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Archive for 'Guest Blogger'
Thursday, June 21st, 2018
Hello fine readers! Along with being a new author and guest blogger (thanks, Delilah!) I’m a volunteer leader with Team Rubicon│Disasters Are Our Business, Veterans Are Our Passion(https://teamrubiconusa.org/)
I live in Western Montana. It’s beautiful, but that beauty comes with a price. This year, the Clark Fork River flooded several subdivisions in Missoula—a major flood, the kind not seen since the 1970s. Sandbags were needed—a lot of them, right now. Missoula is a wonderful, weird town and people are really helpful—sometimes too helpful. Without direction, volunteers sometimes cause more problems than they solve. So, at the request of the county, Team Rubicon stepped up and took charge of the sandbagging chaos. Over the course of two weeks, we directed over 2,100 volunteers and filled more than 112,000 sand bags with 1,967 tons of sand. Which is pretty incredible! But the most incredible part was the last day.
Every year, Missoula hosts a rugby tournament called Maggot Fest. This year, many of the teams decided to help the day before the tournament. They filled a lot of bags, in their own very special way. Ways we wouldn’t let anyone else use. So, now for your pleasure (and some shudders) I give you hot, sweaty rugby players!

(Photos by AM Scott, except overhead sandbag photo courtesy of K. Kirkbride)
Yes, I do have a book. Get your copy, FREE! If you like Firefly, I think you’ll like Lightwave: Clocker.

Freedom ticks away, one nanosecond at a time… When a bounty hunter closes in, Saree jumps on Lightwave Fold Transport, the only way out-system. But Lightwave’s crew might be a bigger threat. Can Saree hide her real identity as the only human Clocker? Or will the crew uncover her secret and turn her in for the reward?
Download here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/uhu01itzno If you download my book, I will add your name to my infrequent mailing list; I don’t spam or sell your info and you can unsubscribe anytime. Clocker is the first of a space opera series, not an SF romance; while there are adult situations, there’s no erotic sex and the swear words are all made up. Enjoy and have a great summer!
Tagged: Guest Blogger, Science Fiction Romance, space opera Posted in Free Read, General | Comments Off on AM Scott: Lightwave — Clocker (Free Book) | Link
Monday, June 18th, 2018

Nothing in Margo Simmons’s life comes easy. She can’t claim the inheritance on a condo apartment her uncle has left to her until she is gainfully employed in a job for a year. She meets the man of her dreams but anguishes over a loving relationship because he is still emotionally tied to his deceased wife. With great difficulty, she becomes the guardian to a recently orphaned child she had been tutoring. Margo evolves from an insecure, newbie elementary teacher into a woman determined to fulfill the secret desires locked in her heart. My story speaks to anyone who has suffered a loss and had to start over.
Get your copy here!
Updates on Secret Desires by JL Regen:
I’m so pleased to report that the Audible.com version of my romance will happen between June and July. Readers commuting to work or just relaxing with my book, will be able to listen to my love story, which, by the way, was inspired by a true story.
Thank you, Delilah, for this wonderful opportunity to tell romance readers about my book.
JL Regen
P.S. Please do leave a comment on writerjr1044@gmail.com
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Sunday, June 17th, 2018

Conner Udine is a prince and a hero all rolled into one. And Olivia had a slight crush on her brother’s best friend when he was at her family’s over for dinner. She never said a word. And unlike her sister Scarlett, Olivia is unassuming and would rather read a book than admit to her real feelings. She’s the youngest Hawke sibling and honestly she blogs about books for a living. Could she do more? Yes, but her shyness really holds her back.
Conner needs to be in his kingdom so to protect Olivia he flies her to his European kingdom and sets her up in the castle. But when Scarlett and Gabe say Maddox was arrested, they both thought the threat was over. Olivia goes out to explore.
Conner is faced with a decision as there is some ancient law that he must marry and his father needs him to marry sooner rather than later. But in showing the sweet Olivia around, he starts wondering if she’ll be the perfect bride. However this small bliss is threatened when someone starts trying to kill Olivia and Conner needs to protect her. As Maddox is in jail it can’t be him, but the threat against the Hawkes continues.
Tempting Conner

