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Archive for 'Guest Blogger'
Thursday, July 30th, 2020
Hello, everyone! Big thanks to Delilah for letting me hang out with you today in her place. I always appreciate it and always have a great time.
I just had my birthday a couple of days ago. For some people, they’re not a big deal. For us, they’re mostly a family thing, though when my kids were younger, we of course did the parties with classmates so they could do something fun, like hayrides, or bowling, or whatever the fun thing was that year. Now that they’re grown, it’s just immediate family and occasionally one of their friends for dinner, cake and presents. For us, as parents, it’s usually the same, minus their friends.
But I remember family birthdays from when I was a kid, where sometimes extended family came (and I have a very large extended family), usually grandparents, or when we were in school, best friends. My mom always made our birthday cakes, and we got to choose what we had for our birthday dinner—I had lasagna a lot of years because I loved Italian food. I remember how much fun it was with the whole family around the table, eating a special dinner, then digging into a delicious homemade cake.
When you’re a kid, you don’t fully appreciate those days, I think, or at least I don’t believe that I did. When you’re a kid, you think things will always be the same, right? That your family will always be together, that home is always going to be there. Also while wishing fervently for the time to come when you can date, or drive, or any number of other milestones. And before you know it, you’re not home anymore, or at least not in your childhood home, your family is spread over seven states, and those family days are fewer and far between.
Anyone else has moments when they look back at these things and wish you’d paid closer attention, or to just go there for one day, one hour? Maybe it’s just the birthday. There are a lot of July birthdays in my family, and they all seem bunched up in a 7-10 day period, including a couple on the same day. But these days, we’re reduced to birthday cards in the mail, phone calls, text messages, and Facebook because none of us live close together.
So this is my long-winded way of saying pay attention to those days when you get to be with the people you love, always. If you’re lucky, you’ll continue to have lots more of them, and you’ll still have all the good memories. If you’re not as lucky, you will have the good memories, and even though they aren’t the same, they’re still a really nice thing to have as a substitute.
These days, we’re making new memories, just with a smaller group, and I know better now. These days and moments are precious and deserve full attention. My family birthday dinner will be this coming weekend. I am not making my own cake but ordered one from a place I love as a splurge, and our little group will have a good meal, followed by amazing cheesecake, and I will cherish every moment of it.
Since I last visited here, I have a new novella out, so I have an ebook version to give away in the winner’s format of choice. Just tell me something you know now that you wish you’d known “then” about birthdays. Or maybe just a favorite birthday memory? Everyone who shares by 11:00pm on July 30, 2020 will be entered in the giveaway.

