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Cecilia Dominic: Meet Edward Bailey, the hero of Eros Element
Monday, May 1st, 2017

Thank you so much for having me today, Delilah! I often have other authors send their characters to my couch for interviews, so I decided to do one today for Edward Bailey, the hero of Eros Element, the novel that I’m re-releasing today. It was originally published by Samhain Publishing in 2015. I’ve often wanted to sit and talk to Edward, or try to, so I decided to write a vignette rather than doing an interview.

Let’s pretend it’s 1870 in the alternate Aether Psychics universe, and I’m in a little university town in England. Across the pond the Civil War has raged on for almost ten years, and coal supplies are running short. Several scientists have unsuccessfully attempted to harness the power of the mysterious substance aether.

I’ve just made tea and am about to sit down with the latest journal to see what those crazy neuroticists – doctors who study and treat those with disorders of the mind – in Vienna have been up to when I hear a commotion in the waiting room.

“But he doesn’t have an appointment,” my office manager says, “and the doctor is busy.”

“It doesn’t matter, this is an emergency,” says a male voice. A deep, resonant male voice I recognize as belonging to Johann Bledsoe, the concertmaster for our town’s orchestra. His confidence – and the escapades it leads him into – are legendary, so I wonder what he could want with a neuroticist.

I hear another male voice, this one more of a tenor, “That’s all right, Johann. There’s nothing wrong with me.”

Bledsoe argues, “You’re about to head on an expedition to god knows where, and you still time your water closet trips to the minute – I apologize, Miss. You know that’s not going to work.”

Intrigued, I emerge. “I’ll see the young man.” They both turn to me. The one in question matches Bledsoe in height, although his build is more slender, and he has the beginnings of the shoulder slump seen in academics. His dark hair contrasts with Bledsoe’s blond locks, and his face is more narrow, although his eyes look familiar. Ah, the cornflower blue eyes the Bailey family is known for. This must be Edward, the brilliant younger brother of the Duke.

“Hello,” I say. “I’m Doctor Dominic. What can I do for you?”

“Oh,” Bledsoe says. “I’d heard Doctor Dominic was a man.” I can see the hesitation at my appearance warring with the concern for his friend in his eyes.

“You may be thinking of my father.” And then I try a gamble to see if I can engage Professor Bailey. “He is a scientist of some renown. People often assume it’s he when they hear the professional title.”

“Right,” Bledsoe says. He’s gripping Professor Bailey’s arm. “Come, Edward, let’s go talk to the nice doctor.”

They follow me to my office and both sit on the couch once I settle in my chair. Bledsoe leans back, one ankle across the other knee, and the professor sits rigidly.

I fold my hands in my lap. “Tell me what brings you here today.”

“I don’t know why I’m here,” Professor Bailey says. “I haven’t had any problems since seven years ago, when I decided to order my life according to scientific principles.”

“Can you give me an example?” I ask, hoping he won’t tell me about bathroom habits.

“Yes, I can.” He jerks his head at his friend as if to say, so there. “I keep a strict schedule. I eat the same things at the same time every day, and, well, it works.”

“I see. And your routine is about to be disrupted.”

“Yes,” Bledsoe says, leaning out of his relaxed posture. “We’re going on an expedition. I can’t tell you any more details, but Professor Bailey’s preferences will not be accommodated.”

“What prompted you to adopt these principles to your life?” I ask the professor.

He turns to his friend with a sigh. “Do I really have to go through this?”

“Yes, if you want to prove to her you’re as sane as you claim.”

“Fine,” the professor huffs. “A woman mistook me for my brother, and when she found out I’m the spare, not the heir, she dumped me.”

“Do you still have feelings for this woman?”

“No. But the incident demonstrated how people are messy and unpredictable, so I make the rest of my life neat and orderly.”

Obviously this is the only time I’ll see him, so I dispense some advice, although I typically prefer to wait until later sessions to do so.

