!

HookHere’s a quick reminder that this story releases ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! It’s fun, fast, sexy–and features a disabled vet! If you haven’t yet ordered your copy, here’s where you do it: HOOK

I have an insane schedule to keep up with this week (finish a book, finish another author’s edits, clean my office!, clean the cat box!!), so today’s post is short, and you get to do all the work! To give you a teeny bit of incentive to play, I’m offering a prize. Have fun!


See the picture? I’m putting this pic out there for you to think about. You can offer a simple one-sentence idea or paint an entire paragraph of a story. Have fun with it. I won’t be judging your idea!!! I’ll choose one winner who can pick an ebook copy of any of my recent releases! Now, go!