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Archive for 'Guest Blogger'
Friday, December 17th, 2021

Hello Delilah!
Thank you so much for hosting me and giving me the opportunity to share this amazing charity anthology with your wonderful and loyal fans.
I was thrilled when presented the opportunity to join other authors to create the ultimate Christmas anthology. Secret Santa: A Romance Collection is 80 stories and over a million words. The best part? Net proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House. So, a great anthology, a great charity, and a fantastic price. All this for 99 cents!
The stories range from super sweet to super sexy. A number of subgenres are represented as well. My own story is a gay romance, and I can’t wait to share it with readers.
Thank you for letting me share my great news.
Hope everyone has a lovely holiday season.
Gabbi Grey
Secret Santa

Meet me under the mistletoe…
In this limited-edition Christmas romance collection love blooms underneath the mistletoe as secret admirers finally confess their love and secret Santas make holiday wishes of the heart come true.
Get into the Christmas spirit by diving into these stories where anything can happen through the magic of Christmas—and love.
Authors in this collection are:
Mandy Melanson – USA Today Bestselling Author
Sunny Abernathy
Sofia Aves
Danika Bloom
Jennifer Bonds
J. Shanee Byers
Leann Castellanos
MaryAnn Clarke
Caitlyn Coakley
Merrie Destefano
Maci Dillon
Beth Fred
Amber Ghe
Adina D. Grey
Susan Horsnell
K.L. Humphreys
Ivy Hunt
Lizzie James
Ainsley Jaymes
Di Jones
A.L. Morrow
Colleen Key
Mia Kingsley
Nikki Landis
Jeanine Lauren
Dawn Luedecke
Margaret Madigan
C.N. Marie
Chelsea McDonald
Stacey Jaine McIntosh
Katherine Moore
Irene Micheals
Marianne Petit
Kyrii Rayne
Arietta Richmond
J.A. Roles
Katy Rose
Elle Ryan – USA Today Bestselling Author
Angela Scavone
Rachel A. Smith
Emmanuelle Snow
Amy Stephens
Stacey Wallace
Tienna Wilde
Aubrey Wynne
Stormy Winds
Rayne Elizabeth
Faedra Rose
Jennifer M. Miller
A.M. Daniels
Adam Johnson
Amy C. Beckinsale
Ashley Zakrzewski
Callie Vegas
Dusty Grein
Emma Mountford
Gabbi Grey
Helena Novak
Isabela Jacobs
Jenny Redford
Jessica Ames
Jo Bradley
Joe Quakenboss
K.M. Pyne
Lark Anderson
Lexi Noir
Marissa Ann
Mira Kane
Morgan Meyer
Naomi Panthera
Natalia Prim
Nikki Kimberly
Nova Edwins
R.J. Murray
Raquel Anne
S.E. Roberts
Sara Cunningham
Tabitha Barret
Thea Dane
Valkyrie Luna
Zaria Knight
Zelda Knight
Grab your copy now to experience the magic of love during the holidays!
Net proceeds go to Ronald McDonald House.
Universal Book Link – Secret Santa – https://books2read.com/secretsantacollection
GoodReads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56606303
Tagged: anthology, Guest Blogger Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Gabbi Grey - ButtonsMom2003 -
Thursday, December 16th, 2021
Not long after I published the Soul of the Witch trilogy, I received several emails asking about Jason and Amy, the married couple from Boston who went West to help his uncle manage the Harris Highland’s Ranch.
How did such diverse personalities meet? Their passion for each other was evident, but what was their story?
Then, while crafting Jason and Amy’s story in Pyromancer, two more characters made it abundantly clear they had a past to air as well.
Hence, two prequel novels for the Soul of the Witch trilogy (Prodigy and Pyromancer) and a third novel (Patriarch) to wrap up the six-book series is coming soon. But numbering two prequels became an issue. 0.25 and 0.5 were not an option, so I gave these tales an entirely new series name. Coven Moon.
Prodigy, Coven Moon, Book 1

