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Archive for 'Guest Blogger'
Friday, February 16th, 2018
In case you hadn’t heard the news, my Plum Creek series is returning to bookshelves starting in February. This trilogy was originally published with Kensington since 2009/2010 but I got my rights back and decided to put them out there again. It’s a trilogy set in Reconstruction era Colorado. These are for sure erotic historical romance with lots of smexy scenes but also deep, wrenching emotions and an incredibly satisfying HEA. I’m excited to bring these back!
The trilogy begins with book 1, THE EDUCATION OF MADELINE. I wrote Madeline to be a tall, curvy, thirty-two year old spinster in Reconstruction era Colorado, 1872. She’s rich, hated because of her wealth, and needs to learn how to experience life.
The hero, Teague, is a big man with a dark past who enters Madeline’s life. She grabs hold of the opportunity with both hands, and they begin an adventure together, with many twists, turns, and unseen dangers.
I loved Madeline—she embodied what I struggled with as a curvy woman with low self-confidence. She discovers she’s fierce, courageous, and unwilling to settle for what the world has planned for her.
I’m happy to say THE EDUCATION OF MADELINE releases on February 27 in both ebook and print. The cover is beautiful, and I can’t wait for y’all to meet Madeline and Teague. Book 2, THE REDEMPTION OF MICAH, releases in April. Followed by the third book, THE SALVATION OF SARAH in late May. Each book has a new cover, is freshly edited, and is ready to find a whole new group of readers. If you read the original years ago, the stories themselves haven’t changed.
If you haven’t, be sure to be plum with me and visit Plum Creek!
The Education of Madeline

Plum Creek, Colorado 1872
The Right Man Comes Along…
Madeline Brewster practically owns Plum City, Colorado. But at thirty-two, she knows she has missed any chance for happiness. Until she finds a tall, strong, handsome Irishman on the wrong end of the hangman’s noose. Suddenly this unconventional woman comes up with an outrageous idea…
Teague O’Neal has rugged cheekbones, tousled black curls, and eyes as blue as the sky, even if he is caked in Colorado mud. The men insist they caught him horse-thieving, and there’s something desperate about him that says he’d do anything for a buck.
Maybe it was pure chance, or maybe it was something more that brought Madeline and Teague together. But one thing’s clear, between a woman who has just about everything she could ever want, and a man who’s lost that and more, they might find something in between worth living for.
Comment for a chance to win one of three eBook copies of The Education of Madeline I’m giving away!
Tagged: erotic romance, Guest Blogger, historical, Western Posted in Contests!, General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: flchen1 - Michelle Duhon - Phyllis Hughes - Karen Markuson - BookLady -
Monday, February 12th, 2018
Hello, everyone! Thank you for stopping by. And Delilah, thank you for having me as a guest.
They say, “Write what you know.” I didn’t for my first four novels and a Kindle World novella, which are medieval. But I really enjoyed extensive research on topics as diverse as the last battle of the Hundred Years War (my first book), stained-glass painting (second book) and tournaments (third book) so I could include appropriate descriptions of actual events and daily life.
I decided to take that advice for my fifth novel MY LIFE AS AN EXTRA (humorous women’s fiction). Why? I’ve accumulated quite a bit of knowledge about the film industry while working as an extra on more than 80 films and TV shows.
My first was Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (parade scene, you can’t see me), and one of my last was the ABC TV show Betrayal (as a juror, you can see me). I’m pursuing principal roles now, and you usually can’t audition for speaking roles on a film/show if you’ve been an extra on it.
I set the book in Chicago, where I live and the vast majority of projects I’ve worked on have filmed. And, since I’m over 40, I decided the heroine should be, too. I did my best to incorporate accurate details, but even in a city I know well, things change, such as beer prices at Cubs games.
A challenge was figuring out how much to incorporate that’s actually true, how much to base on truth and how much to create from scratch. Only my hairdresser knows for sure what the final blend is. Another challenge was finding the balance between making a day on set seem believable and real vs. overloading the reader with information. Finally, though I’ve been in scenes with and worked with many famous directors and stars, since it’s a novel and not a memoir, I wanted to be careful about how many I mention and for what purpose. Bonuses included not having to look up many words to see if they were in use at the time and not needing to double check historical details.