“But as you’ve seen, life isn’t always going to cooperate with your efforts to make it orderly. I would recommend you face what you fear the most. And if that’s having your heart broken, then you may want to start with talking to women.”

I suspect he won’t have much of a chance to do so on an expedition, but his friend claps him on the back.

“Oh, this will be perfect, Edward. You can chat up that nice archaeologist Iris McTavish.”

I raise my eyebrows at the notion of a female archaeologist and mentally applaud her accomplishment at breaking through the male barriers of academia.

The professor stands. “You’re both being ridiculous. She’s so…”

“Pretty?” Bledsoe asks and rises, as do I.

“You leave her alone,” the professor says. “She’s not one of your actresses.”

I turn my head to hide my amusement. The professor may already be further on his way to attraction to this Iris McTavish than he realizes.

We say our goodbyes, and I assure Maestro Bledsoe that it will all work out. But as they leave, I have a little chill down my spine, like that of foreboding, and I suspect their adventure will not be as safe and orderly as the professor would like.

About Eros Element

The scientific method:  Love doesn’t obey it. Secrets skew the results.

After a dishonest woman broke his heart, renowned aetherist Edward Bailey buried the pieces under a strict routine built on solid, scientific predictability. Any deviation doesn’t just bother him—it short circuits his carefully cultivated balance.

A routine faculty meeting unexpectedly presents a twin challenge to his comfort zone. Not only does the beautiful Iris McTavish appear in her famous archeologist father’s place, Edward is forced to accompany her on an undercover expedition to find an element that will harness the power of aether.

Iris is determined to prove her worth as a scholar and scientist, and save the financially ruined house of McTavish without accepting an unwanted marriage proposal. But keeping her secret is difficult when she’s faced with Edward’s compelling gaze and unrelenting logic.

Amid clockwork spy devices, threats from a mysterious society who’ll stop at nothing to conceal their secrets, and plots from a guild bent on stealing them, Edward and Iris’s attraction sparks and gains momentum. But betrayal awaits them on the road from Paris to Rome—and the revolutionary discovery they seek could grind their hearts to pieces.

Warning: Contains a brilliant professor with a white-knuckle case of anxiety, a woman with an ahead-of-her-time spirit of adventure, real and made-up history, and a Grand Tour that serves up murder plots and secret temples along with wine, tea, and cream puffs. You may wish to pack your shovel along with your silks.

Grab your copy for 99 cents – this re-release sale is only for a limited time.

Google Play:

About Cecilia

Author Cecilia Dominic, became a clinical psychologist because she’s fascinated by people and their stories, but she couldn’t stop making stuff up. By day, she helps people cure their insomnia in her private practice. By night, she writes fiction that keeps her readers turning pages past bedtime. Yes, she recognizes the conflict of interest between her two careers, but she prefers to be called versatile, not conflicted. Cecilia has been published in short and novel-length fiction as well as full-length nonfiction, and currently writes steampunk, urban fantasy, and chick lit. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with one husband and two cats, which, she’s been told, is a good number of each.

You can find her at:
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Anita Philmar: A Little History of Cattle Drives
Sunday, April 30th, 2017

During the late 1800’s, cowboys drove millions of cattle to the railroad towns of Abilene, Dodge City, Wichita, and Newton. A long trip, men were out on the trail for twelve to sixteen weeks, covering over a thousand miles to get the herd to market. In Texas, this process usually started in February with the ranchers branding all their cattle. Then they would decide on which ones to sell. With over a thousand heads, a team of maybe fifteen men handled the herd on the trail.

These men faced all types of hardships: sickness, Indians, bad weather, and hours on end in the saddle. The trail boss took the lead and scouted ahead for water, grass, and places to bed down for the night. The cattle strung out in a long line. Two men would ride at the front of the line, keeping the lead cows pointed in the direction they wanted them to go. Several other cowboys would ride intermittently along the long trail. These flank riders kept the cattle moving. At the end of the line were the rear riders, making sure no animal strayed from the herd. These men ate the dust of the group.