Ayden saw Margaret’s face in his very first fire-vision. They came to believe their love to be inevitable, their destiny and passion as enduring as his visions, able to overcome any obstacle.
Or so they thought.
Excerpt from “Prodigy”
The sky darkened. The heavy, threatening clouds that had lined the western horizon on their way to the farm rolled across the sky, bringing with them the scent of rain. Dry cornrows rustled in the brisk breeze and made it impossible to hear piglets running in the field.
Or Ayden. I’d best turn back or chance a soaking.
Ahead of Margaret, two figures crossed her path. The first, a black sow, followed immediately by a pale woman in a flowing white gown. The woman paused, her gaze directed beyond Margaret, and slowly raised her hand to point down the row.
Margaret spun on her heel, chilled to the bone by the apparition, and bounced off the chest of a strange man. She struck him with such force she stumbled back, fell to the ground, and rubbed her nose.
The stranger laughed. His gaping mouth displayed missing and rotted teeth. The breeze lifted white hair and tossed it about his head like a crazed ghoul. “Look what I found.”
Not a ghoul.
Margaret scrambled backward, rolled to rise to her feet, but was knocked back down by a boot to her backside.
“And they said there weren’t no women here.”
She twisted to watch him and kicked his hand when he reached for the hem of her skirt. “Don’t touch me.”
“Mighty prissy.” He leaned forward and grabbed her boot when she kicked. “That ain’t nice. You must like it rough. I know I sure do.”
His chuckle turned into a surprised grunt as he was knocked back by a man who burst from the adjacent row.
“Ayden?” Margaret scrambled to her feet, eyeing the two men who wrestled on the ground.
“Go,” Ayden yelled at her. “Run.” The ghoulish man’s fist knocked Ayden’s head back.
She ran past where they fought, then stopped in the row to watch.
There must be something I can do.
Ayden fell back across the row.
Her assailant thrashed to his feet and picked up the long rifle Ayden had knocked from his hands. “This won’t be pretty, but I’m sure gonna like it.” He lifted the rifle butt to his shoulder and squinted down the barrel at Ayden.
Ayden gained his feet and lifted his hand toward the rifle barrel. “Don’t shoot,” he warned.
With a grin, the white-haired man squeezed the trigger. As the firing pin struck the cap, the gunpowder exploded backward, sending the breech plug and blast of the weapon into the attacker’s face. Smoke and fire followed the dead man to the ground.
Ayden closed his fingers into a fist, and the fire ceased. His gaze turned from the man on the ground to Margaret, and his eyes widened with astonished recognition.
“Run back to the farm.” He closed the distance between them. “There are two more of these men in the field.”
“What? How do you know?”
“They came to the farm after the moon gathering.” He gripped her upper arm and pushed her ahead of him. “Run, Margaret.”
She lifted her skirt and dashed through the corn. Freezing rain, driven by the wind, pelted her head. The row curved, limiting her vision, her heart thundered in her ears, then she was out of the corn. She stumbled to a stop and gazed around the empty yard.
The members at the Samhain celebration had retreated inside to escape the storm. No one would have heard her cry for help.
“Let’s get inside.” Ayden took her hand and led her toward the house. “Leader Brown needs to be told what’s happened.”
Buy Link: Amazon – https://amzn.to/3IJaQVC
($0.99 through the end of the year–Free in KU!)
Pyromancer, Coven Moon, Book 2

