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Adele Downs: Luxury Model Wife
Thursday, September 22nd, 2016

I’ve always been attracted to blond, blue-eyed, muscular men with sun-streaked hair and golden tans. Whether he’s on the beach in a lifeguard stand, wearing low slung cutoffs and work boots on a construction site, or dressed for business in a suit and tie, a blue-eyed blond will make my heart beat faster, every time.

I like blonds so much, I married one, and many of the heroes in my books have blue eyes like my husband and our son. The hero of Luxury Model Wife, Steve Carlson, is the embodiment of the rugged, blue-eyed blond archetype who wears jeans, a t-shirt and work boots, and could be a model for a home improvement store. He’s also an Afghanistan war hero and a successful businessman who owns an upscale antiques shop catering to the country club set. When he meets the beautiful dark-haired, brown-eyed young widow of his best customer, Steve begins the most challenging journey of his life…on the road to happily ever after.



Antiques expert Steve Carlson must face the mistakes of his past to discover a treasure he never imagined: the heart of a vulnerable yet determined widow.


Twenty-eight-year-old Victoria Van Orr just lost everything. With the death of her billionaire husband went his mature patience and warm encouragement; and the veneer of acceptance from everyone else. His friends and colleagues now ignore Victoria, and if his son succeeds she just might be forced back to the streets upon which she was raised. But money was never her goal. All she wants is love. Real love.

Antiques expert Steve Carlson knows the value of everything. Pain and betrayal? Those he gave away–and now they’re coming back. His worst mistakes were all with one man: an old friend, the son of a father figure, now the stepchild of a beautiful young widow who wants Steve to help her auction off the family estate. To help Victoria, Steve must face his past and become a better man. To find true love, he will discover her surprisingly pure heart, vulnerable yet determined. And beyond price.

Get your copy!


Steve tilted his head, his bright blue eyes sizing her up. “Sorry, but I gotta’ ask. Do you always talk like that?”

Victoria felt her cheeks warm. “Whatever do you mean?”

There.” He studied her again with not-so-subtle curiosity. “You sounded like your late husband James just now. Funny, you don’t seem like the snooty type to me. More like a regular girl.”

His comment touched a nerve like hot wires to stripped cable. Victoria bit back a retort while blood rushed through her ears. She closed her eyes against the sound to clear her head. Twenty-eight was hardly a girl, and she was damn tired of defending her right to be a Van Orr.

For five years she’d tried and failed to fit into the privileged world of her older husband—learning couture, keeping her posture as straight as a modeling school graduate, rounding her O’s when she spoke —apparently fooling no one on either side of the social spectrum in the process.

Defeat swept over her and her shoulders sagged beneath five-thousand dollars’ worth of silk and linen. No matter how hard she tried, she’d forever be exposed as the abandoned kid who’d grown-up in shelters.

Strange though… when she opened her eyes and returned them to Steve Carlson’s handsome face, she sensed his remark was meant as a compliment, and not a reminder that she lacked James’s pedigree. It was like he saw her.

Her. Not James’s luxury-model second wife.

Still, his manners were disgusting. Even store-owner-janitors should know how to behave. Snooty type. Who was he to say that to her? She was a potential client for heaven’s sake.

Victoria stood to leave. She was sick and tired of people voicing their opinions about her and her late husband’s disparate lineage. She’d been bullied and belittled since the day she’d become engaged. “You don’t know me well enough to analyze me, Mr. Carlson.” She kept the annoyance out of her reprimand. The rich had taught her that cool distain wounded more deeply than anger.

Steve grimaced, rubbed his jaw, and then stood to face her, his expression sheepish. He waved her back to her seat. “Please. I’m sorry I offended you. I’m a friend. Really. We’ve gotten off on the wrong foot.”

He ran a hand through his hair and his bicep bulged with the movement. Victoria’s gaze followed the lines and curves of sinew and muscle and took in the military tattoo peeking from the hem of his tee shirt.

She resisted the images that teased her dormant libido, and brought her eyes back to his face. Damn. That didn’t help. Why did this annoying man have to be so good-looking? Her attraction to him only made her feel guilty, like she’d betrayed James’s memory.

Widowhood came with a unique set of baggage.


About the Author

Adele Downs is the best-selling, award-winning author of more than 20 romance titles, including those written under another pen name, and a former journalist with hundreds of articles to her credit. When not writing in her home office in rural Pennsylvania, she can be found reading a book on the nearest beach, taking photographs, or riding in her convertible.