Single dad Nate Baxter has his hands full with his son and his haunted lighthouse. He doesn’t have time to spend with a woman…especially one who won’t stick around, like his ex-wife.
But Lucie Russo’s not like other women Nate’s met. She’s sweet and sexy, and his mouth waters every time he’s around her.
Will a family emergency cause him to break his relationship rules? And if he does, will his heart be broken too?
Get your copy here!
Excerpt from Light the Way Home…
Lucie had been on Mac’s Light Island for almost three weeks, but the view from the back door of her temporary home still took her breath away. Right now, she realized she’d been standing there staring, slack-jawed, at the sunlight glinting off the grey-blue ocean waves for a good five minutes. Shaking her head, she pulled the door shut and stepped down onto the sidewalk, feeling in her purse for her car keys.
She closed her fingers on the fob as a giggle reached her ears. She turned to the white picket fence that bordered the property next door as a big multi-colored ball sailed over it, toward her. “Oh!” She caught it before it hit her in the face, then started across the grass, balancing the ball on her hand.
Another giggle sounded as she neared the fence, so she adjusted her direction a tiny bit and came to a stop looking directly down onto a tousled blond head.
“I think you lost something,” she said.
The little boy’s face tipped up quickly, his blue eyes wide with surprise–as if he couldn’t believe she’d found him already.
Lucie grinned and held the ball higher.
He smiled as he got to his feet, brushing off his jeans-clad knees.
From seeing him playing outside several times already, she’d guessed he might be four, but now at close range, she scaled that back to three.
“Hi, I’m Hayden,” he said, holding out his right hand.
It was her turn to be surprised. She shook his hand, bemused. “Hi, Hayden, I’m Lucie.” Not too many three-year-olds had such good manners. Aside from the ball toss at her face, that is. “Nice to meet you.”
He glanced up at his ball. “Me an’ my dad are your neighbors.”
“I see that.” She noted he hadn’t mentioned his mom. “Who were you playing with?” She gave the ball a little bounce.
“Maybe you wanna play with me.” Guileless blue eyes locked on her face.
Ah. She squelched the pang in her chest. “I wish I could, but I’m on my way to town. Maybe we can play another time?” she added when his grin vanished.
“Like this afternoon?”
The deep voice got her attention–and the boy’s–just before a tall, sandy-haired man rounded the back corner of the next-door house.
Lucie’s mouth went dry. Wowza!
About the Author
Elizabeth Andrews has been a book lover since she was old enough to read. She read her copies of Little Women and the Little House series so many times, the books fell apart. As an adult, her book habit continues. She has a room overflowing with her literary collection right now, and still more spreading into other rooms. Almost as long as she’s been reading great stories, she’s been attempting to write her own. Thanks to a fifth-grade teacher who started the class on creative writing, Elizabeth went from writing creative sentences to short stories and eventually full-length novels. Her father saved her poor, callused fingers from permanent damage when he brought home a used typewriter for her.
Elizabeth found her mother’s stash of romance novels as a teenager, and—though she loves horror—romance became her very favorite genre, making writing romances a natural progression.
Along with her enormous book stash, Elizabeth lives with her husband of twenty-six years and spends plenty of time with her two young adult sons who have recently flown the coop. When she’s not at work or buried in books or writing, there is a garden outside full of herbs, flowers, and vegetables that requires occasional attention.
You can find out more and keep up with news at her website: www.ElizabethAndrewsWrites.com
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger Posted in General | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: bn100 - Elizabeth Andrews - Delilah -
Monday, July 27th, 2020
UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette!
If you want to be part of the tour for new release
please go here, to SILVER DAGGER TOURS!
July 25th to August 25th. Tons of chances to win!
I’m pretty excited. I’ve started writing in a new genre! And I’ve fallen in love with it!
Why did I choose to start a new genre, while still writing M/F, especially in the Real Men series?
I found I loved exploring the different power dynamics between 2 men. There’s something about the push and pull between two warriors, two characters with similar power bases figuring out how to come together.
And the intense vulnerability when they finally do…
It’s got me captivated.
What did some of my lovely advance readers, die-hard M/F fans say, of their first foray into M/M romance?
“This is not usually a genre I read but I am so glad I made an exception this time. Even if M/M is not your thing I urge you to read this book. It is first and foremost an exceptionally beautiful book about love in all its magical and diverse forms.”
“Yep. Welcome to my first ever review for a M/M romance. No one is more shocked than I am since I land squarely in the box for liking hetero romances. This doesn’t mean I’m a hater, it’s just not my jam.
…But most of all, I was overwhelmed with the love that bound this house full of people that life had kicked to the curb. Not only did they have an outrageous, over-the-top love for each other, but they even had love for those on the outside who chose not to show love to them. Beautiful story. Fabulous depth. Pure joy.”
We all have our favorites, and that’s GOOD. However, if you love m/m, or just love love, and want to try something new (but not really…it’s still love…), here’s the series blurb.
Refuge Bay spills into glorious Chesapeake Bay. It’s here Nathan Gentael has found his hope again, his mission…in the ancient century home that’s been in his family for generations.
To gather together gay men who have been shredded by life, to give them a chance. A second shot at life…
The men who come will not have it easy. Romance will be the last thing on their minds.
But love will find them…
A sensitive artist, frozen in time, but with a new mission…
An ex-military bulldozer of a man who doesn’t brook any opposition and has his own agenda…
And a derelict manse, in stunning, out of the way Refuge Bay,
that must be rebuilt…
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The cataclysmic drop in Nathan’s gut was all too familiar. If the pushy investor came in now and saw the disorder, everything would be lost.
His mission. The only thing he knew that could make his existence even remotely redeemable. It would all be gone. Again. And he didn’t know that he could recover from that kind of loss.
This was his last reboot. Absolutely the last.
And if that was gone…
Nathan ran to the back door, slammed it shut, turned the lock. Jumped to the kitchen window, hurriedly yanked the curtain closed.
“Dude. What are you doing?”
Zach shook his head. “Buddy. He had to have seen the curtains open.”
“Pfft. Guys don’t look at curtains.”
“But the noise… the commotion in here…”
“That souped-up rod he’s driving would have drowned out the waves on a Nor’easter.” Nathan catapulted to the basement entrance, yanked out the extension cord connected to the fans downstairs, and tossed it down the wooden stairs. Then he hurriedly flipped the light in the corner off. “We’ll be super quiet. Wait him out. He won’t know any different.”
He slid down against the wall, tucked himself into the corner, looped his arm around Molly, who’d finally trotted back to his side, grinning her slobbery grin, and held her close. He motioned to Zach to join him.
None of this made sense. But hell. He was acting on instinct. “When he’s gone, we’ll contact the agent. Reschedule. Clean up. Then…”
Zach looked wild. “Nate, he’s not stupid. Even if he’s an investor with way more money than those great big balls he’s supposed to have, he’ll know. You can’t just…”
And then, as if to be the proverbial cherry on the top — in tandem with the fact that there were cherries everywhere — a loud voice filled the air, coming from the far end of the kitchen, by the hallway.
There, wrapped in a distressed brown leather jacket and knife-edged khaki pants, stood a man. Shoulders spanning, well, way more than they would on an everyday mortal. Dark hair, curling around the nape of his neck. An open-throated shirt, brown leather boots. Staring at the two of them and definitely not amused.
For a chance to win a copy of Nathan Unwrapped, please let me know in the comments:
Are you reading more, in these times of Covid-19? And/or…what new genre are you hankering to try out?
About Susan
Amazon Bestselling Author Susan Saxx has a passion for the small towns of North America. She sets her compelling stories in the north country (Jack’s Bay), mountain country (Terrence Point, Dawson Ridges, Golden) and Chesapeake Bay area (Refuge Bay), replete with quirky yet big-hearted neighbours always willing to lend a hand—and an opinion, whether requested or not.
Susan also deeply loves Christmas, with numerous Christmas stories in her series, and adds more holiday books (including Valentine’s and Halloween), annually.
As she continues to write the beloved Real Men series, she is applying her passion for love without boundaries to the m/m genre.
Tagged: contemporary romance, gay romance, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 10 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Susan Saxx - Debra Guyette - bn100 - ButtonsMom2003 - Delilah -
Sunday, July 26th, 2020