Indentured for twenty years, a hostage of magic in a foreign land, Ayden MacKenna returns home seeking more than vengeance and searches the flames for an inkling of what he may have lost.
Excerpt from “Pyromancer”
The flames in his stove burned brightly, and the chill in the room lessened. The tingling sensation of foretelling tightened his scalp. “Show me Margaret’s child.”
The shadows between the flames whirled and dipped as they flickered across the coals in time with a silent rhythm.
Then she stood before him in the fire, on a grand staircase.
Ayden groaned, and his soul chipped a tiny bit more. She looked like the memory of Margaret he had carried in his mind—in his heart—for so long.
The young woman’s fingers played nervously with the string ties of a beaded mask.
A blond-haired man stepped into the vision. He took her hand and bent to whisper in her hair.
Ayden slammed the door to the stove shut and covered his face as his shoulders shook.
Loss filled his heart, and he battled with hatred and resentment. They’d taken so damned much from him. For so long he had begged to see visions of home, tidings of the ones he’d been forced to leave behind, and now that he had—now that a face had formed in the fire, showing him the child that could have been his had he been allowed to stay, he could hardly bear it.
He pushed the tears from his lashes and shook his head.
The fire had given him two faces tonight. One he recognized—the blond lad that came in regularly to bed Molly. He rolled his eyes and lay back on his bed.
What had been the boy’s name?
Ah yes, Jason Harris.
Buy Link: Amazon – https://amzn.to/3EMnr81
(Free in KU!)
C. Marie Bowen Amazon Author Page – https://amzn.to/3rY52Su
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Tagged: excerpt, Guest Blogger, historical, paranormal Posted in Free Read, General | Comments Off on C. Marie Bowen: Coven Moon Trilogy (Free in KU!–Excerpts) | Link
Monday, December 13th, 2021
“Time is very precious to me…”
March 4, 1993, Jim Valvano at the ESPYS
We need more.
We want more.
There is never enough.
I’ve been a published author for six and a half years and have released twenty-nine books with four in the pipeline and five planned for 2022. I’m often asked how I produce so many books and manage all the work that goes into being a romance writer.
There isn’t a simple answer.
During the last six years, I was working full and then part-time. I run the house and always seem to be chasing a repair person because something has broken (Currently—my washer is giving error messages and not fully draining). I’m not the type that can lock myself in a room and work for eight hours straight, totally focused on what is in front of me. I must have a plan, and even more importantly, stick to it.
Here are five strategies that have helped me.
- Know how much time in a day is actually “yours.” For four days, keep a detailed list of what you do and how long it takes. Start subtracting from twenty-four. Sleep, tv time, morning coffee, social media, meals, errands, grooming (remember to shower). The remainder is “your” time. **Round up, everything takes longer in reality.
- Pay attention to how long tasks take from start to finish. For instance, a run to the bank. You should factor in changing clothes or showering, gathering the necessary papers, finding your keys, plus the trip itself, and then when you return, another change of clothes, putting receipts away. What you at first claimed was a twenty-minute task, now turns out to be sixty minutes.
- Learn how long it takes for you to get into your writing headspace. I am jealous of those who can write while waiting in the carpool line or while their husband is driving them somewhere. I don’t work that way. I have found I have a series of steps I follow before I can get to the words. It starts with dog out/dog in, laundry started, drink at the ready, and music or tv playing low in the background. I also check e-mails before I start in case something important has arrived. Then, I write. It takes me at least thirty minutes to settle in. When you do the math, I lose valuable time getting there, but once I’m ready, I’m working.
- I make To Do Lists that are feasible. I try to keep it to six items. I don’t want to self-sabotage by giving myself too much to do because I won’t get it all done.
- Prioritize what is important and what you need to accomplish today. What do you want to do? Social media is a time suck, not only producing posts but scrolling through everybody else’s. I know that TikTok is currently the hot trend. I found that I don’t believe I have enough to share to post often, and for a while, the stress of worrying about it caused me to lose valuable time.
Our lives are busy and constantly changing. Your scheduling will evolve as your life changes. You will learn how to trim minutes in certain areas, and maybe, add more in others. Remember, every day offers a new opportunity. Don’t give up!
Today, I’m offering a $20 Amazon Gift Card for a great time-management tip shared below.
About the Author
Melanie Jayne/M. Jayne spends her days on a grain farm in central Indiana with her long-suffering husband and mastiff, Duncan Keith. She writes Contemporary Seasoned Romance and has published several series. As M. Jayne she is the teller of tales of the Novus Pack. You can learn more about her work here:
For Novus Pack Fans- Trust Me comes out on January 25th. Learn more at https://www.readmelaniejayne.com/trust-me.html