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Monday, September 19th, 2016

I’m so excited to share my newest release with you, HER ROGUE ALPHA, Book 5 in my X-OPS Series!

I introduced you to feline shifter Layla Halliwell and injured Special Forces lieutenant Jayson Harmon earlier in the series, then gave you glimpses into their relationship in each subsequent book. Well, HER ROGUE ALPHA is all about them!

Layla went to college to become a psychologist because she always wanted help people. After graduation, she got a job at the DCO so she could work with shifters like her. She didn’t intend to ever become a field agent, but now that she’s training to be one, she’s excited at the prospect. If only her boyfriend, Jayson, were as thrilled about he career change.

Jayson used to be in the Special Forces, but got injured during a mission in Afghanistan and was medically separated from the Army. He takes an experimental drug that’s supposed to not only heal his injuries, but give him shifter abilities. Problem is, people who were given previous versions of that same serum either died or ended up like wild, uncontrollable animals. But
thinking about his girlfriend Layla out there in danger without him to watch her back is driving him crazy with worry and he’ll do anything to be her partner in the field.

Hope you enjoy it!




Former Special Forces Lieutenant Jayson Harmon can’t believe that his war scars don’t matter to beautiful feline shifter Layla Halliwell. Why would she saddle herself with a broken man?

But Layla knows that Jayson is a hero to the core, and that only she can heal his wounded soul. So when Jayson is deployed on another deadly mission, no way is Layla staying behind…

Read the First 3 Chapters for FREE!


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Leslie Jones: Cyber Warfare
Sunday, September 18th, 2016

ljnight-hush-mailThis month we marked the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. As I pondered this senseless act of terror and violence, I was reminded of the radically changed face of world war. In a post 9/11 world, we’ve seen the creation of a whole new scope of battle — cyberspace. On this modern battlefield, a lone attacker sitting thousands of miles away can create havoc and cause terror with just a few keystrokes. It’s frightening to know our banks, nuclear power plants, missile silos, military aircraft, and the Pentagon have all been targeted by enemy nation-states. Critical infrastructure, air traffic control systems, classified secrets, and defense initiatives are all potential targets. The Office of Personnel Management hack of 2015 stole more than 20 million records of current and former federal employees. As a former Army soldier working in the intelligence arena, I was a victim of that breach. It’s terrifying to think that every detail about my life, my service, my security clearances, and my fingerprints are now in the hands of terrorists.

ljbait-signatureBut American war-fighting evolved to meet this new threat, and a dedicated new breed of warrior has emerged.

The more I dug into the world of cyber-espionage and cyberterrorism, the more fascinated I became with the idea that more battles are fought every day on a keyboard than in the trenches. The fourth book in my Duty & Honor series, Framed, teams a hacker-turned-FBI cybersecurity expert with a team of Delta Force special operators; my heroine, Lark, is assigned to deconstruct a piece of malware infecting an FBI server, which leads her to a horrific plot to detonate a small nuclear bomb on US soil. What she discovers is a harrowing, realistic scenario of what our enemies are now capable of doing.

Virtual enemies stalk us daily. Cyberwarfare has the potential to temporarily cripple a nation-state. The good news is, we’re just as good at preventing these hacks as we are perpetrating them against our enemies. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top in this new battlefield. My money’s on us.

ljdeep-cover-signatureWhat do you perceive to be the biggest threat the US faces in cyberspace? Do you think we can win this virtual War on Terror? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


RITA® nominated and award-winning author Leslie Jones has been an IT geek, a graphics designer, and an Army intelligence officer. She’s lived in Alaska, Korea, Belgium, Germany, and other exotic locations (including New Jersey). She is a wife, mother, and full-time writer, and currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. Her books can be found at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and HarperCollins Publishers.

Framed (Duty & Honor Book 4) will be available on February 28, 2017 from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and HarperCollins Publishers. Catch up on the series with Night Hush, Bait, and Deep Cover.

Connect with Leslie!

Jennifer Kacey: Nico’s Curse (Giveaway)
Friday, September 16th, 2016

Once upon a time a naïve author *raises hand* wrote a book. And then she wrote another book *wipes brow* and then she found kink. Holy shitballs batman!! KINK IS AMAZING!!!

Then this slightly less naïve author *fist pump* had a book accepted. YEA!! And then she wrote LOTS MORE KINK Books including Nico’s Curse!