After a long cattle drive to Abilene, Trent McCall just wants to unwind. But in his absence, his father’s been making wedding plans…for Trent. The last thing he needs is a spoiled and pampered socialite for a wife. What he needs is a hard drink and a willing woman. An uncomplicated woman who understands a man’s need for release after a hard ride. Good thing he’s got one waiting for him.

Four years back East haven’t changed Catherine Turnberry’s mind. Her heart is set on neighboring rancher, Trent McCall. When an end-of-the-trail party threatens to put him in the arms of another woman, Catherine grabs the bull by the horns. Taking the place of the whore hired to pleasure Trent, she intends to give him a welcome he’ll never forget and show him what Texas passion is all about.

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Exclusive Excerpt…

“It’s too hot for a fire,” Catherine groaned at the wooden walls and ignored the book on her lap. A light breeze from the cracks in the window’s shutters caressed her neck and blew under the collar of her cotton robe. Her gaze darted to the bed in the corner. A worn quilt she’d allowed to air out all day covered the sagging mattress. Clean sheets lay underneath the spread.

Should she turn down the covers to make the bed look more appealing? Or would he care more about what she had on?

She ran her hand along her ribcage and pictured the black corset under her robe. The tight fit hugged her waist and lifted her breasts. She shifted in the rocker, and the soft fabric of her favorite pink bloomers caressed her legs. Butterflies danced in her stomach. Could she really go through with this?

And what was taking Ray so long?

Did Tom forget to tell him?

The sound of hoof hitting the hard ground outside awoke her nerves.

Could that be Ray or someone else?

The thud of boots hitting the porch pulled the breath from her lungs. The latch clicked and the door opened. A large man filled the doorway.

Four years hadn’t changed Ray’s tall muscular frame. Wide shoulders, beefy arms, narrow hips, and a flat stomach, he stood like a Viking ready to do battle. Heat, with a touch of fear, filled her body at the thought of him lying over her. She drew in a hurried breath and closed her book before standing.

“Well, now, did you think I’d ever arrive?” He shut the door and tossed his hat onto the table by the door. Dark curly hair circled his head and his dark brown eyes met hers.

About the Author

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night she wants her readers to see the world in a new way. Influenced by sci-fi programs, she likes to develop places where anything can happen and where erotic moments come to life in a great read.

Naughty or Nice? Read her books and decide.

Visit her at and save 20% on her books.

Meg Benjamin: Brewing Love
Friday, April 28th, 2017

When you think of a romantic dinner, beer probably isn’t on the table. I guess it’s the legacy of years of “Budweiser Bros” commercials where beer is linked with man caves and The Big Game. So why did I decide to write a romantic trilogy about a brewery? Well, living in Colorado—aka, Craft Beer Central—has taught me a few things about beer.

First of all, if your idea of beer is a lukewarm can of Bud Light, you’ve got a whole world of delights awaiting you, from the rich decadence of chocolate stout to the crisp citrus of a summer saison. There’s something for every taste. As a beer aficionado once told me, “People who say they don’t like beer just haven’t tasted the right beer yet.”

But more importantly, beer wasn’t always a male thing. Until beer production was commercialized, women were the primary brewers in most societies. A good housewife could brew beer just like she could bake bread, and the same grain might be used for both. The ancient Sumerians even had a beer goddess, Ninkasi.

My heroine, Bec Dempsey, is a part of that tradition. She’s a talented brew master with her own brewery, Antero Brewing. But the brewery has fallen on hard times, and Bec needs to get back on her feet again. She’s got one asset to bargain with—a barrel of her legendary imperial stout. And she’s got a potential buyer—Denver gastropub owner Wyatt Montgomery. The only thing standing in her way is this crazy attraction between the two of them. But she can deal with that. Right?