Whether you’re a reader or a writer, we all meet under the covers in one way or another for our fictional rush. Striving to escape from the daily routines and meet under the book covers. And we all remember what book changed you or made a difference compared to so many others. The golden rush.
We all remember the moment when we went from being a curious person to a true reader or fan of an author. For me, I was in my late teens and it was Lynsay Sands with the Argeneau series. My first introduction into the paranormal romance. Before this I was used to reading Stephen King and Anne Rice, the books on my parents bookshelves. After reading the Argeneau series, it didn’t matter what the book cover looked like. I knew what to expect when I picked it up, and I couldn’t get enough of it. It was everything I wanted to escape to, the vacation I dreamed of, the romantic world of vampires and their mates! The golden rush happened. I’ve since became a fan of the genre all together. I didn’t chose paranormal romance, it chose me.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cameryne Kayne, an indie paranormal romance author of the Crestemere series. I’ve recently debuted the first edition to my series, Becklan’s Doll. Now available at barnesandnoble.com. As a writer, I try to incorporate some of my best experiences over the years from many great stories. The stories we need a week to let the ending settle in our minds because they were just that good! I’ll be honest, some of the best stories I’ve read in the past, I don’t remember what the title was or the book cover. But the stories stick with us. Then there are book covers we can never forget. I still can’t look at an apple the same without being instantly reminded of Edward Cullen from the Twilight series.
Tell me what book or author was your golden rush! I’d love to hear about it!

