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Jeanne St. James: Men in Uniform
Friday, November 25th, 2016

I always say that there is nothing like a man in uniform – I’m sure most ladies agree. One Memorial Day weekend when I was in New York City, it was “Fleet Week.” Amidst the crowds of people, who stood out the most? The men wearing sharp looking military uniforms. I think the reason why I like men in uniform so much is they appear to be “squared away.” Whether military or law enforcement, their uniforms are usually pressed and depending what they are doing, they may wear medals, etc.

The point of being “squared away” is to intimidate and to impress, to draw respect from the public. For example, a person is going to respect a police officer more if his appearance is neat: his duty belt polished, his uniform pressed, his hair trimmed neatly, his badge and/or nametag straight. It’s truly an officer safety issue.

By the way, I have the utmost respect for the men and women who serve our country either here on home soil or overseas, be it military or law enforcement. They truly help keep our great nation safe.

On a more personal note, I have both my AA and my BS in Criminal Justice, I used to be an emergency dispatcher, and also have law enforcement training. In addition, my significant other has been a in law enforcement for 24 years, and is currently a Captain. So my life revolves around police.

If you can tell, I love all aspects of law enforcement. I love to write stories about law enforcement males because they’re usually Alpha. And I love Alpha men, how about you?

So far, my contemporary erotic romances include Alpha males in two types of uniforms: law enforcement and football.

The Rip Cord trilogy (football) m/m erotic romance:

jsj_ripcord_coverlg  jsjripcord_theeverafter_coverlg

Rip Cord: The Reunion & The Weekend (book 1 & 2) *ARe Bestseller & Staff Pick
Rip Cord: The Ever After (book 3)

The Brothers in Blue trilogy (police) m/f erotic romance:


Brothers in Blue: Max (book 1)
Brothers in Blue: Marc – Coming soon (book 2)
Brothers in Blue: Matt – Coming soon (book 3)

The Dare Ménage Series (football) m/m/f interracial ménage erotic romance:


Double Dare  – *ARe Bestseller
Daring Proposal – Releasing 1/3/17
Dare to be Three – Coming Soon
Banged Up (FBI) m/f erotic romance – *LSB Bestseller

About the Author

jsjbangedupJEANNE ST. JAMES is an erotic romance author who loves an Alpha male (or two). She was only 13 when she started writing since it gave her an escape from teenage angst! Her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.

She has a few new releases coming up in 2016 and 2017. So keep an eye on her website at or sign up for her newsletter:

Author Links:

Amazon Author Page:

Mia Hopkins: Interview with Cover Model Angelina Cavanaugh
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Howdy, Delilah fans!

Today I’m so happy to share with you the cover of my latest release, COWBOY RISING, available now.

Syneca Featherstone creates all the gorgeous covers for my cowboy books and uses different combinations of stock images to get the characters and mood of each book just right.

True story…when I posted this cover to my Facebook page a few days ago, an author friend recognized one of my cover models! By way of introduction, she tagged us both. I’ve never met a model from one of my books (super duper cool) so I asked Angelina if she would do an interview.  She said yes!

Everyone, meet Angelina Cavanaugh…

mhcavanaughTell us how you got into the cover modeling business.
In the summer of 2013, I was contacted by a local photographer who thought I’d be great for cover modeling. Turns out she was right! We met and instantly hit it off. I’ve never looked back. Taria Reed has been a great friend and a talented woman. We love pushing our creative limits together. 🙂 Check her out for digital artwork, covers, and custom shoots!

Do you get much notice when you’re going to be on a cover or where you’ll turn up?
I usually don’t get much notice when I’m going to be on a cover or making an appearance. It’s really challenging as a female cover model to get recognized, but hey, I’m all about growth! I’ll make appearances and attend conferences whenever I can. The attention is always a blessing when it comes.

Is it weird being the face of a character you’ve never met?
It isn’t weird for me to be the face of a character that I’ve never met. As an avid reader, I’ve spent my whole life imagining myself as characters in books. Being able to see my face on the front of those books just makes it even more of an adventure. It’s amazing. It’s always fun to read a character that I’m portraying and say to myself, “Wow, I am nothing like that,” or “Hey, that is totally me!”