But then the publisher who was supposed to be like Glenda the good witch (yes most of you know who I’m talking about) stopped paying me for my books. BOOO!!! *covers eyes* Turns out I was dealing with the green witch with the stripey socks who stole the ruby red slippers.

WANNA KNOW THE HAPPY EVER AFTER!?!??! *peeks through fingers*

I have ALL my rights back now. ALL OF THEM!!!

Including the rights for Nico’s Curse which I just re-released AND made a print book of too! *double fist pump*


Being proud of what I wrote and being able to pimp it again is so awesome!!

What better way to celebrate then to have a giveaway!!!! Here’s what’s up for grabs!!! Print books and buttons and a cute bag and lots more goodies from some of my favorite peeps!!


Super easy to enter. Just comment below what your favorite curse word is! Mine currently is fucktard. It just makes me smile every time I say it!! So leave me some deliciously dirty words below so I can add them into my repertoire!

And I hope you’ll take a peek at Nico’s Curse if you like things kinky with a bit of a paranormal twist!! Good luck and don’t forget to leave your email address in your comment so I can notify the winner!!

Trapped in a lonely prison is where he’ll stay until he finds love in more than just a dream.

Domenico was cursed six long years ago by a witch determined to teach him a lesson. A lesson in life, loss, and understanding that to love is to put someone first…always.

His only escape from his beautiful prison is a dating site called Crossroads. He can choose only one woman a year to contact. One woman to convince, in nothing more than a week, that he’s worthy of her love. But there’s a catch. She must fall asleep during a video chat so he can crawl through his laptop into her world. Then all bets are off.

His curse becomes his salvation when his beautiful submissive Rose is nothing but a dream away.

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Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey




jk10178312_10203571568597727_1797997400_nJennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

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Lizzie Ashworth: A Truly Loving Thing
Thursday, September 15th, 2016

Dear Delilah Fans, this time around I’m sharing something personal. Usually I try to give you something fun to read, something sexy or at least a bit of a tease. This time is different.

I’m excerpting part of my September newsletter here. This past weekend, I attended my high school class reunion. You know, that moment when you stare into the eyes of your very first ever true love?

We’ve all been there, those weeks, even months leading up to the event when you panic about that extra weight and the sag under your chin. What will you wear? What about the hair cut, the shoes, the status of your fingernails?

Of course everyone else who attends suffers similar anxieties. No one is magically becoming younger. But that certain knowledge does little to settle the butterflies wreaking havoc in my stomach as the day of the event arrives.

We’ve stayed in touch over the years. I’ll call him Alan. Soon after college, he moved to New York to engage fully in his chosen profession. I stayed in the mid-South. I’ve married and divorced while he’s stayed single. In most romance novels, this class reunion would be a chance for the old embers of our love affair to re-ignite.

But friends, I’m going to tell you a secret. And it’s complicated, so I’ll back up a bit. Throughout those agonizing years from 9th to 12th grade, all those nights we held hands, went to movies, parked and steamed up the car windows, we never went “all the way.” In those days, that kind of restraint wasn’t uncommon. It was our first year of college together before opportunity and enough alcohol finally led to making love.

I was one of those skinny flat-chested girls who could make straight A’s but couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to flirt. The game of seduction completely eluded me. I wanted to talk about metaphors and the history of the human race.

But I also desperately wanted to be sexy, to be desired. I longed for the day when a man would approach me with so much passion that he’d slam me against the wall and force his attentions. That never happened with Alan.

We kissed after dating six months. He touched me about six months later. We got into heavy petting a year after that.

I considered myself a failure as a woman. Not only did I lack any semblance of womanly curves, I also possessed zero understanding about how babies were made until I was sixteen years old! Thanks to very protective religious parents, my knowledge of all things sexual suffered abysmal gaps. So that was definitely a factor in the slow progress of our relationship.

In that drunken 4 a.m. loss of my virginity, I experienced incredible pleasure. The event truly shook my world. I panicked afterwards thinking I’d get pregnant. That was a real threat in the days before the morning after pill, the days when abortion was still illegal.

OK—I’m giving away my age.

Alan moved to another state and we didn’t see each other for decades. Somehow over that time, word leaked back through mutual friends that he’d become a big success in New York. Another bit of information also made its way to my ears. Alan was gay.