One sweet, unassuming book blogger targeted by an assassin. One handsome prince sworn to protect her. These two have nothing in common, except undeniable chemistry.
Prince Conner Udine is a man of honor. When he promised his best friend and former Marine buddy that he’d protect his sister, he never imagined that it would lead to a lifetime commitment. When a sixteenth century law resurfaces, his life plan takes a drastic turn, and now he has to marry before his thirtieth birthday.
Olivia Hawke liked Conner from the first moment she saw him, but she never revealed that to him. Now, he’s her protector, and she has to live in his castle.
As if that’s not awkward enough, he’s just revealed that he has to marry, and fast.
Will she agree to give him her hand and finally get the happily-ever-after she’s always dreamed of?
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BGSGFG2?ref_=pe_2427780_160035660&tag=smarturlebook-20
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/tempting-conner/id1327662178?mt=11
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tempting-conner-victoria-pinder/1127222090?ean=2940158608186
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/tempting-conner-1
Google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Victoria_Pinder_Tempting_Conner?id=ELFFDwAAQBAJ
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, royal Posted in Contests!, General | Comments Off on Victoria Pinder: Tempting Conner (Contest) | Link
Friday, June 15th, 2018
Thank you, Delilah, for inviting me to hang out with your readers today!
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. And Jill a dull girl. Along those same lines, a common thread in writerly conversations is the need to step away from our computers/notebooks/scrolls and refill the creative well. Getting out of our chairs is good for our physical health. And getting out of our writing cave benefits our mental health. Plus, it’s nice to feel the sun on our cheeks and breath outdoor air.
I know many of my fellow scribes are introverts and would be perfectly happy to be hermits all day, every day. I go for days seeing only my hubby, and I’m fine with that. But there’s a whole wide world outside my walls and it behoves me to enjoy as much of it as I can while I’m able.
To that end, hubby and I dusted off our bicycles the other day and went for a ride. Not far from our house lies a former railroad that has been converted to a walking/biking rail. Lined with trees, shrubs, and flowers, away from vehicular traffic, and without steep hills, it’s a lovely way to bike into town. Or from one town to the next if you’re feeling energetic. Did I mention no steep hills? Because trains needed fairly level terrain, us middle-aged bicyclists benefit now that the rails are torn up.
(As an aside, I wish we had better train service in this part of the world [NS, Canada] like a lot of other developed nations do.)
Our recent trip, the first of the season, was a brief expedition to check out our machines and to limber disused muscles. We encountered a few other bicyclists and a few walkers, including a couple visiting our fair town from Nottingham, UK! We had a lovely chat on the trail and shared the location of a pair of deer we’d seen.
Here are a few pictures I took along the trail:
The larger of the two deer, along with a herd of cattle who quickly became bored with our presence. The lupines are starting to bloom and I revel in the many shades of blue and purple they display. Finally, one of our neighbours welcomed us home.

After a few hours in the saddle I returned to my writing cave refreshed in body and spirit. And eager for our next outing, which will include a picnic lunch and an ice cream at our destination.
To my fellow writers, what do you do to get away from the story mill and experience the wide world?
And to my fellow readers, if you were presented with an entire day free from obligations, how would you spend your time?
Love & Mayhem

Sybil is happily on the shelf, tending to her sheep. But she fears she’ll depart this life without experiencing physical love, which she suspects is rather enjoyable. When her long-lost fiancé returns from sea, she decides he’s the lucky man who’ll receive her virginity.
Max is eager to return to his sugar plantation and has no intention of remaining long in London. However, he didn’t bargain on a wilful, pretty, exasperating spinster determined to take him to her bed.
He insists on marriage but she wants only his body. Her heart is not part of the deal. Unfortunately, love doesn’t always follow the rules.
Get your copy here!
“I see all sorts of advantages to the married state.” He brought her hand to his mouth, kissing each knuckle in turn before kissing her palm. Then he flicked his tongue over the inside of her wrist. She bit back a moan. Who knew the wrist was such a sensitive spot?
She forced her mind back to the task at hand. Which, when you came to think of it, served the other task as well. Namely, getting him to flick his tongue on other sensitive parts of her body. She took a deep breath. “Some enjoy those advantages without the bother of a marriage ceremony.”
Buy links:
Wild Rose Press: https://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/non-american-historical-romance/5180-love-and-mayhem.html
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Mayhem-Luanna-Stewart-ebook/dp/B072TQGG3J
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/love-and-mayhem/id1252491353?mt=11
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/love-and-mayhem-1
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-and-mayhem-luanna-stewart/1126952180?ean=2940158555770
About the Author

