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Archive for 'Guest Blogger'
Sunday, December 10th, 2017
Thank you, Delilah, for inviting me to guest on your blog.
Writing PROJECT DETOUR was a study of work-life balance for me. I was (okay, am) Brad. I get up early and tend my author work, drive into town to work a day job, then come home and get some words on the page. On good days, I even get a work out. On others, dinner is kind of a catch as you can sort of deal.
Basically I’m saying I run myself to the edge. Over and over. So when I had a character who got that part of my life? I knew I had to rescue him from this madness. If only one of us can get out, at least I’ve helped. And maybe I’ll learn something in the process.
I’m sure some of you have the same problem. When you’re at work, you’re thinking about home. When you’re at home, you’re thinking about work. And sleep? Forget about it.
But like I said, I’ve been learning some lessons in this journey. The best piece of advice I can give you is what they tell us on airplanes. Put your oxygen mask on first. Get enough sleep. Workout consistently. Eat healthy. And take time to relax. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, it’s necessity.
My other piece of advice? Write everything down. I have a yearly, monthly, and weekly plan. I set goals at the weekly level to reach my yearly and monthly goals. Then, I schedule the activity in. If it’s not on my weekly list to get done? I’ve probably forgotten about it.
And one more idea? Schedule in fun time. It might be taking your kid to the carnival or walking your dog (which kills two birds as you’re getting exercise.) But get out of your head and your house often to laugh.
What about you? Are you a proud workaholic? ~Lynn

Book 3 of the Castle View series is FREE on Amazon only 12/10-11.
Get your copy fast.
Sometimes fate resets the work/life balance scales.
Brad Castle had a plan for his life. A plan that crashed when a car accident stole his ability to do even the most basic tasks. On the verge of watching his Castle View Winery fail, he finally agrees to his mom’s badgering of hiring her assistant to help him recuperate. Every day is a struggle, but he won’t let his business and everyone that depends on him down. Besides, he only needs her for six weeks.
Destiny Brooks has bigger problems than a golden-boy who always had everything he wanted. Problems that included busting through the roadblocks in her path to open St. Josephs’ first Physical Therapy business. Even with his mother’s constant matchmaking attempts, Destiny won’t lose herself for the sake of a relationship, not again.
Can Brad open himself up to the possibilities of a world beyond work before Destiny finishes her assignment and moves on?
Get your copy here!
About the Author
Lynn Collins is the romance pen name for New York Times bestselling mystery author, Lynn Cahoon. Lynn claims to be the unrecognized daughter of Barnabas (Dark Shadows) and says she grew up in a dark, dank castle on the moors, waiting to be rescued. Finally, as all good heroines do, she rescued herself and now writes about happily ever after’s in small town settings. Someday she hopes to write the next big gothic romance. She lives with her cat. Find out more at: www.lynncollinsauthor.com
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger Posted in Free Read, General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Colleen C. - Tara Brown -
Friday, December 8th, 2017
Hi Delilah’s readers!
I really appreciate Delilah letting me appropriate her blog for today, so let’s see if I can entertain y’all.
As you can see by the y’all, I’m from Texas. Born in Houston, raised all over. And by all over, I do mean all over. Norway, Egypt, Dubai, Honduras… Daddy was an engineer who designed offshore o’l rigs. Yes, o’l. It’s cute how some people actually pronounce that silent i in the middle. *gg*
I married the Air Force just to stay on the move, and I must say, it’s worked out pretty well. 23 years later, we’re still married, and we’re pretending to have settled down in the Midwest. Just for a little while.
Along the way, I’ve picked up a lot of odd ideas and ways of looking at the world. One of those ideas is actually something I remember from living in Norway. I’ve never enjoyed the cold, but Scandinavians seem to pull it off with style. They embrace not just the wintry weather outside, but the full coziness of life when they come in from the snow and ice.
In Denmark, there’s a specific word for it: “hygge.” Not higguh, not hoogah, but heugeh (sort of like a yew sound). However you say it, the concept of hygge is basically…coziness.
