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Erzabet Bishop: Heart’s Protector
Monday, April 25th, 2016

New Release! Available May 1st!


Two gargoyles and a woman who needs them…

Medina Argos is a woman on the run from her present and her past. One of three sisters in an international art theft ring, she flees when a routine art heist goes too far. But this curvy girl is about to learn that some hearts beat to a different drum and the road to love is sometimes the less traveled one, even for a woman with secrets.

Thomas Sauveterre is a renowned art restoration specialist. Nothing is more important to him than his daughter, Gabrielle. When he takes on the largest project of his career, he also gains a security officer in the bargain. But love can be hiding in the most surprising places if he can only open his heart to find it.

Grayson Maberry is a man on the brink. Charged with protecting property and guarding the family he’s currently assigned, he is torn by duty and a love that may never be. But a true guardian will wait forever and this gargoyle may have just met his match. Twice.

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“Oh my God. Will you just shut up?” Medina Argos growled under her breath as the snakes beneath her skin hissed and whispered. It was the same word, over and over again and she was about to lose her damned mind.


Yes. Pretties. She needed to find a new pretty or her sisters were going to have her head on a spit—and that was before breakfast. She massaged her temples and willed the pounding in her head to freaking stop. The print of the newspaper spread across the table swam like ants in front of her eyes. She lowered her lids, blocking out the bright daylight streaming in through the blinds. Her snakes loved the light but she on the other hand wished it would cloud up and rain like hell. Then at least the migraine would stop. Just another thing for them to disagree about.

The gallery exhibits laid out in the entertainment section tugged at her consciousness but nothing really rang true. Maybe it was the headache.


“Ugh.” She reached for her coffee and took a large gulp.

The full moon was right around the corner and her snakes were at it hard today. Their voices were a snarl of murmurs that were ever so slowly driving her insane. And they really needed another thing to focus on. Like maybe where she could go to find a good brownie. Or some chocolate chip pancakes. But all they wanted to whisper about was the one thing she couldn’t get them to agree on—their next mark.

“Would you hurry up, already?” She mumbled, poking her stylus into her hair. They hadn’t popped out for a visit yet today, but if this headache kept up, goddess only knew. Temperamental at best, her girls were moody man-hating bitches most days and that was saying something.

So she talked to her hair. Most shifters she knew had the same dual natured problems she did, only they weren’t stuck having snakes for hair and an ass that turned into a giant snake rear end. Well, to be fair, her legs sort of turned into the back end of a giant snake, but it was all semantics. On most people’s scale of sexy, snakes weren’t high up on the list. Hell, they probably weren’t even on the list, but when you’re smote by a goddess, it isn’t like you have much say in the matter.

Other people she’d come across in her travels had at least been wolf shifters or even cats. She, on the other hand, was afflicted with a mythological curse that left her hissing at the moon instead of howling at it. One of the snakes wiggled in her hair and she absentmindedly poked at it with her stylus.

“Not yet. Go back to sleep.”

There went the coolness thing again.

The snakes hissed at her in censure and she sighed. She reached for her cup of coffee and took another sip. The hot black liquid slid over her tongue, cinnamon and earthy. The morning had come too soon. Nightmares woke her in the middle of the night, shaking and sweating, just like clockwork. Her throat closed up like it did when the bastard in her nightmare closed his hand around her neck, cutting off her air, his eyes narrowed into slits filled with rage filled spite.

Favored by the goddess…You’ll be crawling by the time I’m done with you.