He brought his mouth to hers, breathing in her slight gasp of surprise, his hands dropping to her shoulders. For a moment they stood joined, her hands pressing against his chest, and then her mouth opened beneath his and his tongue darted in to taste. Sweet, so sweet. But something else too, like salted caramel, sweet and savory and unexpected. He moved closer, sliding a hand down her back, and heard her purr of arousal as her arms went around his neck. He cupped her ass, tight with muscle, and his pulse beat hard.

What he’d been wanting all night. What he’d been wanting longer than that if he was honest. Touching, tasting, moving. Yes, yes, yes.

Or not. Bec stepped back, eyes wide, lips slightly open as she gasped in a breath. “No,” she whispered. “This can’t… We can’t… I can’t do this.”

“You can’t?” He narrowed his eyes. It seemed to him they not only could, they should. As soon as possible.

She shook her head, looking a little like a frightened child. “No. No, we can’t. I mean we’re working together. We can’t…do this. It’s not a good idea for people who work together to get involved. It causes all kinds of problems.”

Wyatt paused, letting his pulse slow down. He had a feeling she was on the verge of either rethinking her decision or telling him to get lost. He’d rather it wasn’t the latter. “Okay,” he said slowly. “We can think about it.” God only knew he’d be thinking about it, probably for the rest of the night.

Love On Tap is available now on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.

N.J. Walters: Family Relationships
Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Nothing can make us as crazy as family can. I’m not talking about your spouse or significant other, but the people you grew up surrounded by—parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. They know us so well. They know all the buttons to push to make us laugh or to make us scream. Sometimes they make us cry and other times they’re there to console us when we cry. They’re the people we share holidays and accomplishments with, that help create the fabric of our life.

I think that no family relation is as potentially volatile as the bond of siblings. Love them or hate them, they make us who we are. I have a sister who is less than two years older than me. Surprisingly, we were close growing up, maybe because we were such total opposites. We never borrowed each other’s clothes. If she loved something, there is a  99% chance I hated it. She was a night owl and I’m a morning person. Still, in spite of our differences, or maybe because of them, we grew up spending a lot of our time together as sisters and friends. I also have a much younger brother. Our relationship has evolved over the years. When he was younger, I had more of a parental role in his life. Now that we’re both older, we’ve become great friends and enjoy spending time together.

Family relationships play a big role in my Blood of the Drakon series. There are four brothers, each different in their own way, but alike in others. But the fact that remains is there isn’t anything they won’t do to protect the other. Their enemies are about to find that out in Drakon’s Prey.

Drakon’s Prey
Blood of the Drakon, Book 2

Valeriya Azarov turned her back on the family business to write and illustrate children’s books. But with a sister who leads the Knights of the Dragon, it’s impossible to get away from the secret society whose mission is to destroy and enslave dragons. When information falls into her hands along with the opportunity to save at least one of the ancient creatures, she can’t turn away any longer.

When a woman moves into the cabin above Tarrant Cooper’s secret underground lair, he’s both suspicious and intrigued. He hasn’t lasted four thousand years being careless, so when he suspects her of being a part of the Knights, the plan is to kidnap her and find out how much the organization knows about him and his brothers.

He’s drawn to Valeriya, but trusting her could get him killed. Even if she’s a pawn in the war between drakons and Knights, giving her his heart would mean forever.

Buy Links:
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About the Author

N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.

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Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

Short fiction is fun to write and a good way for authors to experiment with romance subgenres. Though my published stories are typically contemporary romances, I like to write the occasional paranormal, also set in the contemporary world. In Her Immortal Viking, a warrior cast into eternal servitude by an angry god returns to earth in the modern world to help a woman in need. Lip Service features an overprotective ghostly aunt who stands in the way of true love. My new release, Kisses From Lillith, is a steamy vampire short story and my third paranormal romance.

Though much of the action in Kisses From Lillith takes place inside a cave as old as the earth, what happens there is…well, you’ll have to read the story to find out. And I hope you will! For only 99 cents and an hour of your time, you can immerse yourself in paranormal entertainment with a twist.