Tagged: favorite quotes, Guest Blogger, shifter, time management, werewolf Posted in Contests!, General | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Alison Rush - Jean White - Jodie Bivins - Beth - pat -
Sunday, December 12th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is Diane Sallens!
©Diana Cosby 2021

The holidays are a special time, and I enjoy seeing the festive colors echoed in nature.

The snowfall makes a beautiful backdrop for the cardinals as they move along the trees searching for berries.

Blue Jays visit the bird feeders often when it’s snowing.

The gorgeous sunrises during the holidays are like nature’s own celebration of lights.

Holly Berries provide a festive burst of color against the snow.

Liam MacGruder, his bird and animal friends that visit, and I wish you a wonderful holiday season!

***ONE winner will be drawn from everyone who posts on my guest blog post about, ‘Nature’s Beauty For The Holidays!’ on Delilah’s blog between 12 December 2021– 19 December 2021, and will win a tote bag.
About Diana Cosby

A retired Navy Chief, Diana Cosby is an international bestselling author of Scottish medieval romantic suspense. Books in her award-winning MacGruder Brothers series have been translated into five languages. Diana has spoken at the Library of Congress, Lady Jane’s Salon in NYC, and appeared in Woman’s Day, on USA Today’s romance blog, “Happy Ever After,” MSN.com, Atlantic County Women Magazine, and Texoma Living Magazine.
After her career in the Navy, Diana dove into her passion – writing romance novels. With 34 moves behind her, she was anxious to create characters who reflected the amazing cultures and people she’s met throughout the world. After the release of the bestselling MacGruder Brothers series and The Oath Trilogy, she released the bestselling The Forbidden Series.
Diana looks forward to the years of writing ahead and meeting the amazing people who will share this journey.
Diana Cosby, International Best-Selling Author
The Oath Trilogy
MacGruder Brother Series
The Forbidden Series
Social Media
Website: https://www.dianacosby.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/978803.Diana_Cosby
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Diana-Cosby/e/B003YJ1MR4/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1417447922&sr=8-1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Diana-Cosby-Romance-Author-150109024636/?ref=ts
Tagged: Guest Blogger, highlander, historical romance, medieval, photography Posted in Contests!, General | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Beverly Blank - bn100 - ButtonsMom2003 - Diana Cosby - Delilah -
Friday, December 10th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Donna Barker!
When I was a kid I used to watch an old game show called To Tell The Truth. The curtain came up on three contestants who would claim, “My name is …” The host Bud Collyer would read a mini-bio on the person then a panel of celebrities asked a series of questions to discern which of the contestants was telling the truth. At the end of the round, the panelists stated who their guess was. Collyer then turned to the contestants and asked, “Will the real… please stand up?” This old game show question came to me as I crafted today’s post about Stagecoach Mary Fields.
Mary Fields was a former slave who became the first African American woman to work for the postal service. She was awarded two Star Route mail contracts. These were contracts given to a private carrier to deliver mail for the post office in rural and sparsely populated areas. Despite her nickname, Mary carried the mail with a horse and wagon from 1885 to 1903. She is believed to have been born in 1832 which means she would have been fifty-three when her first contract was granted.