And she had been.

ebdubious banner

About the Author

Erzabet Bishop is an award winning and bestselling author who loves to write naughty stories. She is the author of Lipstick, Crave, The Science of Lust, Wicked for You, Snow, Heart’s Protector, Red Hot, Hedging Her Bets (Alpha Fever Box Set), Cat’s Got Her Tongue (Alpha Heat Box Set), Arcane Imaginarium: Spirit Board, Holidays in Hell, Mallory’s Mark (upcoming),The Devil’s Due (upcoming), Charity Benshaw’s Enchanted Paddle Emporium (upcoming), Sigil Fire, Glitter Lust (upcoming), Malediction (upcoming), Burning for You (upcoming), Burning Midnight (upcoming), Written on Skin, Club Beam, Pomegranate, A Red Dress for Christmas, The Black Magic Café, Fantasies in Red, Sweet Seductions, Holiday Cruise, Fetish Fair, Temptation Resorts: Jess, Temptation Resorts: Marnie, Taming the Beast, The Erotic Pagans Series: Beltane Fires, Samhain Shadows and Yuletide Temptation along with being a contributor to many anthologies. Erzabet has been a finalist in the GCLS awards for 2014 and 2015, winning the Goldie for her spot in two anthologies. She has been nominated for the Golden Flogger Award for Crave and the full figured Ménage Award for Spirit Board in 2016. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake, make naughty crochet projects and watch monster movies.

Follow her on Twitter @erzabetbishop.

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Elizabeth Andrews: Family in Story (Giveaway)  
Sunday, April 24th, 2016

Hi, everyone!  It’s lovely to be back, and I want to send a huge thank-you to Delilah for letting me return.

I’ve been thinking about family in story lately, mostly because I’m working on the third book in a tiger shifter series, and so far two of the heroes and one of the heroines are siblings, and I think another brother may get a story one of these days.

Family is a lovely way to tie a series of stories together, isn’t it?  As readers, we meet  parts of the hero or heroine’s family during their story, and we sometimes fall in love with them along the way and want to spend more time with them, too.  Luckily, we get to do that with some of our favorites.  One of my very favorite family series is an old Nora Roberts series, her ‘Stanislaskis’—I think Luring a Lady  was one of the very first things I read by her, and I was totally hooked, moving on to her ‘Donovans’, and then on and on.  Meeting siblings or cousins gives us extra insight into the hero or heroine, doesn’t it?  How do they interact with the people close to them, versus someone they don’t know as well?  Who do they confide in?  What issues do they still carry with them from growing up in their family?

And in some cases, we get glimpses into those siblings’ or cousins’ lives that make us want to see them work through their own issues and find a happy ending, too.  In my “Medusa” trilogy, I have three cousins, which was fun in its own way—lots of us have cousins we spent time a lot of time with as children, but maybe as adults, we’re too far apart distance-wise to do that as often as we would like.

Some of us have siblings we don’t get to see as much as we like because they live in different parts of the country, or even in a different part of the world.  My sister (whose birthday is today! Happy birthday!) lives five states away, and we aren’t able to see each other very frequently.  But that relationship is interesting and complicated, as sibling relationships often are.  My tiger siblings still live mostly in the same area, but they have some things in their past that have shaped the adults that they are now.

I could make a very long list of series I love with family stories, but that would go on for days, and I’m pretty sure Delilah has other guests on her schedule, so I’ll refrain.  But I would like to know what some of your favorite family romance series are.  I’ve got a trade paperback copy of the first book in my “Medusa” series to give away—everyone who answers the question by 5 p.m. EST on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 will have their name entered in a drawing (via for the book.  Now, I’m going to get back to work on my hot tiger shifter—he’s a little cranky right now because his pregnant mate doesn’t take orders well.  Silly tiger.

Hunting Medusa


The Medusa Trilogy, Book 1

When Kallan Tassos tracks down the current Medusa, he expects to find a monster. Instead he finds a wary, beautiful woman, shielded by a complicated web of spells that foils his plans for a quick kill and retrieval of her protective amulet.