Turn off the glaring LED Christmas lights. Instead, light a fire and some candles. Wear your favorite cozy sweater, or pull a soft blanket over your lap. Close up the Kindle and read a paper book in your favorite chair, with a cup of real hot chocolate by your side.
That’s hyggelig.
It’s also hyggelig to go out and meet with friends at a cafe where the phones stay in everyone’s purses and pockets. To go out for a hike in the snowy woods, then come back for a little mulled cider and a board game.
Hygge is those moments of peace and contentment found both in your own company, and in the convivial company of friends and family.
It’s a Currier and Ives post card. It’s a Dickens happy ending. And it takes a little work to set up, but when you can finally sink into that comfort, it’s worth it.
Have a happy and hyggelig holiday!
And in the spirit of holiday reading, I should also mention that I was very happy to be able to participate in an anthology that just came out called MERRY & BRIGHT. Nine new stories that are set in the Nocturne Falls Universe, you’ll be charmed by these sweet, fun shorts that are just right for reading while you wait for your cocoa to cool.
My entry, Magic’s Frost…

Lonely werewolf Dima Samarin looks forward to watching his favorite winter elf every morning at the Hallowed Bean. He rescues her unfinished novel from the perils of spilled cocoa, and becomes her hero.
Elin Bergstrom’s day job is at Santa’s Workshop, but she secretly writes sci-fi novels on the side. She accepts Dima’s invitation to the Christmas Ball, but when their date gets derailed by a drug deal gone bad, this elf isn’t about to stay on her shelf.
Sometimes a werewolf can use a little helpful frost magic to win the day, and save their date.
You can pick up this ebook at:
Kindle: https://amzn.to/2y0CwVj
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/merry-bright-2
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/merry-bright-a-nocturne-falls-universe-christmas-anthology-kristen-painter/1127276448?ean=2940158594724
iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/book/merry-bright-a-christmas-anthology/id1299922038?ls=1&mt=11
It’s also available in print at
Tagged: anthology, Guest Blogger, paranormal, werewolf Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah -
Wednesday, December 6th, 2017
Merry Christmas, dear Delilah fans! The air is filled with the scent of sugar cookies warm from the oven. With a hint of cinnamon. Pine boughs and red ribbon line the mantel where a fire licks at the grate. Sparkling ornaments drape the fresh-cut evergreen that reaches the ceiling, its wide fragrant branches sheltering stacks of gaily wrapped gifts.
It’s the holiday vision, the perfect scene where Santa will stop briefly to drop magic into stockings. Loved ones will gather to smile, share delicious food, and part with tearful hugs. We believe it, expect it, and as adults try to recreate it for our children—and for ourselves.
There is nothing in the vision about bickering spouses, too much alcohol, or racking up credit card debt we can’t afford.
Sorry—but sometimes reality sucks. We’ve all experienced the let down when our expectations aren’t met. It’s not just others who sometimes don’t measure up—we often disappoint ourselves.
Well, I say it’s time to kick that whole sick set-up out of our lives. We’re grownups and we’re in charge. We know nothing is perfect. So why do we expect it?
A little child still lives inside us, never quite able to let go of those promises, not just for a perfect glowing Christmas.These fairy tales that we learned as a child sit deep in our hearts, murmuring at us in quiet moments about what we wanted and couldn’t have. If only…
As adults, each of us in our own style finds ways to comfort that little child in us. We hang up pretty sparkling lights, even if it’s just one strand over a doorway. One rainy cold Saturday, we bake cookies and take half of them to an ailing neighbor. We watch the sunset in late afternoon, its orange rays penetrating the windows, and think of other holiday seasons and congratulate ourselves that we’ve lived another year, that progress of some kind has been made, that life surely goes on no matter what.
We thank ourselves for our strength and courage. We acknowledge our frailty and suffering. We make promises to ourselves about one thing (or more) we can do better, what we can hope for, work for, and what we can care about.
It’s the biggest gift that money can’t buy—taking care of ourselves. Understanding. Acknowledging. Once we’ve clasped that warm fuzzy to our chest, we can open our arms to others who also suffer the human condition, who like us hold a dream that can never quite be fulfilled. Give it to yourself and then give it to others.