Here is the link to my first 3 chapters!
Below is the link to my book available at BarnesandNoble.com:
Follow me or drop me a line:
Facebook: @phantasmcammy
Tagged: Guest Blogger, paranormal romance Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Ani - Cameryne kayne -
Friday, July 24th, 2020

One neat thing about writing under pen names is being able to live out different personalities. I decided to take advantage of two of mine and treat myself to two “Christmas in July” parties. As a host of each, I chose my inspirational romance persona, Revannable, and my erotic one, Michal Scott. Then I invited colleagues to send me links to their books that occurred during any winter holiday so I could share them with my social media followers. Each day I paired the books with a seasonal song.
The Preston Sturges film Christmas In July inspired me to do this. The comedy tells the story of a poor schnook who thinks he has won a slogan contest. He shares his good fortune by treating his whole neighborhood to “Christmas in July.” It stars a young non-singing Dick Powell and the entire Preston Sturges ensemble. I love picking out familiar stalwarts like William Demarest and the lesser-known, but just as recognizable, Jimmy Conlin.
Planning a party is half the fun. I delighted in choosing Christmas music for Revannable’s squeaky clean party. The joy of Christmas was heard in carols like “On the Way to Bethlehem,” “Il Est Né Le Divine Enfant (The Infant Child is Born),” and “Mi Burrito Sabanero (My Desert Donkey).” “It’s Christmas Time All Over the World” featured Sammy Davis Jr. with a chorus of kids reciting Merry Christmas in various languages.
For my friends whose stories dealt with Hanukah, I found a video of the “Dreidel Song” that brought back memories of my childhood learning to play with a dreidel in kindergarten. For those whose stories focused more on winter than a holiday, I shared Leroy Anderson’s lovely “Horse and Buggy” instead of the overplayed “Sleigh Ride.” But lest I give the impression that classic Christmas tunes weren’t welcome, I included Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra singing “White Christmas” together.
While Ole Blue Eyes and Der Bingle did the Irving Berlin classic justice at Revannable’s, things were merry and bright over at Michal Scott’s, too. Of course, the hot holiday hop had to start with Eartha Kitt’s “Santa Baby.” In the days that followed, a slew of sultry and/or double entendre-laden music sent the party from hot to sizzling. “Back Door Santa” by Clarence Carter, “Santa Claus Wants Some Lovin'” by Albert King, “Dirty Christmas” by Junksista and “Holly the Holiday Whore.” Even Ella Fitzgerald in a naughty holiday mood belted out “Santa Claus Got Stuck in My Chimney.” I shook my head more than once at some of the album covers that accompanied such titles as “I’ve Got Some Presents for Santa” and “I Know Just What You Want For Christmas.” Did record stores like Virgin Atlantic and Sam Goody have adult-only sections? The fun ends on July 31st. Which party would you attend? Better watch out. Even in July Santa knows who’s more naughty than nice.
“Light the Fire Again” inside Fireworks
In 1896 Adelaide Hanson spent an August night beneath the Coney Island boardwalk with Hero Williams then lived with a ruined reputation while he went off to conquer the world. Two years later he returns on July 4th, a wealthy fireworks manufacturer, determined to win her back before she marries another. Will a personalized fireworks display light her fire again? And even if it does, will she let it?
Excerpt from Light the Fire Again…
Finally worn down by the rumors and the slander, Adelaide went to Reverend Johnson to arrange for a doctor to examine her to provide proof of her virginity. She’d been saving to go to an art college and hated to see her funds depleted, but her vindication would be worth it.
The examination put pay to her detractors’ misconceptions, but instead of apologizing, they showered her with condescension, especially since she still refused to say who she’d been with. Adelaide ignored the slights. She was free, Black, twenty-five and, if not virginal because of her experience with oral sex, still a virgin.
But at the end of each day alone in her rented room that fact brought her little comfort. She cried herself to sleep, unable to heal her spirit, so battered and bruised and betrayed.
Then one Sunday after church, Oscar Thompson, a member of one of Weeksville’s most prosperous and civic-minded families, asked to escort her home. Their walk turned into several months of friendship from which arose an understanding that they would become engaged.
An understanding welcomed neither by the Eligibles or Oscar’s mother.
Now the hateful reminder of why she’d lived reviled and abused had returned and was being feted like some conquering hero. They wouldn’t be so welcoming if they knew Hero had been her partner. And precisely because they wouldn’t, she’d never expose him. She wouldn’t wish what she’d endured these past two years on her worst enemy.
“Yes, folks,” Hero said, startling Adelaide from her thoughts.
She focused and found his gaze settled on her.
“Two years’ absence has been more painful than I can say,” he said.
She blenched. Holy God. Two years’ absence truly had been more than painful. For her, they’d been hell.
“It’s good to have you back home, my boy,” Reverend Johnson said, clapping a glad hand on Hero’s shoulder. “May this year’s Fourth of July celebration bring you healing to ease all that pain away.”
Adelaide bit her lip to stifle her horror. Forgiving with seventy-times-seven mercy was what Christ expected. But watching Hero receive the same forgiveness and forbearance bestowed upon her made her sick.
Buy link: https://amzn.to/2Utag6T
Follow me at:
Website: https://michalscott.webs.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mscottauthor1
Amazon Author Page: https://amzn.to/2TSHzRn
Tagged: Christmas, Guest Blogger, historical romance Posted in General | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anna Taylor Sweringen - Mary Morgan - Delilah -
Thursday, July 23rd, 2020
Summer of 2020 is rolling along, and I’m still waiting for the warm weather where I live. I know a lot of you have been sweltering for weeks, but I’m still wearing a sweater. It’s been a strange year in so many ways. I miss the little things—breakfast out, going to movies, sitting in a coffeeshop reading a book, and snooping around the thrift stores and yard sales.
I was shopping at thrift stores long before it became fashionable. In the early years, it was by necessity. The only way I could afford anything was if it was secondhand. But I love the variety. You can find things you can’t find anywhere else. It’s true what they say, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” There is truly something for everyone.
I’m always amazed and thrilled by my finds. Here are a few of my favorites:
#1 Alex and Ani bracelets for under $10 for all three.