Andrea Rosakis expects the handsome Harvester to go for the kill. Instead, his attempt to take the amulet imprinted on her skin without harming her takes her completely by surprise. And ends with the two of them in a magical bind—together. But Kallan isn’t the only Harvester on Andi’s trail…

Hunting Medusa:

About the Author

Elizabeth Andrews has been a book lover since she was old enough to read.  She read her copies of Little Women and the Little House series so many times, the books fell apart.  As an adult, her book habit continues.  She has a room overflowing with her literary collection right now, and still more spreading into other rooms.  Almost as long as she’s been reading great stories, she’s been attempting to write her own.  Thanks to a fifth grade teacher who started the class on creative writing, Elizabeth went from writing creative sentences to short stories and eventually full-length novels.  Her father saved her poor, callused fingers from permanent damage when he brought home a used typewriter for her.

Elizabeth found her mother’s stash of romance novels as a teenager, and-though she loves horror- romance became her very favorite genre, making writing romances a natural progression.  There are more than just a few manuscripts, however, tucked away in a filing cabinet that will never see the light of day.

Along with her enormous book stash, Elizabeth lives with her husband of  twenty-two years and two young adult sons, though no one else in the house reads nearly as much as she does.  When she’s not at work or buried in books or writing, there is a garden outside full of herbs, flowers and vegetables that requires occasional attention.  You can visit her at

Susan Ann Wall: Country Crushes
Thursday, April 21st, 2016

I have a ton of celebrity crushes, but since my newest release – BROKEN STRINGS — is part of a country music themed collection called Love Notes, let’s talk country crushes!

My favorites come and go, kind of like a flavor of the month, but there are some musicians and songs that have a long-standing place in my heart. I’m also a bit of a concert ho, so all the pics here are from concerts I’ve been to!


  1. sw1CaptureKenny Chesney

Kenny is my longest-standing country crush. Oh, those arms. Whenever I need a good arm-porn fix, I turn to Kenny. I’ve seen Kenny in concert 5 times, with concert #6 planned for this summer. He always plays the weekend of my mother’s birthday at Gillette Stadium, so I take her every year for her birthday. He’s an amazing performer. The energy at his shows is incredible and we always have a great time. The song that got me hooked? Somewhere With You.


  1. sw2CaptureDierks Bentley

Speaking of concerts, my next concert is Dierks Bentley in June. I’ve had a crush on him ever since I Hold On. That song was the theme for Bryan Curtis in The Sound of Deception, but it rings true for all of my heroes. It’s no surprise that Dierks is one of the inspirations for Jake “JD” Donovan in Broken Strings. With Dierks, my crush is inspired by the whole package, the curly hair, the blue eyes, the sexy smile … oh, and that nice tush! He sure does fill out a pair of worn jeans like nobody’s business!!

I saw Dierks for the first time last summer and we even got a shout out from the band for our poster “We’re With the Band.” Yes, Dierks made eye contact with me and smiled. I still haven’t recovered.


  1. sw3CaptureEric Church

Springsteen is the song that got me hooked on Eric Church, and that song is the inspiration behind my next Superstitious Brides book, 3rd Trip to the Altar. But it was seeing him in concert a second time that put him in the ovary exploding category of country crushes. The first time I saw him, the experience could best be described as meh (he opened for Toby Keith and I won the tickets on the radio). He didn’t suck, but I wouldn’t have paid to see him. The second time, he opened for Kenny Chesney. I went in with low expectations only to have my mind and ovaries blown. The performance was explosive and I will even admit it was my favorite part of the Kenny Chesney experience that year.


  1. sw4CaptureKip Moore

Kip is a relatively new crush for me. I like all of his music, but Running for You nabbed me. Well, okay, so did his arms. He’s another giver when it comes to the arm porn. He opened for Dierks last summer and it was such a fantastic show, I mean, all that arm porn!! Running for You is now a favorite in my writing play lists but I do love all of his songs. There’s something about the gravelly voice … it’s a melodic seduction of the senses.