The sequel, coming later in 2018, is MY LIFE AS A STAR (romantic comedy). I had to do some research, because that hasn’t happened…yet?
MLaaE and MLaaS are about pursing your dreams because someday is now. What have you been wanting to do that you’ve put off, and how can you make room in your life for it?

After an unexpected divorce, Marla Goldberg yearns to believe “someday is now” and pursue her dream of being an actress in Chicago. But how can she quit her frustrating radio station account executive job when she’s only booking work as an extra?
When she dips her toes into the daunting dating pool, her first “date” wants to meet in a pet store parking lot. Other forays yield equally unfortunate results that make her friends laugh out loud. As she seeks a talent agent and speaking roles, it’s one step forward, one step back. When told to eat a muffin at a commercial audition, her mouth is so dry she can’t spit it out in time to say her line.
Dealing with overachiever siblings, judgmental parents and longing to make her dreams come true, she struggles to learn the hardest lesson of all: how to feel special when you’re not the star.
Brief excerpt from the middle of Chapter 1 when Marla is on a film set as an extra…
After another rehearsal, my hand and feet warmers have already failed and are bean bags weighing down my mittens and crowding my boots. How much more freezing can I take?
Adam Markham gets off his high canvas chair with the movie logo embroidered on the back in bright yellow and his name on the front and comes over to us.
My surprise is real, because usually the director talks to the assistant directors, or ADs, not extras. The second AD, or sometimes the first, passes on what we’re supposed to do. Almost everyone wears earphones and microphones, so you don’t always know who’s telling what to whom.
His furry hood covers most of his narrow face, but I glimpse light blue eyes as he looks at me.
My heart starts to race. A famous, award-winning director has noticed me. Will he pluck me from obscurity? Will I be upgraded to a slightly better role and higher pay, or will he even give me a line, a boon bestowed on rare occasion?
“I don’t like the way her scarf is blowing.” The director walks down the row of extras and borrows a dark green, fringed wool one from some guy. For a second the guy’s face perks up. I know he thinks he’s going to be moved to a better place in the shot, my place, but Adam, if I may be so bold, just wants his scarf. I put it on and a wardrobe person safety pins it to my coat.
“Rolling….” a voice calls.
“Rolling!” several people echo.
“Picture’s up.”
“Background action!”
Leaning over the wind machines as the train rolls by, I and the others brave icy blasts. My hair and the borrowed scarf blow straight up. The cold has pierced my coat and layers, so I’m shivering harder. I know my nose is bright red. The woman beside me jumps up and down.
We endure a few more takes.
Adam comes toward me again. My heart starts pounding again. Why an intelligent person such as myself gets nervous because a famous movie director approaches is beyond me, but I can’t seem to help it. I hope I’ll get to do something good and fear I did something wrong at the same time.
“Will you step out of the shot, please?” he asks.
Buy Links:
Amazon- Available in print, e-book and in Kindle Unlimited: https://www.amazon.com/My-Life-Extra-Ruth-Kaufman-ebook/dp/B06Y1XPVFL
Audio book (Ruth voiced the female characters and hired a colleague to voice the males)- https://www.amazon.com/My-Life-as-an-Extra/dp/B076FGKFQC
About Ruth
Ruth Kaufman is the author five novels including MY LIFE AS AN EXTRA (humorous women’s fiction) and the Wars of the Roses Brides trilogy (medievals), AT HIS COMMAND, FOLLOW YOUR HEART and THE BRIDE TOURNAMENT. Accolades include winner of 2016 Booksellers’ Best Historical and Best First Book and Romance Writers of America® Golden Heart® awards.
An actor and speaker with an M.S. and J.D, Ruth has had roles in independent feature films, web series, pilots, national TV commercials and hundreds of voiceover projects. She enjoys chocolate peanut butter milkshakes and singing in a symphony chorus.