Luanna Stewart has been creating adventures for her imaginary friends since childhood. As soon as she discovered her grandmother’s stash of romance novels, all plots had to lead to a happily-ever-after.
Luanna writes full time, concentrating on sexy romantic suspense, steamy paranormal romance, and spicy historical romance.
Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Luanna has recently returned to the land of her birth with her dear husband and two spoiled cats. When she’s not torturing her heroes and heroines, she’s in her kitchen baking something delicious.
Under her previous pen name of Grace Hood she has two novellas published with The Wild Rose Press.
Social media links:
Website: https://www.luannastewart.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Luanna_Stewart
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Luanna.Stewart.nau
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/luannastewart/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14104212.Luanna_Stewart
Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/author/luanna_stewart
Tagged: excerpt, Guest Blogger, historical, regency romance Posted in General | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Susan Vaughan - Deb Noone - Pam Champagne - Luanna -
Thursday, June 14th, 2018

My first book was At the Mercy of Her Pleasure, a science fiction romance. I released it in 2004, only a few years after 9/11. The news was full of women wearing burkas and the controversy over wearing one by choice versus being given no option. I decided to include a reference to this in my book, but I changed it from being women to being an entire race of people.
“Betters” were called so because they were genetically enhanced to do more, be more, perform more, remember more. They were physically beautiful. As close to perfect as possible and far beyond superhuman. When society realized that Betters could also control a normal human’s mind by means of voice, it frightened them, and they called for the cessation of Better creations as a whole.
Fearmongers demanded all Betters be sterilized to prevent them from multiplying and taking over society.
At the time of my story, the Better Laws prevented them from going out in public uncovered. They could show only hands and faces, or face penalties and jail time. The heroine, a captain in the rebel army, always finds ways to perform her duties without calling attention to herself. Until now.
For this mission—getting back a prototype stolen by the government—she must show herself in public as a Better who flaunts the law. Her cover is a rich cougar with a cute boy toy on her arm. To accomplish this, she hires an attractive young thief to steal back the item. There’s just this small catch. He’s been sedated by his master and cannot respond to her whatsoever. This could be one frustrating mission.
Here’s an excerpt.
From At the Mercy of Her Pleasure

NarrAy met Senth’s penetrating gaze. How had she ever seen him as a boy?
He had a man’s hands, well-groomed nails and sinewy forearms that revealed power and strength. His biceps bulged. Angular jaw, a firm mouth with lips made for kissing. A hot flutter rose within her and she tamped it down at once, refusing to let her pheromones get the upper hand.
Senth was watching her, gaze narrowed, head tilted. He gave a sniff and then eased into a smile. His proximity heightened her desire. He smelled clean, fresh and ruggedly male. A tingle signaled the imminent letdown of her pheromones and she fought to calm the spike of lust flickering through her like a torch about to combust.
Senth’s faint smile revealed nothing, but he lifted his head, sniffing the air. Kin could smell emotion and desire. Could a half-breed? Might be time to find out…
At the Mercy of Her Pleasure is a fast-paced sci fi romantic comedy. He’s an adorable, fun-loving hero who’s half-human and half-cat. She’s a by-the-book army captain. Do opposites attract?
Oh, mercy!
Universal book link https://books2read.com/u/m2o9P1
About the Author
Kayelle Allen writes Sci Fi with misbehaving robots, mythic heroes, role playing immortal gamers, and warriors who purr. She’s a US Navy veteran who’s been married so long she’s tenured.
Twitter https://twitter.com/kayelleallen
Facebook https://facebook.com/kayelleallen.author
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Tagged: excerpt, Guest Blogger, Science Fiction Romance Posted in Free Read, General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Kayelle Allen -
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018
Hi Delilah Fans! Can you believe the year is half over already? 2018 is flying by!
Okay, here’s what I’m up to today. I’m trying to learn more about romance readers. So I’m posting a questionnaire here and on my Facebook page. I hope you’ll take two seconds to reply—your participation is greatly appreciated. Your email and other info will NOT be used in any other way—no mailing list, no follow-up. Unless you’re one of the three winners. Then you’ll be notified of your win.
Just email me at ashworthlizzie@gmail.com with your age and your favorite type of romance. That’s it!
A randomized drawing will result in three winners of a FREE COPY of Faint Heart, a sexy romance novel (ebook format). But don’t wait. Entries accepted through Friday June 15 ONLY.