#2 Fun owl china mug for $3.99

#3 Sterling Silver ring for $7.99

I used to go twice a week before the covid-19 shutdown. Most of the time I walk away with nothing, but sometimes, you find something truly special. For me, it’s like beachcombing. The fun is in the hunt.
Do you have anything fun and unusual you like to do?
And if you’re looking for a book to read and enjoy sci-fi romance with a sexy assassin, you might want to check out Spear’s Search, the first book in my Assassins of Gravas series just released.
Spear’s Search
Assassins of Gravas, Book 1

Spear el Gravaso—prince of Gravas and assassin—is on a mission to find his brother. His hunt had led him to an auction of Gravasian weapons that can only belong to the missing man. He needs to secure the items, get any information he can, and kill all those involved. Nothing and no one will stop him.
Sass was taken from a harsh life on the streets as a child and trained to be an assassin by the powerful Artemis. The lives of those she loves is on the line if she fails her mission—to win the auction of Gravasian tech. Only one problem—Spear is in her way.
Their battle escalates, as does the explosive heat between them. When it comes down to it, they can fight each other and one of them will die or they can join forces. But can they trust each other?
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CD7GNTQ/
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1031385
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1137303521
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/spear-s-search
About the Author
N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.
Visit me at:
Website: https://www.njwalters.com
Blog: https://www.njwalters.blogspot.com
Newsletter Sign Up: https://eepurl.com/gdblg5
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/N.J.WaltersAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/njwaltersauthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/NJWalters
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/njwalters
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/n-j-walters
Tagged: Guest Blogger, Science Fiction Romance Posted in General | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anna Taylor Sweringen - N.J. Walters - Nicole S. Patrick - Delilah -
Saturday, July 18th, 2020

Take a Selfie, Win a Prize
From now through July 31, Books 2-6 in The Phoenix Agency are ON SALE for just 99 cents.
ALL LINKS FOUND HERE (https://desireeholt.com/phoenix-agency/)
Buy a book, take a selfie (print or cover on tablet)
Hop on over to Desiree’s Darlings to enter for a $25 GC
The Books

Mia Fleming’s precognitive her visions about Carpenter Techtronics are so vivid, she resorts to sending anonymous emails to the company. She’s also having visions of a gorgeous man who arouses her to the point she’s satisfying herself just to get some relief. She’s shocked when the man shows up in her office, demanding to know what she knows about Carpenter. Dan Romeo is just helping his friend track down the person threatening his company when he meets Mia. One look at her and he has a hard time thinking about anything but indulging in off-the-charts sex with the intriguing woman—until bodies begin falling. As Mia’s visions escalate, so does the explosive sex between her and Dan, as well as an unexpected emotional connection. When Mia is almost killed, Dan and his team must race to find the culprits before they can strike again—or put Mia down for good.