Learn more or join Ruth online at:
Website: www.ruthkaufman.com
Acting website: www.ruthtalks.com
Twitter: @RuthKaufman https://twitter.com/RuthKaufman
Facebook: Ruth Kaufman Author & Actor https://www.facebook.com/ruthtalks
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7454412.Ruth_Kaufman
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Ruth-Kaufman/e/B00JH7Z40S
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ruth.kaufman
Tagged: contemporary romance, excerpt, Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Morgan Mandel -
Thursday, February 8th, 2018
The logo for the Rain City Tales includes a couple embracing under an umbrella for a reason. Except for three months out of the year when the sky is blue, the days and nights are warm, and the tourists are lulled into thinking Seattle is always beautiful, most of the year is a torrent of drizzle, wind, rain, and bone-chilling cold no amount of fleece can keep out. Not one-hundred percent of the days between late September and July 6th (seriously, like clockwork most years) is dismal. In fact, most of these days are schizophrenic. As I write this post, the sky is blue with fast moving puffy clouds. Only an hour earlier the dark and stormy day had been dumping rain. The storm clouds on the horizon are quickly approaching, pushed along by a chilly and constant wind.
I’m Yours starts out on just one of those blustery days. Toby Hayden battles the wind and the rain of downtown Seattle on his way to a job interview only to have a gust destroy his umbrella and soak his slacks. Meeting Merrick Hamilton, and his lucky handshake, definitely brightens Toby’s day. The weather doesn’t deter Toby and Merrick from a Valentine’s Day date. Merrick even declines a ride home, opting for the bus after getting rained out from their walk in the park. The storm raging at Toby’s work gives the weather a run for its money, and, unlike true Seattle weather, doesn’t appear to be abating. Though a Seattleite, Toby may not be able to weather this storm. It all depends on his former partner’s reappearance and whether the swirling chaos intensifies, or the controversy blows over and the sun comes out again.
The third installment of the Rain City Tales, I’m Yours, is now available for download on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo today!
Stay tuned for Rain City Tales Book 4: The Wedding Weekend, out in May 2018.

You can order the first Rain City Tales story, The Officer’s Siren, here, and the second story, Past Secrets Present Danger, here. Checkout Brent’s website for more details on upcoming books.
Surveying his suit, Toby Hayden frowned at the soaked slacks below the line of his pea coat. Hardly how he wanted to show up to an interview, but he didn’t have much choice. Though the job market had picked up, he hadn’t worked in two years. Each passing day made him less employable, and he was already starting at a disadvantage.
“Damn you, Mark,” he muttered. A cloud as dark and threatening as the ones in the sky descended on his mood and self-confidence.
The sidewalk lightened, and he marveled at the sudden change in the weather. Sunshine reflected off the glass, metal, and polished stone of the downtown skyscrapers. Fifteen minutes ago, a bone-chilling wind had blasted up the hill of University Street, sweeping a pelting rain sideways. Moments before the clouds parted, a strong gust ripped between the buildings and cracked the thin, metal arms of his umbrella. With a snap, the metal broke and punched a hole in the fabric covering. Now as the wind continued to whistle around the skyscrapers, blue sky promised at least a few minutes of respite from the February storm.
The new steel and glass building rose before him, and he did his best to shake off the excess water from his clothes. After depositing his wrecked umbrella into the trash can on the street corner and straightening his tie, he entered the lobby. A young man perched on a stool at the concierge desk — probably mid to late twenties and the most piercing ice-blue eyes — stared through a wavy lock of black hair. The badge on his grey suit jacket identified him as Merrick.
Their gazes locked, and Toby felt compelled by an immediate attraction to approach. Though he knew what floor his interview was on, he gave into the urge to speak to this young man. “Hi, I’m looking for Herrington, Fisher, and Scallione. Do you know what floor I need?”
Merrick’s face brightened into a professional smile. “Certainly, sir.” He stood, towering over Toby’s six-foot frame and sweeping his long arm toward the elevators. “Take the second bank to floor twenty, and it should be the third doorway along the hall on the left.”
“Great, uh, thanks.” Reluctant to leave, he lingered for a moment. “Are you having a good morning?”
The smile turned more genuine. “I am, thanks for asking. What brings you into the building today?”
“An interview. I’m pretty nervous.” He again glanced over his suit with a frown, though his mood had vastly improved being in the young man’s company. “And the wet pants won’t exactly give a good first impression.”
“My friends constantly tell me I’m the luckiest person they know.” Merrick stuck out his hand, a gleam in his blue eyes. “Maybe some will rub off.”