It’s hard now to imagine a time when being gay simply did not cross someone’s mind. It wasn’t an option, didn’t exist. But all those years of adolescence while he struggled with how he felt about me, his inner voices were telling him something he could not understand.

It took some therapy and a lot of struggle for him to come to terms with his reality. That all happened off screen for me. I was busy having babies and dealing with a difficult marriage. Finally we met up for coffee on one of his visits back to the area and he told me what he’d learned about himself.

I understand now that what I considered my failure as a woman was at least in part Alan’s inability to respond fully to me as a man. That really doesn’t make it any less painful. Those early experiences framed my self-identity. I feel inexpressibly sad for both of us.

When I saw him at the class reunion, he looked at me with such an expression that I’ll never forget it. We ended up spending a lot of time together driving around that old town looking up places we’d known before. We sat and talked about his life, my life, the misunderstandings, the what-ifs.

From that reunion grew the certain knowledge that what we’d experienced as teenagers would always be part of our lives. We’ll always care about each other. The thread that connects us goes beyond sex.

And that, my friends, is a truly loving thing.


Yes, this is the truly amazing Joe Manganiello. But wait—he’s here for a reason. Without actually using a real photo of my first love Alan, I can share with you an image of Joe. The two men look a lot alike, the same dark intensity, perfect body, and over the top magnetism.


Subscribe to my free monthly newsletter for the rest of this month’s content where I briefly delve into polyamory, gender identity, and the new discussion about the reality of more than two sexes! Most of my newsletters aren’t this serious but instead contain excerpts of new novels, sexy short stories, and other fun reads. Sign up is easy and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Visit for the quick and easy sign up form. Thanks!

About the Author

lalizzieD+editedLizzie Ashworth lives in the wilds of the Ozark Mountains with her cats, hound dogs, and whichever child has taken up temporary residence between grad school and relocation. She’s been writing her entire life and can’t express how wonderful it is to share stories with readers like you.

Follow Liz for free erotic short works, hot photos, and the occasional rant on her blog at

Like Liz’s Facebook author page for updates on other nice and naughty works

Enjoy some amazing eye candy? Check out Liz’s Pinterest page

Gemma Juliana: Do You Believe in Curses?
Monday, September 12th, 2016

Now that we’re well into September and Halloween is rapidly approaching, the topic of curses seems like an appropriate topic.

According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, a curse is a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one; evil or misfortune that comes as if in response to imprecation or as retribution; magical words that are said to cause trouble or bad luck for someone or the condition that results when such words are said.

It’s easy to decide it’s all just superstitious nonsense, but curses exist. Everyone can access the “how to” information about setting a curse these days in countless books and on websites. Cursing the person who stole your mate or the rival who destroyed your business is, therefore, easier than ever.

Famous Curses: the Kennedy and Onassis families are said to be cursed, and two famous cursed jewels are the Hope Diamond and the Koh-i-Nor Diamond.

I’ve met those who believe they’re cursed, as well as curse-casters and curse-busters.

Irish mythology—and even recent history—is rife with stories of those who curse and those who are cursed. Ireland has a legendary amount of “cursed” locations.

I was thrilled to be invited to write a contemporary Gothic mystery novella for the new series, A World of Gothic, having grown up reading the stories of Victoria Holt, Phyllis Whitney, Daphne du Maurier and other classic Gothic authors.

Keep this secret in mind about curses. Anyone can curse you, but the curse won’t work unless you believe it will. Curses are activated by your fears.


Here’s a blurb about my new novella, Raven of Blackthorn Manor. It’s now available for a limited time exclusively on Amazon for $0.99.


When Morgana Pierce accepts an invitation to visit Blackthorn Manor, known as Ireland’s most haunted property, she hopes to convince the gloomy owner, Sir Dermott Blackthorn, to let her crew film the property for her paranormal television special.

But Morgana has a secret reason for being at Blackthorn Manor. Her only clue to the whereabouts of her father is a thirty-year old letter on the manor’s letterhead. Her quest leads her to this bleak property on an isolated windswept Irish peninsula.

Morgana’s ability to communicate with the dead soon lands her in danger as she learns about several suspicious deaths and disappearances in recent years. Threats against her life then force her to figure out how to navigate an ever darker reality.

Dermott Blackthorn’s ancestral line was cursed for nine generations, and he is the last. His death is imminent if things unfold as they have for the previous eight Blackthorns.