What can I tell you about Georgia and Daniel in COWBOY RISING?
Don’t tell me anything about the characters. I kind of like the element of surprise!

You have a very striking look. What sort of books and characters do you usually get picked for?
To be very honest, I don’t get picked specifically for one kind of book or another more often than any others. However, interracial romance is a big thing and there aren’t a lot of options as far as models go when it comes to custom stock. So I do have to say I have an abundance of interracial romance covers. But I love when I get to dress up in historical costumes or take on a fantasy heroine. Playing dress up is awesome. It gets me into character!

Anything else you’d like romance fans to know about you?
I’m just a simple fun-loving person trying to build a life. I have a regular job. I love my friends and family, and I’m passionate about music and art.

How can authors get in touch with you?
I’m available for private shoots and appearances. You can follow my daily adventures on Facebook or Instagram @angelina3186. For now, Facebook is the preferred way to reach me.

Thanks for chatting with us, Angelina!

Thank you so much! 🙂



Feisty reporter vs. gruff cowboy—buckle up for a hard ride.

Journalist Georgia Meyers is writing an article about MacKinnon Ranch in a last-ditch effort to save her job at a failing newspaper. At first, the hot-as-hell rancher wants nothing to do with her. But butting heads leads to knocking boots, and soon she’s getting the real story—in bed and off the record. Cattleman’s son and petroleum engineer Daniel MacKinnon turned down a lucrative oil career to take over the family farm. Frustrated about giving up his dreams and worried about money, Daniel buries himself in ranch work—that is, until gorgeous Georgia shows up and rocks him to the core. A blazing one-night stand leads to something deeper. Despite their feelings for each other, he’s tied to the land and she’s a rolling stone. When the time comes to part ways, will the lovers choose duty over desire? Or will they face their fears and rise to the challenge of love? Get ready for sassy banter, sizzling sex, orgasms galore, and a nerdy dirty-talkin’ cowboy who can go all night long.

Amazon | Goodreads


Award-winning author Mia Hopkins writes lush romances starring fun, sexy characters who love to get down and dirty. She’s a sucker for working class heroes, brainy heroines and wisecracking best friends. She lives in the heart of Los Angeles with her roguish husband and two waggish dogs.

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Min Edwards: My first Thanksgiving on the wild Maine shore
Sunday, November 20th, 2016

I left my beloved hill country in Texas on July 31, 2011 in a 28-feet-long U-Haul trailer, my son driving. It took us five days, a flat tire on a lonely road in Pennsylvania, and me glued to the GPS on my iPad in abject fear. But we had a home waiting for us, a 200-year-old farmhouse on the far eastern shore of Maine that I’d owned since 1974, and then left in the care of my son’s father in 1981.

When last I’d seen this structure, it was lovely. A fully functioning kitchen (but no oven and I can’t remember why that was), a big bathroom on the first floor, two wood stoves for heat. But that had been 30 years ago. Driving into the dirt driveway on a late afternoon the first week of August, 2011, I found to my dismay the house was kitchen-less… in fact, the part of the house where the kitchen used to reside was gone, there were no walls in several rooms and the upstairs master bedroom’s ceiling was on the verge of falling in. The downstairs bath was new because…the floor caved in a couple months before while my son was attempting some renovations. He’d flown up early to see to the livability of the house… Obviously, it did not pass muster. But I was already committed. My perfect home in the Texas Hill Country was rented and my friends had said their goodbyes. So, my son fixed what he could and hoped I wouldn’t faint when I saw the rest.

The first night we left the U-Haul in the driveway untouched, borrowed air mattresses and went out to eat at a local restaurant. I’d think about my kitchen-less plight after a meal and a full night’s sleep. But damn, it was August and it was cold… and I could hear critters scuffling everywhere.

Well, life went on, and before we knew it, it was coming up Thanksgiving, and I still had no kitchen, although I had commandeered my old dining room as a makeshift one. I bought a fridge, a microwave, and there were boxes scattered around that I was sure contained pots and pans and casserole dishes. I’d set up my prized eight-feet-long antique Chinese Butcher’s table as a kitchen counter and purchased a two-burner hot plate and an electric skillet. That was my cooking area. Imagine how delighted I was the day I opened one of those boxes and found my crockpot! I was Martha Stewart and could conquer anything.