It’s in that spirit that I extend these stories to you. Share them with friends. They’re free at Smashwords or 99¢ at Amazon.
A Taste of Love: Yuletide in Roman Camp (Caerwin of Britannia series)

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/759904 no coupon needed
A cruel wind blows across the midwinter lands of Northern Britain, flapping Senna’s cloak as she hurries inside the praetorium on the heels of the blustering Tutonius, legion cook and dear friend. In Rome, Saturnalia would last a week and include a day of relaxation for all the slaves. But, she sadly acknowledges, this is not Rome but a miserable outpost on the westernmost boundary of Roman-occupied Britannia.
Senna does her best to relieve some of her friend’s staggering workload as he prepares the holiday meal. The governor of all Britain will feast here tonight along with officers of three legions. Hurrying outside the fortress to the sprawling campgrounds of refugees, camp followers, and traders of all kinds, Senna shops for last-minute gifts for her enslaved Briton mistress Caerwin and food supplies Tutonius must have.
Upon her return to the kitchen, Senna blushes as Teutonius shares a moment of personal pleasure.
His Only Love – Novelette in the Caerwin of Britannia series (Gay Erotica)

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/759899 no coupon needed
As Saturnalia dawns and Rome’s Legio XIV Gemina prepares for the midwinter celebration despite their station on the far western border of Britannia, Greek slave Antius faces the disaster he set in motion involving his beloved master and legion commander, Marcellus. He takes refuge with his young lover even as an intimate betrayal unfolds between trusted friends.
Christmas Hideaway

An Erotic Contemporary Romance Short Story
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/685194 Use coupon code VC59V
Coupon good thru Dec 25
Caryn hadn’t expected a snow storm when she hid away in a remote cabin to lick her wounds. She also hadn’t expected an overbearing park ranger to confront her. But the snow kept falling and the temperature kept dropping, trapping her at his cabin. What could possibly go wrong?
Holiday Journey

An Erotic Contemporary Romance Short Story
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/675289 Use coupon code EC65A
Coupon good thru Dec 25
Flight delays, bad weather—what’s not to loath about holiday travel? Except this time there’s a man daring Giselle to do something she never imagined, something that exceeds her wildest fantasies. Is the temptation worth the risk?
About the Author
Please – if you enjoy these stories, lend a friendly hand and post a review—a few words helps other readers. Meanwhile, I’ll be up here in my home office staring out the window at the Ozarks woods, watching the wind in the trees and listening to my hound dogs bark at the deer. Voices will whisper in my ears as my hands move over the keyboard, and I’ll be thinking of you, dear reader, as I channel more stories onto the page. It’s a hell of a life, but somebody’s got to do it.
Tagged: Christmas, erotic romance, Guest Blogger, historical, roman Posted in Free Read, General | Comments Off on Lizzie Ashworth: The little child inside us… (FREE READS!) | Link
Thursday, November 30th, 2017
Writing a Stocking Stuffer
When I was asked to write a holiday short for my publisher’s Stocking Stuffer series, I was a bit flummoxed. Most of the holiday shorts I had read were romantic bits of fantasy, usually revolving around a wedding or having a wish for true love granted. Since I write short stories and flash fiction about lawyers in love, with a dash of kink, I struggled to find a holiday connection.
I found it in football. Admittedly, I am a football fanatic. I was born and will die a Packers fan. I am a proud armchair quarterback who is planted in front of the TV for every game. And football is played during the holiday season, right? Often on the holidays themselves. So I had the elements of a story: Lawyers, football, romance. Now I just had to work that into a credible story. But something was missing. I needed a thread to weave it all together. So I pondered and I waited, and then I pondered some more.
One day, as I was scrolling through the news online, a story about the NFL’s concussion protocol caught my eye. And suddenly, I had my story. How about a romance between a lawyer and a football player? No make that a football player with a concussion. Better yet, a football player who was a part-time law student who was forced to make a choice–between football and the law, and yes, between football and a woman?