I first learned of Mary in William Loren Katz’s Black People Who Made the Old West. Born in slavery in Tennessee, she made her way West to Montana with her former master’s daughter who’d become an Ursuline nun. Mary worked in the school the Ursulines founded for Native American women. She was six feet tall, dressed, drank, cussed, and handled a gun like a man.
In a 1959 Ebony magazine article, actor Gary Cooper wrote this about her, “Born a slave somewhere in Tennessee, Mary lived to become one of the freest souls ever to draw a breath, or a .38.”
Episode five of the Weird Wonderful Women Youtube channel is dedicated to her. You can view it here: https://youtu.be/6-xFSexopwo. Another realistic depiction is shared in this stage presentation: https://youtu.be/khhIwpxrtFk.
Imagine my shock when I saw a picture of Zazie Beetz, the actress who portrayed Mary in the Netflix film The Harder They Fall. Check out this side-by-side comparison created for this op-ed in the Curvy Fashionista, https://thecurvyfashionista.com/stagecoach-mary-op-ed/, and you’ll understand why that old To Tell The Truth question, “Will the real Stagecoach Mary please stand up?,” came to be the title of my post.

But why should Hollywood’s depiction of Mary be any more realistic than those of other Western women? Does anyone believe Doris Day was chosen to play Calamity Jane because she resembled the real Martha Jane Cannary? Or Betty Hutton because she looked anything like Annie Oakley? Zazie Beetz and Stagecoach Mary are in good company. I’m just grateful Mary is being featured at all. Maybe it will send viewers to learn more about her so the real Stagecoach Mary can not only stand up but stand out.
So for a chance at a $10 Amazon gift card, share in the comments about a woman whose story you wish Hollywood would tell.
“The Patience of Unanswered Prayer” by Michal Scott,
inside Cowboys

A feisty businesswoman about to become the next victim of Post-Civil War revenge receives rescue from an unexpected source…
Excerpt from “The Patience of Unanswered Prayer”…
The cock of a gun hammer turned them both in the same direction. Radcliffe aimed at her and fired. The shot burned its way into her shoulder, knocking her to the ground onto her back.
A second shot shattered the night silence. Through pain-drenched tears she saw Flyte whirl, stumble backwards and collapse with a splash into the creek.
Eleanor lay spent, her shoulder warmed by her blood, her chest no longer tight with fear. Above, the moon shone through a black canopy of leaves. The smell of creek water, crisp and clean, filled her lungs. She’d never imagined where she would die, but a place of beauty like this was as good as any.
Radcliffe’s grin loomed over her.
She stared into the barrel of his gun then closed her eyes as surrender seeped through her.
Father into thy hands I commit my spirit.
A peace descended upon her mind, the peace that passeth all understanding spoken of in the Bible. Although feeling peaceful at this moment made no sense.
Neither did the screaming, cursing and snarling that rent the air.
Buy link: Amazon – https://amzn.to/3iwUhkN
Michal Scott Amazon Author Page – https://amzn.to/2TSHzRn
Website – www.michalscott.webs.com
Tagged: African-American, excerpt, Guest Blogger, historical, Western Posted in Contests!, General | 25 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: bn100 - ButtonsMom2003 - Donna Barker - Alison Rush - Jean White -
Wednesday, December 8th, 2021