  1. Chris Young

My newest country crush is Chris Young. He’s really hot in country music right now and while I’ve listened to him for years, it’s only been recently that he’s burrowed into my heart. I love his deep voice and the sincere, heartfelt lyrics in his love songs. I haven’t seen Chris in concert YET, so I don’t have any pictures to share, but you can be sure if he comes to my neck of the woods, I’ll be there! The radio show host of the local country station I listen to LOVES Chris Young (she calls him Chris Yum) and since she helped inspire Colleen “CC” Cooper in Broken Strings, I listened to a lot of Chris Young while writing that novel!

So tell me, who is your country crush and why? If you’re not into country music, who is your biggest celebrity crush?

About the Author

sw3National Bestselling Author Susan Ann Wall writes racy, rule-breaking romance and women’s fiction. Her newest release, Broken Strings, is available April 19, 2016 in the Love Notes ebook collection. Looking for other great deals? You will find the first novel from her Puget Sound ~ Alive With Love series, The Sound of Consequence, in the upcoming collection First Glance, which features 13 first-in-their-series romances for only $.99 (available April 26, 2016).

Paige Tyler: SEAL For Her Protection
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016

I’m so excited to be here to talk about SEAL FOR HER PROTECTION, Book 1 in my brand new military romantic suspense SEALS OF CORONADO Series.

I write a lot of romantic suspense, much of it with military and action themes. But out of deference to my husband—a 20-year Army veteran—I’ve always refrained from writing anything in the Navy SEAL world. I typically lean on him for the guy’s perspective and military expertise in my suspense/action stories, and he was never thrilled with writing about something so far outside his wheelhouse, but then Cat Johnson (she of the Hot SEALs fame) asked me to write a story in her HOT SEALs Kindle World Series and that changed everything!

Cat has helped me out with so much, from boxed sets to promo suggestions, to the best way to increase my indie sales, I simply couldn’t say no when she asked me for a story. Besides I’ve wanted to write something involving SEALs for a while and this seemed like fate calling.

So I plied my husband with compliments and pizza until he agreed to help me, then dived into the world of the Navy SEALs. In between my other book commitments, I knocked out MY SEAL BODYGUARD and had an incredible time writing it. Once I got hubby involved in the research and action sequences, he started enjoying it too (though I’m sure he’ll never admit it).

When I got done writing with that first SEAL story, I knew I couldn’t stop. I was hooked! So I thought about it for a while and came up with the SEALs OF CORONADO, a series featuring the guys on SEAL Team 5 in San Diego and the women who fall for them. I figured everyone was showing all kinds of love to the SEAL guys on the East Coast, so I decided the ones on the West Coast should get the same attention. The first book in the series—SEAL FOR HER PROTECTION—hit the shelves on April 12th and I’m stoked! I couldn’t be more excited to plunge into the world of those hunky Navy SEALs! Hope you are, too!

ptSeal for her Protection COVER

He saved her from danger once before. Can he save her again, this time from danger he doesn’t even see coming?

When investigative journalist Hayley Garner is kidnapped by terrorists, she’s sure they’re going to kill her. But in sweeps handsome Navy SEAL Chasen Ward to rescue her. After getting her to safety, he disappears into the night before she can even thank him.

Weeks later, while covering a story on the local navy base, Hayley runs into Chasen again. Even though she didn’t see his face that night he rescued her, she can’t forget his beautiful blue eyes. The attraction is immediate and intense, and Hayley finds herself falling into a fiery romance with the hunky hero out of her dreams. Guys like this aren’t supposed to really exist, but Chasen does, and damn is he hot.

But ever since she got back home, Hayley has had the feeling someone’s been watching her. Is it post-traumatic stress or does she have a reason to be afraid? Good thing she has a Navy SEAL to protect her.

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Want more hunky Navy SEALs? Then don’t forget to pre-order STRONG SILENT SEAL, Book 2 in the SEALs of CORONADO Series!

ptStrong Silent SEAL gold

Wedding planner Felicia Bradford is in trouble. Mercenaries are holding her sister hostage and threatening to kill her unless Felicia helps them steal top secret information from the Navy’s Special Operations Headquarters. Having no other way to access the base, she pulls a gun on the first man in a Navy uniform she finds, demanding he get her through the gate.