The story that evolved focused on the risks football players take while entertaining millions. Sure the rewards—the money, the adulation and fame—are great. But multiple concussions have been proven to have a long-term impact and it’s a negative one. And for a lawyer, that impact could effectively destroy a career before it even got off the ground. That’s the dilemma that faces NFL running back Tim Wheezer Douglas. While on leave from the game, recovering from his second concussion, he meets young lawyer Laura Adler and falls in love. Suddenly, the decisions he must make take on even greater weight.
I am going to stop there, because I don’t want to reveal the end of the story. Suffice to say that falling in love changes your outlook on a lot of things, especially your future and the path you choose to get there. I do hope you enjoy my holiday short story, A Touchdown To Remember, coming December 7 from eXtasy Books.
Best wishes for a joyful holiday season!
A Touchdown To Remember

It takes more than a hard knock on the head to keep running back Tim Wheezer Douglas down. When life pelts him with the proverbial lemon—a career-threatening concussion—he simply runs the other way, right into the arms of litigator Laura Adler.
When a second concussion sidelines Milwaukee Greyhound running back Tim Douglas, the rest of his life continues full-speed ahead. A some-time law student, Tim is faced with a classic Catch 22: Whether to continue to play football and risk a third and possibly life-altering concussion or quit the game altogether to pursue a career as a sports agent. He loves the game, but his priorities change when he meets Laura Adler, a sassy, sexy young attorney and rabid Greys fan. Their sizzling romp of a romance turns serious and Laura demands that he make a decision about football before she accepts his marriage proposal. Will Tim choose football or the law, and what role will Laura play in his future?
When the band played its last song, Laura and Tim stopped dancing and Tim kissed her forehead, leaning into her. “Not sure where we are headed from here, babe, but I am quite sure we are going somewhere.” He smiled at her, his eyes lit with what appeared to be lust. “I think I’m falling…”
Laura interrupted him. “Tim, I really don’t have time for a relationship and neither do you. You’re right in the middle of the season. And I don’t do one-nighters.”
Tim pulled Laura toward him and settled his lips over hers. His kiss was gentle at first, then became more urgent. He cupped her chin and pulled her more firmly against him, his tongue probing, then dancing in her mouth.
As Laura was pulled into the passionate kiss, she felt her resistance melting away. Her loins were heating and her heart was pounding. I want this man, naked and primed to please. Wait. No way. I am not going there. Abruptly, she pulled away.
Still holding her in his arms, Tim studied her. “You don’t wait until the time is right for relationships, Laura. You make the time when the right relationship presents itself. I am willing to make time for you. Are you willing to make time for me?”
Available December 7 from www.extasybooks.com and all major booksellers.
About Seelie Kay
Seelie Kay writes about lawyers in love, with a dash of kink.
The writer, editor, and author has more than 30 years of experience in law, journalism, marketing, and public relations. Writing under a nom de plume, Ms. Kay’s wicked pen and overly inquisitive mind has resulted in six works of fiction, five of which are scheduled for release in 2017, including Kinky Briefs (2/24), Kinky Briefs, Too (6/2), The Garage Dweller (7/8), Kinky Briefs, Thrice (9/8), and a to-be-published holiday short, A Touchdown to Remember. This year, Kay also contributed to a romance anthology, Pieces of Us (11/24), which was released by The Nu Romantics. Kinky Briefs, Quatro will be released early next year.
When not spinning her kinky tales, Ms. Kay ghostwrites nonfiction for lawyers and other professionals. She has also written for such publications as the Minneapolis Star, Kenosha News, Twin Cities Magazine, Virginia Lawyers Weekly, Illinois Legal Times, Wisconsin Opinions and the Wisconsin Law Journal.
A graduate of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, and St. Louis University School of Law, Ms. Kay also attended Northwestern University. She has been admitted to the bar in Wisconsin and Missouri.
Ms. Kay resides in a bucolic exurb outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she shares a home with her son and enjoys opera, gourmet cooking, organic gardening, and an occasional bottle of red wine.