House of Rae franchisee Marie Argenta is on the run after her estranged husband Ned inflicts unimaginable tortures. Leaving her Paris House to hide out in the U.S., she ends up at the San Francisco House to serve as temporary manager. The very first day, her gaze lands on the most arrogant man she has ever seen, Adrian Velasquez. He’s also the most compelling devastatingly attractive, over-the-top pleasure partner the universe could ever conjure, which makes her think twice about the rules forbidding employee relationships.
Adrian knows what he likes and this new House manager Marie ranks above and beyond anything he’s ever imagined. Too bad his life is already crammed too full of family troubles, work overload, and finishing his law degree to even consider stretching the rules with this irritating woman. But a touch here, a kiss there, might be too delicious to refuse and she’s, well, she wants him. He knows it.
What Marie and Adrian are soon to discover is that Ned knows where Marie has fled and plans to take her back no matter what.
West Coast life like you’ve never imagined! Take luxurious surroundings, drop in a few gorgeous men, and stir. Don’t forget there’s serious trouble ahead.
Get your copy! Amazon Free promotion Dec 7, 8, and 9 ONLY
Follow my blog for GIVEAWAYS of Book III and IV, coming up in a few days! https://lizzieashworth.com/
** Reviews Needed! ** Please take a moment and review this book!
Excerpt from Reprieve…
Adrian lounged in the hallway outside the ground floor conference room. If it were his call, he’d bring everyone to the room at once throwing out ideas and arguing over word choice. But it wasn’t his call and Marie obviously preferred to take advice from one person at a time. He stopped himself from further questioning her reasoning. He didn’t want to think about her reasoning, her, or her luscious body.
Damn it.
He’d found it unexpectedly difficult to craft language that surpassed hers. He’d actually wasted a lot of time thinking up clever ways to make her uncomfortable with over-the-top sexual innuendo. Which wasn’t the purpose of the task, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He wanted to provoke her, push her limits, test her control. Any opening and he would storm past her walls.
Ridiculous, he knew. Storming her walls was the last thing that should be on his mind. She set something loose in him, something he’d never encountered in all his thirty years. Not carefully calculating his hours, his days, his future as had been his pattern. Instead, this doppelganger lurking inside him plotted devious methods that would result in Marie’s eager nude body in his bed.
He shifted uncomfortably as his cock twitched.
The door opened and Savannah walked out, throwing him an amused glance. “Hey, sex boy. You’re next.”
He shook his head and grinned. “Tear it up, Savannah.”
He rolled his shoulder around the door frame, crossed his arms and looked down the long table to where Marie sat at the far end. Surrounded by papers she was organizing into stacks, she glanced up only momentarily before motioning to a nearby chair. Her hair had been fastened loosely on top of her head but a few strands had worked loose, drifting around her face and doing something outrageous with her beauty. A gauzy pink blouse floated around her shoulders and vanished into the shadow of her sumptuous décolletage. He was instantly hard as iron.
Did she know the image she presented, part sex goddess, part ice queen? He had no doubt of her intellect, whip smart and aggressive. He also had no doubt that she would be a wild cat in bed, a tempest of little moans and cries, all of which would ensure his undying servitude to her unending pleasure. Yes, in a perfect world, he would devote himself utterly to Marie, to fulfilling her every sexual need in long leisurely episodes of rampant lust.
His balls had drawn up tight.
As he pulled out the chair nearest her and sat carefully, her gaze followed the bulge straining his pants until his hips disappeared under the table. He watched her reaction, a careful flick of her tongue against her full bottom lip and a slight flush of pink across her cheeks. Goddamn it, that’s all he needed for his rowdy dick to threaten to leap out of his pants.
“Whatever this game is you are playing, monsieur, it will go nowhere,” she said in a husky voice. “Surely you know I cannot entangle myself with an employee.”
He cleared his throat, fighting against laughter. Triumphant laughter. So the cards were on the table.
“Of course,” he said in his most dignified voice. “But I don’t know what ‘game’ you mean. I’m here only to offer advice on the advertisement.”
Her long lashes blinked up and her aquamarine gaze intensified as she studied him, her brow creased. Oh, he could make that gaze darken and smooth that lovely brow all in the same moment. Just one moment to bare her lovely breasts, taste the dark pink nipples—she would call his name. He would draw those rosy tips hard against his tongue until she cried out.
Then he would move lower, teasing with little kisses and bites, until he reached the altar of her body, that delicious valley of moist ruddy flesh where he would live off her delectable nectar. His tongue, his mouth, and his fingers would perform ancient rites of homage until she flailed and cried out, desperate for his engorged cock.
He suppressed a groan, couldn’t help that his glance had drifted to those luscious mounds waiting for him under that flimsy pink blouse. Was it his imagination or could he actually make out the erect peaks of those perfect tits pressing their captivity, begging him?
She brought her papers into a neat stack and looked up. “When you manage to tear your eyes away from ma poitrine, perhaps we can hear your ideas? S’il vous plait?”
He dragged his gaze back to her face, unable to keep the guilty grin off his face. “Ma poitrine,” he drawled. “Is that what they call those lovelies in French?” He leaned forward, as much to punish the rigid length of his raging cock as to push the boundaries of her personal space. He knew he was acting like an ass, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. His outrageous alter ego was in full control.
“It’s a shame their beauty must be hidden from the world.”
“Pah, you are not here to seduce a client, Monsieur Velasquez.” She tapped a perfectly manicured fingernail on the papers. “What ideas do you have?”