But perhaps not a Thanksgiving turkey. While my son looked on sadly because he was fond of my big holiday meals, I had no clue how I would solve this current stumbling block. But because I’m a stalwart stubborn pioneer woman…and was embarrassed to tell any of my friends back in Texas my plight, I took a deep breath, pulled out all my cookbooks and found a recipe for turkey breast in a crock pot.

Of course, I had to find a turkey breast. We’re more than a hundred miles from a Whole Foods, and Costco is completely absent in Maine. Our local market, not a supermarket by any means, had lots of huge frozen turkeys, but nary a turkey breast. The hunt began. Finally, a few days before the day, I found them…two lovely little breasts. I was so proud.

When the day came, I sat the electric skillet on one end of the antique butcher’s table, the two-burner hot plate in the middle and the crock pot at the other end and blessed my son that he’d had the foresight to find a master electrician to re-wire the house. First, I seasoned the breasts and placed them carefully in the electric skillet to brown, and thank goodness I’d remembered to thaw them. There had been years in the past when I’d forgotten that step…but we won’t go there right now. When they were nice and golden, I plopped those birds into the crockpot. I’ve got to tell you, my crock pot wasn’t that big so it took a little maneuvering to get those hunks of meat to fit. Turkey breasts are not chicken breasts!  Then I began prepping the other parts of the meal.

I’ve never worked so hard to make a meal for two people as I did that day. But in the late afternoon as the light went out of the sky and snow began falling, my son and I sat down to one of the best Thanksgiving feasts I’d ever made. That day was the first time I didn’t think about my home in Austin. Maine was my home now. I could make due without a formal kitchen…for a while. And I did, until December of the next year when I got a brand-new kitchen with all the bells and whistles just a few days before Christmas. But the Thanksgiving of 2012, still kitchen-less but with new cabinets already installed, was spent at a friend’s home around a huge table seating 20…and I didn’t have to cook at all…the best kind of holiday dinner. And was I thankful!

What’s been the most memorable Thanksgiving for you? Forgot to thaw the turkey? Forgot to turn on the oven? The dogs ate it while it was cooling? The stories of cooking for the holidays are endless. Let me hear yours!

Happy Reading, ya’ll!

From a Texas transplant to the cold coast of Maine

Min Edwards

Precious Stone



A gift of thanks to a young girl from the Tsar more than 100 years ago… and now the Russians want it back.

Collee McCullough has a perfect life until early one morning men in suits come calling. She has something precious someone dangerous wants. Something that her great-grandmother Natasha took when she fled Russian in 1913. Too bad Buka never told anyone what she had or where she left it.

Jake Elsmore, visiting Stone Bay to sell his mother’s house, walks into The Bakery for a cup of Earl Grey tea, but gets more. There she is. Stepping out from behind the Chief of Police, a lovely, fiery haired fairy toting a shotgun while two men lay insensate on the floor of her shop. Looks like that tea will have to wait.

Get your copy here!

About the Author

Min Edwards is the pen name of Pam Headrick, owner of A Thirsty Mind Book Design. She holds advanced degrees in Anthropology with a focus on archaeology and geography as well as geology and art. She’s published five novels in two series: Stone Bay Contemporary Romance and High Tide Romantic Suspense. And in 2017, she has on her schedule two novels in her new co-authored archaeological series, as well as an historical, Natasha, a prequel to Precious Stone, her last novel in the High Tide Suspense series.

You can visit with her or contact her on her website at or her business site at Her Amazon Author’s page lists her current titles published in digital and print format, Stone Bay, Stone Cold, Stone Heart, Stone Fall and Precious Stone.