Morgana is attracted to Blackthorn’s mysterious and moody house guest, Ronan McIver. He is both protective and dismissive, sending mixed signals. Why is he staying at Blackthorn Manor?

As danger intensifies, the setting becomes ripe for the perfect storm. The time arrives when she must rely on someone, but who can she trust?



GEMMA JULIANA has traveled the world and lived in many countries, so she enjoys placing characters in international settings and sprinkling magical spice into her stories. Whether she’s turning up the heat on a character or playing matchmaker, writing gives her great satisfaction, especially when her muse cooperates. She shares a cozy Texas cottage with her true love, teen son, and a very crafty dog, who rules them all. Her muse is nourished with the finest fuel for creativity – chocolate.

Visit Gemma’s website, join her mailing list, and chat with her on social media.

Sasha White: The True Desires series (Free Book)
Sunday, September 11th, 2016

The True Desires series


A note from Sasha White

Ten years ago my first full length novel was published by Berkley Heat. Over the next couple of years, I wrote four more books for that line, and I’m thrilled to be able to bring them back now so new readers can discover them, and those who have been with me since the beginning can fall in love over again.

These books were never planned to be a series. I was a new writer, and I did everything by the seat of my pants. In fact, the fourth story was contracted to be something totally different, but when I was halfway through writing Trouble(# 3), I emailed my editor and said, “Hey, you remember Karl from Bound(#1)? He’s in Trouble as well, and I really think he needs to be taken down a notch. Can I do his story next instead of xxx?” and she was all for it.

Readers called these books the Dungeon stories, as they all had a scene or a mention of a club called The Dungeon in them, and even though they were all written as Stand Alones, they’re all loosely connected by secondary characters and location. Now, ten years later, I’m re-branding and re-releasing them this summer as the True Desires series. True Desires, because to me, that is what these books all have in common. At the core, each story is about the characters learning, and accepting what they truly need and desire, in order to find their happy ending. I could’ve kept them titled The Dungeon books, but unlike my Overwatch series, these stories aren’t really based around the club. Interestingly enough, they are in the same world and timelines as The Overwatch books. In Unfettered, Ronnie mentions a guy from Canada who recommends Overwatch to her, and that is Mason Hardin, the owner of The Dungeon in Vancouver. I’m not sure many readers caught that, but I know some who have been following me for years did. Now that I have the rights back to these stories, you can expect more crossover characters and storylines, as I truly love both series, and I hope you will too.

Get the first book in the True Desires series FREE right now! 



The strongest way to be bound, is by emotion.

Everybody has a dark side. I just never expected mine to come out in my sexuality. But in that quiet time before I drift off to sleep the images that come into my mind shock even me. You see, I’ve always been the good girl. The steady one, the responsible one, but ever since I set eyes on Joe Carson, the dreams have turned into urges… a restlessness I can’t resist.

So  I don’t.

No one is more shocked than me when after putting on a private show of self love for Joe, I tell him I’ll do anything for him… and he holds me to it.

I admit it. I’m an addict.

I’m addicted to the freedom that I find in his arms…and I’m worried it might cost me the freedom from small town existence I’ve been working towards my whole life.

Get It Free Links

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The door to the apartment swung open slowly and I stood there, unsure of what to say or do as six feet plus of solid muscle walked inside like he owned the place. Thick black hair that was a bit unruly made my fingers itch to touch his wavy locks, but those distant ice blue eyes seemed to suggest that wouldn’t be a smart move. Right now those eyes were guarded, but hot, as they ran over my still form.

Joe Carson.

The man I’d been fantasizing about since I first saw him two months earlier when he’d hired on at the casino I work in. At twenty-six years old I’m no virgin, but I can honestly say I’ve never had much luck in the sex department either. None of the guys I’d been with were anything to brag about. Hell, until today I’d never even had a male induced orgasm. When I needed to get off, I relied on myself.

Then Joe showed up.

I could count him among my lovers now. After all, he’d fucked me so good only that afternoon and gave me such an intense orgasm that I’d promised to do anything for him. Now he wanted to hold me to it.

Okay, so I told him he could do anything before he gave me the massive orgasm. The chance to live out a sexual fantasy with my dream man had been too much to resist.

“Hi, Joe.” At least my voice sounded natural, if a bit breathy. “Can I get you a drink? I have water, diet pop, or pear cider?”

“No, thank you.” He shook his head and advanced toward me, the hungry gleam in his eye making my pussy throb. “I just want you.”