Tagged: contemporary romance, erotic romance, excerpt, Guest Blogger Posted in About books..., Free Read | Comments Off on Lizzie Ashworth: REPRIEVE — FREE Now! (Excerpt) | Link
Monday, December 6th, 2021

Thank you, Delilah Devlin for having me today!
Let me introduce myself, my name is M.D. Stewart and I live in southern West Virginia. I was born and raised here, but due to marrying a Navy man, moved around from age eighteen to twenty-two. I came home and, after much trial and error, I finally found my forever-person and moved to rural Boone County fifteen years ago. We have three indoor cats, three old lady chickens, and when I’m not writing, I’m canning and freezing our garden veggies. He’s also a hunter, so we process deer in the fall.
As the only girl child in my family, I grew up watching soap operas, sci-fi programs (Star Trek reruns mostly), and sneaking my mom’s Harlequin romance books into my room where I devoured them cover-to-cover! All these things combined to give me a vivid imagination and a desire to create my own Universe! I’ve always dreamed of becoming an author and in 2018, I self-published my first book.
This entire journey has been a learning experience! I also think I’ve evolved as a writer. I started with sci-fi romance, dabbled in paranormal romance, and now I’m writing contemporary motorcycle club romance. My Fae Shifters duo is mmf and some books in my series do have menage of mfm and mm merging to mmf throuples. Basically, I think love is essential for survival if you’re an alien, shifter, or human.
I also exclusively pen LGBTQ paranormal romance for Changeling Press. My books with CP feature mm, mmm, and mmf romances with ghosts, psychic vampires, hellhound shifters, demons, angels, and trolls! Like I said I think love is for everybody!
If your interested in my backlist, there is my Amazon Author page! I’d love for you to take a peek!
Let me tell you what I’m working on right now! My most recent release that came out on December 3rd is Her Three Bears. It’s a retelling of Goldilocks if it were set in modern-day West Virginia with a motorcycle club romance trope. Her Three Bears is part of the Bleeding Souls Saved by Love! Anthology.

The BSSBL books are all MC romance or dark Mafia romance based on fairytale retelling. The series started releasing in March 2021 and various authors are scheduled for release through 2023. Each book is a standalone. While not all the BSSBL books are, Her Three Bears is exclusive to Amazon so you can read it FREE though Kindle Unlimited.
Here’s the description of Her Three Bears.
Amber Gold needs to escape and hide from her treacherous family.
Her dad is a mean drunk, her brother is abusive and her life at home is deteriorating fast. When she stumbles on a cabin in the woods, Amber thinks she’s found a safe shelter. Sneaking in at night while the owners are away, she doesn’t realize the danger her heart is in.
Parker “Papa Bear” Kodiak has earned his grumpy, hardcore reputation.
Growing up poor in a rural West Virginia town, he struck out on his own at sixteen. He found acceptance as a Prospect in the Wicked Warriors MC. Through brutality and determination, he became the youngest Sergeant-at-Arms in their history. No one crosses Parker and lives to talk about it.
Someone has been breaking into Parker’s home.
While his brothers Max and Bryson aren’t concerned, Parker is determined to make the intruder pay for their crime. But is Parker willing to pay the ultimate price when he finds the golden-haired beauty asleep in his baby brother’s bed?
I had so much fun writing Her Three Bears, that the story just came to me and flowed to the page. Trust me, it is a gift when that happens. It was different for me to have a little bit darker characters than I was used to writing. It is a romance though, so an HEA is guaranteed!
When I wrote Her Three Bears, a character showed up that intrigued me. Well, two characters actually; Mark and Mac “Rogue” Steele. Mark is a West Virginia State Policeman and his twin, Mac is a member of the Black Dagger MC. I knew they were twins, but it wasn’t until I started writing Rogue’s story that they revealed they were mirror twins. So fascinating!
Even though it is a spin-off of Her Three Bears, Rogue, Black Dagger MC, begins a new series but has a lot of cross-over characters. I also introduce a badass female MC, Devil’s Daughters. The leader, Sammi Jo, is based on a friend of mine. My beta readers loved this story, and I’m so happy to bring it to you!
Here’s the description of Rogue.