Navy SEAL Logan Dunn just got back from a mission in Syria and is looking for a little down time to relax. That plan goes out the window when a beautiful woman shoves a gun in his back and begs him to do something he can tell she doesn’t want to be part of. Logan does what any Navy SEAL would do in the same situation—he saves the girl and takes out the bad guys.

But their actions that day kick off a crazy chain of events, including a fast-burning whirlwind romance, an out-of-control sister, an insane covert plot involving a defecting Russian pilot, a mercenary bent on revenge, and a sunrise wedding for a bride who never wakes up before noon.

Getting through her sister’s kidnapping will look like a piece of cake compared to what comes next.

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About the Author

Paige Tyler is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy, romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She and her very own military hero (also known as her husband) live on the beautiful Florida coast with their adorable fur baby (also known as their dog). Paige graduated with a degree in education, but decided to pursue her passion and write books about hunky alpha males and the kick-butt heroines who fall in love with them.

She is represented by Bob Mecoy.

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Megan Mitcham: The Road to HEA (Giveaways–Everyone Wins!)
Monday, April 18th, 2016

It’s been a while since I’ve had the pleasure of sharing the lovely Delilah Devlin’s spectacular and saucy blog. Thank you for having me back, DD and fans! I do so love the company. So much so, I brought presents!!

What have you all been up to? Seriously, tell me in the comments.

Oh, what about me?


I’ve been caring for my hottie husband. This pic was taken on our last big hiking adventure before he had ACL reconstruction and meniscus surgery last week. It sounds awful. It’s had its moments, but when you can cry (me) and laugh (him) through the hard stuff you know you’re with the right one. Your one.

Every now and again, I find myself a bit jaded with the always Happy Ever After of romance. Some times people don’t get a HEA. What about those people? Are their stories not worth telling? Why do I always write a HEA?

One day, I might take a jaunt away from romance. But during times like these I’m reminded that love stories aren’t all the same. The roads to those HEAs differ widely. That thought has reignited my passion for unique stores with winding paths, shocking valleys and sudden peaks. Stories similar to the first two I wrote not too many years ago. Where friends become enemies and enemies become lovers in Enemy Mine. Where a heinous injustice paves the way for love and retribution in Justice Mine.

I did mention I bring presents…

Enemy Mine is FREE on all outlets!! Also, Enemy Mine & Justice Mine (plus another surprise book) are FREE to those who sign up for my newsletter at!! I promise no spamming. Who has time for that? Not us.


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Thanks for hanging out with me! I look forward to catching up in the comments.

All the best,

Megan Mitcham
USA Today Bestselling Author
Sizzling Suspense – Are you sizzling yet?

Layla Chase: On an Escort’s Arm
Sunday, April 17th, 2016

The inspiration for On an Escort’s Arm came, oddly enough, from listening to my grand-nieces and grand-nephew lament about school dances. Now bear with me as I walk you through the convolutions of a writer’s mind. They mentioned hating to walk into one without at least one person either they were to meet inside the entrance or that they walked beside as they greeted the entire group of their peers, some of whom were judgmental to the point of meanness. I remember my own similar feelings from when I was younger.

I don’t write YA so I advanced that person ten years into the future and gave her (in this case) a career she’s good at but one that has kept her somewhat isolated. I searched for a similar situation, still wanting to tap into those insecurities that in some of us never go away. What I decided upon was an awards ceremony where she’s to receive an award for developing a successful computer dating program but (ironically) doesn’t have a man in her life to bring along as a date. Hence, the need to seek a paid escort—the basis for the plot of On An Escort’s Arm.


She hired him for business, he promised pleasure.