Deciding he didn’t have much to lose, Toby clasped the offered hand. Soft skin squeezed in a firm, but not competitive, grip. For an intense moment, all other sounds and movements disappeared in the bustling lobby. Toby’s focus narrowed to the contact between them and the deep blue gaze that held steady with his. Before releasing Merrick’s hand, he gave a quick squeeze. Their fingers drifted apart, and the sounds of the city returned. Both men slowly let their arms return to their sides.
Clearing his throat, Merrick, momentarily startled, resumed his seat. He quickly recovered his smile and gave a wink. “Up the elevator to twenty. You’ll do great. I’ll look forward to hearing how it went.”
Brent Archer began writing in 2011 at the nudging of his cousins. His first story sold, and he was hooked! Keep up with Brent Archer and his current releases at his website, and follow him on Twitter: @brentarcherwrit.
Tagged: contemporary romance, excerpt, Guest Blogger Posted in About books..., New Release | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Pansy Petal -
Monday, February 5th, 2018
Are you thinking about getting your first tattoo? Or planning a new one that’s your 10th? Picking a design can take a long time, and should at least take a lot of thought, as well as WHERE to place it.
While doing research for my book TATTOO WITCH, I visited a tattoo shop and spoke with an artist about design selection application and aftercare. I was in New Hope, PA with hubby and told him I needed to go into this tattoo shop. He was hesitant. “Are you getting one?”
“No, just need to ask some questions.” After explaining to the young woman at the desk that I was doing research for my new book, she disappeared behind a curtain. Moments later, a huge man appeared. He was about 6’ 4” with shoulder-length hair, a long beard and covered in tats. He strode up to me and asked, “Can I help you?”
My mouth moved but it took a few seconds before words came out. “I…I would like to…to ask you some questions for a book I’m writing.”
“Sure, come on back.” He turned and walked behind the curtain.
I glanced at hubby. “I’ll wait out here.”
“Great.” I followed the big guy to the back room.
The guy was very nice, and very knowledgeable. I was thoroughly impressed with the sterile technique (I’m a medical professional) and the talent of the artist himself (I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler).
Most of his clients choose a design from his gallery, on Pinterest or the internet. Occasionally, they draw or write their own design. He can personize a design, change the size, color or make other embellishments.
A tattoo is very personal, so what you chose and where you place it is a major decision. Do your research for the pros and cons about location. Many employers still consider visible tats against their dress code and may require that you cover them.
10 Most Common Places to Get a Tattoo
- Lower back
- Wrist/finger
- Foot
- Ankle
- Upper arm/shoulder
- Back/rib
- Forearm
- Chest
- Breast
- Neck
A Couple of Fun Tattoo Facts
- The first tattoo machine was invented in 1891 by Samuel O’Reilly based on Thomas Edison’s device called the electric pen invented in 1876.
- For those scared of needles: a tattoo machine will puncture the skin on average 50-3,000 times per minute.
- Obtaining a tattoo in New York City was illegal between 1961 and 1997 because of an outbreak of Hepatitis B.
Tattoo Witch

Find Tattoo Witch at:
Amazon | BN | KOBO | iBooks | Google
What if a tattoo had supernatural powers and could grant wishes? Cassandra is a witch who designs magical tattoos. Sam and Anita are struggling in their relationship and hope to reignite their lukewarm love life while on a beach vacation. They meet a mysterious, heavily tattooed couple who brag about the fiery passion and excitement in their lives and swear that Sam and Anita could have it too. They refer Sam and Anita to Sinful Designs, the cure for their troubled romance. Cassandra designs the tattoo to meet their needs. But she mixes in a little black magic, so there’s a catch. They get their wishes and more, but all tats comes with a curse. Their world is turned upside down, and there’s only one way to break the spell. Can their love survive the consequences, and strong enough to fight black magic? Steamy, suspenseful and romantic.