A sizzling short story with bite…

When Hunter receives an invitation for a group tour of an ancient cave to celebrate his cousin’s birthday, he and his girlfriend Rosa unwittingly attend a party…with unusual refreshments.

“Wow! For a short story, this was a long, thrilling ride.” 5 Stars! ~Will Work For Books

“Kisses From Lillith…has everything you want in a paranormal romance. I found myself on the edge of my seat. Adele Downs…has a way of bringing a story to life…she always leaves you wanting more.” 5 Stars! ~Girl With Pen

Buy The Book for .99!
Nook, Tolino, Page Foundary, Scribd, 24 Symbols

About the Author

Adele Downs is the best-selling, award-winning author of more than 20 romance titles, including those written under another pen name, and a former journalist with hundreds of articles to her credit. When not writing in her home office in rural Pennsylvania, she can be found reading a book on the nearest beach, taking photographs, or riding in her convertible.

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Heather Long: Ghost Wolf (Free Read)
Monday, April 24th, 2017

Thank you Delilah for letting me come hang out today! I can’t tell you how excited I am to present Julian’s book, Ghost Wolf, for your enjoyment. Every journey begins somewhere. We met our first Enforcer, Margo, way back in Wolf Bite, when I first introduced you to Mason, Alexis and the Wolves of Willow Bend.

Margo was a tough character, and I was thrilled to explore her story in Rogue Wolf, which was the 4th book in the series. During Margo’s book, we met even more characters including the enigmatic and somewhat brutal “boss” Chief Enforcer Julian.  From the moment he was first mentioned, he captivated my imagination.

When he arrived in the flesh, late in the book, I have to confess to having chills. I wanted to know everything about him. Some facts, became clear immediately while others unfolded over time. It would take me three more books before I began to fully grasp the depth of just who Julian was and by then, I knew I had a longer journey to peel back the layers of his tale.

Here we are. Over the last several books we’ve discovered many things about the Wolves of Willow Bend. We’ve discovered what makes them strong, what challenges them, and what threatens to break them all. We’ve journeyed to every pack in the U.S. We’ve met their Alphas, their healers, and the mates who changed their lives and the world around them.

I can honestly say that Ghost Wolf, while the culmination of the journey we began way back in Wolf Bite, is not the end—but a brand new beginning.

Please accept my invitation to join me and discover Julian’s truth, the world he knows and the answer to so many questions.

I can’t wait to hear what you think!  If you’re new to me or to Willow Bend, please pick up a copy of Wolf at Law, it’s the prequel to the series and free just for you!

Before I forget, I will be at #RT17 in Atlanta. Here’s my schedule! Please don’t hesitate to find me and say hi!

Wolves of Willow Bend
 Ghost Wolf

Most Lone Wolves have a story—a pack they left behind, a love they lost, or worse, one they buried. Some leave their packs to roam because they crave freedom, and independence. Some leave because, in their hearts, they can’t bear to stay. Some leave because they see no way to go back…

Packs attacked. Humans forced to turn. Enforcers murdered. Following near miss assassination attempts on several prominent wolves, the packs are furious—out for blood and ready for war. Julian has been juggling the conflict without a real target for months. They always seem to be just one step behind the volchitsa, and even the wolves they’ve captured can’t tell them enough. With the fate of the packs resting squarely on his shoulders, Julian, the Chief Enforcer, will swallow his pride and seek out the one wolf he knows can help them all. She’s the only one who seems to know all the players and who can think like them. If anyone can find the Volchitsa, it’s the ghost he’s hunted for decades.

Dallas Dalton has lived on the run so long, she doesn’t really remember any other way of life. For an all too brief time, she had her daughter with her and the feeling of family until Julian got to too close once again. The damn wolf wouldn’t leave her be, no matter how much she’d sacrificed for him. Seeing him in Russia had been both a blessing and a curse, because no matter what she did, she couldn’t get him out of her system. Then he asked her for help…

Side-by-side, the Enforcer and the Rogue will have to work together to deal with the Volchitsa once and for all, but can they keep from killing each other in the process?