She is an MS warrior and ruthlessly battles the disease on a daily basis. Her message to those diagnosed with MS: Never give up. You define MS, it does not define you!
Twitter: @SeelieKay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seelie.kay.77
Tagged: Christmas, contemporary romance, Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah -
Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
First, I want to thank Delilah for giving me an opportunity to be guest blogger on her blog. My first book, Charm Him, Disarm Him was published in November 2015. I didn’t originally write “spanking romance.” My pitch at the Writer’s Digest conference in July 2015 was overheard by the representative for Blushing Books. She approached me, requested my manuscript, then offered me a contract. They suggested I add a spanking scene, which I did, but it was only a couple of sentences. Since then, I have found I enjoy writing it. Because ‘tis the season, I want to share a Christmas anthology I am proud to be a part of which you can pre-order now for only $.99. It releases on December 7, 2017.

Mischief Under the Mistletoe: Fourteen fierce festive stories in one AMAZING anthology extravaganza, fresh from international and number one bestselling authors alongside hot new talent!
Editor’s Note: These delightfully naughty Christmas spanking stories feature scorching romance and BDSM. Some involve age play, all involve spanking. There’s also a bit of LGBT+, some magic, and a drunken incident with a photocopier. If this isn’t your scene, it might be better to find a nice book about knitting lamp shades, instead.
My story, Rebecca the Red-Bottomed Reindeer is included with stories from these wonderful authors.
Featured authors:
Maren Smith, Amelia Smarts, Allysa Hart, Delia Grace, Shelly Douglas, Gracie Malling, Joelle Casteel, Brandy Golden, Kelly Dawson, Sheri Lynn, Jaye Elise, Kathryn R. Blake, Molly Alvarado and Katie Douglas
Pre-order your copy here!

I will share the blurb and an excerpt from my story.
Sheri Lynn, Rebecca the Red-Bottomed Reindeer
No one was supposed to find out Rebecca is stripping for extra Christmas cash, especially her older brother’s best friend she crushed on hard for years. When Jake discovers her secret, he takes matters into his own hands, literally. She receives a trip over his knees and an offer she won’t refuse.
Losing her balance, her knee slammed into the stage and her torso followed. Planting her palms in front of her, she lifted her shoulders and breasts realizing she landed right smack in front of a customer. The lights played havoc with her vision. Not that it surprised her to have a man ogling her breasts, but she felt the intensity in his stare. Raising her eyes, she glimpsed a furor in his eyes before he became enveloped in darkness again. Looking down she noticed her necklace she never took off rotated from behind her neck and under her hair. Her brother gave it to her and this man focused on it.
She figured it cost a fair amount, Australian Opals, a unique, lovely piece, but not something anyone might take note of the way this man fixated on it. It meant more to her because it came from her brother. He bought it years before he met his wife, April. Back when he and his hot best friend, Jake took impromptu road trips. This he picked up in Santa Fe. Before she had time to react to her revelation, fingers clamped down over her upper arms. He dragged her off the stage. Kicking her legs, her feet, she searched for anything to halt this onslaught. He had a tight grip on her which gave him the ability to keep her upper body from crashing with the table he vacated. Her lower half didn’t fare as well. Her left knee plopped on the table causing the table to rock and flip to its side. This rotated her body smashing her to the floor on her right thigh.
It didn’t end there. Their eyes met for a second. Long enough for her to understand this wasn’t over. Bending toward her, his left arm encircled her waist hauling her up from the dirty concrete floor. Her feet dangled in front of him, her doe-tailed butt in the air. Even with the music blaring, it didn’t mute the crack of the first thwack against her bare flesh. She yelped unable to fathom he spanked her, a hard spanking, and in public. He got a few more strikes in before the bouncers arrived.
Finding herself on her hands and knees, she looked up in time to see him receive a punch in the jaw. “No! Don’t hurt him!” she screamed as they forced him out of the building. By the time she found the ability to stand, she ran out to find him, but didn’t see him anywhere. Her knees shook and she found it difficult to breathe. Leaning forward she rested her hands on her upper thighs. Jake. When was the last time she saw him before him tonight? When she was in high school and he came over to the house for Thanksgiving? Would he tell her brother that he saw her here? She never expected anyone to find out. With Jose’s Jewels being an hour and half from her hometown, she thought she could keep it a secret.