Kimbra Wilburt has devoted so much time and energy to her new matchmaking computer program that her social life has withered. Shuddering at the idea of arriving dateless at a business awards dinner, she hires a male escort. But the younger man at her door is sex-on-a-stick and awakens a hunger she hasn’t fed in a long while.

While Dez Renato grows his house restoration business, he hires out as an escort to pay the bills. One look, and he knows exactly what strait-laced Kimbra needs and sets about relaxing her sexual inhibitions. But soon Dez has a tigress on his hands, and he can’t help but wonder if he’s in too deep.

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He extended the forms in her direction. “If you could fill out the last few questions, this part will be finished.”

Remembering the content of those questions she’d left blank, she jumped to her feet and crossed to the bay window overlooking her terraced garden. “This…circumstance is new…and I wasn’t sure how to answer all the specifics.”

Rustling sounded behind her, and she braced. For what? She didn’t know. Large hands rested on her shoulders, his warmth immediately seeping through the fabric to her skin. After the initial shock, she almost swayed. How she missed the physical closeness of a confident male.

“Can’t have a frown marring your pretty face. Let me rub away that tension you’re feeling.” Strong thumbs rubbed along her shoulders and worked up the column of her neck.

Her eyelids drifted shut, and she let her head drop forward. “Mmm, that feels great.” This was special treatment she could get used to.

“At Galaxy, we know the first time may be confusing for clients.” His tone soothed while his hands kneaded. “We’ve discovered a great deal of success with conducting the final interview in person.”

“Do all the interviews come with massages?” The sensation of warm hands against her stiff muscles was heavenly. She envisioned them on other parts of her body, and suddenly her skin flushed with heat.

He chuckled. “Only if a massage will help.”

A nagging thought reminded her—his actions were just part of the company’s services. “I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t appreciate what you’re doing.”

“You’d be surprised.”

About the Author

On a dare from a close friend, Layla Chase challenged herself to explore the steamier side of romance and discovered all sorts of characters whose stories needed sharing. Surrounded by acres of mountain forest, she writes contemporary and historical stories about strong personalities who know what they want…or rather, who they want, and set out to get it.

Amazon Author:

Jennifer Kacey: Buried Acceptance (Giveaway)
Friday, April 15th, 2016

Today is a special day for me. *BOUNCY*

I’ve been trying forever to get rights back for the books still being held hostage by EC. And the end of last year I finally got two back. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the only one I’ve been able to re–release and today I’m sharing it with all of you sexy people! So excited to be able to put it back out with a super pretty new cover, new title and some tweaking throughout the story.

It’s book one in the Hypnotic Series about some of the patients of hypnotherapist Mackenzee Rogue. Buried Acceptance features Kerrington and Danielle. Best friends in love with each other but with a huge wall between them.

Don’t you LOVE the cover???


Ignoring their needs is no longer an option…

Kerrington needed her best friend Danielle in her life. Secretly she wasn’t just a need. She was an ache, buried so deep Kerrington couldn’t breathe without wanting her. But she’d promised her grandmother she’d make her proud and find a man to marry, to have children with, to love, and cherish…

Nothing else mattered more than following the straight and narrow path set before her. Until one night when a simple kiss changed everything and placed Danielle and Kerrington’s strained friendship into question.

Searching for answers, Kerrington finds the acceptance she thought lost forever—unearthed by hypnotherapist Dr. Mackenzee Rogue. Now Kerrington must convince Danielle they’re worth one last chance.

Is it too late or will they find the forever they’ve been searching for?

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How do you enter to win an e-book copy of Buried Acceptance for your reading pleasure?? Tell me if you’ve ever tried hypnosis!! I’m so fascinated with the research I did on everything it can help with. Smoking, weight loss, trouble sleeping, anxiety and all sorts of other things. Did it work? Did it not? Would you do it again??? And don’t forget to put your email address in the comment so I can get a hold of you if you win!!

Hope you love Buried Acceptance and there’s more where that came from!!

Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey



About the Author


Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

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