Find excerpt for Heather Long’s Ghost Wolf below.

Focus on Willow Bend

Series Reading Order:
Wolf at Law (Prequel)
Book 1: Wolf Bite
Book 2: Caged Wolf
Book 3: Wolf Claim
Book 3.5: Wolf Next Door
Book 4: Rogue Wolf
Book 5: Bayou Wolf
Book 6: Untamed Wolf
Book 6.5: Wolf with Benefits
Book 7: River Wolf
Book 7.5: Single, Wicked Wolf
Book 8: Desert Wolf
Book 9: Snow Wolf
Book 9.5: Wolf on Board
Book 9.75: Holly Jolly Wolf
Book 10: Shadow Wolf
Book 10.5: His Moonstruck Wolf
Book 11:  Ghost Wolf
Book 12: Ghost Wolf

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author, Heather Long, likes long walks in the park, science fiction, superheroes, Marines, and men who aren’t douche bags. Her books are filled with heroes and heroines tangled in romance as hot as Texas summertime. From paranormal historical westerns to contemporary military romance, Heather might switch genres, but one thing is true in all of her stories—her characters drive the books. When she’s not wrangling her menagerie of animals, she devotes her time to family and friends she considers family. She believes if you like your heroes so real you could lick the grit off their chest, and your heroines so likable, you’re sure you’ve been friends with women just like them, you’ll enjoy her worlds as much as she does.

Contact Details:

Excerpt of Ghost Wolf by Heather Long

“Miss Dalton, there’s a procedure to these things…a custom.”

“Of course there is,” she replied, whirling to walk backwards and look at him. “There’s protocol to every interaction we have. Boring, staid, mired in way too many years of history because some overactive dominants need to have their asses kissed.”

“Are you finished?” He halted, and though his expression didn’t change, she knew she’d reached the end of the little path so she stopped, too. They were a safe distance from the pier and alone with the rocks and the sea.

Tilting her head, she considered whether she was done. “No,” she said after waiting a beat. “I think it’s important to establish where we both stand. You bark orders to total strangers and think it’s okay. I don’t listen to orders from people I don’t know, much less respect, and I definitely never kiss an ass.”

Folding his arms, Julian released a sigh. Impatience seemed to thread through his posture. Satisfied she’d found a chink in his armor, Dallas smiled.

“There, I’m done. We understand each other.”

The wolf shook his head slowly. “You are a piece of work, Dalton.”

“Maybe, but I bet you think I’m groovy now…” The tease elicited the first hint of a smile on his stone cool face.

The man had a gorgeous smile, and her tummy did a little flip. Would he play with her?

“You are something,” he said, conceding, and she resisted the urge to cheer. “Now, you’re going to listen to me or I’ll put your smart mouth on a bus back to New York with a note to your pack to keep you caged until you learn some manners.”

Dammit. So much for playing. “Boring,” she sighed. “Fine, do your worst. Give me the lecture.”

There should be a rule about stone cold foxes being stone cold meanies. Folding her arms, she met him glare for glare.

“How the hell did they let you out of your pack?”

“Because no one can keep me where I don’t want to be.” Not anymore.

It would be her mantra. She was free.

She planned to stay that way.

Mary E. Thompson: A Piece Of Me
Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

Thank you so much, Delilah, for having me as your guest today! I’m thrilled to be here!

Every book takes a part of the author who’s writing it. It’s been almost four years since I wrote my first book, but each story has taken a piece of me. Whether it’s a fictionalized version of something I went through or a name of someone I know or a chunk of my own personality, every book has taken something from me.

When I first had the idea for my series, Big & Beautiful, I talked to a friend about it. She loved it! Told me to write it immediately. I started working on it right away, but life got in the way and it was almost two years after I wrote the first word to when I published the first of the books in the series.

Now, with the eleventh book available, I’m so happy I took her advice.