With a corrupt cop and an escaped killer hunting them, can Rogue do the impossible and save Stevie?
Stevie Anderson barely eluded death when deranged serial killer, Paul Turner, murdered her entire family before setting their house on fire. While in protective custody, she’s hidden where the killer would least suspect — the home of a biker in the Black Dagger Motorcycle Club.
Mac “Rogue” Steele resisted his twin’s suggestion to hide a federal protection witness at his home until he got to know the shy but charming woman. With a bruised heart, scarred body, and beautiful soul, it doesn’t take long for Stevie to claim his cynical heart.
After her family’s killer contacts Stevie from his prison cell, Rogue takes her on the run through the hills and hollows of southern West Virginia. Relying on the help of his MC, Rogue desperately searches for a way to keep Stevie alive.
If you’re interested in Rogue, and his twin, you can preorder on Amazon, and they will show up on your Kindle on January 21st! It will also be FREE on Kindle Unlimited.
While writing Rogue, I met a character that I really didn’t like. He was rude, bitter, and just angry at the world. Rogue wanted to kill him, even though he’s part of the same MC! I decided to get to know Dodge a little more and what I learned was heartbreaking.
Dirk “Dodge” Hodges had a hard life as a kid. His dad was both physically and sexually abusive to him and his brother. But he found a home with the Black Dagger MC as a teenager. Dodge was a strong character, and I knew he needed a woman who could go toe-to-toe with him and not back down. Kira Taylor is that woman.
Here’s a little more about Dodge.

Someone made the fatal mistake of abducting Dodge’s son
When Dodge’s Old Lady suddenly wants out, and his brother goes to prison for murder, all Dodge has left is the Black Dagger MC. Abandoning the club that gave him acceptance and safety is simply out of the question. Six years later, his old childhood sweetheart, Kira returns with a surprise — their son. What should be a happy reunion is cut short when the boy goes missing.
Kira Taylor once found club life thrilling, but as a nurse she saw first-hand how quickly things get bloody. After becoming pregnant she leaves town and made a clean break from everyone. But the freedom for her son only lasts until a tragedy befalls them and she must return home.
Now Kira’s only chance at happiness is to confess everything she hid from Dodge. With his help, they might be able to rescue their son. But with both of their lives shattered by this news, can they learn to forgive each other and finally become the family they were meant to be years ago?
If you would just love to fall for a bad boy with a tragic past, you can preorder Dodge now and you’ll have him on your Kindle March 21st. Again, Dodge will be FREE on KU.
I don’t want to take up all of your time, so I’ll leave you and Delilah with my thanks and the links to my social media if you’d like to follow me. If you go to my website, you can sign up for my newsletter which, to be honest, only comes out when I have new releases. I don’t flood your email, that’s for sure!
MD Stewart’s Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MDStewartAuthor
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mdstewart8
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gooseandmindi
BookBub: www.bookbub.com/profile/m-d-stewart
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18294133.M_D_Stewart
Website: https://mdstewartauthor.com
Blog: https://wordpress.com/mdstew.art.blog
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B07GBFKNDP
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mdstewartauthor
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, motorcycle club, paranormal romance Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
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