Cara Carson only wants one thing, and it isn’t a man. Her new business, Cara’s Kitchen, is the only safe place for her heart. Her recipes are perfected and the old house remodel is underway. But on this raw March morning, the contractor isn’t returning her calls, there’s a bulldozer mired in mud on the side lot, and the man operating it has managed to destroy the huge old willow tree she wanted saved. Furious, she charges across the mire to demand answers and finds her feet stuck and then her heart flailing after the bulldozer operator has to come carry her out.
Morgan Woods never believed in love. Until now, it’s been easy to take and leave women. This woman shouldn’t be any different, except something about her pouty pink lips and her blazing hazel eyes sails past all his defenses. His business-partner dad is sick and his businesses are struggling, but he never wants to let this woman out of his arms.
Can two broken people love again?
About the Author
Lizzie Ashworth lives in the wilds of the Ozark Mountains with three cats, two hound dogs, and too many deer in her yard. She’s been writing her entire life and wants her readers to know how much she enjoys sharing her naughty stories. Visit her website for more on all her books, www.lizzieashworth.com
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Becky Ward - ButtonsMom2003 -
Monday, June 11th, 2018

When is full cast audio such a big deal for romance? When it lives up to your imagination and blows your mind! I can say that I am picky. I always have been. When a movie actor doesn’t live up to my imaginary image of a character, I’m disappointed. I don’t think I’m alone. So when I decided to publish my bestselling MMF ménage novel Polished, I was obsessed with finding the right actors who could truly personify my characters. The process was long…and tedious. Not unlike authoring a book, producing full cast audio is much like breathing life into a dream. There is an implicit difference between single narration and specifically cast voice actors performing each role while in character. With a single narrator, you are being told a story, the voice speaking encourages you to connect the words to images in your mind in the same way reading does. Full cast audio brings you into the story. You are right there, a fly on the wall spying in, with a bowl of popcorn. Can’t you just imagine that tiny little bowl? I digress. The difference is immense, the audio is immersive and I don’t know if I could ever look back.
What’s it like to cast an audio book? When casting Spencer and Jack for Polished, there were days when I wondered if I would ever find just the right voice. As a writer, I hope to communicate the subtle nuances of dialogue by context, by choice of words and even by coming right out and taking the not-so-subtle approach of just explaining exactly how the words were said. I hope the context is recognized. I hope the reader hears what I hear. Romance readers generally do. As connoisseurs of the genre, we see the cues, read between the lines and understand when thick smoky allure is woven through a sentence. But, when your voice search inbox is full of guys who probably never read a romance for enjoyment, the outcome is pretty funny. I can’t say how many times I laughed out loud. Then just when you think It might be hopeless, an audition appears that curls your toes, that brings your hero (and in my case heroes) to life. Found: a voice that fits like a glove with your female actor. It’s the happy dance of the century, because your book has actually been reborn through their voices.
Full cast audio is worth the extra work to find just the right actor to portray your characters, one who understands them, who gets their personalities and becomes this imaginary person you dreamed up. I am so unbelievably thrilled with how Polished turned out. Oddly, I never felt closer to these characters now that they have voices, and I hope you will too.
Here’s a free audiobook sample of Polished for your listening enjoyment…nearly two hours of an erotic romance journey to HEA in full cast audio. If you know my writing then you know it’s MMF, it’s fun, emotional and NSFW. If you don’t know my writing, I think it’s about time that we got acquainted! Polished Preview

More about me…I write emotionally rich stories of imperfect people trying to find happiness amidst internal and external challenges…with lots of hot sex. I’m known for writing hot and emotional erotic romance with more than two characters intertwined. I write ménage with and without BDSM elements and never spare my characters from a hard climb to HEA. Find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Get more on at AlyssaTurnerWrites.com and see all my published books on Amazon. Thank you Delilah for letting me drop by!!
Alyssa Turner
Tagged: audio book, contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, menage Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Alyssa Turner -