About Sheri Lynn
I grew up an Army brat, so my childhood involved moving every three years. However, truly a southern gal, I currently reside in Alabama with my husband, two Chihuahuas, two Golden Retrievers, a mean cat, turtle, and a teenage daughter. I have two sons, who live on their own, and a stepson and stepdaughter.
Romance novels have always been my first reading choice. I’m a hopeless romantic, and that trait materializes in every aspect of my life. “Wearing your heart on your sleeve” has been a common phrase repeatedly heard throughout my life. Writing romance and happily ever afters comes naturally.
Whether a result of my childhood, or not, I love to travel. Warm weather and beautiful beaches are always my choice destination.
Please connect with me to keep up with all my upcoming releases along with news about other great authors.
my newsletter link – https://eepurl.com/cWoyZ5

Tagged: BDSM, Christmas, Guest Blogger, kink Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 -
Monday, November 27th, 2017
Thank you so much for the opportunity to guest on your blog, Delilah!
When I originally signed up for a guest spot, I had a vague idea of what I was going to write about. Something having to do with the book I’m working on, the life of being a romance author/editor, even the joys (that sometimes aren’t always so joyous) of being a mother. But then I sat down to write my post in the middle of a writing day with two of my author friends and completely BLANKED.
So, I asked my trusty writing partner what I should do (because she’s basically the other half of my brain) and she told me that it’d be a great idea to write about having two different pen names.
Since I started in the book world, I’ve been known by three names: MamaKitty, Paige, and Rhyann. MamaKitty started out as a book reviewer who secretly wrote books on her downtime. Sadly, I closed MamaKitty Reviews down in 2012 to focus on writing and editing full-time. When I submitted my first book for publication, my previous critique partner suggested the name Paige Prince as my nom de plume. It wasn’t until several years later that I realized that when spoken aloud, it sounds like I’m saying “Page Prints…” which is actually kind of hilarious, since it was a total accident.
As Paige, I write Sizzling Southern Romance. Erotic romance (usually) set somewhere in the South. I haven’t stuck to one subgenre, since I love so many different aspects of the romance world. I’ve written contemporary, adventure, paranormal, and medical romance. I’m currently working on my first M/M romance, set in the culinary world. You probably wouldn’t want to see my Works-in-Progress folder, since it spans basically every subgenre available. Well, most of them.
Back in 2013, I started writing secretly as Rhyann Harris. I was writing erotic romance in a subgenre that wasn’t as widely accepted as it’s become (taboo/stepsibling romance), and I wanted to keep the two identities separate from each other.
But being two different people is exhausting (three, if you count my real name), so I dropped the veil of secrecy and admitted that Paige and Rhyann were the same person.
And it’s been freeing, in a way. I don’t have to constantly tell people that I’m writing on a “secret project” that never seems to see the light of day. I can say instead, “I’m writing an erotica for my Rhyann name and it’s about [insert plot here],” instead.
My business cards are now two-sided. I have two bookshelves on my website. But I’m still just one author, writing words and creating sexy worlds for all to enjoy.
As Paige, I’m currently working on revamping a story I wrote for a box set and preparing to release it in January. It centers around a medical center my writing partner and I have created (which will be a series!) set in my hometown of Houston, Texas. As Rhyann, I’m working on a series revolving around the lives of a Marine and his stepsister, who finally give into their feelings for each other after he comes home on leave.
If you like spicy romance, you’ll love them both.

Katherine “Katie” Molloy is in trouble. She desperately needs continuing education credits to maintain her professional license, but the only class available within the timeframe allotted is several states away. The most catastrophic computer failure to hit the airline industry in history has grounded every single flight leaving Houston for days and by the time all flights are rescheduled, the conference will be over.