About Kathy Kulig
Kathy is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of erotic paranormal, contemporary, and suspense romance. She’s a science geek by day and escapes into her writer’s world at night. Kathy’s books are passionate, emotionally-charged and always have a happy ending. She loves to travel, work out, curl up with her Kindle, binge watch Netflix series and have dinners out with her amazing husband. She lives in Pennsylvania in a 100-year-old Victorian house with a garage built out of reject tombstones. Readers can find her:
Web site: https://www.kathykulig.com
Blog: https://www.BurntStilettos.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kathykuligauthor
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kathykulig
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1221829.Kathy_Kulig
Hot News Mailing List: https://smarturl.it/KathysHotNews
Tagged: Guest Blogger, paranormal, witch Posted in General | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Pansy Petal - Kathy Kulig - Delilah -
Sunday, February 4th, 2018
Heeelllllooooo. (think of Pooh, in a “blustery day”),
First and fore most thank you to Deliliah for letting me post here today!

I love writing, but I haven’t always done it. I’ve read since my sister moved in (she became my sister-in-law when I was 14, but my best friend when I was 10 and she was 17). She was always reading. Sometimes, the only thing I could do with her was to read the books she had just finished. This served me well in junior high where I could bury my nose in a book. Then the bully’s couldn’t faze me and would go away.
Since I had a tendency to read the same books as my sister, it meant I was reading romance novels. It also meant I started crafting my prince charming at an early age. Lucky me, I found him in a farmer just a few short years later. Did I mention I grew up a farmer’s daughter and said I’d never marry a farmer? Yeah, never say never. (That’s me rolling my eyes at my younger self.)
What does this have to do with my book? Well, while I grew up on a farm, my parents have degrees—mechanical engineering for my dad and computer programming for my mother. I didn’t just grow up on a farm, but I grew up on a farm and was raised to think I could do anything. Some would say this gets me into trouble, or at least means I have no free time, since I continually have a ton of things going on in my life.
But that’s allowed me to have all of this experience to pull from. Which is important, as the first time I tried writing a book, I was studying engineering and planning my wedding. I wrote a couple of chapters and chucked it. It was bad! Rose-colored glasses, anyone? Fast forward 15 years, and I had a lot under my belt. Large disappointments and making hard decisions that changed my life’s direction. All of that helped me look at things from new directions and write my first book.
I hope you’ll take an afternoon and get lost in Olivia, enjoying reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Jasper (Jen)

Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger Posted in General | Comments Off on Jasper Trey: Live experiences that lead to OLIVIA (The Harris Legacy Book 1) | Link
Friday, February 2nd, 2018
Take Note!
Leave me a comment. One lucky person will receive a copy of Quarterbacks Sneak, about a hot football player who knew how to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
When I first dipped my toes in writing I hadn’t a clue what I was doing. I finished my first manuscript and didn’t even know where to submit it or how. Thank the lord for SARA—San Antonio Romance Authors—where I met wonderful, lifelong friends who guided me through the bumps and bruises of the publishing world.
My first novel was contracted in 2005 under a different name, but I did not write my first erotic romance until more than a year later. If it had not been for Delilah Devlin, and my other friends at SARA, I might never have written. Why? Because Dee is the one who told me Ellora’s Cave had an open submission call for Valentine-themed Quickies—novellas 15K or less.
Well, that was certainly a challenge for me since I hadn’t a clue how to write that. But my late husband, who thought I could do anything in the world, suggested I buy a couple, read them and see if I felt I could do it. Well, I was never one to shrink from a challenge, so that’s what I did. And my first erotic romance was born. Imagine my shock when I received a contract for it!
But Ellora’s Cave began its slide into oblivion, and I was able to get the rights back for it. Celebrate!
And so February 13 Totally Bound will rerelease Cupid’s Shaft and I can’t wait. It ‘s a hot, fun story to keep you warm on Valentine’s Day. And what better place to tell you about it than here. On the blog, of the fabulous author who started it all for me.

A freezing winter’s night, a hot stranger and a sexy female with erotic plans. One hot Valentine’s Day coming right up.
When Jessie Rawlins’ boyfriend dumps her just before Valentine’s Day, she ends up by herself at her isolated cabin in Maine with all the trappings for the holiday—including a bag of kinky toys—and no one to celebrate with. Then a snow storm dumps gorgeous Riley Malone on her front porch. Running from a broken relationship himself as well as a business partnership gone bad, Riley thought his good luck had run out. Until fate—and Cupid—strands him at Jessie’s cabin.