Kelly Monroe was shocked when her dog, Xena, a Caucasian Ovcharka seemed to bond at once with Rick Latrobe, a partner in the high profile Phoenix Agency. Ovcharkas are known for linking with only their owners. But Xena is picking up Rick’s wave length, very much aware when an attempt is made on Rick’s life and sensing all kinds of danger signals related to Rick’s current project: ferrying a shipment of arms to a private security cadre in Iraq. Rick is nearly killed when the shipment is stolen by terrorists who are hot on his trail. Only Kelly and Xena—coached by members of The Lotus Circle to expand the psychic link between the three of them—can keep him safe. As Rick scrambles to learn who’s behind the whole mess, the relationship he and Kelly have deepens. But Xena is the real star, not only signaling when danger is at hand but “sniffing” out the killers.

Katherine “Kat” Culhane was a highly sought after remote viewer, but her gift was beginning to splinter, and just at a time when she needed it the most. Her sister Mari, along with Mari’s employer and his family, have been kidnapped. But Mike D’Antoni, a partner in the shadowy Phoenix Agency, is suddenly back in her life and could be the only person to help find the hostages. The chemistry between them is just as hot as it ever was, but they parted on very bad terms. Can they put the past behind them as they race to find and rescue the hostages? And what will happen when it’s time to say goodbye again?

Summer Cahill lives as quietly as she can, protecting her ability as a psychic healer. But danger brings former SEAL and Phoenix partner Troy Arsenault into her life—along with scorching nights and intense emotions. Resisting him isn’t even a question, in or out of the bedroom. He protects her from the evil stalking her even as he takes her beyond the physical boundaries of anything she’s ever experienced. When Summer is kidnapped, Troy’s world is turned upside down and he employs all the resources of The Phoenix Agency to rescue her. He won’t rest until she’s back safely in his life—and in his bed— for the rest of their lives.

Running back to Texas after an emotional disaster in San Francisco, J. L. Mitchell, microbiologist, is throwing herself into the development of a new, drought-resistant grain. Little did she expect to reconnect with Cole Martin, who rings al her bells, or to discover that her formula was at risk of being highjacked. As her work progresses, so does her relationship with Cole. When she is kidnapped, he brings all the recourse of The Phoenix Agency, where he has just become a partner, into play, hoping they will be in time.
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, paranormal, psychic Posted in Contests!, General | Comments Off on Desiree Holt: Summer Selfie Giveaway! | Link
Wednesday, July 15th, 2020

I have a TV addiction – Shh…
It’s Lone Star Law! Animal Planet’s show about Texas Game Wardens. Men and women wardens… Married Wardens… and so many awesome moments… Alligator snapping turtles, Alligators, deer of all sorts… and people do NOT lie to these wardens for long. Sometimes it’s just a stern look or catching someone on Social Media being ‘stupid’ and then taking no lies.
So yes… I love writing about these amazing folks…

In Justice for Blyss, Blyss Hardy is the Game Warden and Owen Mercier is her old friend and often irritatingly hot nuisance alligator man. He’s got the charm to woo women right out of their panties… except for Blyss. She’s laughed off his attempts to get closer to her, but he’s finally wearing her down.
Not with the same old sweet words that he’s offered up before. Now, he’s cutting to the chase and getting real with his lady. It doesn’t hurt that he’s the one who literally pulls her out of a deadly situation. Owen is willing to do what it takes to show her is that his interest isn’t lip service…

Although his lips do get involved.
Very, involved.
Releasing August 18, 2020 – Find out what it’s like for a hero and heroine face the world at each other’s side and come out of it alive and in love.

Pre-Order your copy here!
Tagged: contemporary romance, game warden, Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sue Payton -