You can also find her on her blog and on social media:

Twitter @ MEdwards Author
Facebook @ Author Min Edwards
Facebook @ TalonArcheo
Goodreads @ Author Min Edwards
Pinterest @ Min Edwards

Jennifer Kacey: Thankful (Giveaway)
Friday, November 18th, 2016

Yowza! It’s been a super crazy month. Lots of ups and downs. Lots of people being judgmental and hateful. So let’s turn all of that around and talk about things we’re thankful for. And I have a giveaway with a twist!!

I’ll start!

I’m thankful for waking up today. Doesn’t matter if it’s sunny or rainy, warm or cold. I’m lucky enough to be writing this and I don’t take that for granted. Ever.

I’m thankful for my awesome miniman, my family, work family and friends. Each and every one of them delights me. So thankful for them all.

My boyfriend. Just….damn. *bouncy*

I’m thankful I get to write dirty books. The dirtier the better. That I get to write what I want, how I want and people read them? So awesome!

I’m thankful for holidays, and special holiday food, and presents and PIE!!!

So now I want to hear what you’re thankful for but let’s make it people specific! Specifically a person you’re thankful for and why. And the goodies listed below won’t be for you, it’ll be for the person you’re nominating for neato book stuff! And kinky buttons.

**GIVEAWAY – US ONLY** – Look at all the awesomeness they could win!! So fill me in on someone you are incredibly thankful for and why and leave me a way to get in touch with you so if you win I can ship their stuff to them!!!


PS – This giveaway is open to US residents only. Good Luck!!!

Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey



About the Author

jk10178312_10203571568597727_1797997400_nJennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Website Newsletter The Decadent DivasAmazon Page
Facebook Facebook Author PageTwitter Goodreads Pinterest

Augustina Van Hoven: Cooking Up a Story
Thursday, November 17th, 2016

I love making soup.  Creating the broth from scratch, chopping all the vegetables, adding the meat, and seeing the look on my families faces when they come home and the house is filled with the tempting aroma.

My favorite soup is an old family recipe from Holland called “Groente Soup” or Dutch Vegetable Soup.  It takes a while to make but is well worth the effort.

The approach I used for the books in the Rose Series is much the same to making the soup.  The foundation of any soup is the broth.  For Dutch Vegetable Soup the broth is made by boiling soup bones and stew meat in water then let it simmer for four hours in a crock pot.  When the soup is finished, strain the fat, bones and meat from the liquid.

The foundation for the Rose series is the world of politics.  I know many people are tired of politics.  Our recent national election dominated the news cycle for the last eighteen months.  But politics is important.  The decisions made by the people who hold office affect our daily lives in many ways.  The result of an election has consequences whether it is for the President of the United States or the local water board.  My series takes place in the Idaho State Legislature.

The next step in the soup recipe is to add the meat and vegetables.  I add one cut up a head of cauliflower, five chopped up stalks of celery, five chopped up carrots, two chopped leeks (white parts only), and a pound of hamburger rolled into one inch balls.  I usually make this in a crock pot so I put it on high for two hours.

In the Rose Series, the ingredients are the characters.  In each book I have a new hero and heroine but the other characters continue through all three books.  Each character has his or her goals, roadblocks and baggage.  Some have higher political aspirations, others want power, and some are working for the common good.

To thicken the soup, I switch the crock pot to low and add a package of vermicelli broken into pieces.  To spice up the soup, add two beef bouillon cubes and chopped up fresh parsley to taste.  Cook for another two hours on low.

To thicken the plot of the Rose series, I have added the ghosts from the eighteen hundreds and the race to be the first governor when Idaho achieved statehood.  The spice of the series is the overall arc with supernatural beings trying to influence the outcome of events and the lives of the characters for their own agendas.

The Rose Series concludes this December with the third and final book, The Bloom of a Rose.

I hope you enjoy the soup and the books.

Augustina Van Hoven
Proving Love is Strange
THE BLOOM OF A ROSE – Coming in December
Twitter:  @augustinavhoven
Pinterest: Augustina Van Hoven, Author




In 1882, Rose Van Buren loved the wrong man and paid for it with her life. Now, more than a century later, the angel Gabriel has granted her another shot at living. In exchange, she must convince a smart, handsome, up-and-coming lawyer to set aside his lofty ambitions.