Dr. Vincent Bauer comes to Katie’s rescue when he offers to drive them both to the conference, since he was scheduled to attend, as well. Unfortunately, his brand new car breaks down more than a hundred miles from their destination, stranding them in Lucasville, Kentucky.
Just as things begin to heat up between the radiology department manager and the good doctor, strange things begin to happen, causing them to think the break down might not have been so coincidental, after all. Can they get the car fixed and get out of town before they’re permanently Detoured?
About the Author
Paige Prince is the alter ego of Rhyann Harris, erotic romance author, editor, drinker of coffee, and binger of Netflix. She lives in a small suburb of Houston, Texas with her daughter Emma and her lab/pit mix Westley.
Website: https://authorpaigeprince.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorpaigeprince
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/paige_prince
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/paigeprince511
Tumblr: https://rhyannharris.tumblr.com (NSFW)
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger Posted in General | Comments Off on Paige Prince: Detoured | Link
Sunday, November 26th, 2017
Thanksgiving has passed. Black Friday is done with. Now it’s on to Christmas. Hooray! When it comes to this holiday, I’m like Scrooge after that fretful night. Unlike other holidays, Christmas changes everything and everyone around you. Luckily, I live in New York City and to me, that is when the city truly comes alive. The Rockefeller Christmas tree, the Saks Fifth Avenue windows are festive with holiday decorations that will have you smashing your face against the frosty windows and the city streets shining with Christmas lights that wrap around anything standing. The whole city transforms into a wonderland that makes the cold disappear and the city’s energy pulsates in a way that it can do only during the holidays.
Sure everyone is checking their list and trying to find the perfect gift within their budget but to me, Christmas is more than the presents. In my opinion, I think we all love bringing joy to the world. I love seeing the rush of joy spread across someone’s face and feel as if for even the briefest of moments, their ills or hurts have vanished. Joy to the world is the theme of the season.
In some ways, that is why I write. Books and writing have always brought me a soul-deep happiness that lingers well after I have put down the pen or closed the book. That magically feeling is something I wish to share with others. To have them experience the joy. My books may not solve the world problems but if for a time, I can help someone forget their pain, laugh or just have an escape then I am the happiest I can be.

Her hand in marriage could secure peace.
Lady Ailsa Cameron has slept through a few masses. She isn’t the most patient of souls. However, the gentle lass never did anything wicked enough for her father, Laird Cameron to demand she wed Black Duncan, the Laird of Clan MacLean.
The leader of the Spartans of the North, Duncan MacLean inspires many gruesome tales in the majestic highlands and beyond. Duncan accepts Laird Cameron’s offer of his daughter’s hand in marriage to war against their shared enemy, Clan MacKinnon. Wed to the ravishing woman, he aches to possess her even as he vows never to lower his defenses, again.
Can past enemies become lovers?
Read an Excerpt of The Marriage Alliance
Scottish Highlands, 1256
Surely, Ailsa Cameron never managed anything in her score of a lifetime so wicked to deserve this cruel punishment. She never took the life of another. Admittedly, she dozed through a few masses in her lifetime. Others were guilty of such sin and never punished so harshly. Maybe, it was the many times she took the Lord’s name in vain. That vile curse hadn’t passed her lips for some time, not since her last penance forbade her from speaking for a sennight. She had remained silent until the noon meal but her guilt still lingered. Even that did not warrant her wedding the dreaded Duncan MacLean.
Nay, she journeyed along the stone-littered tract to the MacLean fortress because of men and one in particular, her father—Laird Cameron. His fierce desire to merge with the Spartans of the North appointed Ailsa the maiden sacrifice to appease the ferocious dragon. Who was the dragon—her father or her husband-to-be?
Either way, Saint Peter would throw open the pearly gates for her since she behaved as the dutiful daughter, pledging the rest of her days to Laird MacLean.
Not that she had many days to live.
To read a longer excerpt of The Marriage Alliance, stop by my website, MageelaTroche.com
Available only at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Marriage-Alliance-Mageela-Troche-ebook/dp/B072N3G575/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1510781618&sr=1-1&keywords=mageela+troche
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