Olivia, the heroine in Curvaceous & Captivating, took the biggest piece of me. Olivia is a single mom struggling to keep her entire life from crashing around her. Laundry is a constant. Homework is a fight. And being alone sucks.

I’m not a single mom, but I feel everything she felt. My husband works ridiculous hours at times, leaves long before the kids and I get up, and misses almost every event at school. I know how lucky I am to be able to do all the things I do with our kids, and that many parents don’t get the same opportunities. My husband is one of those parents, and occasionally, for very short periods of time, I get glimpses into what life would be like as a single mom.

I put every single one of those glimpses into Olivia’s world.

Then added a sexy, alpha who won’t let her push him away because she doesn’t have time.

Grab a glass of ice water because these two definitely get HOT!

Excerpt from Curvaceous & Captivating

My head spun as his words sunk in. I felt like a jerk for accusing him of sleeping with his assistant when she was just being a good friend, or employee. It was sweet of her to protect him.

But wait, he didn’t date?

“Why are you here if you don’t date? I’m not going to sleep with you.”

That sexy, sinful smile was back. “Maybe not tonight, Olivia, but you will eventually. I saw the way you were staring at me when I walked in today. And the way you’ve been looking at me all night. You want me as much as I want you. And we both know you know how badly I want you.”

He punctuated his statement with an arm around my back and a rough tug that plastered me even tighter to his body. I could feel him. Him, him. It was digging into my stomach and turning me on.

I couldn’t even think of the last time I’d had sex. I didn’t need it. It had been so long that I no longer had the desire.

Until Ethan.

I leaned into him, aching for the kiss I knew was coming. His hand cupped my jaw. His thumb tugged at my lower lip. His breath fanned on my face.

“Do you want me, Olivia?”

“Yes,” I breathed, my pulse racing. My panties were soaked through and my nipples were struggling to break free. I needed to feel him. To kiss him. To touch him. To have him touch me. I ached at the idea of him filling me.

“Good,” he said with a smirk.

Then moved back to the other side of the island.

What. The. Heck!

He only has to resist one Curvaceous woman. Too bad she’s the only one he finds Captivating

Single mom, Olivia Humphrey is always overwhelmed. The laundry reaches the ceiling some days, dishes fill the sink, and the trash always makes her gag. But she doesn’t have time to worry about any of that. She has a job to do, two of them, and as the mayor’s assistant and a mother, she has to suck it up and get the job done.

Even if it means dealing with Winterville’s newest irritating man.

Ethan Norwood has bad news written all over him. From the dangerous glint in his eyes to the tattoos that cover his body to the power he holds as the biggest sponsor for Winterville’s Easter Egg Hunt. Olivia knows she absolutely has to stay away from him, not only because he warned her to but because she doesn’t need a man like him in her life. Too bad she doesn’t seem to be able to say no to him.

When Ethan and Olivia are forced to work together, it’s a battle of strength to find out who can resist longer. Or if either of them will.

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About Mary

Mary E. Thompson grew up loving to read, like a good little girl. Many nights she would fall asleep with the flashlight still turned on as she hid under the covers trying to finish the last few pages of a book. As an adult, the light from her ereader means she doesn’t need a flashlight, but she still stays up way too late to finish a book.

When Mary’s not reading, she’s playing with her two kids or living out her own real life romance novel with her hubby. She has a weakness for chocolate, especially when it’s paired with peanut butter, and has been known to have a bad day just because there’s no chocolate in the house. Unless there’s wine. Then everything is okay.

Mary grew up in Buffalo, New York and swears she’s the only local to never ski or snowboard. Soccer was always her sport, with a couple of adventures white water rafting and skydiving to keep things interesting. Mary moved to South Carolina for college but missed Buffalo every day. Yeah, she thinks she’s crazy, too. She somehow convinced her South Carolina born and bred hubby to return to Buffalo to raise their kids and live out their lives. He’s still not sure what he was thinking.

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