Stephen Winship is headed straight for the governor’s chair. He has a brilliant career, solid allies, and a seemingly perfect girlfriend. But night after night he finds himself dreaming of a heavenly beauty, a luminous but long-dead girl. Like some altered Ghost of Christmas Past, she shows him her own tragic tale in order to “save him.” And he’s beginning to see Rose is risking her heart as much as baring her soul. Yet falling for her will cost him everything—and open him up to a happiness he never imagined.

Get your copy here!


avhTheThornOfARoseFINAL1400 (2)

We are all chess pieces on a board … in a game played by supernatural forces.


Newly elected state senator Ashley Halliday is over her failed engagement and ready to help make Idaho a better place to live and work. She has no time for romance … until she and Richard, a handsome state representative, take their friendship to a new level. But then there’s John, an aide to the governor of Idaho. Both hold power … but only one is a good man. The other is on a mission to destroy lives. Will she learn the truth in time to save lives and keep her friends safe from dark influences?

Sports bar owner and state representative Richard Fowler is happy for his best friend Stephen and his bride, Rose. He knows their secret–Rose came back from the dead to save Stephen from his lofty ambitions. Richard himself has no time for any supernatural goings-on or for romance, not with his work to save state education funding. Until he sees the vibrant Senator Halliday through new eyes, that is. But to win Ashley, he must keep her safe from a rival who wants her for darker reasons.


A villain has returned from the dead, summoned by a demon, and given another chance to do what he failed at the first time. He’ll gladly take down anyone else who gets in his way. And his new post in the halls of state government? A devilish chance to play corrupt lobbyist, and foil the plans of those with loftier goals.

Get your copy here!

Elle James aka Myla Jackson: WHERE’D IT GO? (Contest)
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

It’s been a crazy year that has flown by so fast, I don’t know where it went. As we approach Thanksgiving, I have to stop and breathe, take time revisit my year thus far and see why it was intense!

This year, so far, I’ve had 19 releases. Of those 11 were new books. 8 were part of a boxed set or were books I’d re-released after getting my rights back. Either way, that’s a lot of work! I did a lot of traveling this year, as well. I went to Colorado, Hawaii, San Antonio, Vegas, Nashville, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Scotland, Florida, Kentucky and West Virginia.

My family has had some challenges with my 97-year-old grandmother and other members’ health issues, but they’re all still with us! My youngest has joined the Army National Guard and is now in basic training.

No wonder this year has gone by so fast. I’ve only tentatively laid out next year and it looks like it will be as nutty as this year. I can’t complain though because I love what I do and love meeting new people. I’ve met quite a few of my readers and can’t wait to meet more in the coming year. Thank you for reading my books and making my writer life possible. You all are amazing!

For my 19th release this year, please get your copy of SEAL’S DELIVERANCE, the 9th book in the TAKE NO PRISONERS series.


Navy SEAL and a sexy CDC biologist join forces in Montana to find the one responsible for threatening revenge on the SEAL team’s loved ones through biological terrorism

Raymond “Sting Ray” Thompson returns home to Eagle Rock, Montana, when a trail of treachery leads him back with members of his SEAL team. Their mission: to locate the biological terrorist targeting people closest to them. Claiming retribution for destroying an Ethiopian factory generating a deadly virus, the terrorist strikes Sting Ray’s uncle, the man who raised him. His team joins forces with a group of former military men to ferret out the terrorist and halt the release of the deadly virus into the environment.

On vacation from her job with the Center for Disease Control, Lilly Parker is with her brother in Montana when she gets the call to investigate a potential biological disaster targeting a family member of a Navy SEAL. Working with the Brotherhood Protectors and a team of Navy SEALs, Lilly conducts a covert investigation. Lilly and Sting Ray join forces to trace the virus to its source, determined to contain the disaster and protect the community, while fighting their own attraction for each other.

Amazon | Amazon UK | Kobo | Nook | iBooks | GooglePlay



I’m giving away a great prize on my Newsletter December 1st, but you have to be a subscriber to be eligible to win and you have to read the newsletter to see if you won. Join now!


