UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallens!
A day late, but here it is…
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what you would wish for once you discover this item. And where did you find it?
Archive for 'jigsaw'Sunday, July 30th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallens! A day late, but here it is… For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what you would wish for once you discover this item. And where did you find it? Saturday, July 22nd, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Anna Marie Flamini! I couldn’t escape work this morning. I had a small file of edits shipped to me last night, and because I wanted my day cleared for family fun, I rose early to get those out of the way first. The adults in the family are heading to the movie theater today, a matinee featuring Oppenheimer, the start of our “Barbenheimer” experience. And yes, I broke down and bought the T-shirt, although it won’t arrive in the mail in time for me to wear to either movie. I’ve been gobbling up interviews with the actors and director of O, reading reviews. The movie sounds amazing, and since I’m already in love with Cillian Murphy, I know I’m going to be blown away. I’m just glad my daughter booked the tickets before she realized it’s three hours long!!!! I’ll be buying a very small drink to go along with my very large popcorn. 🙂 This will be the third movie I’ve seen in a theater since COVID erupted. We like the matinees—fewer people. The theater is nearly an hour away, so it’s always a big deal to go. I’m a movie person. I love film. I love really good movies and really bad movies. Good movies have to “move” me or teach me. Bad movies are for pure entertainment. B-movies are my steady diet. Horror, action, sci-fi. If the movie has a shark in it or a lava-loving tarantula, I’m there. Cocaine Bear is the latest B-movie I’ve seen. What a treasure! Anyway, that’s going to be the highlight of my day. Three hours with my seat tilted back and my feet propped up, with a large buttery popcorn in my lap while I feast on Cillian Murphy’s gorgeous blue eyes. Envy me. LOL For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle (you know you want to), then tell me what B-movies you’ve enjoyed recently. I might put them on my “Must See” list! Saturday, July 15th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette! Today’s puzzle is a picture I took on a recent hike with my family. The trail is only a mile long, taking us from a street in town into the forest to a high bluff overlooking the Ouachita River. (Ouachita is pronounced WASH-it-tah around here. 🙂 ) That river is where our family loves to make our annual floating-the-river adventure. The bluff is called the DeSoto Bluff, named after the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto, who led an expedition through these parts in 1541-2. It’s our local claim to fame unless you count the 1997 F4 tornado that swept through Arkadelphia and flattened 60 city blocks. Mostly, Arkadelphia is a quiet little town with a great high school football team and two universities. We have two rivers (the Ouachita and the Caddo), so this area is dubbed the Twin Rivers. And I don’t know why I’m giving you a mini-tour because all I wanted to do was share my photo. So, here it is. Yes, you have to solve the puzzle to see it! Then, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC, tell me about some obscure claim-to-fame your area is known for! Saturday, July 8th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Eileen McCall! I’m so not motivated this morning! I finished a BOOK yesterday, y’all (Jackson—you’ve pre-ordered it, right?). I got up late today, drank coffee from the biggest cup I could find, watered my plants (my babies—everyone gives me their dying houseplants to revive!), fed Loki (my betta fish—I fed the cats last night!), and now? The morning’s half over. I should just call it a day, right? Except, I need to find the surface of my desk. It’s so cluttered with mail, a dusting cloth and beeswax spray, pens of all colors, washi tape rolls (WHY?!), gum, and cough drops. My inbox is 8 inches high. I have three empty coffee cups, waiting for my lazy butt to carry them upstairs. So, what will I do next? I think I need breakfast. Maybe after that, I’ll swim. Then maybe I’ll shower (yeah, I should do that!), then maybe I’ll check my planner and see what I SHOULD be working on today… We’ll see. I kind of like the idea of heading back to bed to play Charm King on my phone. The puzzle’s picture today is NOT a selfie, but I can so relate. You’ll see! HaHa! Solve the puzzle, then tell me the lazy things you want to do this weekend! Join me! There’s a $5 Amazon gift card for the winner! Saturday, July 1st, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Beckie! Today, already, is hot as hell here in Arkansas (it’s 85 degrees Fahrenheit at 9 AM). The temperature will be over a hundred. We tend to stay indoors when it gets like this, then wander out to the pool when the sun dips below the horizon. The pool is so warm it offers little relief, except for the lovely feeling you get when you’re soaking wet and enter the AC-cooled house. My daughter doesn’t deal well with the heat. She loves winter—sweaters, leggings, and boots. Summer makes her ill. Just sitting outside this morning, talking to me over a cup of coffee, made her nauseous. AND IT’S ONLY THE FIRST DAY OF JULY. I’m down for it. Of course, most of my day is spent in my cool-ish window-less basement office. When I rouse to step outside, I enjoy the bright light and looking at the flowers blooming. My dd would love to mow the lawn, but she pretty much has to do that at dusk or dawn. Like a vampire. LOL. I think today, we’re going to take a break from the heat and head to the indoor flea market. Whee! So, thinking about summer and lovely things I wish I could do, I searched for a photo of my dream vacation spot. It’s today’s puzzle challenge. Enjoy! For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, let me know if this would be anywhere on your bucket list. If not, what would be? Saturday, June 24th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is Kerry Pruitt! This is just a reminder that Along Came a Spider will release on Tuesday! It’s a very sexy, action-filled story with SEALs coming to the rescue. Should be right up your alley!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card: 1 ) Solve the puzzle (share your time, if you like!), and 2) Tell me a story about what you see. The story doesn’t have to be long, or even good. Just have fun with the challenge! Saturday, June 17th, 2023
UPDATE: The winner is…Ellen Blakley! This morning, I’ll be sitting in a workshop with my daughter and one of my granddaughters, learning a new craft. Something I’ve never tried before. WE’VE never tried before. And I can’t tell you how excited I am. Yes, I have an art room filled with supplies for a ridiculous number of arts and crafts already, but I’m on the side of there’s never too much STUFF to learn. I’m nearing 65, and I have to fit it ALL in before I go. So, when I post this and walk away from my desk to get ready for the fun, I have a question for you to ponder, perhaps a challenge you might accept. Today, or this weekend, or this month, is there something NEW you want to try? A new craft? A new recipe? Shopping at a new store? Eating at restaurant you’ve never tried? A trail you’ve never hiked? Some new adventure you want to undertake—big or small? Say it here then accept the challenge of actually doing it! Life is about collecting memories and experiences, about sharing journeys. Name something you will make happen! For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, share the challenge you will undertake! Enjoy the puzzle! | ||||||||||