What woman hasn’t fantasized about having a sexy, handsome stranger come out of nowhere and rock her world? When Riley shows up on her doorstep, frozen half to death, Jessie knows exactly how to warm him up. But will Riley want to play along with the games she’d planned for her Valentine’s celebration? A night of hot, erotic, sizzling sex answers that question. But what will happen when the day for lovers is over, the storm is gone and it’s time for him to be on his way? Will he take a piece of Jessie’s heart with him, or will Cupid’s arrow strike them both?
Riley Malone thought for sure he was having a heart attack. For one thing, he should be back in Florida where it was warm, not up here in the godforsaken wilds of Maine. But the fight with his business partner in the hotel in Boston had been the final straw in a rapidly disintegrating relationship. He’d offered to sell out his share and Curt had jumped at it. Good riddance. He could start another construction company. Building was going on in all fifty states.
Then, of course, there was Veronica the bitch. Too bad that she bought tickets for a Valentine cruise without telling him. When he told her he couldn’t get back in time to make it, she blistered the telephone line with a string of curses that would have made a longshoreman blush and hung up on him. Okay. Good riddance to her, too. He was tired of her selfish whining and demanding. And it would have been nice if just once in bed she’d asked him what he wanted. Veronica definitely was focused on her own pleasure, on her own terms, at times barely tolerating some of the things he wanted to do.
So he got in the damn SUV he’d rented at the airport and started driving. Just heading north. He had no idea how he even got where he was. And then the damn truck broke down in the middle of the damn snowstorm. Hiking to the only light he could see about killed him and the last thing he expected to see was a naked woman—a mouthwatering naked woman, with a slick, hairless pussy—pleasuring herself in front of a mirror.
He banged on the window again. If she didn’t open the door pretty soon, he’d freeze his damn balls off and then it wouldn’t matter who he went to bed with.
He watched her pull on a robe—too bad, she was an eyeful—and then pick up the fireplace poker. Jesus, was she going to brain him with it? As she walked slowly toward the door he stamped his feet and banged his hands together to stimulate circulation.
Finally the door creaked open and she eyed him through a narrow opening.
“What do you want?”
“For one thing I want to get out of this damn snowstorm before I turn into an ice statue. I promise not to rape or kill you if you just let me go stand in front of the fireplace.”
She frowned at him.
Come on, lady. Don’t take all day to make up your mind.
“A-All right. You can come in.” She opened the door wide enough for him to step inside.
“Thank you.” His throat felt frozen. “You’re an angel of mercy.” He pushed past her and planted himself immediately in front of the fireplace. Pulling off his jacket and gloves, he held his hands out to the warmth. “God, I was beginning to think I’d never get warm again.”
“What are you doing in this storm?” She kept her distance, still holding the poker.
“That’s a long, unpleasant story, which I won’t bore you with.”
“You have to be out of your mind to go out driving in weather like this, Mr…Mr…”
“Riley Morgan.” He glanced at her over his shoulder. “And I swear you can put the poker down. I’m too cold to do anything but shiver.”
Buy Links:
You can find me a lot of places and I love to visit with my readers:
Twitter @desireeholt
Pinterest: desiree02holt
Google: https://plus.google.com/113212301982441064210
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/desiree-holt-a7272526/
Signup for my newsletter: https://eepurl.com/ce7DeE
Follow me on BookBub:
Follow her on Amazon:
Book Lemur: https://www.booklemur.com/authors/desireeholt.html
Book + Main Bites: https://bookandmainbites.com/users/20900
Tagged: erotic romance, excerpt, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jana Leah - ronnie c - Tamara Kasyan - Misty Dawn - Debra Guyette -
Thursday, February 1st, 2018
UPDATE: The winner is Lisa B.!
* * * * *
Thank you, Delilah, for having me. Delilah is delightful to authors and runs an online critique group that’s pretty darn awesome. And today, she’s letting me take over her blog to talk about my upcoming release.