Elle James’s Newsletter

Sharon Hamilton: Quirky Characters as Heroes
Tuesday, November 15th, 2016


Sometimes we get a quirky character in our head and he fits in to stories as a “comic relief” standup to one of our other hero characters. But this character is fully developed and understood by not only the writer, but the reader as well. I’ve found that fans love them.

I once had my cover looked at by a publicity person, and she said, “Well, he’s not the usual handsome and bare-chested guy, so I guess this book won’t do well.” She wanted to promote one of my other books.

While it’s true, my character, Fredo, his formal name being: Special Operator Alphonso Manuel Esquidido Chavez, doesn’t have what we would call “handsome” face and long tanned torso, his heart is his best feature. That, and he never gives up on the things he believes in.

This was a refreshing change for me to write a character with a unibrow he didn’t think manly to tweeze, a cratered face and wide nose, who didn’t eat anything green but cilantro and chilis, and show him as a sexy hero because of his heart and not his body. I even got fan mail asking me when his book would be out, and wondering why I hadn’t written it yet. He does appear in all other 15 of my SEAL Brotherhood books.

I get the most fan mail about Fredo. In the prequel novella, Fredo’s Secret, he learns he’s sterile. Fredo’s Dream is a continuation of that story in a full length novel to give him his Happily Ever After.

For a limited time, the eBook version of this book will also contain the prequel.

Here’s an excerpt:

They pulled up in front of the house. Fredo sucked in air like his life depended on it. He felt a paw squeeze his left shoulder.

“Tell her, man. Make sure you take that burden off you. If it’s her story, she has to unburden herself. But you don’t take that on for her. You can’t save her from everything. And you’re tough, Fredo. You’re the toughest motherfucker I’ve ever seen on or off the battlefield.”

Fredo didn’t know why, but he thought of something funny.

“Until this thing about the baby, you know what was the toughest challenge I ever had?”


“Getting my pants on with a stiffy. Damnedest thing, I’ve been fuckin’ hard ever since she touched me that first time on the cruise. That first time I knew she wanted me for me.”

“See? Normally, I’d give you a ration of shit for that one. But that’s good. Focus on that.”

Fredo glanced down at his lap and grinned as his boner came back to life.

“Some men fuck better scared, so think about that and not what you might find out, either now or later. Doesn’t matter. She loves you. You know—hell, the whole platoon knows—she loves you. Whatever happened, I’m sure there was a good reason. And you know what I think about the testing. Just get yourself goddamned tested, asshole. You’re like those new recruits who cry when they get their first Wompa Shot.”

“Okay, I’m ready.” Fredo grabbed his duty bag and got out of the Hummer. He leaned back into the window to accept Coop’s final words of advice.

“Suck it up, Buttercup.”

Why couldn’t it have been something manly?

“Fredo, you don’t do this, and I’m gonna get Danny and Kyle and T.J. and Jones, and we’re gonna hold you down and tweeze that fuckin’ unibrow. Who knows, under all that hair, you might be a handsome man!”

He swore but was much more pleased with this “normal” sendoff. He started laughing to himself and then remembered one more thing and ran back to the window. “There were two things I struggled with. You won’t believe what the second one was.”

“You wear pink women’s underwear and were hiding it from your wife.”

“In your dreams.”

“Not my dreams, asshole.”

“I actually learned to get used to tofu and stir-fry vegetables. I actually got to like the taste of some green in my diet. Can you believe that?”

Coop shook his head and started the vehicle, shouting back, “Go fuck your wife, Fredo, and quit pulling my leg.” He drove off with a low rumble, screeched his tires at the corner, and was gone. Just before he disappeared, he held up his middle finger.

Get your copy here!

About the Author

shsharon-wander-headshotNYT and USA/Today Bestselling Author Sharon Hamilton’s SEAL Brotherhood series have earned her top author rankings of #1 in Romantic Suspense, Military Romance and Contemporary Romance. Her characters follow a sometimes rocky road to redemption through passion and true love. Her Golden Vampires of Tuscany earned her a #1 ranking in Gothic Romance.

A lifelong organic vegetable and flower gardener, Sharon and her husband live in the Wine Country of Northern California, where most of her stories take place.