My pulse jumped and my knees weakened. He stopped when he was only inches away, swallowing up my personal space. I looked up at him and licked my lips nervously, reveling in the tidal wave of sensations.

“You look very nice.” He reached out and brushed his knuckles over the tip of one breast then the other, making my nipples tighten and poke out under the shirt. His words, when he spoke, were soft and cajoling with a bit of steel buried beneath. “But I told you to be naked for me when I arrived.”

Instantly I was back in the surveillance room, eager to please, and ready to do anything for him.

“Sorry.” I smiled at him sassily, fighting to remain somewhat normal. “Getting dressed after a shower is habit.”

He quirked a dark eyebrow. “Do you want me to leave?”


“Then get naked.” He turned and lowered himself into the overstuffed armchair just inside the door. “Now.”

Gone was the tender lover who, earlier that day had held me up and cradled me against his chest until my orgasm receded and I could stand on my own again. In front of me now was the enigmatic security guard that I’d been drooling over for two months; the man who came to me in my dreams and used my body as his personal playground.

I bit down on my bottom lip and stifled the urge to ask what he had planned. Instead, I crossed my arms at the waist and pulled my shirt over my head. Joe’s casual posture never changed, his expression remained detached except for his eyes. They darkened at the sight of my naked breasts, and my confidence swelled. The tension in the air got thicker, and my insides grew heavier, weighted with arousal. The urge to tease him was strong that I ran my hands over my breasts, cupping them to tweak the nipples between thumb and finger.

“If you’re happy doing that I don’t need to be here.” He made to get up from his seat.

“No!” Before he could stand fully, I pushed my pants and underwear from my hips in one quick move and stepped out of them, heart racing. “I’m naked. Don’t go.”

He stepped closer, until we were close enough that his breath danced across my cheek. He stared into my eyes, searching for something. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

My heart pounded and a tingle of something almost like fear whispered through me, blending easily with the lust simmering in my veins.

“Oh, yes.” My words were soft, almost a whisper.

“I noticed you my first day at the casino. The way you walk and talk as if ice wouldn’t melt in your pussy.” He stepped back and unbuckled the utility belt around his waist. He dropped the belt and all its security gadgets on the armchair and planted his hands on his trim hips. “The things I’ve wanted to do to you. I’ve dreamt of fucking you in every position imaginable. I’ve jerked off to the thought of coming all over your pretty face.”

The crude words entered through my ears and flowed down my body, stroking my insides and heating me up until I could feel my nether lips swell and dampen. No one had ever talked to me like that before. No one dared to. But I loved it. The words heated my blood and melted my insides, and I wanted everything he described.

“I never dreamt you’d actually be into it. Then, today, out of the blue, you decide to give me a private peep show at work.” He chuckled and gave his head a small shake. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to ignore that.”

“I’m glad,” I said softly. “I’ve never done anything like that before, Joe.”

He looked at me for a long silent moment.

“I believe you. But . . . after I fucked you, you said something else.” He reached out and stroked his fingertips over my belly, up over my ribs and along the undersides of my breasts. “You told me you were mine. My slut, to do with as I pleased.”

Heat crept up my neck and I mentally cursed my fair skin. I’d said that in a moment of passion. As if he could read my thoughts, his full lips lifted at one corner. “Did you mean it?”

Something soft flickered the depths of Joe’s eyes, a flash of uncertainty maybe, and then disappeared. A shiver skipped down my spine and I pressed my thighs together. He was so aloof, yet so intense. I’d seen him prowl the casino floor, and my fantasies had gotten darker and darker. Matching the almost primal aura that surrounded him.

He may be dangerous, but he didn’t scare me. At that moment my only real fear was that he’d walk away.

“I meant it.”

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Find out more about the other True Desires stories on Sasha’s Bookshelf 

Author Biography

Bestselling author Sasha White writes modern erotic fiction with an edge of kink with the occasional foray into paranormal and science-fiction. White has published over thirty stories with publishers such as Kensington Aphrodisia, Berkley Heat, Avon, Black Lace, and Samhain Publishing, and is recognized as one the top authors of the genre.

After over 20 years as a waitress/bartender, Sasha now works full-time as a writer. She’s says “I learned how to build well-developed, realistic characters from exploring cultures, including our own when serving millions of drinks to millions of people. I’ll talk to pretty much anyone, and more importantly, listen to them.

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