Forbidden Royal Links:
Amazon: https://hyperurl.co/i4oumu
Apple Books: https://hyperurl.co/z5dvet
Barnes and Noble: https://smarturl.it/qvk0ou
Google Play: https://smarturl.it/4uee6g
Kobo: https://smarturl.it/u9ujfj
I’m so excited. So, I decided to share all about Forbidden Royal, my new release this week and let you get to know the characters Amy and Lucio, the heroine and her handsome prince, where they meet and fall in love. These are questions I asked my characters BEFORE they re-met. Amy knew Lucio when she was a freshman in high school, but she didn’t dare talk to him then. So, these are their answers to some fun questions.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Amy: Living my life without parental pressure to be what they weren’t. I’d love to just get away, maybe sit on a beach, under an umbrella and do absolutely nothing for once. When I go to work, it’s often rainy or foggy. When I leave, it’s the same. I’d like to see the sun and breathe free air.
Lucio: To not have to get married before I turn 30. As a prince, I can do anything I want, but I can’t stop time.
What is your greatest fear?
Amy: That I’ll somehow transform into my mother or my sister and suddenly find myself caring about titles and bank accounts of a man I meet, instead of true issues, like politics, that can affect our lives.
Lucio: That I’ll get kicked out of my family because I refuse to marry a woman
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Amy: I always give in to my parents. I don’t know why or how, but they know how to apply the pressure and get me to do what they want. So I’m like their wind up toy still seeking affection when we all know I was the nerdy, backup to my sister’s perfection. I don’t know why this bothers me as an adult. I have a job. I pay my own bills. I shouldn’t care what my parents tell me anymore.
Lucio: That I hide myself, perhaps too much. The tell all book of complete trash writing was total fiction, but millions of people believe I could be that much of a jerk because I don’t open up to people.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Amy: I earn enough money at my job writing my reports to pay for my flat and I don’t have to ask anyone for any money, ever. I love the freedom!
Lucio: Completing my training with the CIA, Interpol and British Intelligence where I am able to help discover subterfuge and lies before enemies attack my parent’s country.
Which living person do you most admire?
Amy: Living. This is hard, but I’m going to say the Dalai Lama. He seems to peaceful and honorable and trustworthy. I wish my own head was half as calm as the man seems, and that I could help bring peace to the world simply from prayer.
Lucio: Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos I guess. I was born a prince so I never had to prove my worth, but men like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos get to create their own image and company and build who they are from the beginning. I absolutely admire that in American businessman.
What is your greatest extravagance?
Amy: Drinking wine out with my mates on a weeknight and not worrying I don’t have money. I mean I don’t drink every night or anything, but just being with my friends, in a nice restaurant, and that I can buy my own bottle of wine… this means life is pretty good.
Lucio: I suppose I should count but I’ve dated countless women and never had issues. Reports say I’ve dated over a 1000 women but that’s clearly a miscount. It wasn’t that high and most people lie because they want to be associated with a prince.
What is the quality you most like in a man/woman?
Amy: Honesty and being comfortable in their own skin.
Lucio: I’d say honesty as well. In a woman it would be almost refreshing.
What is your most treasured possession?
Amy: My collection of photographs. I’ve been printing and creating photo books since I was a teenager. It’s so much fun to go through old photos. Most people my age are all digital but I have my printed out pictures and albums that I like to pull out and see.
Lucio: My mind. I always try to keep up on science and breakthroughs so I can find something of use and value to help my country.
On what occasion do you lie?
Amy: To my parents on why I can’t come and visit them and that I’m happy to see my sister. The truth is I’d skip her wedding next year if I could, but that doesn’t make me sound very nice. Of course I’ll go, but I’ll do whatever I can to delay the inevitablility.
Lucio: I’ll do whatever I can to protect my country, including lie to get to the truth. I’ll infiltrate any organization and lie to really rout out the truth.
What do you most dislike about your appearance?
Amy: My thighs. I’m not heavy in most places but these thunder thighs actually jiggle if I’m not careful.
Lucio: I’m a guy. I go to the gym daily because I need to work out. I dislike being flabby and work hard to ensure I stay in the best possible shape I can.
And you can read the first three chapters of Forbidden Royal now! Please go to https://dl.bookfunnel.com/802j3fwjj9 (Book Funnel) or https://instafreebie.com/free/qGimq (Instafreebie).
Also I’m running a giveaway this week if you’re interested in winning pearls just like Amy wears in the book.
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